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Saturday March 16th,,,

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Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:04 am

Good morning it is partly cloudy and going to be in the 50s..nice spring day even thugh it is still winter here,,,
i will do some cleaning today sunroom and living room are next on the list...everything will be done excpet the windows..it is still too cold and unpredictable to do the windows...after the 2 rooms are done I will be in the sewing room working on Chritstmas quilt #3 . Ken wants to get the pizza oven out and make pizza for supper so that is the plan...The dough is rising and I will just need to prep the toppings...as long as it doesnt rain...if rain thn we cook it in the house...not near as much fun...

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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:22 am

Good morning,

We are going to be 60⁰ today and sunny.
I have wash going and I will straighten up and sew.

I was on Instagram looking around and saw a post from Teresa that she received a quilt from quilt in a day and it was done out of the cat swap we did I still have those blocks I might have to put it together lol.

Judi pizza sounds good but I'm making sauce today .

Well thats all the news from here have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:33 am

Chriss, for me it's the name Joseph..there are way too many in our family, and both my boys have father in laws named Joe! There are at leat 15 Joe's.
Lately we have been looking for decorative small trees for back yard. Yesterday we came home with 4 weeping cherries & 2 dwarf flowering something....will look at tags later and post names. I will also take pics and post on our Facebook page later.
DDIL and grands coming over later.
Enjoy your day

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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:52 am

Good morning,

We're going to 71* today! Hooray! First time since last September.

CHRISS - I'm glad Marilyn and Jerry got to visit. I wish it could have been longer. Perhaps she'll call again. When I was in school there was a girl named Chris. Her last name was Cross. I guess her parents thought it was cute. And we know of a married couple who are both named Chriss. I was thinking Marilyn's boyfriend was Noah, but you say Chris. I wonder why I thought Noah. As for losing a loved one quickly or slowly over time, I've done it both ways and I still wonder that same question. Which was worse? Both were awful.

SHARONA - watching tornado news on TV last night I remembered you saying your family was in the basement and didn't get hit. Thank goodness! That husky romping through your snow must have been fun to see. They are such happy dogs! Prayers for your DBIL. I think I'd be asking for second or third consults if I were him. How did the dejunking go yesterday? I've been pecking away at our junk. Where does it all come from?? Oh wait - I'm a thrift store addict. But that can't be it. Can it? I only buy the good stuff, not the junk.

LOIS - thank you for the report that Teresa rec'd her comfort quilt. You still have your cat blocks? Maybe this is a good time to pull them out!

JUDI - you are wrapping up your spring cleaning. I should probably do more, but it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, so no. Hope your pizza is fun pizza. We just had homemade pizza a few days ago, and I had to make do with my regular oven.

LYN - it torks me off that my phone eavesdrops on my conversations. Wish your phone had real solutions to your tinnitus instead of just ads for it. In which state are you licensed? CO or TX?

JANA - is your snow gone yet? Nice of you to share with Sharona. I hope Sarah is feeling better today. Did you get Stars loaded?

MARY Q - wakey wakey!! How did your meeting go yesterday?

FLO - I love the name Joe. It's a friendly, comforting name. My neighbor is Joe but he's the only Joe I know.

Amara received her picture book yesterday. Reports are that she loved it! Antonio said they had to read it to her carefully so she wouldn't rip the pages. For the picture on the cover, we used the photo of the three of us that we put on the wall in her house, down low so she can see it. She is always reaching for that picture. Our copies won't arrive until next week. Not sure why the lag time. We ordered 6 copies for us and other family members.

My cousin lunch was fun. I love catching up with all she's been doing but turns out what she's been doing hasn't been fun - hip replacement, gut surgery, breast cancer. But she's survived it all! Bill and I spent much of the rest of the day planning our Alaska trip. There's lots to see and do and some things require rezzies months in advance like Denali, fjord excursions, fishing trips, etc. All are expensive and we need to confer with my sis and dbil. Today I'm getting my hair cut, doing laundry, and getting the label on Amara's quilt. Then I'll finally take pictures. And wouldn't it be nice if someone vacuumed...? And yard work was mentioned. Sigh.

Time to get started on it all. Happy weekend!
mary z

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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by auntjana » Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:12 am

Good morning!

The heater is on and warming up the house. It was making a weird noise the other day. Seemed someone, who remains unnamed, not me, needed to change the filter. I had been asking, but that's as far as it went. Now since the filter is changed, we're back to normal!

Got a Aaron story for ya. Lila's kindergarten class has what they call a mystery reader. Usually it's a parent or grandparent that comes and reads a book to the class. The teacher gives the children 4 clues as who the mystery reader belongs too. Lila had no idea it was Kate. But by the second clue figured it out. So in comes Kate with Aaron, both in uniform. Aaron was on duty. Kate brought her turnout gear too for the kids to see and read them, Curious George goes to the fire station. As she finished the book, all of a sudden, the call over the intercom went off to lock down the school. Immediately the teacher locked the door and huddled up the children. Then she realized that she had Kate and Aaron in the room, turned and said, you can handle this. So out into the hall they went. Aaron called dispatch. In the hall, they saw a woman, unconscious in a chair. It was a medical emergency, so Kate stepped up, Aaron let dispatch know and the ambulance crew and fire were on their way. Kate started the assessment, as she had no equipment to do more until the crew arrived. The crew was from her old station and when the captain arrived, Kate stepped back for them, but the captain told her that it's her scene and she's in charge. So she got the IV started and then transported the woman to the hospital. It was a severe asthma attack. Aaron said she had that IV in place perfectly, on the first try. Kate afterwards told Aaron that she liked working with him. He laughed and said all he did was stand there watching her work. The kids in the class got a first hand lesson on if you're in trouble, call a policeman or fireman, they're always there to help! Lila spent the time, extolling all the things her parents do, every day! She was a little hoot! Somehow, Aaron is always in the right place at the right time.

No, with Sarah sick, the quilt isn't loaded yet. Today is a maybe. Or hope so. OWL awaits me for more blocks. That's the sewing for the time being.

We're sunny today. The wind was nice and stayed north of me. My bulbs are poking up and I'm waiting to see color in my yard. It might warm up to maybe 50, but we'll see.

Enjoy the day,

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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by maryq » Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:45 am

Good morning All

Happy Saturday!! Normally I wouldn't be so thrilled about it being Saturday, you know, chore day and all, but I've kind of decided that I'm to skip the heavy chores today and just do a little shine up here and there and call it good! I mean, seriously, wouldn't you rather Play!!! :lol:

Judi... I think I'll come to your house for supper!! It's been so long since I've had really really good pizza!! I know they can make it gluten free, but I'd like carb free please! Papa Murphy's does make a crust free pan pizza,... which does sound pretty darn good doesn't it!

Lois... You do Instagram? I think I know how, but I so rarely remember to check it. I wonder if Teresa will post in our FB group, which I also so rarely remember to check! We were just talking about home made sauce yesterday, and it made me kind of wish I could grow lots of tomatoes because I'd kind of like to can some and make spaghetti sauce and salsa! I just might find someplace I can buy bushel from this summer.

Flo... Will your new trees actually grow cherries that you can eat? I suppose it would be like planting strawberries or raspberries that it would take a couple years to produce.

Maryz... Please send that warm temp over here! We're only getting to 41 here today! No work in the garage for me! Yesterday's meeting went very well... I'm ready to sign on the dotted line, but we need to do our due diligence and get info from other Management companies. My job is to call one on Monday and get some info. I bet Amara will just love her book and what an awesome gift idea---she'll have that to look at as she grows up. You might just have to make it an annual tradition---after every visit make a book of that year's events etc. Like a yearbook! ((I'm patting myself on the back for that great idea)

Sharon... 12 inches of snow! OH yuk!! Do you have a path you get can out to your sewing room?

Chriss... Don't you sometimes wonder, when you talk to young people.. just how are they going to survive with some of their ideas? But then I think... did I have some strange ideas about life when I was 21---and just about to get married! I used to have conversations with Evie when I'd pick her up from school... and tho she has matured a bit since then...some ideas are just kind of out there!! Good Catholic families pretty much always have a Mary in them! When I was in 9th grade I wanted my name to be Marcia---now I hate that name!! I never liked Mary Margaret and wish my Dad's nick name for me would have stuck "Meg" tho some of my brothers will call me Meg.

Jana... OH my gosh.... Your story gave me goose bumps!!! Hope Kate's patient is doing ok! What an awesome thing to be right there on the spot when needed! Doesn't it just make you so darn proud!!!

Well, I suppose I better get going if I'm going to get anything done. I finished my Picnic quilt yesterday--it's supposed to be 42 blocks, but I didn't have enough of the fabric I started with so I just made it 30 blocks... which is fine, it will make a nice child size quilt and I'll be able to finish it up myself and not add to Viv's pile! So maybe today I'll at least get the border on that. From the looks of my desk, I should probably spend a little time straightening up in my little "office"! By mid afternoon you'll find me in the sewing room !

Wishing you all a Super Saturday

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Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:21 am

Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by WeeOne » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:23 am

Good sunny morning from the coast. It was rainy and windy overnight, but that's moved into the Gulf. It's easy to know it was windy, there's Palm tree old branches and pieces needing to be picked up.

MaryZ, I haven't been a Colorado resident for 20 years. Got my haircut yesterday.

Meg aka MaryQ, I had a boyfriend who called me Diana (my first name) when I was 20. I really like my first name, so I announced to my sister who's 12 years older that I wanted to be called Diana. She looked at me and said, "Oh stop having an identity crisis, your name is Lyn!" 🙄 That boyfriend and I have stayed in touch and he still calls me Diana.

Lois, I'm not on Instagram but Teresa did post on Facebook. She's sure had issues from that bite.

Jana, Glad your kids were there to help that woman.

Chriss, Hope to see ya in the sewing room. I'm still working on my lotto blocks, too.

Have any of you watched the new show on CBS called Elsbeth. She's quirky and reminds me of a female Columbo. The show brought up an interesting thing, when did we stop using 2 spaces after a period when typing?

After a shower, I'm sewing my lotto blocks together. We're having an early 4 o'clock supper with 2 other couples at a favorite restaurant. Hope y'all have a great day.

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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by auntjana » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:32 am

Lyn - what, there's not two spaces after a period? I'm an old time secretary and still use the 2 spaces!

Posts: 5308
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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by WeeOne » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:49 am

Jana, did you on that post.
period? I'm an... That's one space
period? I'm an... That's 2 spaces
I was a secretary too, but I've been sliding into using only one space.

EDIT: Guess what, when I posted this the system removed the second space after the ? on the second line. Guess we no longer have a choice in our typing.

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Re: Saturday March 16th,,,

Post by auntjana » Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:36 am

Uggh - no wonder this generation is having so much trouble!

Also, my forgetful brain finally remembered about telling you about my smaller pies - tart size. I have some Emille Henry pie plates -ceramic - that are tart size, leaning towards a medium size tart. Maybe 3 or 4 inches wide. They are great for making a small, 2 serving size for Michael and me. I took my lemon meringue filling, which was doctored by my mom more than 60 years ago, from the Betty Crocker cookbook, the red one and just cut it in half. Made a deep filling with just a smidge leftover for a cook's treat. My cheating cheesecake is a no bake - use cream cheese and lemon instant pudding. Small size box. Cut the amount of milk down to 1 1/2 cups for a thicker filling. Pour in a graham cracker crust or a baked one. Chill. You can use any flavor pudding you desire. Chocolate is very good! That recipe is from a jello box back in the 60's. I also use Pioneer Woman's pie crust recipe - it is excellent!

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