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Wednesday April 17,

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Re: Wednesday April 17,

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:02 am

Good morning. It's going to be in the mid 70's today. Beautiful and sunny.

I had plans for today that were changed yesterday. My friend who was in an accident needs to be shuttled. She's in her mid 80's and just doesn't have a reliable person nearby It would be wonderful if she wanted to do stuff earlier but I guess noon is also a time things can get done.

I had wanted to get my oil changed and take Jerry off the bank account, but I guess that will wait until tomorrow. On Friday, I will get a call from SS telling me of the huge monthly check they will be depositing into my bank account each month. Other than that phone call I am caught up with Jerry stuff and only have the will and bank to deal with. Both simple tasks. My will will just be removing Jerry's name and moving my son up one rung on the decision-making ladder.

Yesterday I was able to make a little dent in the garage and increased the dent in the spare room. Yep, I see more floor. I also put some things on our local swap site on FB and if they don't sell they will be off to a thrift store. It will be good to see them go. I had thought about having a garage sale but that nickel dime junk can be moved along and dealt with by somone else.

It's time to lighten my load a bit and quit being overwhelmed. Just having the weed eating hired out is a huge load off. We have to have 100 foot clearance around buildings, that's a lot of feet.

Jana, glad Stu is fine. Maybe you should buy the truck from your son to replace your car? I've been scouting out Carmax looking for the perfect truck. One day I will find it. I'd ask to borrow that magic wand, but it appears you need it a little more than I do.

Tina, I will look through my fabric this afternoon. I know I have some that will work, just need to do a little digging. I'll send you a picture of what I have. I pray you get figured out health wise and are easily fixed.

Tinab, what's new in your world? Is everyone on the mend and life getting back to normal?

Maryz, there she goes, off to get groceries or to cruise the main drag. She's got her fancy shoes on. No stopping her now. Ask Auntumn to add a smooch for me. Gosh I love these pictures. I'm hiring out the weed eating because I am feeling a little overwhelmed, and my back isn't enjoying the weed eater. I think, if I keep up the yard after the initial weed eating I will be fine. And I realize I don't have to do everything at once but I want to focus on the inside and not have to think about the outside. Prayers said for Bill's eyes.

Lois, crazy how your weather is so the opposite of mine. I bet that pineapple quilt will be gorgeous, I love scrappy quilts.

Judi, hope the regimen works on the knee. Woo hoo Ken, dressed is on the road to recovery. Here I have been promoted to HOH. So, I really am the boss of me. And I have laundry to do. Perhaps tomorrow.

Maryq, I so need a haircut. I think that Lois should have Olivia go on a tour and she could stop at each of our houses and make us beautiful. Sorry the quilt is causing you trouble.

Lyn, I did very little yesterday too. Kind of nice to have a boring day.

Yesterday, while cleaning the spare room I found a boatload of floppy discs from the olden days. Not sure why they hadn't been tossed years ago but they are no longer in this house. I also found some brand new CD's, they are blank and will also find the dump their new home. Nice to get rid of the clutter.

Today I need to get some things off to the post office then go help my friend, but first it's watering and breakfast.

Hope you all have the best day ever.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wednesday April 17,

Post by zfatcat » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:58 pm

Judi, you make me laugh. Hope Ken makes it from the brink of death to feeling better soon. And also that your knee pain gets better.

Maryz, OMG that is an adorable picture. I bet that blue Hawaiian fabric is pretty. So nice of you to make placemats and napkins for your friend. Hope Bill is on the mend and seeing better.

Jana, I want a magic wand! Where do I get one?

Maryq, hope you get the quilt to square up.

Lois, how many pineapple blocks are you making, and what size are they?

Chriss, so glad you got a little help with the yard. Taking care of a house and yard by yourself is a lot of work. I haven't begun to do my garage yet, but it's not that bad. Just stuff in the cabinets that I want to get rid of. I got rid off a couple boxes of fabric yesterday, so now I have more room for my fabric dying supplies, which are growing. Moving from one obsession to another. lol

It's been a busy day. Walked Jack, took my dad for a shave, went back to his house and pulled and washed the sheets. Did 3 loads of laundry at my house and 3 at his. Went to Target for a few things. And while I was there a lady face planted right in front of me. So before I even started shopping, I checked to make sure she was okay. She hit pretty hard. she had a big hematoma over her left eye, and cut her lip. Her face took the brunt of the fall. I had the employees call paramedics to have her checked out. She was a little confused. I stayed with her until the medics arrived. Then back to my dads to make the bed and get him some lunch.

I came home and started fabric ice dying. I want a few colors for my up coming class.

I think we'll order in dinner or go out.

Have a lovely evening.
Lori 8-)

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