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Monday April15

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Monday April15

Post by patches4 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:39 am

Good morning to all,
I think it will be a great start of the week.
Enjoy today and may you find happiness today doing something for yourself.
Blessings and prayers to all,

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Re: Monday April15

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Apr 15, 2024 5:43 am

Good morning Tina It is another sunny beautiful day here in Michigan,,,we will go to 70. I have house chores to do...and will try to work around the sick one....yes still !!! (none of the nursing advice I gave has been heeded)
Ididnt get any sewing done I watched a show on Tv and then went to bed....Maybe today after the scavenger hunt and my chores...I will get in here and start the quilt before I forget the directions I read....
Not sure what supper is The Patient isnt eating there are leftovers from the neighbor dinner yesterday so I will just wing it. I wont leave for the store til after the mail comes...in case I need to go to the credit union while I am out.....Hope you alll have a great day Hope the sunshines on you...The knee isnt as sore today but still seeing the Dr tomorrow....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday April15

Post by womster » Mon Apr 15, 2024 5:59 am

Good morning!

TinaB - have a lovely day.

Judi - you have my sympathies - I hope he starts to recover soon.

We are going to be 65 today. I made that Chicken parmesan dish - it was awful! The worst part is that I wasted an entire cup of panko bread crumbs, plus fresh mozzarella cheese. Oh well, live and learn. I will scrape the breading off and make chicken fajitas. But tonight it is soup. I will be out sewing the t-shirt quilt together - I am thrilled to be on the back side of this. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Monday April15

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:04 am

Good morning,
It's going to be a warm and sunny day in the 70's today I feeling much better as the days pass thank god.

Yesterday I sewed 2 more blocks so I know have a total of 15 made.
I have wash going and finishing up breakfast.

I have to strip the bed and wash the sheets and then I will sew.

Dorothy your GG Daughter is beautiful.

Well that's it for me have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

Forgot to say we are having chicken BLT wraps for dinner.

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Re: Monday April15

Post by auntjana » Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:39 am

aGood morning!

It rained all night. Such a nice thing. My lawn and flowers needed a drink.

We had dinner with the kids . It was my Lila's 6th birthday yesterday, so there was cake too. I don't know what Costco did to their chocolate cakes, but this one was terrible! The kids ate it anyway. We tracked the homeward progress of Andrew. He was coming back from a band trip to the Bay Area and the bus - yes a bus all that way - took the most out of the way route to come home. Left San Francisco, crossed the Golden Gate, then all the way up north to a Hwy 37 to cross over to get to I-80 to head to Reno. Up in Valerie's neck of the woods. So It took them nearly 8 hours of driving just to get to Reno, when that trip is usually about 3, stretching it with a bus, maybe 4. Oh my! He got home here close to 1 am, after leaving California at 8am on Sunday. At least he survived being in San Francisco!

My house stayed clean, so the only thing for me to accomplish is a bit of laundry. With the rain outsidwe, good day to stay inside sewing! Lila wants a dress that either Grandma or Aunt Sarah makes. Lila picked out a pattern and was very specific on the style. Its very similar to one I made for Sarah at that age, so I need to check my pattern stash. That will be easy, as I organized all my apparel patterns with their covers in binders, like the pattern books in the stores. Just flip through, find what I looking for and then I have all the pieces parts in Manila envelopes, filed in numerical order. I needed to do that as I have 4 large file drawers, each divided with all of them. So I may see if I have fabric too. Nice to have stashes! Stashes include zippers, buttons, ribbons and lacy trims.

Well, dinner is in the unknown recipe file,

Do something fun!

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Re: Monday April15

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:48 am

Good morning,

TINA B - how are you two doing? How is the healing going? Do you have a date set for returning home?

FLO - Did you get all your planting done? I want to see some flowers!

JUDI - You had a marvy day! The littles are fun! We miss our little grandboys. Now they are big manboys and we love them immensely, but they aren't nearly as much fun. They hardly ever color with us anymore! And a free dinner! The good times are really rolling with you. And dare I ask - how is your beloved today? Sorry he's a bad patient. When Bill is sick, he just wants to be left alone. I can oblige.

SHARONA - sorry your chicken dish didn't pass muster. I love panko crumbs. I pound chicken flat, season, dredge in egg, coat in panko, fry, and top with gravy or white sauce. I haven't made it in a few years but you just reminded me about it . . Maybe we'll have that soon. Perhaps tonite! Glad to hear you are on the downside of your quilt. Usually when I reach that point in any project, my mind has already turned to the next one. Do you have a next one in your mind yet?

JANA - Happy birthday to your little Lila! Hope the nibble on your pick-up turns into a bite. My sis has a little 1976 Toyota pick-up. After about 25 years they sold it, missed it, bought it back. It' been stolen twice and they got it back both times. They sold it again, bought it back again. Now they've decided it costs nearly nothing to license, hardly anything to insure, and it still runs so they are keeping Little Brown until he or they die - whichever comes first. You must have a LOT of patterns! All of mine, including the one you shared with me! all fit in a shoebox. I don't care much for garment sewing any more, though I do have one dress I want to make for myself. I've had the fabric and pattern for 21 years. One of these days . . . .

LYN - I had to backtrack a few days to read what happened to Christian. Where do they live? If I knew, I've forgotten. CO? KS? You mentioned Swedish Hospital and there is a Swedish in Seattle but I'm guessing there's another Swedish somewhere. Prayers said for them all. I hope you get to see your sis this summer. Are you making a quilt for the wedding in July?

MARY Q - you had a great weekend, it sounds like! I've never had beef wellington. But then I don't often eat beef and when I do, I want it cooked thoroughly through. But how elegant! I forget what you are making for Jen's class - backpack tags? When I saw Millie's dresses pattern on sale yesterday at Q I thought of you! Funny that you'd been working with just that pattern! Yes, Susie is home, settled, and HAPPY. Still moving slowly with a walker and wearing two boots, but Doyle drove her to her bridge group on Friday. I'm sure she thought it was fun to do something NORMAL.

VAL - Decisions about your washer. Ugh. Our Maytags are 30 yrs old. We have a friend who is a retired appliance repairman. He warned us to hang onto our machines as long as we can because they are truly designed to fail now in 5 to 8 yrs. You might do better to repair the old one but put money aside now while you are working to buy a new one when/if your old one finally dies.

LOIS - glad you are getting some nice weather. Seems every time we turn on the national weather, the Northeast is getting hit with storms and I think of you and Irish. And you reminded me that I bought tomatoes yesterday to make BLT's so maybe I'll put my chicken back into the freezer and we'll have BLT's tonite, too!

IRISH - I hope you finally got outside yesterday. Or not, if you really didn't want to go out. We had a fridge delivered during Covid, too. What a hassle! I'm excited for your new baby! Does Maeve understand she is getting a new little brother or sister? She is such a cutie! What kind of cards do you play? We love games of all kinds, though bridge totally escapes us. Pinochle - we would need practice. We're more into Cribbage, Uno, and Golf. Bill applied to work the polls, too, on year but we're not usually here during elections. We vote early by mail, and then hit the road to Texas.

CHRISS - When I started receiving SS, I took 2 CERTIFIED death certificates, 3 marriage certificates, and 4 SS#'s (mine, Mike's, Roy's, and Bill's) to the SS office. They did the calculations and my benefit is whichever was largest. But everyone wants a certified copy of death certificates. Regular copies don't seem to satisfy anyone. And many places don't return them. I woudn't eat at a place called Crab anything! But my cat would! You're doing pictures, too? Between you and Judi, you might bet me started on my own. I've done it before. Twice. But they do seem to multiply!

Yesterday we had brunch with Bill's sis and dbil. They are such fun and will be retiring in 76 calendar days (but they aren't counting!), are looking for an RV, and will be joining us on the road for some fun now and then! Yay! When we got home, I worked outside and got the last of the yardwork done - or as much as I do anymore. And my back and hip didn't hurt at all all day long!! Hooray! I also had time to get 12 more log cabins 3/4 finished. This morning Scottie has a hair appt. After I drop him off I'll come home and do laundry. I might swing by Goodwill later just for kicks. And I'll do some more sewing, of course. We had BBQ'd pork sandwiches last night. I finally had to freeze the last of that pork roast. We couldn't face another day of it. One day in the near future I'll make posole (pork & garbanzo soup) out of the rest of it. I think tonite we'll have baked chicken, rice, and salad.

Our neighbor on our morth side brought us 4 dozen eggs. His chickens are giving about 18 eggs a day and they are swamped! So I will be washing eggs this morning. He said he saw both a coyote and a fox in the woods this past week so that is probably what Scottie was so worked up about last Wed. The chickens are a big draw for coyotes and foxes, but they are safe in their enclosure.

I hope we all get a few bits and pieces of threads on us today!
mary z

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Re: Monday April15

Post by WeeOne » Mon Apr 15, 2024 7:01 am

Overcast morning in the Hill Country.

Christian is doing better. He stood up last evening to get underwear on. He said it felt OK, though he felt the break in his leg. Nurses weren't happy he did this without them there, but said he will need a boot brace instead of a short shoe brace that the Dr was going to put on. So it was helpful info. Stacey was with him at the time. Kaylyn is doing Ok. Resting a lot like they told her to do.

Judi, Sorry Ken is still puny.

Sharona, I have a chicken parmesan recipe that's really good, comes from my Better Homes and Garden cookbook.

MaryZ, DD1 is in Golden, CO. Swedish is in a South suburb of Denver. No, I don't plan on making a quilt for the wedding. Heck I'm probably not going to get one done for Kaylyn's graduation.

MaryQ, There's no wedding plans at this time. Stacey and Christian have lived together for a few years now. At the hospital she told them she was his wife, common law marriage makes that statement true.

Always nice to hear everyone's sewing projects. None here for now.

Our friends will be coming for lunch. It will be BBQ Beef sandwiches, coleslaw, chips and cookies or 3-2-1 cake with ice cream.

Have a great day!

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Re: Monday April15

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:03 am

Good morning. It's sunny. reminds me of when Marilyn was little, she'd wake up and look out the window and say, It's sunny, outside. And she'd bang on the door until we opened it and let her go outside. Cold or warm it's where she wanted to be.

So far I've emptied 3 totes of clutter and can see the floor in the junk room. I found checks that are still usable and will likely never have to buy checks for the rest of my life. I threw away old program CD's, nothing I own has a CD drive and I am sure if I wanted to play wheel of fortune I would be able to find it online and have no need for these discs. Ugh, the junk that has been saved. I could go on but you just don't have that kind of time.
Judi, I would just love to spend a day coloring and doing "homework" I can't imagine anything funner. Hoping Ken comes back to his lively old self soon. Maybe if you tell him Liam is in the shop doing something all by himself Ken will jump out of bed. The thought just came to me about how the grandpa in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory jumped out of bed and did a dance when he found out that Charlie had the golden ticket. Maybe Ken will do a little jig. ha ha.

Jana, great hymn. Don't you just love when the song really speaks to you. Wonder why the bus took the long way around? Was there an accident or weather that didn't let them travel the shorter route?

Tinab, I agree, it is the start to a great week, when you wake up with a positive attitude things go well.

Sharon, my chix parm wasn't s good as it has been last time I made it. I usually buy a tub of grated parm but this time used the green shaker container of cheese. Not nearly as good and I failed to put Italian seasoning in with the parm as I dredged it. It was ok but not my usual. Chicken fajitas is a great idea.

Lois, so glad you are in the laundry room. I should do the sheets but think instead I will wait till tomorrow. Glad you're feeling better.

Maryz, that's a lot of eggs. Perhaps a quiche for dinner, or chili relleno casserole will help you plow through them? If there are 4 dozen today there will likely be more coming soon. I am almost ready to send the siblings their pictures. I have only few more left. I'm sure I will find more in other places as I declutter. It's a chore but a good chore for evenings.

Lyn, I'm so glad the kids are doing well.

I'm off to weed eat, but first a little breakfast and get dressed. People point and laugh when you try to weedeat in your robe and slippers.

You all have a wonderful day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday April15

Post by gershwin64 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:14 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
I didn't make it here yesterday, I got busy and didn't even get to sit for a break till almost 3. All the laundry is done πŸŽ‰
Well the game cams saw the badger last night so that's what got our chickens. It tried getting more last night but Frankie is taking the ramp down and closing their wooden door that's up on the coup each night now..... it's kind of a pain but it keeps them safe. A coyote has been trying to get in the badger den since all this happened because he can smell the 3 chickens the badger took in there......it would be quite the site to see him find that badger instead of dead chickens, that badger would tear him limb to limb! I say there's more than 1 badger since it's already looking for more food, ugh.
I've decided to find more white prints before I make anymore log cabin blocks so I don't have part looking one way and the others looking like I ran out of fabric LOL I don't have anymore in my stash I don't think but I'll double check just to be sure.
We're to get bad winds from noon till 10pm and even about 15mph "breezy" through the night.
My plan today is cleaning our closet out, it's gonna be too windy for outside so I'll have a hostage to help me πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
I made bbq spare pork ribs, potato salad and corn on the cob last night for supper, Dad loved it! Tonight will be leftovers for us.
You all have a great day! Prayers for those in need πŸ™

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Re: Monday April15

Post by Irishgram » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:19 am

Good morning from a warm, sunny SW. Pa...We had a terrible thunder boomer during the night, complete with lots of flashes...Baby Girl is not a fan and could not have snuggled closer...But, today is gorgeous and I have the day off, my sis said, she'd could make her appointment without me...We try to go together, just to have another set of ears.....
Maryz, I did get outside yesterday for a couple of hours and this morning, standing on the front porch, I saw many more hours...My flower beds really need weeded and Kevin said he'd bring his edger...I have 15 bags of mulch (5 still in the car) to spread but want to try to build up the beds a little and maybe put some sort of edging around before I do the spreading...Do have an idea of what flowers I need to get but holding off on that one...
I don't think Maeve understands about the baby but Emma, Kev's older DGD, can't wait for her new cousin to be here....The card club that I belong to plays 500 bid but we usually play a form of Canasta, "Hand and Foot" when we get together at the house...Jim played Pinochle and JoAnn plays and wants me to learn but, that's too much thinking...Jim and I always played the regular Canasta with our friends in Florida and we kept a running tally...Most of the time, the gals were ahead but would you believe the last time we played, the men went ahead and then Bob passed away a few months later...Went out in a blaze of glory, lol.....

Jana, Gotta hand it to you for making dresses....I think I gave that up, maybe 20 years ago and now when someone says, alter, I sure don't put my hand up...BUT, guess what I'm doing today???? Went through my summer pants and all are too big so I have to alter, gosh darn! Hearing about poor Andrew, touring the country made me think of Kevin and his friends going to the Jersey beach...They decided to go by Grey Hound and it took them 15 hours...Not a happy ride but they got there and had to ride that same bus back home.....

Lois, you're going to have a busy day....Seems, just having that sun shining, makes a person feel so much better.....Thank you for the nice compliment, we do think she's pretty nice....She was born with almost all that hair and never lost any of it...Her daddy has a beard and were glad to see the hair on her head instead of her chin.....

Judi, Nothing like a male patient but I was lucky with Jim, he just wanted to be left alone.....Have been wondering about the knee and for sure, keep that appointment with the doctor...We thought for sure my Kevin would need his replaced but the doc said there wasn't anything wrong with the structure of the knee and told him to just keep walking and doing as much as he can...He did tell him to keep a journal if the knee hurt worse after doing certain things and maybe they can figure out the problem...

Oh well, here it is lunch time already...I do hear the washer calling me and then I'm going to tackle this pile of pants that need taken in...Darn, might be easier just to gain weight!

I'll probably have my left over chix parm for dinner...I need to bake something, have a yen for a goodie.....

You all have a great rest of the day................
Last edited by Irishgram on Mon Apr 15, 2024 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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