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Friday March 1st,

Daily discussions.
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Re: Friday March 1st,

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:57 am

Good morning. It's going to be a soggy day and weekend. The rain is supposd to let up on Sunday, but the bulk of the storm will be tomorrow. So thankful I live where I live, I'm almost always below the snow line. I can sometimes see it on the mountain but very rarely in my yard.

Today the plan is to sew. I made some strip sets for the lotto and I want to iron them and put them into a Dresden. Congratulations to Lori and Kathy on winning the Feb lotto.

Tinab, I always get my hair cut a bit shorter than I like when I get a hair cut. In my mind I'm getting more bang for my buck. That's a lot of locust tree pods. Does your tree flower? It must be huge.

Jana, so glad Andrew is home, hope he slept well last night.

Sharon, glad DH is feeling better, hope that he is 100% soon.

Judi, those kids are extra special. Love that Liam and Sophia will be visiting often, it makes me smile too. I googled glad tidings quilt and saw a few with that name.

Diane, my granddaughters birthday is March 3. Marilyn was born 03/03/03. Hoping this rain we are getting goes to Texas next and douses that huge fire.

Maryz, what a sweetie that Bill is. such a thoughtful birthday gift. What a special memory of your father in law's passing.

Lois, how exciting for Olivia. Such a talented young lady, and what fun to move up on the ladder. high five to her.

Lyn, Marilyn is about 4 hours north of us. For her to get to a train she has to travel an hour. Because she is young and has priorities other than transportation, she spends her money unwisely. I will gladly pay for the train ticket, but she has to get to the train. I could get her to the train but feel she needs to choose things like a $500 play station or things that are really needed. She will be having her hair stripped and colored for her birthday and is eyeing a new tattoo. See what I mean? She also lives in an area that gets tons of snow and working at a grocery store where she has no future. I'm hoping she will learn, but don't want to enable her. I also don't want her to see Jerry like this. So glad you have a handy man who stats early. Drives me nuts when people start late. Gravel prices in your area are comparable to mine. I pay about $100 more per load.

Valerie, hope you are able to dodge the rain drops in your travels. I have family hand me downs that until I found out I was going to be a grandma didn't matter to me. Not that my new grandmunchkin will want any of it but I have it incase he/she does.

Flo, Ugh, a lingering cough, I would be ticked too.

Jana, it's difficult to lose weight, especially those last few pounds. Seems that when you HAVE to lose weight it's harder. And for me food is my comfort. It's all I can do to not go in the kitchen and make a stack of pancakes as tall as I am and just scarf them down. Glad your stars lined up just right.

I have a poinsettia plant that my parents gave me 2 Christmases ago. It didn't turn red last Christmas because I didn't realize it had to be put in the dark in order to turn red. Well little gnats or maybe gall wasps (we have lots of those) seemed to be in the dirt. It's outside in the breezeway now having a time out.

Guess it's time to start my day. you all have a marvy day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

Posts: 656
Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:58 pm

Re: Friday March 1st,

Post by patches4 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:14 am

I just remembered I storedan amarylis pot of bulbs in crawl space to be dark and forgot to take them out at Christmas and after looking for them they did nothing. Oops on my part. I think I am just always trying to pinch quarters out of pennies. Years ago I had a hairdresser who did it out of her home and was really cheap. Now since Covid she quit and have to got to JCP but even with my discount its really expensive at least I feel that way. My late Mother would get her hair done every week. Guess I would rather spend month on charity quilts. Went to Joann the other day because I had a $5 coupon and rescued more fabric from their lonely shelf than I probably should have. Will give me a smile to get started on it when we return again to Illinois.
Just thought I'd share that little factoid. So many of us seem like we have done and do similar things.
Thats why we are sisters, quilting sisters.
Gotta get going still have 3 tops to put together.

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