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Tuesday March 5,2024

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Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:52 am

Good morning,

Yesterday was a good day I got my pineapple ruler and my book.
I have been looking at the book I want to try a block with some scraps then I will order some fabric to make this quilt.
In this book they have diffrent looks for this block.
So after the gym I'm going to give it a whirl with scraps.

There is nothing more to report other than it's raining out :lol: .
Everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:11 am

Good Morning Lois. We are supposed to get rain also today but "they" say only 50% chance, We had some rain during the night sunday but not very much. Yesterday I walked around the yard and got over whelmed by all the work needed...so much of this acre is gone wild from when we moved here 20 yrs ago. it is like being ing the wilderness in the middle of town,,,its a fun place with deer and raccoons and possums running about...and of coursr the ground hogs who have taken me out of gardening,,,I think I will do a few tomato plants near the house,,,but that is about it,,,,I do have some perrenials that need to be cleared...I will get to that after they are high e ough to see ,
Today I will run to the dairy for milk,,and meet a friend for lunch,,,supper today will be tacos...and we have a hockey game at 6 it will be Rykers last game of the season...no more hockey for us... :(
I have been doing a bit more on the hexis since I didnt put them away,,it is just handwork in the evening,,,I havent started the Christmas quilt yet,,I think I will head to the new to me quilt shop tomorrow and see if i can be inspried,,,
Lois I cant wait to see the new quilt....Is it for you??? Is it paper pieced? I see there are a few ways to do the pinapple block...
All of you have a wonderful day,,,Keeping you in my prayers...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by velvet » Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:13 am

Good bright morning in SC. Tomorrow we get the rain.
Today I'm going to a class at the lqs- using Sue Pelland rulers and method. Just before co-vid came she came and did a show. I brought the rulers and the book- her quilts are beautiful. The instructor at the shop has been taught by Sue and it should be great, I never opened the rulers yet. If it comes out nice, I'll try to get it posted. Wish me luck. Has anyone seen her work??

I hope everyone can find some memories to make them smile today. Mine is the day I held my little baby daughter, Dawn, in my arms for the first time. On the 13th she turns 51.

Enjoy the day

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Mar 05, 2024 5:24 am

Yesterday we took a ride down to Branson to pick up a used riding mower for the kids house. It needs work, but Jie knows how to work on them. By the time mowing season gets in gear it should be working.
SJ still hadn't had his bath and today not looking like it will happen. We may need to go check out attachments for nee tractor...tractor is used but new to us.
Sew for me please.

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Mar 05, 2024 5:42 am

Good morning,

We had some kind of moisture during the night - and we're only 35* now. They say a few snowflakes are possible but we're too close to the water so we usually don't get any "possible" unless it's liquid.

DIANE - happy upcoming birthday to your DD. My Lara's middle name is also Dawn. She just turned 52. I've never heard of Sue Pelland so I Googled her. Her quilts are beautiful! Especially that Baltimore Album. But ya gotta love applique! Which class are you taking from her?

LOIS - I'm anxious to hear what you think of Pineapple! I made mine several years ago as a gift. I think I just used the lines on a regular square up ruler to make mine. After you mentioned it I watched the MSQC tutorial using the Creative Grids ruler and it looked pretty slick. Did you buy the large ruler or the smaller one? It's always fun to try something new.

JUDI - I do hope you get to your LQS and find oodles of inspriration! Wish I could go with you. I finally decided a few years ago that I just can't keep up any longer with all I was doing in the yard so I've let much of it go back natural. I've used rows of large rocks, or logs in some places as my "line of demarcation" between yard and woods. I've given some thought to hiring a landscape maintainence company to come in once or twice a year just for seasonal clean up, but haven't gotten there yet. Have fun at Ryker's game!

MARY Q - sorry you lost your sunshine. But glad Chriss found it! Maybe, being a fellow left-coaster, she'll share a little with me. How many pillowcases do you plan to make?

JANA - hang on - more storm is on its way! Enjoy! No thanks necessary. It's my pleasure to share!

FLO - I bet your homemade sauce is wonderful. I confess I use store-bought spaghetti sauce. The cheapest I can buy. Please don't tell your gramma!! I doctor it up and let it simmer in the crockpot for an afternoon. My secret ingredient is a pinch of cinnamon for the entire pot. And I mean just a pinch. No more. We enjoy it for a meal and I freeze the rest in pints. How goes the tractor hunt?
PS - I see since I wrote this you must have found a tractor. Terrific! Details please - remember, I'm a tractor girl so brand, year, model, attachements, etc. Congrats! Our JD"s name is Scout. Our last JD was Mrs. Butterworth or Mrs. B to friends.

LYN - how is your gravel?? Do you just love it?? :D You've really got the ball rolling now. Are you headed back to the coast this week or going to stay for shed delivery?

CHRISS - I'll make you a deal - I promise not to look under your stove if you promise not to look under mine! And let's include fridges in that deal while we're at it. And I've used Murphy's oil soap for wood, too. It's been a few years. I should do that again this spring. Thanks for making me think of that. Sigh.

Yesterday I got the three little kids' quilts into the mail. I sent them to Autumn via UPS. I thought about making pillow cases to match but I ran out of fabric for two of them. Maybe I'll get more later and make them for Christmas. The fabric for Amara's Fab Farm arrived at the UPS store where we have our mailbox but they hadn't had a chance to check in their truckload of packages so we decided to wait another day to pick it up, so we'll get that today and hopefully get it on the frame tomorrow. Bill is going to quilt this one. Judi has me going on my hexies now. At least they are easier to work on in cars and waiting rooms than a large needlework frame or a big embroidery project. Today I'm going with Bill to his dr appt for cataract surgery (set for April 3). He is nervous as anyone would be at the thought of their eyes being operated on, but since he only has vision in one eye, he's even more apprehensive and now is talking about a second opinion. I'm thinking that's a stall tactic but he needs to be comfortable with his doctor. But he can't stall too long. I can tell by his driving he needs to get this taken care of. Soon. He has no depth perception. I have a little more cleaning/organizing to do in my sewing room. I should ditch half my stash, but I tried that once - spent 3 days going through it all and ended up getting rid of one piece of fabric. I'm hopeless.

Have a fab day!
mary z

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by WeeOne » Tue Mar 05, 2024 5:59 am

Happy Tuesday to everyone!

It's primary voting day in some states, we voted last week in case we weren't here today.

The granite gravel was delivered and is spread out, but we need just a tad more for my cabin to sit on. Handyman put some up in a parking area and in a walkway to the house, too.

I ordered the cabin last Friday it should be here by the end of the month and set up. Hopefully I can get it wired and insulated before we leave for the summer. This is a small town and a permit for the cabin is no big deal, that's why I got it so quickly.

Sunday I removed the stepping stone from the walkway. It and parking area had this broken glass & rock stuff that I hate. It tracks into the house. The previous owner thought it was neat. It was a lot of work and some of the stones were quite heavy, so I rolled them instead of lifting. Handyman was then able to scoop it all out and dump in a low spot on the extra acre, then spread new gravel.

Today we are meeting our friends for an early lunch. They came home from the coast yesterday, for a Dr appt.

Hope y'all can sew today.

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by maryq » Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:59 am

Good Morning Girls

Here it is... Tuesday Again! Wasn't it just Tuesday, last week? :) :)

Lois... So I googled Pineapple quilt... I think I kind of knew what it was but had to look. Might be a great pattern to use up scraps.. hhmm.. I wonder if I have any? Do you know what colors you are going to do yours in?

Judi....Taco's for supper.... great idea... think I'll grab some burger from the freezer and join you! Well, if I have a package of taco seasoning in the house anyway! I'm thinking you could hire Ms. Sophie to come help with yard work? How do suppose that would go over? :lol: :lol:

Diane.... You know what I love about this group... you learn something new almost every day!! I googled Sue Pelland and will go back and check it out...as I LOVE applique I just might have to pursue some of her ideas! She has videos on Youtube too! Oh, BTW, I'm still trying to remember where I put that piece of fabric for you! I have a good memory, but lately... I just can't remember where I PUT things!!! :lol:

Flo... I musta missed it.. you did find a new tractor? and a Lawn mower for the kids... Joe will definitely be a busy guy in the shop!!

Maryz... I have 8 pillow cases to make. I ran to Joann to get some special fabric--needed Football fabric, Basketball, Princesses, Unicorns and Minions, but only found Football and Princesses. I looked on Etsy and they want $12/yard for some-that' ain't happening. I might sneak off to the fabric warehouse tomorrow (but don't tell anyone) I can imagine how nervous Bill is..... My Mom was blind in one eye too from her aneurism surgery and was quite scared. BUT she had a great Dr and I think 1/2 the battle IS being comfortable with the surgeon. The DR that did was has a great reputation around Minneapolis so I was not nervous at all.

Lyn.... I bet you are just getting so darn excited for your new She Shed. You might not want to head north after all---once it's in and wired etc. Don't forget to put some AC in there too, just in case you want to spend some time in there in the summer in Texas!! :lol: :lol:

Lori.. Thanks for sending my sunshine back to me!! About 4:pm here yesterday it came back.. tho it looked really nice outside, it was still too cold to open windows!

Chriss.. ...Thank you Jerry for the tip about watering tomato plants. I'm glad to hear that he has some clear moments and can share feelings with you. I'm sure sometimes things are kind of random and that thoughts come to him that might sound odd. Oh do try Murphy's oil soap.. it's great on cabinets!! I used to use it all the time and now that you mention it, I should probably wipe down my cabinets too! Though I would much rather rip them all out and start over! That ain't happenin'!

Today I'll be home all day, except a quick run to the bank to sign a paper so I can sign a check for the association if I have to. I did get a few pillow cases cut out yesterday and might sew those up today. Call me crazy, but tomorrow I am going to go down to KC's again. The facility hasn't started in her apartment yet, and there is just so much perfectly good stuff that I just hate to see end up in a landfill. I'll bring home what I can, clean it up, send it off to Goodwill or some other charity, or put in a garage sale. There really isn't anything I personally would want to keep, unless there is more fabric hiding in there somewhere.

Guess I better get in gear... it's a Non-shower day, but if I have to run to the bank, I better at least wash my hair and clean up a bit! Man I hate taking a shower!!!

And now I need more coffee!
Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday!

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by auntjana » Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:25 am

Good morning!

It looks beautiful outside, sunny and it ain't snowing! LOL! I know better, just wait a couple of days and there will be more, until at least till first of May. Think of a roller-coaster for my weather, up and down!

Today is a couple of uglies and then playtime in the Batt Cave. It needs some attention to get organized and my toys where they are useful. So not much else here in these parts. Oh, maybe the entertainment will be to see what the city is doing to pave a street up the block. It is a street that needs it! They are adding curbs, gutters and sidewalks. There are potholes that can swallow your car. It's also one of the main streets out of the neighborhood. The city has been fighting with the homeowners to get this done, for years. Easements etc. My area is a older, horse owner properties that have been sold off and homes built, so roads are needed now.

Enjoy the day!


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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by zfatcat » Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:48 am

Diane, I watched a Youtube on the rulers. It looks interesting. Hope it works out for you.
I'm not a fan of Misty fuse. It makes the fabric a bit rubbery.

Judi, the older I get, the less space I want to deal with. An acre is a lot of yard to clean up. Have fun at lunch today.

Lois, pineapple blocks are fun, but a lot of work. I did 14 - 5 inch blocks in my Jen Kingwell quilt. I think they had 37 pieces each. It was very tedious.

Maryz, it's nice to get the quilts out of you house and on to the next location.

Jana, enjoy the sun while you can.

Lyn, hope you can get everything done before summer.

Chriss, yes, thank Jerry for the watering tips. lol I didn't get to the layering of quilts yesterday. When I do, you can throw yours in and I set them up for you. I usually do several at a time. I have two big tables in the garage that I set up.

Maryq, happy hunting for things to save. Hope you find so good stuff.

The boys just had their breakfast, so we'll wait a bit before we walk. It's sunny, but a bit chilly this morning. Hopefully it will warm up soon. I need to work on a plan to organize things here and go though stuff at my dads. They kept everything over the years, so a lot to go though. I'm purging my stuff now so my kids don't have to deal with it. I find as I get older, I really don't need a lot of stuff that I thought I did when I was younger. I do want to sew a bit today.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Tuesday March 5,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:47 am

Good morning. Not sure who to believe. One weather report says rain on wednesday. The other says we will be dry and pushing 60 all week. What really cracks me up is that the weather report often tells me to take an umbrella or wear a sweater.

Last night the alarm on Jerry's oxygen concentrator went off. This morning the company is supposed to bring me a new machine and back up water bottle and tubbing. Last night I removed the water bottle and the alarm stopped going off. Like Jana's smoke alarm this happened during the night. I'm a little ticked at the DME supply people. They brought me different machines but failed to show me how to operate any of them. Guess in the rush to get Jerry going on Hospice things were overlooked. I will voice my concerns in writing to the appropriate people. Maybe they will listen.

Lois, happy pineapple quilt making. How fun it will be. Are you going scrappy or do you have a color scheme? It's going to be gorgeous.

Judi, My yard is also overgrown, and my indoors has been neglected. Having a do over is not going to happen so I need to tackle it one room at a time. I am also overwhelmed. With that amazing family of yours you could have a yard work day. Call it work for food and have pizza or a bbq. If they all show up the work would be done in about a half hour.

Diane, enjoy your class. What will the end product be?

Flo, I have a riding lawn mower but no clue how to make it work. Jerry always did that kind of thing. I'm a weed eater person.

Maryz, that is where you and I are different. I didn't read the hexi part of Judi's post because I know that I would also be pulling mine out. Ok, you got a deal about the stoves and we will include fridges. Pinky swear! I bought Murphys oil soap yesterday so it will be applied today. See, that is where selective reading comes in. Sorry about the suggestion. ha ha. What has been going on with Vicky's house?

Lyn, which cabin did you buy, is there a website. It's going to be so cool. I'm glad that the plan for it is progressing quickly. I'm excited for you.

Maryq, I'd also love to rip everything out and start over, but that isn't an option. Guess we are stuck with what we've got. Jerry does have a lot of lucid moments as well as humorous things. His mind is still pretty good, only sometimes forgetful. I'm grateful that he and I can discuss things that are hard to discuss.

Jana, that sunshine sounds wonderful. Hope you get a chance to soak it up.

Lori, again we are twins. I am wanting to purge stuff too. Like who needs 6 glass pie pans? Who needs 4 cookie sheets? We just have too much crap. I wish it were warmer so I could start in the garage. I am not looking forward to cleaning out my dad's house, every nook and cranny he has is full. I guess that's where I learned it. This will be the year of the great purge. I also want to sew today, see you in the sewing room.

The hospice nurse will be here soon, her visit will last only a few minutes, just takes Jerrys vitals and asks if anything is new. After that I will have breakfast and start my day. Hoping I can finish the kitchen and move on to the next room. I am just not getting my butt moving. I'd rather sit here with Jerry than do anything.

You girls have a groovy day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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