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SUNDAY, April 7th

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by auntjana » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:25 am

I can imagine what that quilt will look like - it will be adorable! Love all those centers and how bright and happy it will be.

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by zfatcat » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:40 am

Chriss, my sister is well. Oh yes, the dreaded finding of the passwords. I have an encrypted file where I keep all my passwords. So you only have to remember one to get to all of them.
I had Bill create a file as well. However, he is not good about keeping it updated. I'm thinking about you. I'm sure you'll have good moments and bad ones. How's Moose doing? I bet he is missing Jerry.

Maryq, dying fabric is messy if you aren't careful. Powered dye is very light weight and can get on things. A small bit can make a mess, so I just take my time when I work with it. It's really fun.

Judi, what a fun idea with the phone booth. Too bad it didn't fit. Have fun on your mini vacation. It's always fun to get away for a day or two.

Maryz, how was the birthday party? Did Amara have fun opening her presents? I bet she missed you and Bill.

We took Wrigley and Jack to the park this morning for our walk. They were very happy and are napping now. I just finished my breakfast, so it's time to get busy. I need to pull out everything I need to do the taxes. I downloaded the software in November thinking I would get it done sooner. That didn't happen.

I'm thinking about ordering in Chinese food for dinner.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:14 pm

Lori thank you, yes that's the name. I watched Homeward Bound with Jazmyne yesterday so I guess that name was on my brain. 😂🤣
Thanks Jana, I'm hoping for a very bright happy quilt 🤞and it's supposed to be really scrappy so I'm trying hard for that but the logs will be very similar, I think there's 6 different color schemes that they go with and I'm trying for the look she did in the magazine, it looks really cool.
I did up Jazmyne's little bit of laundry she had here so her work clothes are all clean and ready too. She came back for lunch and is vacuuming the porch for me. I'm gonna let my little robot mop mop for me, I just finished vacuuming and I'm not up to mopping. Bathrooms are done too and everything dusted. I won't sew today, my next thing is cutting the strips for the logs and my back says I'm done for today so I'll watch a movie with Jaz before she has to go to work.

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by Irishgram » Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:54 pm

Good afternoon from a very sunny, nicely warm, SW Pa...But we in Pa. know not to get our hopes up for spring like temps until the middle or late May and never put the tomatoes in before May 31st..And one other tidbit, farmers never put their cows out or we weren't allowed to go bare footed until May 10th....(There will be a test on this later)......

Oh Chriss, As most of the ladies, I too, went to bed with prayers for you and woke up with you on my mind....Although, we've never met in person, I have felt a closeness in the last year...My heart ached knowing what you were going through and of course the outcome...But, thank the Good Lord, that passing was peaceful...And in reading through your post, knowing Jerry is at peace, you're going to be OK...Your strength and your belief in God will carry you through, no matter what happens....You are quite an inspiration! Many, many hugs, just wish I was closer......

MaryZ It's really had to believe our babies are growing up! Before we know it, they'll be old enough to drive, yikes!......Does Bill notice a significant change in his eye? I'm always nebby when it comes to eyes, that was my field in my working days.....Loved every minute of it.....Love the idea of the dog park...Not sure if there is one around here and if not, sure could use it...In my park, supposedly they don't allow big dogs or certain breeds and almost everyone does have a little fur baby...But, the fellow who used to mow my grass and his Mom have gotten a German Shepard puppy that already is too big for them to handle and it's only 5 months old....Gorgeous fur baby but should not be raised in a mobile home...When I watch him walk him, the puppy, Max, just wants to run and play but can't..When he gets to be full grown, there is no way, they'll be able to walk him...Besides needing training, he needs that doggie park....And enough of that....Had a call from my sister and she is cooking today, WooHoo! Said, she, her son and his soon to be wife, are working outside and she decided she wanted to cook...Yesterday she baked cookies (raisin/oatmeal)...Think she's trying to fatten me up....She said, I could come over and help but I told her, I'd wait till it was on the table....Besides, I had gotten 15 bags of mulch and needed to empty my car.....I was going to run over to JoAnn Fabrics and look for fabric to match the blocks I just put together and also, need to get stuff for a quilt called Penguin Party...Our Jackie is so into penguins and this will be perfect...I'm getting too many things on my list but it keeps me off the streets and out of the bars, right????

Tina, those blocks are gorgeous...The quilt will be fantastic, love all the different colors.....

One more thing and then I "gotta go"....I had some very good news yesterday, we're having a new baby! This will be little Maeve's brother or sister and Kevin's 3rd grandbaby...Kevin sent me a picture of Maeve and said, check out the top she's wearing and on it had, Big Sis....New one is due the middle of October so that means, I have time to get that afghan crocheted, a sampler cross stitched and a quilt...For sure, no time in the bars, lol......
But, how ironic, hearing about the passing of one and also about a new life on the way, in the same day......

I'm off to JoAnn's and then a dinner with my sister......

You all have a great rest of the day.............

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