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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 21st

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 21st

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun May 21, 2023 6:07 am

Good Sunday morning!

Yesterday was certainly a mish-mash of activities. A little yard work, some vacuuming, a bit of cooking, sewing, and then Al & Tina showed up about 2:00pm. After that, it was visiting and eating until bedtime. I did get my OWL April block finished. Ready for May but I think I'll cut out that third flannel shirt first - when I get the chance. Today is an unknown. The guys will work on a leak in Al's water tank and we girls will find something more fun to do but we'll decide that later. No one is up yet but us.

TINA - sorry you can't talk the Big Ones in your family into going to DL. It would be fun for you all to go. But maybe you and Frankie can just take a day or two and go do something fun on your own - maybe drive up to Santa Fe or Taos and play tourist, or go for a scenic drive and a picnic? Sit by a river and read a book? Or drive over to Tombstone and Bisbee. Those are fun places to explore. I think you both need a break.

JANA - oh, I hope this house offer works out for the kids! Maybe having to fix a shop space will be half the fun for Daniel - making it his own! And yes, I've thought about when Babykins has to go for her first shots. I always cringed - especially with my 'starter baby'. Amara is 7 weeks so they will be doing that soon, I'm sure. I agree - I think DL would be top notch fun in October - fewer crowds and fun decorations! Christmas was great but SOO many people! Halloween would be better! Especially in the Haunted House!

CAROL - Chicken parm sounds delicious. I think I'll put that on my "Menu list" for during A&T's visit. And nope - no other campers are here. We blocked out three weeks. But we did have a young couple here for a couple nights, full-timing in their RV for the past year, touring the U.S., trying to decide where to settle. They left about 90 minutes before A&T arrived.

Tonite we're having marinated flank steak. I've never done this before. We had it at the big dinner party the other night and I got the recipe for the marinade. I'm anxious to try it. We will grill it. I'll add mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli. And crescent rolls (made and refrigerated for my convenience by the good folks at Pillsbury. :D ) If anyone wants afters, we have ice cream bars.

There will be plenty if anyone wants to join us! You're invited!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 21st

Post by Quilter7 » Sun May 21, 2023 12:57 pm

Good Afternoon,

Maryz - Hope you are enjoying nice weather and a nice visit with your sister.

I met had lunch with a friend yesterday. We had a nice visit. Then I came home and sewed for a while. Last night I cooked enough Parmesan Chicken and Potatoes for dinner. I will add a salad and vegetable.

Not much new here today. We had a nice breakfast and went to Mass. Now we are home to do a few things. I think I will sew.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 21st

Post by Becca » Sun May 21, 2023 1:56 pm

Hello everyone sunny here in70s Went to Church this morning Been reading & lazy today Yesterday was a long day For Avery’s party
Denise and Mark are going on a get away Tomorrow thru Thursday To the Mtns
I got books to read & chores I want to get done I also have to have my car inspected
Plus shopping so I will stay occupied
Carol Glad you & DH could go for a relaxing break That helps
Maryz If you only knew how I am in limbo
I am always needing something in storage And I oh so want to be independent again
All I can do is wait I never knew it took so long
Enjoy your Sisters visit Don’t you take turns doing the cooking Seems she would staying for 3 weeks
We had leftovers for lunch I have no clue on tonight Could be breakfast Mark pulled a muscle playing tennis so he probably won’t be doing it

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 21st

Post by gershwin64 » Sun May 21, 2023 6:06 pm

Hi everyone!
The kids stayed the night but are home now, I was a tad exhausted LOL
Mary, Frankie never wants to go anywhere. I'm ready to just buy my own plane ticket and go by myself but I doubt I'd enjoy that. Oh well.
My mom went with me when I had to first take Holly for shots, I cried.
Pillsbury is my friend too 🤫😉
Carol, sounds like you had a nice day. I love chicken parmesan too.
Becca, I bet you're getting antsy not being independent but hopefully you'll get your own place soon. Hugs.
We had leftovers for supper and a bunch of raw veggies.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 21st

Post by auntjana » Sun May 21, 2023 6:31 pm

Good late evening!

23 hours and counting. 5 pm my time tomorrow. The sellers officially accepted our kids off, it the other fails to meet the contingency. Having a baby is less stressful!

Dinner was usual Sunday fare - fend for whatever is in the refrigerator. We had way too much pizza yesterday, so that been the go to munch. I have plans tomorrow, to whip up a batch of Chili's salsa - I have a very good copycat recipe and then a no bake lemon cheesecake. It's a new recipe to try from Pioneer Woman- hers are usually pretty good.

My day is planned, but who knows if I'll get it done.

Mary - hopefully the boys found and fixed the water link. In the mean time, I sure you and Tina had lots of fun!

Carol - meeting up with a friend is w9nderful!

Tina - we too don't go very far anymore. Too hard on Michael's blood sugar numbers. I do miss taking off for adventures.

Becca- I understand needing your own stuff, when you want it! Lots of prayers it won't be too much longer.

We have a Rebecca too - only she goes by Becky - she's Sandee's sister. If there had been another girl or two, with my family, one was going to be a Rebekah and the other was going to be Elyssa. We did get a Elyssa, so of - my best friend named all her girls with E starting names and when her last was a girl, she had run out of ideas, so Sarah suggested Elyssa - that's what they named her and she's now an assistant district attorney here in SLC.

Well off for the night, we are quite toasty warm at 81, currently!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 21st

Post by zfatcat » Sun May 21, 2023 7:31 pm

Becca, I love spending time in the mountains. I have a quilting retreat in October in our local mountains. I can't wait.

Jana, Lemon cheese cake sounds pretty good right now.

Tina, I think you probably would have a blast. And everyone would be jealous they didn't go with you.

Carol, I used my #10 foot on my Bernina to quilt a top this afternoon. Thanks for telling me about that one.
I did the stitch in the ditch and it worked out for well.

Mary, I bet the men are glad to have a problem to solve. I'm sure you and your sis had a fun time while they were busy.

This morning I cut out some wool flowers for an on going project. Got it a little more organized. Then this afternoon I quilted up the top I finished the other day. It will be going to the foster children program.
I also quilted up my mini. I submitted it to the fair. It's so small and cute. I need to bind both quilts.
I was thinking about doing a facing binding. I watched a Youtube on how to do it. I like the look of it for a wall hanging.

Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches.

Sleep well
Lori 8-)

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