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Tuesday April16,2024

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Tuesday April16,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:02 am

Good morning,

It's going to be another beautiful day in the 70's.

Yesterday we got all the way up to 80 Bill mowed the lawn and I hung out in the house.

Today I have a dental apt then home to do a few loads of wash and that will be my day.

Well off to do the dishes.
I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:16 am

Good morning ladies, missed you all yesterday. Long day at work but off to start a new one. Only one chart to finish from yesterday.

Judi poor Ken, yes any influenza is bad in people our age. Will he eat chicken soup? It's good for the soul. I know many people are antivax I find them important. Adding prayers that your flu shot will protect you along with God's Grace.

Lori omg, I was sure hoping for Chicken Noodle soup for dinner last night. Darn I got pork chops. Sounds like a great class. I have never done one of her patterns. Are you doing any in particular?

Tina I have heard that before about fresh eggs. Mine all come from the grocery so I don't have to worry about it. With any luck they are already washed.

Irish it has been years since I have seen a good old fashion lightening and thunder storm on the east coast. They are so much more spectacle than out west. I am sorry though that they are not your favorite. Always fun to have a new baby in the midst. If they would just stay baby!

Tina glad you found the culprit. Wildlife is precious can be a big headache. What do they call that? Survival of the fitest.

Chriss you are really on a role. How's the weed eating going.

Lyn glad for the update on Christian and sounds like things will work out. I would advise him though to stay out of trouble with the nurses. Would like to try your chicken Parmesan, anything Better Homes and Gardens have to be good. What is 3, 2, 1 cake?

Maryz I will see about the washer probably over the weekend. The scheduler has forgotten that I don't work FT (day job) again so 14 visits this week. I will do them though, trying to sock away $$ so I can comfortably retire. I have heard that before about the newer appliances. I think SS still kinda works that way but I found out when Dad passed that funeral homes now notify SS of deaths. I was told I had to bring a certified copy of his death certificate but when I did, they said they didn't need it. It had been verified by the funeral home. I may start looking for a newer RV myself. MIne is quite old and DH brother left the water on while they were camping and it ran all over the carpet. They had a hard time getting it dried out so it was wet for a week almost. I told DH just to pull the carpet. We can either start refurbishing this one or find a nice used one somewhere.

Jana, "it rained all night" isn't that the beginning of a song? Happy Birthday Lila. What a great age. There was a traffic nightmare yesterday as protestors were blocking a bridge. I don't know which one. Happens more often that you would think here. Lots of road work going on around here too. Yes, Hwy 37 goes within a couple of blocks of my house. But glad he did get home safe.

Lois glad you continue to feel better.

Well off to accomplish something, not sure what yet. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:47 am

Good morning Val and Lois....It is another beautiful day here, 69 and sunny, I will head to the Dr..for my bum knee. I have a Bakers cyst on the back if my knee and I am pretty sure it has gotten worse. that may or may not be causing the pain. We shall see. I wont schedule anything done til after this week...In case i cannot drive,,,( Rt knee)..
Ken is feeling a bit better dont know if its the tamaflu or he is just getting over it...either way I am good with not having a cranky patient and although he isnt demanding,,I feel like i have so much more to do with him sick...Disinfecting everything,,,,doing all the shared chores myself...
I did get a start on the quilt yesterday It is mostly HSts which need to be made and trimmed to size...It will be a slow process....But a good one...I like this quilt... After this I will start the Carrie Nation quilt...Unless something else comes up...and It always does.
Well I need to get dressed and do a few things hope you all have a great day,,,,
Valerie I did home care for 16 yrs. I always did my charting after each visit,,,we submitted our charting electronically do you have that? I used to do hours of paper work when we went to computers it was easy peasy and took about 5 minutes to submit the finished charting,, i dont miss it but hope you get enough to retire,,,My company had a cheesy retirement plan and I ending up with under $200 a month for 16 years of work...but it sure beat working,, I just get the flu shot and the pneumonia vaccine...I had 2 covid shots and decided enough was enough,,,All these additional doses and other vaccines I dont think i need,,,and have passed on them...My Dr insists on the flu and pheumonia but doesnt push the others.,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by auntjana » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:07 am

Good morning!

Appears we have dried out for today. Good thing, Daniel has Stu here to help with some of the yard finishing projects. The nibble on our little truck was just that, a nibble and so we are going g to post it on a site here. Daniel is handling that. He's great at car stuff!

Things are settling in here. Aaron's new house now has the footings and basement foundation walls poured. That happened yesterday. So that is moving on.

Me, just play time in the Batt Cave. Maybe I'll get productive and something done.

Enjoy the day!

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:28 am

Good morning,

LOIS - you are sounding like you are feeling much better. And 80*! Not too hot, hot too cold - it's just riiiight!

JUDI - what color scheme will you use for your Carrie Nation? I'm anxious to hear what the doc has to say about your knee. My sis had a bakers cyst, too, and was in a lot of pain, just as you have described. Glad you are getting the pneumonia and flu shots. People forget that pneumonia can still be a killer. It's how Jim Henson (Muppet guy) died. I also keep up my DT's - every 10 years. Was it you who said you play Phase 10, which is kind of a progressive rummy game? I found a brand new game at Goodwill yesterday, cards still wrapped, for $2.99. So I grabbed it. It will go on our Alaska trip with us.

VAL - oh no! How could an adult forget to turn off the water?? Especially in an RV? I hope it didn't ruin the subflooring. There is a business in southern WA that renovates RV's, though it's pretty expensive. Not sure it's worth it. If you go looking for another RV, do you know what kind it would be? Twenty years ago people who had already retired advised us to buy our 'toys' while still working and we had incomes. It worked well for us.

JANA - it's so exciting to see the progress of a new house! That was quite a ride the bus took home from SF. Maybe the driver was being paid by the hour.

LORI - I had to Google Anna Marie Horner. Her quilts are amazing! I think you are going to have a lot of fun and come away with some terrific new ideas. Do you have to take anything to her class? Santa Fe is a fun town! Isn't that where the miraculous staircase is? If you've never seen that, it's worth checking out.
And as long as you're in NM, will you go on to Jasper, TX and visit your son? Though it is still a long ways - maybe 1200 miles from Santa Fe?

TINA - The eggs won't last long here, but thanks for the info. I do know if you don't wash or refrigerate them, they can stay out on the counter. But these eggs were pretty 'dirty'. I didn't want them in the fridge with the rest of my food without washing them. And they had been in the neighbor's fridge already so they had to go into mine. So you have a badger living close and feasting on chickens. But he probably won't be there for long with Frankie on the job.

IRISH - that's a lot of work waiting in your yard. You should probably go lie down until the yard urge passes. I'm with you on garment sewing. I did make the boys shirts last Christmas but it took me forever and I didn't enjoy it. Just not a clothing sewer any more though at one time, I was very good. We like Canasta, too, and when I was 9 yrs old I played pinochle, but not now. We also played a game as kids called Casino but I can't remember that one now either.

CHRISS - glad you are able to see some of the floor in that room. You paint quite a vivid picture! You've given me some good egg ideas - quiche and chili relleno casserole - to use them up. Sorry you don't like to ask for help. Most of us want to prove that we can do it all ourselves. But now and then we could all use a hand. People need to be needed and your friends WANT to help. So, now and then, maybe you should let them. This is a lesson my wise daddy taught me when Mike was killed and I was trying hard to go it alone. He said, "Mary, let people in. They are grieving, too."

LYN - how is Christian doing? My mom always called motorcycles Murder Bikes. She hated them. My grandson has one, too, and my DD, Lara, isn't happy about it. And how is Kaylyn? That's the problem with living far away from family - we can't be there when there's a crisis and we really want to be with them. But from what you say, it sounds like they are both improving. What does Christian do for a living? Will this affect his work for a while?

MARY Q - Wakey wakey! It's daylight in the swamp! What's on your agenda for the day?

Yesterday filled itself up. And early hair appt for Scottie - and he's looking handsome now! I did four loads of laundry and stopped into the Goodwill and found the previously mentioned game, a tee shirt for me, and some baby clothes for Ms You Know Who. She is growing so fast! They sent a video yesterday of her playing with her twin friends (5 yrs old), and she is running all over outside, carrying a 2 ft board that is part of an oversized outdoor Jenga game. She was having such fun with the other kids! I have the last 7 LC blocks halfway done and then I'm going to start assembling them so hopefully that will happen today. We're having baked chicken for supper. Bill's second eye surgery is tomorrow so at least half a day will be taken up with that.

That's all, Folks!
mary z

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by maryq » Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:34 am

Good Morning Girls

I'm up... a load in the washer already, swept a couple floors and now I'm sitting with my coffee! Tis a rainy windy chilly day--good day to stay in and do a few little chores--just enough ease my conscience and then head to the sewing room.

Yesterday I was up in Princeton, MN about 32 miles away for a meeting with my financial planner---always makes me nervous when he says "you have enough money to live until....." Like... ok. then what??? :? But the best part of the day was having lunch with my DB & DSIL---the "Hansons on the Run" couple. They are home for the summer, but sure have a busy one planned traveling around to see their grand children!

Lois... How are you teeth feeling? My Dad used to have full dentures... when the kids were little they would beg Grampa to "take out your teeth" He of course would oblige and they always thought that was so funny!

Valerie... Since I missed being here yesterday, I didn't get to tell you that my lotto blocks arrived! What an awesome quilt it's going to make...eventually :lol: :lol: Have you had any results of your tests yet?

Judi.... Oh so sorry to hear Ken and Flu-A Jen and David had it around Christmas time and she said she never remembered being that sick EVER! They were miserable. But then I'm sure those two never got flu shots (We're young and healthy, we don't need them! ) But oh oh I think I forgot to get mine last fall too! oooppps... What do they do for a Baker's Cyst.... does that mean some surgery for you? I heard they making walking pretty painful.

Jana.. Wow you guys are really going gung-ho on your building projects! How cool that they have started Aaron's house already. It will be fun for them to see the progress being made. When we built our house in 1986, we could go by all the time and take pictures. We got to go in with the electrician and tell him all the places we wanted lights switches and outlets. We had to paint the whole inside and outside---that was our down payment. I would have loved building a new house, but NO way was I going to paint ETC! Of course DEX got out of it, since he was working all the time.

Maryz... I'm UP!! Had a rough night so kind of tried to sleep in a bit this morning. Something I ate for supper didn't agree with me. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I did manage to get the wedding quilt taken apart last night and I think I might put it back together today and perhaps get the borders on. Still need to find backing for it, but I think that will involve a trip to the Fabric warehouse (oh darn) because even tho I have a LQS in my garage... I don't have the PERFECT thing! I'll be thinking of Bill tomorrow and hoping that he gets great results from his eye surgery! Jen's David made special rulers for each of the 12 kids in her math class... so I made little zipper bags for them to keep them in. I'll have to text you a photo. They were kind of pain to make, but they turned out pretty cute! Even made one for David with his name on it---he inherited some special rulers that were my Dad's the my other boys didn't want.--he loves antiques!

Lyn.... So glad Stacy was able to be there with Christian. Does Kansas have "common law" spouses? I thought CA was the only state that did that. I don't think MN does. but it sure makes it easy doesn't it. HIPPA rules are pretty strict.... so it's good she can get info and give input!!

Chriss.... Isn't it funny that there's no way to use CD's anymore!! I have a box full of music CD's and no way to play them. Though, I do have an external CD drive that I can use to transfer the music on the CD to a flash drive, and then I can put the flash drive either in my car or in a blue tooth speaker I have.. I have to have music on all day in the house. I just found a box of Christmas music CD's in the garage so that's my next project. I did also find a bunch of CD's with data on them... those went through my shredder! Yes, probably best you should be fully dressed when you weed eat... Long pants recommended---I did it in shorts once and got the string a little too close to my leg... OUCH!

Tina... Did you find more white prints? I'm a nut for white and WOW... every time I go to the Fabric Warehouse I look to see if they have gotten anything new in. Last time they had some cute stuff with flamingos (didn't buy it tho) and some with Reindeer! In my opinion.. you can never have too much white! There's a guy on a facebook group that I'm in that I get Riley Blake fabric from.... very reasonable and when he has white... I grab all I can!!

Well I suppose I better get too work. I was supposed to do floors, toilets and dust on Saturday, but Viv and I were busy playing with fabric.... So today I REALLY need to do those uglies. Peggy is stopping by later and I should at least have my place looking 1/2 decent.
Though she doesn't judge! :lol:

Wishing you all a Terrific Tuesday

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:27 am

maryz the Carrie Nation quilt will be done in a fabric line called American Beauty by Dani Mogstad for Riley Blake,,,,I havent picked out the backing yet,,,but the entire quilt is red white and blue...

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by zfatcat » Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:49 am

Val, We will be creating our own design. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and this will get me started. Glad you are working towards retiring.

Judi, I looked up bakers cyst and it sounds painful. Can they drain it or give you a cortisone shot to help.
I like that Carrie Nation quilt. You can set it different ways.

Maryq, I play CD's in my car all the time. I keep one in the deck all the time. I also have a CD drive in my tower computer. We add it on.

Maryz, we take fabric and quilting supplies to the class. I can't wait to design my own quilt. Hoping this will be the jump start I need. I didn't know about the staircase. I'll have to check that out. No, I won't be traveling to Jasper from Santa Fe. I'm flying. It's too far to drive. We used to drive to Alamogordo NM when Jonathan was stations there. It was a 12 hour drive door to door.

Lois, we'll be in the 70's today as well. Sunny and beautiful.

Chriss, I threw away games and computer program discs long ago. I would hang on to them in case
we need to reinstall them, but when you would get a new computer they were useless. Everything was upgraded and new. And yes you can find Wheel of Fortune online if you want to play. lol

I need to get dressed and take the boys for a walk. Bill is golfing, and I'll be going to my friends to sew later this morning.

Don't know what dinner is just yet, but I'll figure it out.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:06 am

Good morning. It's going to be a wonderful day today.

I have decided to hire out my weed eating. My son's step brother is my first pick as hired hand. So, I texted my son and asked him to set it all up. He called me and we talked about that and other things for almost an hour. Sons are truly the very best thing ever.

Tina, dang badgers. I hope the coyote gets the badger, but I hope nothing bigger comes along to get the coyote. Corn on the cob dripping in butter sounds wonderful. what white prints are you looking for? How much do you need?

Lori, have a safe and fun trip. Enjoy your class. I also have the CD's for just in case they need to be reinstalled. Problem is I don't have the computers anymore, only the discs. UGH, it's just comical the things I have here that someone has saved. I even found an old digital camera but have no charging cord. No clue what is in it but am thinking if I haven't needed it in years I don't need it now.

Valerie, I'm not going to work in the yard as planned. I'm going to open the house up while the weather is in my favor and I'm going to work on the inside of the house then the garage. I really want to make that spare room my bedroom and make my master bedroom my sewing room. How are you feeling? have your test results come back yet?

Maryz, isn't it funny how the day starts out with not much to do then boom, you are buys all day long. My yesterday was that way too.

Judi, I like the Carrie Nation block. it will be a beautiful RW&B quilt. Glad Ken is feeling better

Jana, I've said it before and I will say it again. Son's are the best ever.

Maryq, you could transfer all of those cd's or you could find the songs on a free app that streams them into your computer, tv or phone. Everything seems to have gone digital now. Here Princeton is the name of a gold mine. It is on Princeton road.

I have one suggestion as I try to wrap things up for Jerry. Share your passwords with your spouse or child. And, when you change the password make sure they are updated.

And, now it's time, no more excuses. Breakfast, shower and do some work around the house because I am taking weed eating off of my plate and handing it over to someone other than myself.

You all have a fantastic day, I will be busy around here, feel free to stop by.

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Re: Tuesday April16,2024

Post by WeeOne » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:20 pm

Day started out overcast and dreary, but clouds are breaking up and getting some sunshine this afternoon.

Valerie, The recipe in Better Homes & Garden cookbook is, Oven-Fried Chicken. Below recipe is the Parmesan twist. I use boneless thighs. 3-2-1 cake is: your favorite cake mix and an Angel food cake mix, you put the 2 dry mixes in a gallon zip lock bag and mix well. Then you put 3 Tbsp of cake mix in a bowl, add 2 Tbsp water, stir and microwave for 1 minute. It's a good way to have a treat, but not be too naughty if you are watching your diet.

MaryZ, Christian is a plumber. He is in the process of buying the business from his boss, who he has worked for, for many years. Christian writes up all the bids and over sees the projects. They mainly do large commercial stuff. A couple years back he got the job of plumbing an Amazon distribution center near DIA and a Lowe's warehouse just down the street. He was really concerned because he had a big bid that needed to be turned in today, but I think with Stacey's help typing, they got it done last evening.

MaryQ, Stacey lives in Golden, CO, and Colorado has common law marriage. I don't know about Kansas.

Tina, I had read about not washing eggs, thanks for the reminder. I hope Frankie gets the badger sooner than later. Our neighbor in Colorado saw a mountain lion on their back patio, on their camera, a couple nights ago. That's too close for comfort!!

Chriss, Before you toss that camera, you might check with a place that does repairs of computers and other electronics. They may have a cord that at least you could look and see if there's any treasured photos on it. I'm glad you are hiring a guy to do the weed eating!!

I forgot to mention yesterday that it was Minnie's 10th birthday. I had bought her a new toy and we enjoyed watching her get it pulled out of the bag and 'killed', squeaked and crinkled. She was a happy puppy.

We had a wonderful visit with our friends, Bill (89) and Faye (85). They really liked our house and Bill kept saying, I wish we lived out in the country instead of in town, NW San Antonio. Bill is a musician and insisted on seeing the Mandolins I have here. So, I got them out and tuned them and he played with them. He wanted to know why I hadn't been playing. UH, been a whole lot busy!!

The Dr's are finally listening to Christian about his shoulder and will have an MRI done today.

Today I am doing nothing, or mostly nothing. I did take the trash out and the recycle was picked up today, too. I may look at fabric that's here and see if any needs to go on the summer trip, or I may do that tomorrow. We'll probably close up the house on Friday or Saturday and go back to the coast. Won't have much time there before we leave.

Hope those who have been under the weather or recovering from surgery are doing better. Always in my prayers.

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