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SUPPER CLUB Wednesday June 7th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB Wednesday June 7th

Post by gershwin64 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:23 am

Good morning everyone!
Jana, Holly and Jazmyne both did that with round brushes when they were little, it took forever to get that hair out! Glad it was able to be gotten out at your house too.
Lori, glad your arrival was safe, sorry about not being able to land right away though, I don't think I'd like that part.
Carol, I can't make a trip like that either because of my leg, back and sciatica.... I'm a mess.
We went to Tucson yesterday for the hood, fender and hinge, it was the longest trip I've been able to take in 5 years, I think my chiropractor is helping me ❤ We ended up being gone for 10 hours because I have to stop every hour to walk around, they were short 10 minute walks going over but coming back they were 30+ minute walks.
Today I'm finally getting my hair cut. This afternoon is Matthew's last T-ball game and we're going to that.... Friday I go back to the chiropractor and I'm gonna really need it after these trips!
We're eating with Kevin, Maria, Matthew and Elijah for supper so I'm not sure if it's eating out or at their house yet.
You all have a great day!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB Wednesday June 7th

Post by Quilter7 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:38 am

Good Morning,

Tina - Thanks for setting the table. I am so sorry you have so much pain. I hope after a few months of Chiropractic visits you can be free of pain. Enjoy your new haircut today. Glad you got the parts to fix Jasmyne's car.

Jana - Glad Karlie learned a lesson with the hairbrush. It must have been painful. Hope you get to sew today.

Lori - Glad you made it to your destination. Enjoy the wedding.

I managed to baste one of the tops yesterday so today I will begin quilting. First, I will need to clean off the surface of my quilting table. I need to clear a few other surfaces in the sewing room too. I have been making a new recipe every day for the last week and it is taking up a lot of my time. Today for dinner we have leftover Bean and Barley Soup. It was really good yesterday!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB Wednesday June 7th

Post by zfatcat » Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:43 pm

Tins, glad to hear you are getting better. I know it's takes longer stopping, but it's good to get out and walk around.

Carol, I like trying new recipes too. Cooking does cut into my sewing time though.

I went to one of my favorite quilt shops this morning, Quilts Etc.
Got some buttons and fusible for my OWL project. I'll be getting ready in a bit for the wedding.
Have a lovey day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB Wednesday June 7th

Post by auntjana » Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:29 pm

Good afternoon!

Oh the fun here at my neck of the woods. So first off, Sarah called from work, she was having a vertigo attack and needed us to come drive her home. So off we went and not more than a block from our house, we got into a bumper thumper. Right at where there's construction. The company has a portable red light they move to create one way traffic control. Well, that stop light was put in the wrong place, causing cars coming from our street to not be able to tell if the light is red or green. So when we realized it was red for us, we needed to back up and there was another car that turned left right behind us, on a diagonal to my car's rear side panel and crunch us both. We most likely will be at fault, but more than likely responsibility will be equal. But knowing State Farm and all the pictures of the wrong placement of that light, we took, they will be going after the contractor for costs. Michael did accident investigation for most of his career, so he took pictures documenting everything! We called Aaron and his Sargent came out to take a report . Aaron couldn't because of conflict of interest. We finally got to Sarah and she's home now, in bed. This construction will be going on all summer, causing messes! Now to call our agent.

So, dinner - Humm, out? We'll see...

Lori - that venue is very lovely. Flowers everywhere! Hope it all goes well.

Tina- that's a long trip! You could have almost drove from my house here in Utah to my old house in California in that amount of time. We split that trip into 2 days! Glad you got the pieces parts.

Carol - I too like to experiment on my family. They're relatively good about trying new things.

Well, time to finish up what my accomplishment list was before this morning's interruption,


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