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Wednesday April 10

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Wednesday April 10

Post by patches4 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:19 am

Good sunny hump day morning one and all,
Just a quick drive through wishing all a good productive day with whatever faces you today. May you wear a smile and be happy knowing you are loved.

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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:31 am

Good morning Tinab I always love your upbeat message in the morning,,,you do make us feel loved...
Well i guess it is a good thing i didnt go with Ken,,He is stuck there and in danger of running out of clean clothes.. He may have to run up to wally world and get some unders....lol He is stuck on the job and it turned into a bigger mess than he anticipated...so he wont be home til friday,,,,Ken used to travel with his job all the time,,and I was always chasing him around the country,,,( company used to pay to fly me where he was on the weekends,) many times inn years past I would leave my job on friday and head tot he airport for a flight to where ever he was working,,,( I was younger and that was a fun time)..Now Im glad I stayed home..
I will be in the sewing room today cleaning up and getting the fabric out for a new project...I got 3 tops in the quilting que so this will be the last Christmas quilt..I will make the binding for each of these quilts too...
After I get all the fabric pulled for the next top I will pack away all the Christmas fabric,,,it time to move on...I have the fabric for Carrie Nation, I dont have a Red White And Blue quilt of my own...it will be an exciring quilt to make...
Well I off to get coffee and wait for return phone calls i never got yesterday for my Dr appt....Imagine being sick or having a problem and being told you might have to wait 2 months to see your family Dr...that is why folks end up in ER or urgent care,,,I now know why there are so many urgent care places around here,,,
my Dr and I are going to have a discussion....soon.
Have wonderful day it is sunshine and blue skies and 66 today here,,,,I will get out in the yard today just for the fresh air....we are expecting rain tomorrow....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by auntjana » Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:00 am

Good morning!

Yes, Judi, getting appointments is terrible! I deal with that all the time now with Michael. We had one, scheduled for the 26th, but the Dr moved it to the 16th, after our trip to urgent care the other day. We are still wai ting for a opening for PT and that's been since December!

Well, things will be jumping here. Aaron and family are coming to live with us while their house is built.. about 4 months. The plan was Sarah's house, but I have more room. The kids are having a PODS delivered tomorrow and will pack up all their current house in it. About all that's coming is a bed, piano and a few clothes. Kind of camping for a time. Today I need to get the mattresses for my new trundle bed for the girls. And some twin sheets. My drive way will look like a used car lot again! Aaron's work vehicle, their truck and car. At least Kate doesn't have a work take home vehicle, I don't think a fire truck would fit! ๐Ÿ˜€

So quiet is now replaced with lots of giggles!


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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:17 am

Good morning,

TINA B - wishing you a good day, too! You sound like you are short, like me. I'm 4' 11-1/2". I've lost a quarter inch. So, also like you, I have a hard time reaching the top shelves at the grocery store. And that's where they hide the good stuff! I like all hot cereals, but we mostly eat old fashioned oatmeal and add peanut butter to it partly because we really like peanut butter but mostly because the extra protein keeps me feeling full until about 1pm. (Pro tip: dropping a few chocolate chips in with the peanut butter makes breakfast taste like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup!)

CHRISS - I hope Marilyn shows up soon. I know it's a big deal for her to make the trip, but when my Roy passed away, his daughter wanted several of his shirts and I kept some for myself. I hope she doesn't miss out. She will regret it.

LYN - did you have the crowds near you that were predicted for the eclipse? Any problems protecting your property?

LORI - thank our Good Lord for a clean check up for you!

TINA - no, I don't think elevation has anything to do with cooking meat in the crockpot. It's that if the meat isn't browned first the liquids seep out and give a curdled appearance to the dish. We don't like that. Most of my recipes call for browning first. I have the magazine with the sew along pattern that you are working on. It's a beauty.

SHARONA - Yep - I think most fountains use recirculating water. It bubbles and has a light on it. It's made by a company called Massarelli's. We bought the singing bird fountainette (I think they made that word up!) but there are several other styles. So, how are you feeling? Got results back from your latest tests/bloodwork?

MARY Q - I love your quilt! It's really beautiful and the bride and groom will love it. But I saw what you were talking about and gave you my thoughts over in Photos. It's easily fixed if you want to fix it. I'm glad you still have one of your dad's sweatshirts. I have a few of Roy's plus a Pendleton wool jacket. I still love wearing the jacket.

JANA - glad Michael is OK. Sorry you got interrupted. Hope today is a better sewing day. Or is it cello day? Your house will be jumping soon! Did A&K sell their current home and need to be out? And is Michael's desk going back into your bedroom? Life is going to be lively again!

JUDI - I know you're probably typing the same time I am. How is the Christmas quilt coming along? Will today be a sewing day? P.S. Ahhh - there you are! Glad you didn't get stuck with Ken's extended job if you didn't want to be. You are making good progress on all fronts with your "free" time! What pattern is your next project going to be? I, too, am working on 5 Christmas quilts. Four Scaredy Cats and one log cabin. I have two cats done and needed a break so now I have the log cabin fabrics all out, too. It looks like Christmas exploded in my sewing room!

Yesterday I was up early. I cleaned and rearranged some things on the deck after we set up our new fountain, mopped the kitchen floor, and cut some logs for my Christmas log cabin blocks and got a few logs sewn on. Then I walked, sewed some more, and took my ladies to lunch. Norie moved to assisted living and she treated us to lunch in their beautiful dining room. While in Tacoma I picked up my beloved Bernie which was back from vacation. On the way home I grocery shopped. My trick of taking a photo of my list in case I forgot the list didn't work because I forgot my phone, too. But I remembered almost everything. Guess I'll go back today after my chiro appt. Our friends, Tex & Annette, said they are coming by at 4pm and bringing some appetizers to celebrate my belated birthday. (her new hobby is arranging charcuterie boards and they want to try one out on us.) They didn't say anything about supper, but usually when they come by at 3 or 4 pm they stay until bedtime and I end up pulling out emergency foods to make a hasty supper. So I figure I should have a meal ready to go. Shouldn't I? Anyway, I'll have a pork roast, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

May you all have a good day!

mary z

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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by auntjana » Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:42 am

No, the kids house isn't sold yet, but just now listed. With both working, keeping it show the world perfect with two littles is tough, so that's why they are leaving for here. The market here is red hot and so we are praying it sells fast. It's a very nice townhome, which now here works as a starter home. Since the kids bought it about 6 years ago, brand new, it has more than doubled in price, making for a very good down-payment on the new home. It's also in a good location for commute by train uptown.

Michael has always been extremely slow in doing things. So as much as I detest that, it usually works out. The desk had not yet been moved out from my bedroom, to the office space. So we don't have to move it twice! Sometimes, we'll most of the time, he's smarter than the average bear!

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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by velvet » Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:49 am

I think there will be a QOV presentation during there time here.


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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by womster » Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:51 am

Good morning!

TinaB โ€“ what a great blessing to start the day with!

Judi โ€“ oh poor Ken! Thatโ€™s nice the company would fly you up for the weekends. Iโ€™m glad you stayed home also. I feel your frustration about getting an appointment. I remember when I was released from the hospital they said to make sure to see your PCP within a week. It took me three weeks to get an appointment. Now I know there is a different number to call for same or next day appointments. Hope your dr has the same thing.

Jana โ€“ how fun! Enjoy the giggles.

Maryz โ€“ Iโ€™m feeling lovely โ€“ thanks! I'll pm you the boring details. Youโ€™re smart to have dinner ready โ€“ I also hate trying to come up with something. I have also forgotten my phone โ€“ grrr! Thanks for the fountain info - it's just what we need for a new spot. Sorry you have to shop again โ€“ yuck.

Iโ€™m headed for our last Bible study on the book of Exodus. Then I have to sit with Mr. Jim and figure out what some Costco purchases were. He finally got a new laptop yesterday โ€“ now he just has to load the software. Which by him I mean me. LOL. Since I havenโ€™t got to sew at all this week, tomorrow I am headed out to do some major sewing! Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by WeeOne » Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:53 am

Good morning everyone.

Chriss, I guess I really misread your post. Jerry and Garry have that holding onto stuff in common. When I moved in with Garry in early 2001, I cleaned out the frig and found salad dressing dated 1995. :o I know he was busy with the previous wife having cancer, but seriously 1995!! I hope Marilyn get there quickly and helps you by taking what treasures she wants. I do understand the cleaning things out and it takes a while. I hope you are doing well ๐Ÿ’—.

MaryZ, The hype for the Eclipse was a bust here in Sunrise Beach. I talked to an officer before it and he said traffic was like a holiday weekend. One couple parked their Mercedes at the end of the road, off to the side. They left shortly after totality because we were mostly cloudy and couldn't see as much. The police chief, Laurie, and officer Bill came by. They stopped to take pictures of the cattle that showed up during totality, on the ranch. Those cattle were no where in sight a couple hours before. Anyway Laurie said it had been quiet. There's a Ranch, Reveille Peak Ranch, just west of Burnet, that had a huge amount of people. Chief said that's where all the wackos were camped. They canceled their events on Monday morning and told people to get out as soon as totality was over. Weather people were forecasting nasty storms for Monday afternoon. Storms never showed up here, but were NW of us. Again, I will get pictures posted after kids leave.

The kids and I are going to the Longhorn Cavern today for a tour. They leave tomorrow late afternoon.

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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by maryq » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:24 am

Good morning Girls

Ah yes... Happy Hump day! The week half gone but still half to look forward to! I hear it may actually warm up here today, and it would be real bonus if the sun would shine!

Tinab... Every morning I wake up thinking it IS going to be a productive day! Some times it turns out that way... some times not so much! :lol:

Judi... A lot of things were much more fun when we were younger right? Sorry Ken got delayed, but he might just be THE guy to get the messes cleaned up right? Could be a good thing after all! And what the heck, it gives you a little extra "Judi Time"

Jana.... Probably a good thing you have a nice big house! It is kind of fun having the kids around... I loved it when the kids lived with me too. BUT I was very happy when I was able to get back out on my own. Your driveway sounds like my DS Shawn's house.. They have 2 Work trucks (Both Shawn and Bren drive one) Their own pickup truck, Evie's Car and Kris's Jeep! I always have to park on the street when I go visit!

Maryz.... Good idea to take a picture of your list... Bad idea to forget the phone. I can tell alexa my grocery list, and it will show up on my phone, but there is just something about having it all written down on paper that's comforting. Annette is your friend with lots of extra fabric right? Does she share? If you ask? :lol: :lol:

Diane... How cool would that be... to have a QOV for some of the vets that served on the USS Mullinix! I googled it... it's the same type of ship as the USS Caron!

Sharon... Are you the computer geek in the family? Christmas of '21 Jen and David got me a new little computer, that's about as big as a sheet of paper! I think it actually measures like 8x12 or so. I was kind of bummed that it didn't have a CD drive and none of my old and favorite programs would work in it! I kept the old one for backup, but it's SO old and SLOW (kind of like me)

Lyn... Isn't it interesting what you can find in the back of a fridge!! When we cleaned up my Mom's place after my Dad passed, we found meat in the freezer from 1995 I swear too, and it was 2002 when we were cleaning. She kept saying "It's still good" (all dried out and freezer burned)

Chriss.... How is the cleaning going? I sure hope Marilyn can come down and visit.. and maybe pitch in a little bit.

Yesterday I spent cleaning and rearranging the sewing room AGAIN!! Man that place gets messed up fast! The only sewing I did was some repair work on Brennen's work vest. You know those blaze orange vests that highway workers wear.. with reflective patches etc. His favorite vest in practically in pieces and needed all sorts of repair. But he was a happy boy! today it's supposed to warm up to almost 70, so I am headed out to the garage! I have waited for this day for so long, I anxious to get OUTSIDE for fresh air!! Will take my largest travel coffee mug and my music and hopefully will kick serious you-know-what!

Wishing you all a wonderful wacky Wednesday!

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Re: Wednesday April 10

Post by gershwin64 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:11 am

Good morning everyone! ๐ŸŒž
We're going to be in the upper 70's and only a slight breeze! Should be a beautiful day. Days like this interfere with my sewing cause I'd rather be outside LOL
Maryz, hmm I don't get that curdle look.... wonder why.....
Jana, your home will be happy humming with kids and grands for awhile, very cool.
Maryq, I'm probably going to join you outside.
I slept late and need to get moving. I finished 2 blocks yesterday, they are my top left and bottom right corner blocks. I want to get 2 more finished today, there's blocks A, B, C, D, E & F and they're all log cabin blocks and made the same direction but just different colors a think.
We lost the game last night but it was a good game, the boys were disappointed plus the ump was making some bad calls for both teams. I just don't understand the rules of this game, it's totally different than what they use to be and they keep changing things and the rules of baseball aren't in it at all ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
It's Dad's night for supper and I think I'm making grilled chicken and a pasta dish with veggies.
You all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need ๐Ÿ™

Here's my 2 A blocks:

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