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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 17th - St. Paddy's Day!

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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 17th - St. Paddy's Day!

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:25 am

Good morning and happy St Patrick's Day to everyone!

Today, we're all Irish - though I really am. Mom's dad came straight from Ireland. We have elderly relatives who still have that beautiful Irish lilt in their voice.

Yesterday I did get the label on Amara's quilt and posted pictures. It's a rather elaborate label and I asked Mary Q for help with it. She came through with magnificently! Then I got a haircut and did some shopping at Kohl's for a few birthdays - a friend and my sister. Bill and I got our deck all set up and Bill laid down on the deck couch and took at 2-hr nap. That stopped our plans to do yard work so I went into the sewing room and cut out some Scaredy Cat Christmas. The weather was so nice we BBQ'd burgers and sat outside until almost 8pm. Today our DGS, Drew, is coming by and he wants to go out to lunch. He says he has news to tell us but so far no hints. We think it's a job change but we'll find out in about 5 hours.

BECCA - Glad you had such a nice time at the Children's Museum. I'm guessing you were with your grandson and his family? OK, you get a pass. You may have your banned foods for health reasons, as long as you don't mention them by name. :lol: My younger sis and I grew up almost as twins, 13 months apart, and I HATE any/all seafood but she LOVES it. I don't know what happened to her. I think she bounced on her head when she fell off the turnip truck. My brother, Jim, also hated it, and our other siblings aren't fans either. My dad occasionally ate smelt, trout, and oysters. I once saw my mom eat prawns. Except for that odd one out (every family has one, don't they?) we aren't seafood eaters.

I'm not sure about supper. Neither of us care for corned beef so that's out. But if we go out to lunch we probably won't be hungry come suppertime anyway. We can have apple slices and veggies with hummus for supper if we get "peckish".

Have you got a plan?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 17th - St. Paddy's Day!

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:06 am

Good morning all 🌞
Happy St Patrick Day to you all! 🍀
Mary, I love Amara's quilt and the label 🥰 it's perfect!
Bill took a 2 hour nap? Was he exhausted? I got after Frankie yesterday for his naps, he can't sit down without falling asleep..... and I'm talking like 6 naps a day at least. If he can't go outside then he sits and sleeps and it drives me crazy 🤪 I could see it if he's sick but otherwise take 1 nap a day and that's it. He then complains he doesn't sleep good at night......ya think 🤷🤦
Wonder what Drew's news is.....hope it's great news!
So have you decided if your haircut is a good one?
Not much happening here.
Supper will be corned beef and cabbage at Dad's request.
Last edited by gershwin64 on Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 17th - St. Paddy's Day!

Post by Quilter7 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:45 am

Top of the Morning to Everyone,

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I am 76% Irish with the rest mostly English/Scottish and a bit of Norwegian. My Great-Grand Parents were from Ireland and one from Switzerland.

Last evening was interesting. I ended my Zoom sew-in session at 4:00. At little after 5:00 PM I placed the leftover casserole in the oven. I was watching TV. Suddenly the lights and TV went out then quickly came back on and started flickering. It was very weird. I did unplug my sewing machine and HQ machine. DH checked with neighbors, and both were experiencing the same thing. The kitchen light was on, but the oven wasn't maintaining heat. I was able to light a burner on the range so after checking the temperature of the casserole, it was 138 degrees, I put it in a pan and heated it on the burner. We had dinner by candlelight with the kitchen light on but dimmer than usual. After dinner the lights came back on and then went out again for a few minutes before coming on.

Maryz - Well how is the haircut? Was the stylist surprised about the hair color? My DH took a long nap yesterday too. What he didn't do is drink water. He said his blood pressure was low yesterday morning after his walk/run and I am sure it contributed him being tired because he didn't drink water.

Tina - So what is with all our DH taking naps yesterday? It was National Quilting Day not National Napping Day. Enjoy the corned beef and cabbage. I have never made it, but do like corned beef sandwiches.

Becca - Glad you had a backup plan of going to Children's Museum. It is fun to see the children enjoying the museum.

Dinner will be a Soup that I will make later.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 17th - St. Paddy's Day!

Post by Becca » Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:49 am

Hello everyone & Happy St Pattys day
Its beautiful here at 69
I went to Church this morning
Maryz. I’ll check out the quilt Im sure it’s adorable
I don’t like seafood either but my whole family does just not I And here I have to eat it
Hope the news is good to hear
Tina Seems that might be excessive with the naps May be there’s something wrong If he doesn’t sleep at night no wonder he’s napping
Carol I know your soup will be good I ordered potato soup tonight
I choose potato soup cabbage and banned food My son told me it’s a good source of protein

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 17th - St. Paddy's Day!

Post by zfatcat » Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:28 pm

Happy St. Patrick's Day. I too am part Irish. 42% according to Ancestry. 29% Scottish, and 23% English, with a few other things. Definitely from a specific part of the world. I thought I was just English and Irish until I took the DNA test.

It's been a busy few days. Getting everything ready for a week retreat at the beach. We are staying at a house on the beach. The window view while I sew will be of the ocean. So so wonderful. I also had to get everything ready for my dad's week since I'll be gone. It's been a lot of work. I'll be heading out tomorrow about 12.

Dinner is fettuccini, with chicken and broccoli.

Sleep well.

Lori 8-)

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