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Wednesday March 13,2024

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Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:06 am

Good morning,

Yesterday we went to the gym the we did part 1 of the scavenger hunt then came home put everything away and put a load of wash on.

So today will be part 2 of the scavenger hunt BJ s and I'm so happy it will be 64⁰ and no wind .
I ordered some fabric so I can work some more on my pineapple blocks .

Boy this week is going by quick.

Well there is nothing else new to report so everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by patches4 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 4:28 am

Good morning Lois and all who follow,
Happy hump day. Yes week is going by fast.
DH physical therapy and my pre op appointment and then home to hand sew. One late afternoon errand that’s all. Been warm here in Va so we grilled hamburgers last night and chicken tonight.
Coffee is ready and I am really ready for it too. Prayers said for all.
Blessed Day

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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by womster » Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:27 am

Good morning!

Lois – it’s so much better to push a cart with no wind/rain/snow. I agree – this week is flying by.

TinaB – when is your surgery? I am also in dire need of coffee.

DH woke up at 2am – ugh! I got about two hours of sleep. Today will be a nice, long nap after Bible study. Not much else going on here – just waiting for the rain and snow. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:24 am

Good morning,

Yesterday I finished my chores and even started a little cutting of the first (of 5) Christmas quilts. I'm so glad to be starting in March. I have 7 months to finish them. Though I have two others I need to finish in that time frame plus one I WANT to do just for me which brings my total to 8. Yikes! I hadn't thought about it like that. Guess I better kick it into high gear after all.

CHRISS - you know my heart is with you. I'm glad you two are able to really talk, and I'm happy he still has his sense of humor. It's good to hear he is resting easier - and by extension, you, too. But please consider accepting offers of help from friends, family, church members, and even asking for help occasionally. Meals, errands, chores, or sitting with Jerry so you can take a break. In the caregiving business, this is what they mean by "putting on your own oxygen mask first". They say a caregiver should give themselves at least 4 hours a week off of caregiving duty. It helps to avoid caregiver burnout.

SHARONA - I don't know what the dreaded -404 message is. But if it's not a new name for a style of Levi's then it doesn't sound good. Glad you got it resovled. And 18" of snow??! And you have to go outside to get to your sewing room! I've read articles discussing unusual items quilters utilize and I've never heard anyone yet say snow shovel.

JANA - yay for having the stars lined up! That quilt will be a done deal by next week! Ooh, finances. I hate those talks. The other dirty word is "budget". Ugh. I have always had enough food (and TP!) on hand to survive for several months. I have 3 different pantries (not counting our well-stocked trailer), plus a disaster hidey hole in our basement level. Rotating everything keeps me busy on big grocery days.

LORI - I don't make a lot of pillowcases, but when I do I used my serger instead of doing french seams. I guess I spend more time chosing fabrics than actually sewing. . Ahhh, hexies. I blame Mary Q who gave me a 2-1/2" template 11 yrs ago. So I used it to start a project to keep busy in waiting rooms while we were taking my brother, Albert, for his many medical appts in Seattle for. I finally set that project aside for several years but That Darn Judi got me all het up about it again. I wonder how far I'll get this time. Feel free to jump on this bandwagon! The more the merrier! (or is it misery loves company? :lol: )

MARY Q - did you get all of yesterday's sewing chores done? Can you get back to real quilting now? My house was built in 1976. I bought it in 1986 and 3 yrs later redid the countertops, floor, and had the cabinets refaced. I also designed my own floor to ceiling cabinets to be installed on a wall where a tiny kitchen table was meant to be. Ten yrs ago Bill and I changed the floors, countertops, and appliances again. Kitchens are fun to redo - but expensive.

LYN - it's exciting to watch your new sewing cabin take shape. You will have fun getting it set up. You won't want to leave it!

JUDI - prayers for your sweet DDIL. Is she going to M D Anderson in Houston for treatment? How long will she be gone? And is anyone going with her? I sure hope this helps her.

KATY - good news to hear Jim is improving, and that his teeth have been found. Is your DD there now? Do you have a prospective buyer for your farm? How many acres are you selling and how much property are you keeping around your house? Yes, we're going to Alaska. My brother lives in North Pole. This will be my 10th trip, I think. I've flown twice, driven the Alaska Highway many times, and taken the ferry once before in 1989. This trip will be the ferry again and my sister and dbil are going with us. We will be gone the entire month of August. It will be weird to travel in our car instead of truck and fifth-wheel.

LOIS - what fabric did you order for your pineapple? Did you make a practice block? I assume it passed muster? We'll be doing groceries today, too.

TINA B - you sound happy as clams there in warm VA! Hope all appts go well.

Yesterday I finished all the cleaning I intend to do for this round. I was going to go Goodwill shopping, but decided to wait until today when I have to go out anyway. I spent an hour organizing and measuring my white & cream fabrics then finally started cutting out my first Christmas quilt (Scaredy Cat Christmas). This morning is chiropractor, grocery, Goodwill and pick up mail. This afternoon will be more fabric cutting and this evening will be hexies in front of the TV. It's going to be a fun day!

Bobbins! Fill 'em if you got 'em!

mary z

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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by WeSignificant » Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:41 am

Good morning quilting friends, I have read the last few days but no time to respond to everyone. My day shift job is working 6 nurses short right now. Vacations, illness, injury. So I am everywhere. Heading to Santa Rosa area today.

Went to my first Go Big class last night Learned how to cut 2 1/2 in strips, squares and some diamonds. Learned you can cut binding strips for a queen size quilt in one pass through the machine! Sure wish I knew that earlier in life. I have to remember to sign up for next month. She has a class monthly on different techniques.

Chriss caregiving is such a difficult task. I can't imagine having had to care for Dad with no medical background. Hospice does provide respite (5 days) if you need a rest. It is okay to get tired, need a break if even just for your own sense of well being. You got my number if you ever need to just vent. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I hadn't slept well the weekend in Fernley and my first night home but did get some better rest last night. But now, off to figure out my route for today and who I will see first. I also have to finish my cutting for the mystery class on Saturday. Odd sizes so can't cut on the Go.

Have a great day everyone,
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:48 am

Good Morning,,daylight savings time is raising havoc with my sleep. I woke at 715 whicj by my body is 615 my norml time...Ken is home today so we had breakfast and he is doing school work and I am finishing laundry,,I will clean out the bar cabinet today...I dont have to cook supper so I will just have a sandwich later...
I will probably sew this afternoon ken leaves at 230p for his class. I have some pantry stuff to put away...after stocking this pantry I realized some things I dont use enough to store so I took a bag to the food pantry in town...and I need to put away the new stuff...I did buy some corned beef for the St Patricks day dinner...and with cabbage ,carrots, and potatoes. I will make my irishman some soda bread and he will be happy.
I will make stuffed cabbage this week also for the freezer as there was a good buy on cabbage,,,
Lois I cannot wait to see your pinapple quilt. I dont rememebr is it for you??
Tinab prayers for your surgery hope all goes well...are you staying in Virginia or going back home.
Sharona I hope you get a nap in today...When Ken wakes up in the middle of the night He is sworn to keep quiet...He doesnt want to poke the sleeping bear...LOL
maryz I will gladly take the blame foe the hexi quilt it will be so pretty when it is done...
Well I hope you all are having a fun day....Im off to get my chores done...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by maryq » Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:27 am

Good morning Girls

Happy Wednesday Indeed (it's my favorite Wednesday of the month--Social Security Wednesday)

Lois.. Oh my gosh I just remembered you texted me the other day!!! My kids were here visiting and I totally forgot to get back to you!! When you get few more pineapple blocks up on the wall, send me a picture again and I'll happily post for you!!

Tinab... How much longer will you be in VA? Are you having both of your feet done? Do I remember it correctly that you are staying with your daughter? That's a long time to be away from home!

Sharon... You only got about 2 hours of sleep? Oh my gosh, for sure you get nap today!! Snow coming your way? We're due for some rain tomorrow, but that's okay, even tho I had planned to go get groceries tomorrow... it can wait!

Maryz.... Yes I think I can finally get back to real quilting now. Though my cutting table in the kitchen still has some misc. STUFF on it that I have to find a home for. Katie brought me some books/magazines to look through and I still have odds and ends of KC stuff here. Since It's going to get nice this afternoon I may get it all lined up in the garage and OUT of the house. You have 8 quilts you want to do before Christmas?? :lol: :lol: One per month? That actually doesn't sound too bad, quite do-able!

Valerie... Your Big GO machine sounds like it would be so fun and quite a time saver!! Just to cut strips and squares... theoretically it would help to turn all your scraps/left overs into nice organized usable pieces right? I have seen gals on Facebook sell "jelly rolls" of fabric that they have cut themselves!

Judi.... How long do you suppose we can blame DST for feeling groggy and sleepy! I sure didn't want to get out of bed this morning, I think I'm still looking for the hour I lost! I probably won't find it until November!

Chriss.... Whatever the day brings you today, I hope that there will be a few moments where you can sit with a cup of coffee, maybe outside on the porch/steps or where ever just to sit and relax for a bit! Prayers for both of you today.

Not sure what the POTD will be here, lots of little things to do... clear off cutting table, haul some more stuff out to the garage. Before I start the wedding quilt I think I'll work on a little "what the heck, why not" project I started a few weeks ago.. It's MQS "Picnic quilt".. This is what happens when I see a cut pattern and think... OH I have the perfect Fabric for this--I'll have to try it!.

But first... More coffee... .and then some rocking music!

Wishing you all a Wonderful Wednesday

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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by auntjana » Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:39 am

Good morning!

The proverbial they lied again! Why am I not surprised! It snowed at my house, lots of big flakes. Flakes were about 2 inches around. Fun to watch fall. And they're falling again now. That's March here in the mountains. The powder hounds are in overload joy mode!

Daniel brought by the Trex deck board samples. We will go with a pretty dark brown. It's called expresso something. Michael figured out the financial stuff. I got my way for the most of it. Daniel's friend in California will do my interior floors as well as help Daniel with the deck. This young man also did my house with hardwood floors in Concord. He's really good. Daniel worked many jobs with him too. So the deck will get expanded by about 4 feet, new stairs down the side to the yard, new LVT inside and the chimney that the builder did wrong will get fixed as well. So I need to go find the LVT I want color and texture wise., tomorrow.

Today I usually do the cello run with Ethan, but will switch up with Stuart and get the little girls instead. Since the stars are aligned, I will finish quilting a Halloween Kimberbell wall hanging. It's almost done and then attach the binding. Sarah will help me this weekend with loading the stars on my LA. My hand has a terrible time with a arthritic thumb., making snapping on the red snappers difficult.

Enjoy the day! Fun things are out there awaiting!


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Re: Wednesday March 13,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:12 am

Good morning. Went to bed at 9pm last night and woke up at almost 6. My goodness it felt good. This morning the gal will come to give Jerry his bath, so thankful I don't have to do that, and this afternoon a friend will be here to stay with him so I can get some groceries, she said she has nothing else on her to do list so I may hit a thrift store too.

Sharon, yuck, 18 inches of snow. Enjoy your nap, hope it's very restful. Amazing how important sleep is. Did DH wake up at 2am to start his day?

Maryz, Come get me, we will go to Good Will together. I am going to have me time today. I know I need it but it's not easy to leave Jerry because I need to hear what he has to say.

Valerie, I'm sorry you didn't sleep well while you were away, I bet those kids loved having you there. There is no way I could be a caregiver for a living. I keep telling myself that after Jerry I will need to take care of my dad then that's it. No one else in my life should need it. I, in no way, am a caregiver. I can be a mom, a grandma, an aunt, but care giving is so not my calling. If I lived closer to you I'd take those classes you are taking with you. I'll check into the respite care.

Judi, Jerry doesn't like cabbage. After all this is over my plan is to have cabbage in my dinners until I run out of things to cook. Stuffed cabbage, cabbage and kielbasa, corned beef and cabbage, fried cabbage slices with fried eggs, etc.

Maryq, Next Wednesday is my favorite Wednesday. Jerry's SS check gets deposited on that day. I have been sitting with a cup of coffee most of the morning except for little things here and there. Moose and I often walk up and down the driveway for an escape. It's when I get to see what I am grateful for. Let me know what you find in those books and magazines, I know there has to be treasures. Is the MSQC picnic quilt the one with snowballed 4 patches? it's cute.

Well that's it. The dog has been out, Jerry has had breakfast and his meds. This is my take a shower window. Yay me.

You all have a marvelous day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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