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Saturday April 6th

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Saturday April 6th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:20 am

Well I dont know where everyone is this morning,,,but here I am..
Had a really fun day with little Navy yesterday and a good visit with my daughter in law... Nave is 18 months old and smart as a whip. She counts to 5 knows all her colors ( at least 6 of them) Runs and walks... It took hr a while to hang out wwith me,,but we did well.. She did get tickles and smooches from all her Aunties,,,.Val DDIL is doing well but not a lot of results with the machine yet,,,She uses it 4 times a week and has PT coming to the house to help with her excersizes...
I am working in the camper today,,,Son is coming over to see what he wants to keep///I am leaving a lot of stuff in there for him...It will move int he next 2 weeks. To its home at the lake...Sad but happy it will be enjoyed by the family...(We can go out there and stay any time we want)...
Hope you all have a great day,,,I am baking 2 loaves of bread today always a plus around here,,A nd i will make Philly Cheese steak sndwiches for suppper...with macaroni salad ,,,,we hope to get into the high 60s next week,,,finally some spring weather. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:27 am

Good morning,

Happy weekend! It's a chilly one here - cloudy and 40's. Brrr.... But no snow. Or earthquakes!

LOIS - did you feel that earthquake?

IRISH - I don't think I want to come to your house. There's too much hard work waiting there! Floors to scrub, sewing rooms to organize, mulch bags to move, and, I suspect, mulch to spread! Let me know when that's all done!

JANA - poor Sandee! My niece also is very gluten intolerant. If her family goes out to eat, she takes her own food and just keeps them company. So, if Tommy is so careless while traveling, how has he been at home? He is living with Sandee, isn't he? At least for now? That's just crazy about the driver that hit Aaron! I'm so relieved that he wasn't hurt. Did his airbags go off? Oh, and in case you didn't notice, your favorite spaghetti sauce is on sale at Costco in the new sale pamphlet that just came out. See? I pay attention!

CHRISS - You are really going to town purging your house! But be careful - It's easy to get caught up in it and let things go that you will be sorry about later. I know whereof I speak. How is Jerry now that he's had an entire week at the facility? I know you said he sleeps a lot, but like Irish said, he knows you're there and I'm sure that's a huge comfort to him.

LORI - that is a beautiful quilt you're working on! That just plain sucks about the fraudulent charges on your credit card! We have instant notification on our card. Usually before we even leave the checkstand.

LYN - you have really found some fun things to do during Amanda and Maddox's visit! Going to be hard to top for their next visit! I'm excited for them to see your house! How far from your house to theirs? Any chance they might move closer to you in the future?

MARY Q - I think you should bundle up some of that fabric and sell it on Craig's List. You have a nice work table in your garage to set up and start bundling! :D You mentioned the USS Caron. Made me look up my brother, Gene's, ship, the USS Mullinix, a destroyer. (he was in the Navy 1956-70). There is a reunion! And a ship's store where we could buy caps, shirts, photos, etc. I'm thinking what a nice present that would be for him! Thanks for setting my brain in motion.

JUDI - I knew you'd have fun with Navy! I bet you were a happy tired when you got home! As for the co-sleeping thing - that's just nuts. At some point, they have to start sleeping in their own bed and I hear it's a REALLY hard habit to break. Thank goodness Amara's parents don't believe in that! They have trouble getting enough sleep as it is. She isn't a good sleeper. Still praying for improvement for Val. It's hard to let go of your fiver, but so nice to know you can 'visit' it any time you want!

SHARONA - did you get any sewing done??

FLO - It's been said (more than once) that I'm crazy. But my back actually feels better when I've been working in the yard (not raking though!). The hands and knees stuff stretches out my back I guess. I also use a knee cushion.

DIANE - it's great that you donate your time to your passion. I wish I could, too, but there's only so many hours in a day. I like to make and donate several quilts to our local nursing homes every Christmas for residents who don't have family to visit. It feels good to use our talents and craft to help others, doesn't it.

Yesterday was a nice day - some sewing, Costco, Grocery store, and then an afternoon of cards with Doyle and Susie. They are over the moon that she is going home next Thursday. She still uses a walker, but gets around pretty well now. She hasn't seen her home since she left for that dr appt last Jan 22nd and she fell in a stairwell in the medical building. Pro tip: Put your phone away when you are going up/down stairs and use the handrail! I will talk to Doyle about taking a meal over to them for homecoming day. What sounds good? Anyone have any ideas?

I put potatoes and pork chops in the crockpot yesterday morning and even had salads made. So nice to come home at 5pm and all we had to do was dish up! And as I usually do, I made enough for tonite, too. I have to take a dessert to a dinner party in a couple of weeks and I'm going to make a practice one this morning - Drumstick Pie. Using sugar cone crumb crust, ice cream, caramel sauce, chocolate Magic Shell topping, and chopped peanuts. So it looks like we'll be eating desserts for a few days. Bad me.

Autumn & Antonio are hosting a family wide Zoom birthday party for Amara tomorrow morning. We will get to watch her open her presents and have birthday cake! Glad we sent her birthday box early! Besides her Fab Farm quilt we sent a toy travel trailer play set, a few books, and 6 new outfits.

Look for blessings in your day!
mary z

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by auntjana » Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:03 am

Good morning!

Burrrrr cold here! I thought we had the last of the below freezing temps, but y'all know what thought got! General Conference will start in a short while. We have three sessions starting at 10 am , my time. They are televised on BYUTV and the internet, join me! It's a wonderful time to receive answers to things you need.

Sandee is fit to be tied with her brother. He's even worse at home. He's a diabetic on insulin, who doesn't take care. His glucose alarm is always going off for Sandee to take care off. Now, my Sandee is 5'2" and Tommy is 6'4", weighing close to 400 pounds, so there's no way that Sandee could help him if he fell. Besides the diabetes, Tommy was injured in a work accident that disabled totally, and put him on constant oxygen. Without the oxygen, he passes out quickly. So it's come to a point of a possible move to a assisted living facility . Sandee has tried hard.

So I'll be sewing while enjoying General Conference today. Michael is already heating up the Batt Cave a few extra degrees. OWL is the project of choice.

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by maryq » Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:09 am

Good morning Everyone

Was here a little earlier, but today's thread hadn't started yet, but I just knew either Judi or Mary would be up and ready! Or maybe even Lois as it's later on the east coast! So played around on the computer for a minute and watched a little sewing hack video. Interesting ideas!

Judi...Lots of good memories in that camper I bet, but so nice that it will stay in the family. It will make a perfect guest room when you go to visit at the lake! Bread from scratch? Sounds delicious, but I cheat, I buy frozen bread dough---which creates the problem of wanting to eat it right out of the oven with butter and peanut butter!

Maryz... How cool that there's a reunion for Gene's Ship. That's about the time frame that the USS Caron was in service. I wonder if Gene would know that ship. It's long been decommissioned. I think I've only run across one guy that knew the ship, it was a Destroyer. I googled it! Apparently named after my cousin for a heroic act on his part, he was 22 years old when he died. If you'd like me to come and taste test your new desert, just let me know. Years ago my Mom made a dessert that was a 9x13 pan lined with Vanilla wafers and tops with a concoction of crushed pineapple and something and then frozen.. sure wish I could find her recipe! Great news for Susie.

Yesterday I got 6 more aprons all sewn... only need to add the pockets, as soon as I figure out exactly where they need to go. Kind of fun that this was a paying gig! Took long than I thought, the sewing part went fast, but pressing waist straps and neck straps and pocket pieces took all morning.

Not sure if Tom and Viv came up this weekend, so gotta go check in with the kids. If not, I think I'm going to run to Menards and pick up some tote boxes in advance of getting into the garage and re-organizing. A LOT of the fabric will be going in the garage sale this summer. What ever is left of KC's will go to donation site of some kind, I know there are a couple church groups close by that could probably use it. I'd still like to work on quilts for my brother Tim's South Dakota project, but I can only keep some much in the garage.

I'll peek back in later and see what y'all are up too. For now, it's coffee and a shower!

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by WeeOne » Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:27 am

A quick hello. I'm loading the Jeep. We'll stop at the grocery store down here for a few items. Sunrise Beach Mayor sent out an email yesterday, noting that it's very busy at stores. I feel like we're heading into a storm of people.

Had a great time at the Aquarium yesterday. Drove back by way of Mustang Island/Port Aransas. Short walk on beach, collected some sand, it's super fine.

I know it may seem silly, but a prayer for clear sky over my house Monday 1 ish would be appreciated.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:41 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
I forgot to post yesterday, I started to a couple times and then got interrupted. Nothing much going on anyway though. I thought I finished my inside 4 1/2" squares for the log cabin blocks for the sew along but my mind kept saying something isn't right.....so at bedtime last night I wrote it down and sure enough I'm short 4 so I'll get those done this morning and then start on my strips. I sure hope it turns out nice.
We're having a very windy day, guess it wants to make up for our several very nice days, I just hope the dirt doesn't blow.
I slept late so need to scoot and get things rolling here. Need to check the freezer and see what I'll make for supper, it's Dad's night.
Prayers for all in need 🙏
You all have a great day!

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by womster » Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:23 am

Good morning!

Judi – sounds like you had a super day with Navy and Val yesterday. I understand your emotions about the camper. We’re leaving our party van at Aaron’s (youngest son) this summer when we return the girls to Ohio. So many wonderful trips and memories were made.

Maryz – I did get to sew! It was wonderful. I decided I will make an appointment with myself to go out M-F at 10am. Have a lovely time at Amara’s BD zoom. What a great idea.

Maryq – how many aprons have you made? I missed (or forgot) what you’re making them for.

Lyn – are people flocking in for the eclipse? The governor in OH (where DS2 lives) warned people last week to stock up on groceries, gas, etc. It almost sounds like an invasion.

Tina – oh don’t you just love the wind? We’re supposed to get gusts up to 40mph here. The foothills can get them up to 100mph. YUCK.

The dog trainer will be here in about 45 minutes. That takes us to lunch and then nap time. I started yesterday dejunking our bedroom closet. Found some treasures and lots of trash and some charity items. We’re having pizza parmesan chicken and homemade French bread with salad for dinner. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by zfatcat » Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:07 am

Judi, sounds like a fun day with the little miss.

Maryz, Bill is a plank owner of the USS Bagley. He also went to the decommissioning of the ship back in the 90's. He took the boys and they got to go on the vessel as well. It was decommissioned in San Diego.
You're brother's ship has been on the seas for a long time. Glad you will get to enjoy miss Amara's birthday with her.

Jana, my brother was very similar. On oxygen, 6' about 350 lbs and not very mobile. They had to call the FD when he fell. It's a difficult situation dealing with someone like that. Hope they can figure it out.

Maryq, I've been reorganizing my garage a bit. I needed more room for my fabric dying supplies.

Lyn, my son is in Jasper TX, so he should get a good view of it.

Tina, don't you just hate when you miss a few blocks. How's Rosie doing?

Sharona, what kind of dog are you training?

Well yesterday was cold and rainy again. It was a chilly walk this morning, but it's starting to warm up. I got all the applique sewed down and put that away for a bit. It's going to be my sister's birthday present, and her birthday is December 18th. So I have some time to get it done. I need to do a bit of cleaning and organizing today. Also, our new credit card should arrive, so I need to change over all the auto payments on the card. Such a pain.

Don't know what's for dinner tonight. I'm sure we won't starve.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:46 am

Good morning

Jerry passed away peacefully this morning
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Saturday April 6th

Post by zfatcat » Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:13 am

Chriss, big hug my friend. My heart breaks for you.
Lori 8-)

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