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Monday March 18, 2024

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by womster » Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:05 am

Good morning!

Lois – I’ve never seen a pineapple quilt, so I look forward to seeing yours.

Lyn – taxes – gross. Have as much fun with that as you can. We just sent ours off last night.

Judi – I will be praying for Judy – an easy name to remember! I was shocked when you said Sophia was sewing. In my mind, she is still a toddler! Oh my gosh the time flies by so swiftly. I am also anxious to hear how things went with your DDIL.

Maryz - I also (obviously) share your allure of the steno pads. I used to be fluent, but now - nope. I wish Drew all the best with his new job. We still have a ton of snow. As for pizza prices - the $30 one is for a local restaurant in town, and the other one is just as expensive. The only other pizza place is Dominos but DH doesn't like their pizza.

Katy – that is wonderful news about Jim! Hope you hear something on the farm sale.

Jana – do you and Michael share the computer? My DH and I learned many years ago we cannot share a computer or laptop. Hope the taxes can be finished quickly. Good thing you have your stars!

Flo – holy guacamole you guys will be busy planting.

Maryq – we keep our thermostat at a toasty 65! I do remember your love for steno pads and always check at Walmart to see if they still carry them. Our local one does not, so I ordered some pastel ones from Amazon. Is that kookie or what?! Thank you for agreeing with me that 14 is not too much. Once I get done reorganizing the study, you have inspired me to do the same in my sewing hole with quilt books I know I will never use. Hope your nose warmed up.

Diane – I have the worst luck using the QIAD PMs. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Fingers crossed for your Janome.

Chriss - hugs to you, my beautiful friend.

Yesterday was a blur – I went to church and came home and then slept for three hours. So not much got done. Today the deck guys are here hammering away. Hopefully they’re done by Thursday. Still no sewing for me. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:12 am

hi I went to the quilt shop. She had 4 bernette machines all nice little jems...priced from 1800 to 3500 and half off that, She has 2 berninas,one was $4000 and one was $8000 half off that...I didint need or want a new machine but i looked for you'all. I did buy 6 yds of fabric for $41 and that was a good buy,,,I bought 5 yds of WOW with snowflakes ( the rest of the bolt) and a yard of striped green for binding,, mailed a card and came home to see a auto safety bag we got called a "justin case" it has everyt hing for car emergencies I added some starbursts and mini M&Ms some dollars and it has a first aid kit in it too. it has jumper cables, a blanket a poncho and flash lights and WD40, gloves, hand sanitizer, tissues,tire pressure gauge,and more...Liam will love it...I hope/ we still dont know the plans for a birthday clebration.
Maryz My full name is Judith Ann, my mother named me and my grandmother ( her mother in law) hated everything about it,,,she contended that it was a jewish name and we were not Jewish...They all wanted me named Michaeline,,a good sturdy saints name...Anna was my other grandmothers name..so at least I got that part...in order to be baptised in the church it was recommended that the baby had a saints name...Ann was pretty well known and I adopted St jude to make it aall good///xxxoooo Since we were with the kids yesterday I am cooking corned beef and cabbage today for the Irishman....xxxooo

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by patches4 » Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:04 pm

Prayers for all,
Just finished taxes and heard Joanne’s filing for bankruptcy. I know I am old, because long time back when we had Minnesota fabrics that went to Hancocks? And Joanne’s for fabric. I really hope we don’t lose them I cannot afford the LQS prices for charity quilts. Family quilts is different.
Work stuff is done for the day so off to sewing.
Blessings, love to all,

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:21 pm

Good afternoon. Here I am bringing up the rear. It's been a busy morning.

Judi, prayers for Judy. So glad you and Sophia had a girls day. High five to Liam, great first job. Pretty busy week for that kid, but a week full of fun things. Love the car kit Ken made.

Lyn, ugh, taxes. hope the chiropractor appt went well

Lyn, hope the lap size is a perfect fit. Sounds like it shoudl include pop corn and a coke.

Maryz, high 5 to Drew. Glad he will have a job he loves.

Katy, I also took out the trash and walked with Moose.

Jana, we are also warming up. windows open during the day but not the evening, they are shut up tight.

Flo, you will have the most beautiful yard ever.

Maryq, nice to declutter. Libbys corned beef hash is loaded with carbs, but if it were here I could eat almost a whole can by myself. yummy.

Diane, hope your machine enjoys the spa

Sharon, for me today was a blur, I pray I get a good nights sleep today.

Last night was awful. Seems Jerry has way too much morphine in his system, he needs to come down off of his high which makes him do and say crazy things. In his craziness he decided he wants to try chemo again. tomorrow there will be an appointment with the chemo doctor. Not sure how that will go. It's just a big fiasco.

Anyway, have a great night,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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