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SUNDAY, April 7th

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SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:22 am

Good morning, Everyone,

CHRISS - I woke up thinking of you and how your day and your week are going to go and wishing I could put my arms around you. May God walk with you today. πŸ’—

LORI - I don't know that my brother's ship is still in the fleet. She was commissioned in 1958 and that's when he was stationed aboard. I didn't take the time to go back and read her whole story. Your sister is going to love her birthday quilt!

SHARONA - are you so close to the totality zone of the eclipse that you will get the invasion of specatators? We will only have 20% visibility but it's supposed to be cloudy and maybe rainy so no one here is getting very excited. I'm glad you got to sew! I did, too!

LYN - I hope you have clear skies tomorrow but have to say my phone weather app shows you cloudy. We have special glasses Autumn gave us from her library when we were still down there but I don't think we're going to be needing them.

MARY Q - I wonder if your mom's recipe was a layer of cream cheese, eggs, sugar like a cheesecake and then "frosted" with either Cool Whip or sour cream mixed with a couple Tbsp of sugar? I had a similar recipe except I used a graham cracker crust. Did you get your aprons finished?

JANA - Poor Sandee! She has really given her all for her brother. She is a sweetie! I hope they can work out something that is best for them both. Did you finish the OWL month you were working on yesterday? Did you finish your Stars?

JUDI - are you close to the eclipse zone? I hadn't thought so until I saw the map of totality on the news last night. You're pretty close!

Yesterday we took Scottie for a long walk at the Bark Park a mile from our house. The park is about 20 acres, totally fenced and heavily forested with trails criss-crossing the property. The dogs can run and play and chase squirrels and rabbits and explore. Very pleasant and beautiful for people, too. There is also a big open area for ball and frisbee games, though that's not Scottie's bag. I got my 15 Ohio Star blocks finished and today I'll start sashing and assembling. This morning (8am our time) is a Zoom birthday party for Amara. I can't believer our little Kumquat is already a year old. Mom and Dad say she is at her best about 10am Texas time so that's when they're going to have her open her presents. This afternoon I'll be making pepperoni pizza for supper. I like to load it up with mushrooms, olives, onions, peppers, and whatever else I can find. If I put on enough veggies then I don't need to make a salad on the side.

Prayers for all, but especially for Chriss. πŸ’—

Mary z

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:11 am

Good morning Maryz I too woke thinking of Chris,,,Hoping for Gods healing hand around you this day and the days to come.
I never made it to the sewing room at all...was kind of a bummer day, I got all the stuff out of the camper and watched Liam and Ken finish the garage/shop it looks amazing.. they have only one more corner to do...but it has an antique bell tlelphone booth in it ( big and heavy) Ken is supposed to take pictures of it and try to sell it...it has been sitting unrestored for 20+ years..we even have the coin phone to go with it. 10 cents to make a call..or maybe it's 20. He doesnt want it,,but it is so big and old it might be hard to get rid of.... heres a long story,,,Back in the day Ken wore dark framed glasses..the kids called him superman..( tall big and black haired, very handsome too I might add) So when someone offered him a phone booth ( clark Kents prefered place to change into superman,) He was going to put it in his then man cave (our old house) but it wouldnt fit,,,I was going to put a fedora hat, a sports coat and glasses in there for display,,,So now it still wont fit and he has decided to get rid of it, Hoping someone wants it,,pick up is mantatory as we cannot move it ,,,
Mary I wish you could be in person with Amara,,,but zoom is the next best thing,,,one year olds do not really care about their birthdays,,,sometimes they even hate it...but the family will like it...hope you do too.
How many family will be on the zoom call?..will there be a little cake for her,?,,My one niece very into health and vegan,,,make a cake out of fruit,,,and only fruit,,,the baby liked fruit and they didnt eat sweets,,it was cute and the little person ate the fruit to the delight of the audience,,,hope you are delighted..too
Ken has a consulting job in Holland Michigan, and he asked me if I would like a littl get away/ So tomorrow is take your wife to work day. ( made that up, tell your friends)..it is a neat town with shops and things for me to explore while he is at work...or I can veg out in the hotel and work on a project...all will be fun for me...I might take my hexis and work on them...I do have 2 books also... If you are not familiar with Holland Michigan it is the home of some very large tulip farms...and in May they have a giant tulip festival...we have been a few times...there is a wooden shoe factory there, and (YEs they wear them) I bought a pair one year but I have no idea where they went...they have a dance and it is very loud,,,but fun,,,so I will be in Holland if you need me..
heres to a good day we have sun and 50s today,,,We are in the 90% area of the eclipse but we will be out of the totality area...To be really honest with you,,,I have seen eclipses before and for the 2 or 3 minutes of semi darkness I am not really impressed at all... if its cloudy it will be a bust,,,but hey have fun with it,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by auntjana » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:43 am

Good morning!

I, too, am thinking of Chrss, may she have peace and comfort on her new journey in life.

We are even colder than yesterday's morning. To which we had snow off and on all day. Suppose today will be a repeat. One good thing, the snow isn't sticking to anything.

Didn't make the Batt Cave yesterday, but will today. I've been doing the hand work on a Halloween Kimberbell quilt, adding all the embellishments. There's a ton! My new seam rippers arrived. They are wonderful! Double ended ripping ability. And they can erase the little threads from the fabric too. But the best is the needle threader! So easy to use! As my dad would say, blind in one eye, can't see out the other! Me threading needles! So now I can!

Last two sessions of General Conference today. The first is at 10 am my time. This is when I do my special Conference breakfast. Chocolate waffles, ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream. We did this with my kids and they could have as much as they wanted. We made and ate them in front of the TV watching Conference. That tradition carries on in their families still. Oh, Michael doesn't eat that, I make him normal food. :)

Daniel has the deck plans finalized, so that can now get started. I have started looking for deck furniture, and can't wait! Tomorrow we are heading over to the Lazy Boy store to replace 2 recliners. The current 2 are on their last usage and will soon be not working.

Enjoy the day,
Hugs and prayers,

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:11 am

Good morning. The sun hasn't quite come up this morning but will be completely up by the time I finish this post. I should see the mid 50's as a high today and it will be heating up as the week comes to an end.

Thank you for your kind words, texts and emails about Jerry's passing. I got the call yesterday as I was posting on this forum. We had been praying for a peaceful passing and that is exactly what he got. He didn't want any dinner Friday night and didn't want breakfast Saturday morning. 15 or so minutes after he was offered breakfast the nurse came in to give him his Dilantin and noticed that he had passed. He looked so peaceful when I got there, like I could touch his cheek and he would wake up and smile at me. He had no medication other than what he took for epilepsy. And now my curiosity is wondering what he sees, who he sees and what's he doing in heaven. Sort of wish I could have a peek.

I've had a year to prepare for this and feel like I am in a good place. I'm sure things will hit me but my faith in God has gotten me to this point and will get me through whatever comes my way. I'm a widow now, and I am also God's child, it's good to be me. Seems like lately in my devotions or bible reading I've read that God will hold me, He will lead me, and I am so comforted by that.

I had started the cleaning and purging process while Jerry was in the assisted living facility. Yesterday afternoon I was able to take the books I had to the friends of the library for their sale. Today I will be going through clothes. They will be donated to our local thrift store that helps people in recovery. And tonight, I get to go back to church. Seems like I've been away from church forever but it's only been a couple of months. It will be good to get back into it.

Judi, I love that you got some smile time with Navy. And glad your DDIL is finding some relief. It takes effort to do the exercises and use that machine, I pray it totally benefits her. What fun to have an impromptu get away. Holland sounds wonderful. Love your phone booth story. Phone booths were everywhere when we were kids. Now everyone has a phone in their back pocket.

Maryz, wow, Amara is almost a year old. when you zoom be sure to blow her a kiss from me. Are you going to bake a cake so you can have cake with her? Send me a picture of her with cake all over her face if you get one. How was the drumstick pie? it sounds teeth hurting sweet. I agree with you about pizza, if I'm going to have some it's going to be loaded.

Jana, perhaps Tommy's ex-wife was also frustrated with him. I was in Sandee's boat regarding not being able to lift someone who couldn't help in the process. I had a lot of guilt in the beginning when I put Jerry in assisted living. but in hindsight it was the best thing for both of us. Please tell Sandee my story and let her know I will be praying for her, and for Tommy. Funny that you mention waffles. I just found the waffle maker that Jerry had to have and used maybe twice. Enjoy your fun breakfast, I'll be eating normal food with Michael.

Maryq, well? did you get progress made on re-organizing the garage? I also have purchased boxes so I could start moving things around but haven't gotten that far. I'm hoping to have my house the way I want it by the end of this year.

Lyn, I do hope you have clear skies for the eclipse. Curious to hear Maddox's reaction to it. What amazes me is the hype, if you can call it that. I will be watching the news to see the influx of people in your area.

Tina, I bet that will be a beautiful quilt. what did dad have for supper?

Sharon, what is pizza parmesan chicken? Sounds interesting. I love chicken parm.

Lori, how is your sister? For you it's changing auto payments, for me it's finding passwords. Jerry had his things and I had mine. It would be ideal if I could have one password for everything, but nooooo. I guess if that's my biggest challenge life is pretty good. Hope the changing of your auto pay stuff is quick and complete.

Dinner, I didn't get to make my taco salad the other day so today is that day.

And there it is, peeking over the mountain. The sun. That means I need to get my fanny in gear and accomplish something. I hope you all have a marvelous day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by WeeOne » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:23 am

A Very Happy Birthday to Miss Boots. I had forgotten that she came into the world on Garry's birthday. He's 82 today.

Chriss, I'm sure there are several things you will need to do today. May your day go well, God is with you. Hugs πŸ’ž You are in my prayers.

I need to get the back yard mowed so the dogs don't get lost. Our friends the Jasek's will be over for Lunner about 2. I'm still hoping for clear sky's mid day tomorrow.

May you all have a good day.

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by maryq » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:38 am

Good morning Friends

My last thoughts before falling to sleep last night were of Chriss, and my first thoughts this morning as well. My heart aches for you dear Chriss. Please imagine all of us surrounding you with all our love and support and do not hesitate to reach out.

Maryz..That recipe you mention, sound vaguely familiar and I do remember making it for Mom once or twice. I wonder if my sister has the recipe. Yes, the aprons are done!!! So now I am going full steam ahead on the wedding quilt, and think I will have those blocks done today. I'll need to lay them out on the living room floor to asses the need for the setting triangles etc. I made 20 blocks, but now am thinking it maybe quite a bit bigger than I planned! I have no concept of space!! Please wish Amara a Happy Birthday from "Auntie Maryq" and don't forget to share pictures!!

Judi...OH MY Gosh.. an old phone booth in the shop!! Gosh that would have been fun to have it all fixed up in the man cave. I have seen a picture of Ken and I agree---very Clark Kent!! Has he ever dressed up as Clark/Superman for Halloween? Enjoy your trip to "Holland" Are the tulips all up there yet?

Jana... Every year when I go to the eye Dr.... and she asks me "how you doing" I say... I can still thread a needle!!! And as long as I still can, I'm a happy girl. Granted I need really strong cheater eye glasses, but I can do it. and thankfully my machines have auto threaders!

Lyn,... There isn't any buzz up here about the solar eclipse, I don't think we'd know the difference as it's pretty cloudy and dreary here, but I was talking to Alexa and it seems we are due for a Lunar Eclipse in September, 2024. Sounds like you are having a fun time with Amanda and Maddox there! Happy Birthday to Gary!!

Sharon.... I'm making the aprons for a gal that works at our new Dollar Tree store in town. Years ago she was a customer at our drug store and our daughters graduated from high school together, Hadn't seen each other in years but she heard I sewed! It's been kind of fun and it's an easy pattern--I just traced a pattern of an apron she brought me that was her grandmothers!

Tina.... Where are you doing the sew-along? Do you belong to a quilt group down there. I had thought about doing a sew along here, but just could never get my thoughts together to plan it! It's still in the back of my mind!

Lori... Dying fabric sounds like a lot of fun... and mess!! Did you know that in Scotland the reason different clans had different colors in their plaids was because different areas of Scotland has/had different plants etc available for using as dyes? A little known fact from my trip there in 2002. If I find myself needing to rent a storage space somewhere, I'll know I'm in big trouble!

Chriss... I didn't expect to see you this morning, but so very happy to see you come by. I guess God listened to all our prayers after all and took Jerry home just as we asked. Peacefully. We are all grateful for that. No progress in the garage here, it's just still so dang cold and today it's raining and we won't even hit 50* Looks like by Tues/Wednesday it should be perfect days! Will there be a funeral service?

Kind of dreary in the house this morning, no sun outside means no light inside, so I'll have to turn on some lights, and the music and get in gear! Will finish up the wedding quilt blocks today, and as usual, I have a couple things going on at the same time. Last week I pieced together a small kit that KC left behind so that is now in the process of getting sandwiched and pinned. As soon as I finish up the wedding blocks I'll switch gears and quilt that. And somewhere in there I should tidy up the kitchen, run the vac and maybe do some laundry.

Wishing you all of God's peace today

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:22 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Maryz, happy birthday to Amara πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚ I hope it's a great zoom party!
The 20 acre park sounds so beautiful!
Judi, how cool the garage is looking spiffy and almost finished! I bet American Pickers would pay good money for that phone booth! I looked them up and sent you the info. A birthday cake made of fruit, that sounds sooooooooooo yummy, I'd go for that! Your little get away to Holland sounds perfect! Enjoy!
Jana, your breakfast sounds yummy, bad yummy but still yummy, can I have just a baby one, like maybe 3 bites so I don't overdo? Deck plans finished, woohoo! Do they have to be submitted to the City for approval? Looking forward to seeing pics when finished!
Happy recliner hunting.
Chriss, I too thought of you first thing this morning, prayers for you my friend πŸ™ we're all hugging you tight ❀️ I'm thankful Jerry passed peacefully.
I made chicken fried steaks, baked potato and green beans last night, Dad loved it.
I hope you get your house just the way you want it and in your timeline.
Lyn, happy birthday to Garry!
Frankie's Mom's family name was the same as your friends and they came from Texas close to you.......wonder if your friends are related to him? That would be cool.
Maryq, I'm doing the sew along on Facebook, the American Patchwork & Quiting group, the pattern was in the last issue. I have my centers finished for the log cabin blocks, now to cut my strips and get those all done. The pattern is for 25 blocks a 5x5 layout but that would be way to small for my bed so I'm doing mine a 7x7 or 7x6 block layout. I'm a tad behind the others but that's what's good about an online sew along, going at each person's own pace.
I'll join you in vacuuming, laundry is already done and my kitchen gets cleaned before bedtime each night, it's my relaxing wind down time LOL.....I do need to clean the bathrooms and dusting wouldn't hurt either. The dirt blew some yesterday but thankfully not too bad. We're to hit 70* today and only a tiny breeze.
I know we have salad so that'll be part of supper, maybe a burger on the grill or a pork chop on the grill to go with, just need to see if Jazmyne will be here for supper..... I don't think so, I think she works again tonight. They didn't make Nationals in FFA, they ranked #8 and only 1-5 gets to go to Nationals. But she had a blast! They left on Wednesday and got back yesterday morning and she talk non stop for at least an hour and a half LOL, it's hard to keep up with LOL.
You all have a great day!
Prayers for Chriss πŸ™ and any others in need.

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:46 am

These are my centers for the log cabin blocks. I think the pattern is called Homeward Bound. I'll look it up and correct it if I'm wrong.


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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by FlorenceM » Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:28 am

Just caught up and read about Jerry's passing. My heart aches for Chriss.

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Re: SUNDAY, April 7th

Post by zfatcat » Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:32 am

Tina, those are darling. The pattern is called, "Heart of Home", by Sherri McConnell. I have that magazine. It's a really cute pattern.
Lori 8-)

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