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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 26th

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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 26th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:16 am

Good morning,

We are chilly this morning, but are starting to have more highs in the 50's now rather than the 40's so that's progress!

Yesterday was cleaning our big family room. Then finished cleaning sewing room after crazy project and trimming scraps. Then a funeral at 4pm with light supper there. Today, I plan to tackle the top layer of dust in our downstairs bedroom and bath. After that, I'll be in my sewing room working on my HSH swap blocks. We have no commitments today at all.

BECCA - Glad Denise's eye is doing better. Sorry you are having wet weather, but seems you are having more nice days now than wet ones. Nice to be able to walk in the sunshine. Thinking of your baby - excitement grows - even here!

CAROL - glad you got those eye drops straightened out. And that you weren't taking the ones that have been in the news. We so agree with you about the care and service CVS gives their customers. We use them, too, and can go back and forth from WA to TX without a hitch in our Rx's. And yes, our friend, Annette, was very pleased with her dr appt. We had been trying to get her to get a second opinion at U of WA for almost a year but she refused, saying her dr was on top of things. Well, FINALLY she did get that second opinion, got a diagnosis almost immediately, an Rx for treatment, and will have a few more simple tests just to doubly confirm but she's on the road to managing her problem (a liver issue), but not before suffering additional liver damage due to the delay in treatment. She was told this was actually a simple diagnosis to make with the blood work that was done. She is 75. The moral of the story is, second opinions are never a bad idea!

We have a bit of lasagna left so we'll put that with salad tonite and enjoy. No cooking!

What about you?
And are any of you planning your Easter dinner yet? We have a small ham in the freezer that we will most likely cook that day.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 26th

Post by Quilter7 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:25 am

Good Morning,
Sunny and windy here today. After Mass we will be meeting my friend at a restaurant for lunch. We had a lighter breakfast this morning. Dinner tonight will be leftovers. Both DH and friend have decided what they will be having for lunch. I think it is funny.

Maryz - I will be 75 in July. If you think it is young it is young and if you think old you are old. Glad she got a second opinion. I have three projects going on right now. I think it is too many too.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 26th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Mar 26, 2023 11:04 am

Carol, for the record, I think 75 is still a young and vibrant age!! My parents were 'old' as early as I can remember (they were 36 and 39 when I was born) and I refused to be like them. I am choosing to model myself after my brother instead, who just turned 89 and at this very moment is driving his semi from Fairbanks to Beaver Creek, Yukon, and DOT certified to drive for at least another year. He is youthful, brilliant, witty, and sharper than anyone I know of any age. He says he will start thinking about retirement when he gets old. lol!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 26th

Post by auntjana » Sun Mar 26, 2023 2:06 pm

Good afternoon!

Oh yes, anything in the 70's is young! I'll go kicking and screaming that I'm not old!

Just got some sad news, a dear friend of ours passed away. He lived with his family in Nampa Idaho. We knew them for many years in Concord, before their whole family moved to Nampa. So it looks like a road trip sometime soon. Nampa is a little over a 5 hour drive from me. We've known this friend for 48 years.

Not much else here, just sewing and trying to keep ahead of a kitchen getting dirty.

Easter dinner is being decided between my girls. Most likely at Sarah's, with her kitchen done. Easter this year falls on the same day as Kari's birthday. So we'll see. My family are traditionalists. There must be ham, Aunt Sarah salad, green stuff and rolls. Veggies are the only thing that changes. Desserts change as well.

All the kids are off from school this week. Spring break. Matt and family are heading down to St George to play with toys - their side by side and see Crenda's grandmother. She's getting up there in years, over 90 now. They rest are here. Kari was going to California, but there's too much snow predicted, so she's staying here.

Stay warm,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 26th

Post by Becca » Sun Mar 26, 2023 3:30 pm

Hello everyone sunny hereafter a rainy morning After Church Denise did laundry & I folded while they went on Greenway
We had fruit salad for Dinner Itwas good & refreshing
I have no clue on Easter Thry usually do ham & the traditional dishes It’s all up to baby We are waiting
Have a great evening. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, March 26th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:23 pm

Hi everyone!
I'm super late but wanted to drop by and say hi.
Jana, sorry about your loss.

I've been trying to sew everyday, I'm getting 4 to 6 blocks sewn together on my king size Bee quilt that I'm making.
Temps are cool and with the wind makes it colder.
We had popcorn chicken, noodles and salad tonight.

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