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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 28

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 28

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:21 am

Good morning,

Today is my oldest niece, Lisa's, birthday. She will be 61! "Little kids" should never be 61! lol! I was barely 9 when she was born. Her due date was supposed to be the 23rd, my birthday, and I didn't understand then that babies don't always arrive on their due date. What a disappointment when my birthday came and went and there was no baby! lol!

Yesterday all I did was play in my sewing room. I made good progress fusing my travel trailers for the HSH swap. And I cleaned up a few messes and baked 2 loaves of banana bread. This morning I will work a little more on my blocks, plus maybe make a couple April lotto blocks. Those should go quickly given that I now have squares of every usable size already pre-cut! Then I have a lunch to go to at a friend's house.

JANA - our friends, Bob & Betsy, were married on a Friday the 13th - your birthday - about 53 yrs ago! And then almost 11 yrs ago she got her new lungs, also on a Friday the 13th, but in April. They considered it very lucky, indeed! I think, given Michael's eye appt and the weather forecast for Boise area, you are wise to stay home and send condolances and flowers to the funeral. Stink bugs are a little smaller than a dime, are shaped kind of like a royal crest or shield, with a shell. UGH! Our area had a big infestation last summer. And what we've been having here lately were hibernating leftovers that woke up when we lost our furnace for a week and started having fires in our upstairs fireplace and it got over-warm in the house. We do have bugs that some call potato bugs and they are gray and live under rocks, wood, etc. They roll into a ball when disturbed. But are harmless.

CAROL - you do indeed, have a lucky birthdate! But then, we all do, I guess, because it's the date we got born! lol! Another quilt show! lucky you! I love going to them, checking out the vendor booths, seeing what new ideas I can gather. But I find prices aren't much reduced at the shows I've been to. I actually prefer smaller shows so I'm not so overwhelmed. I've been to Houston twice and it boggled my mind! The first time I never even got to see any of the quilts and only about 1/2 of the vendors.

TINA - yay! You made it to the table! Glad you finally got your mini charms. I didn't realize GB had a postal hack. There are so many ruthless people in the world. What is the name of your quilt pattern so we can Google it? You must be feeling a lot better if you are sewing, gardening, and cooking! Yay!

BECCA - glad you are getting some sunny days. Sunshine is nature's mood elevator! I'll think of CA come July 5th. A year of firsts can be difficult times. Will also be thinking of little Gabriel when he goes for his next dr appt.

IRISH - if you stop by the table today - we have two baby eagles! One hatched 2 days ago and the second last evening. Two tiny balls of white fluff. SOOO cute! From what we learned last year, it will now be about 90 days until they fledge. It's fun to watch them grow.

I was poking around in our freezer this morning and found a bowl of smokey bean soup. I pulled it out and that will be supper tonite. Plus a small salad on the side. I would love biscuits or toast to go with, but it gets to be too much food for us.

Got your menu set yet for tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 28

Post by Quilter7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:24 am

Good Morning,

Maryz - That is exactly what I always say, I have the luckiest date on the calendar, but everyone's birthday is a lucky day. Happy Birthday to your niece, Lisa! There are quite a few having 75th birthday parties in July! I do not know what I will be doing for my birthday. What you described to Jana as gray and rolling into a ball we call roly-polies. Potato bugs are two inch long golden brown, yellow with horns and very ugly!!

Yesterday I finished my section of the 2024 Opportunity Quilt. Maryz made several of the Gypsy Quilts. I cannot remember the name, but the Opportunity Quilt is that pattern. I just made one strip. I was given all the blocks and strips to finish the section. It was fun to work on it.

Today is a Disneyland day for me. I let my DH know I will be there longer than the last few times. It is supposed to be fairly nice weather and with Daylight Savings Time it will be lighter later. He will be on his own for dinner. I have the day off cooking duties.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 28

Post by auntjana » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:52 am

Good morning!

It's bright and sunny outside, but oh so deceiving, it's cold!

Sandee's RV is huge! She has enlisted Karlie and probably Ethan too to start loading and setting it up. Part of Sandee's plans with the new toy is to travel in the summer, since she's off from teaching. Her mom's side of the family has a family compound near Placerville and so her Aunts, uncles and cousins all have homes there and she can pull her "home " and stay there and see them. At 9ne time, her mom had a section of the property, but due to circumstances, the siblings bought her out. It a very large piece, her grandparents bought many many years ago.

Dinner last night was extremely yummy! My chille rellanos were perfect! And so simple to make. Just the way I liked and the way Kari did too. We had rice a roni, Mexican flavor and it was very good too. So dinner tonight is still unknown, hiding in my brain and the freezer!

So far, I'm ignoring the laundry and will sew instead.

Carol - oh fun, another day in the wonderful world of Disney!

Mary - I have stayed away from watching those eagles, I know they would capture my attention all day!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 28

Post by Irishgram » Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:55 am

Good afternoon from a semi, kind of dreary, SW. Pa...But, it's not real chilly not like some of those March days in the past.....Every where you look, trees are budding and plants are popping their heads above ground...Hopefully, we won't be getting a hard frost until next February......

Mary, I have been watching the eagles and so happy to see the new baby.....Don't you just want to reach through the screen and cuddle one in your hands....Don't know if I had mentioned it or you might have seen, on the Ft. Myers nest, Harriet had disappeared almost 2 months ago and the male has been taking care of the babies...Harriet was probably going on 20 and she was last seen chasing another eagle away from the nest so it could have been, they fought and Harriet was injured but there were search parties out for days, hoping to catch a sign but nothing....But, the male as taken over, being Mom, Dad and protector...He has taught them well and both have branched...There have been a couple females visiting and ready to move in but so far, could be he's still waiting for Harriet to come home.....I get too attached to these critters and it's like loosing a family member......
I wondered who was baking yesterday...It never fails, when I have something in the oven, my close neighbor will pop in...On Sat., I was baking zucchini bread and sure enough, even though she's just out of the hospital with AFib, she walked over...We have decided we're going to have an AFib party but so far, it's just the 2 of us, lol...
Just had a message from Kathy...She's at the airport ready to board for Vegas and be in Pittsburgh around 9:00 tonight...Said there was a big storm coming and she just wanted to get out of Reno...She's only able to stay a week this time and then they leave for Mexico...She has the whole summer planned and sure hope it's better, health wise, than last year.....
I've always said the word "hate" was not in my vocabulary but when it comes to stink bugs, I take that back...They drive me crazy, last year wasn't too bad but have a feeling, this coming year will be awful because we really didn't have a very cold winter.....At the other house, they liked the ceiling above the window on the second floor (just above my sewing machine) I would keep a water bottle, half full of sudsy water and just reach up and they'd fall into the bottle and then they'd go for a swim....Yep, I really, really dislike stink bugs!

Becca, I can imagine how excited you must be these days....New baby and new house, doesn't get much better....I was being nosey and looked on line where your new home will be and it's absolutely beautiful....I really, really like it and know you will love it plus having so many new friends.....

Jana, you mentioned potato bugs and that sure brought back memories, not good ones, lol....Between those and the tomato worms, it was terrible..It was always up to my sister and I to take care of them and it sure wasn't a race to see who picked the most...Yuck!

Carol, happy birthday and hope your day at Disney is the best! I have never gone to a quilt show and I'm almost 86, that's unhead of, right????That's 1 of the things on that bucket list, now to find the bucket.....Enjoy your day!

Well better get moving...Need to clean the bathrooms and run the vacuum..Then I need to run to JoAnn's and pick up my mail...My sister and I have a meeting tonight and I have a feeling, I'll be driving...I took her for a new (to her) shot yesterday and she was told to behave herself for a couple of days but she's on the board and needs to be there.....

I'm going to make a Shephard's Pie (with beef) today for my dinner and then of course leftovers for Kathy, either late tonight or lunch tomorrow.....So need to get some salad stuff when I'm out...

You all have a great rest of the day....

Happy eating...............

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 28

Post by Becca » Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:46 pm

Hello everyone sunny here in 70s I had appt this morning for allergy shots then EnT hearing center about hearing aid It’s a 2hr drive both ways & Oh so tiresome Then I got Home & took my long walk I’m now trying todo - Hr every day

BIG news Carol Is in Hospital in Labor We are waiting I hope she doesn’t need a C-section

Maryz Yes the first year is hard but I hear they all are I hope getting involved with new friends will help

Carol Enjoy your Special day at Disney
Yes it’s nice not to cook but I am making them more meals

Jana I would choose to stay home too

Irish It is a pretty place where I’m going I hope it works out good

I have no clue what dinner May be with everyone on alert
Have a great day to all. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 28

Post by auntjana » Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:31 pm

Mary - just saw a cute cat fabric - loralei cool cats - it was bright colors of cats - thought of Kumquat's quilt. Did you know there is also fabrics with kumquats printed on it?

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