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FRIDAY, March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

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FRIDAY, March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:17 am

Top 'o the Mornin' to ye!

I've got my green on (my nightie but it has shamrocks all over it, so I'm dressed for the occasion!)
Yesterday was a busy, sewy, day. I finished my Crazy top! I posted a pic over in PHOTOS if you want to see it. Wide flannel backing for it is supposed to arrive tomorrow so soon it will be a finished "coverlet". Is that what we'd call it without batting in the middle? I also decided to make a small International Sunbonnet Sue for little Kumquat's baby shower, which will happen AFTER she is born. It will be 12 Sue's of her ancestry. It's a good thing my roots are so diversified. Twelve blocks will bring the quilt up to a good size! lol! (but just so you know, I'm more Irish than anything!) But I was texting Mary Q and Chriss my plans for this quilt but accidentally sent my text to Autumn instead. So that cat is out of the bag. She said she was wondering where the quilt was. Meaning she knows her mom and knew there would be a quilt arriving soon! lol!

VELDA - that cake sounds pretty simple! Even I might not mess up THAT recipe!

CAROL - I've heard of Fit bits alerting people to problems so sounds like a good idea to me. I have one but haven't used it for over a year. I'm not even sure where it is . . . Maybe I should make the effort to find it . . .

JANA - so glad that cutter was found! And that Michael learned a lesson - if he moves your toys to at least tell you! We were all worried. I like Snoopy and the Doghouse. And Sandee, of course, will be Woodstock! My mom loved Snoopy best of all cartoons! And yes, we're going to the ocean - Grayland Beach St. Park. We have our WA Stat Senior Pass which allows us to camp for only $10/night, with hookups. Until end of April. We'll get a new pass come Oct 1st.

BECCA - so Gabriel's appt was "inconclusive"? So we'll wait for the next appt. I wonder if they are scheduling any other scans in the meantime to give them more info . . . Thinking of him. My son lives at least an hour from us but it's through awful traffic. I hate the drive.

We're going to 62* today so we're thinking of grilling burgers just because we can. Not very Irish, I know, but it's very Bill & Mary. We'll have a GREEN salad on the side, at least. I might bake a carrot cake today to put into the freezer for camping.

What are YOU planning for your supper?

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Re: FRIDAY, March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Post by Quilter7 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:40 am

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I am dressed for the gym and will leave in just a few minutes. The Doctor's lecture yesterday got to me. I need to do weight exercises not just walking. Guess lifting quilts doesn't count! lol

Maryz - You have made wonderful progress on your Crazy Quilt. It is just beautiful. According to Ancestry DNA I am 76% Irish, 21% Scotland, 2% Wales and 1% Norway. Seven out of Eight great Grandparents originated in Ireland and one in Switzerland. I don't know where the Swiss DNA went but I don't seem to have any.

Jana - I like the names of Sandee's truck and trailer. If she is going to be Woodstock when traveling what will Sarah be named this summer?

Dinner tonight will probably be Mac and Cheese because it is the fourth Friday of Lent.

Take care and hope you all have full bobbins!

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Re: FRIDAY, March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Post by Becca » Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:36 am

Hello to all
Cloudy here with misting rain
Maryz There will be no more tests for now They just have to have further discussion together I can appreciate the fact they don’t go in without knowing more for sure
Seems traffic is worse every where now
Your quilt is a real show stopper I do love scrappy

We have leftovers of chicken soup so Denise will add something I’m sure The scones are here too
Have a great day to all. Becca

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Re: FRIDAY, March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Post by auntjana » Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:38 am

Happy St Patrick's day!

We are doing the green everything dinner, that is except for the corned beef. I even did green pancakes this morning. Aaron and family will be here for dinner.

I have 2 handy helpers today and we made short work of the uglies here together. Yoohoodi is vacuuming and then, they will dust. Ethan knows how to clean, but Karlie is still learning. She has never done much in cleaning, maybe a small bit of her room, so Grandma to the rescue of teaching!

Aaron's business conference is over and he's back home. It was real far away, Wendover! Wendover is the joke of towns here in Utah. It gets no respect.

Mary - what a cute idea for Kumquat's quilt. You could add a bit of family history of who descends from each nationality. Maybe even make a special Sue block, that incorporates something from each, that represents Kumquat, for her own special block.

Becca - I like the cautious approach to things too. Yes, everything is getting crowded, our special quiet corners of the world are getting found out!

If I get to sew, it will probably be just marking the next step in soon to be last bunch of sawtooth stars. I'm working on the kitchen table and we'll need to add the leaves to handle dinner tonight. Then my day is interrupted tomorrow with a funeral. Did I ever say I hate funerals? Oh, I so do!

Stay safe!

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Re: FRIDAY, March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Post by zfatcat » Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:15 pm

Jana, sawtooth stars are one of my favorite blocks. What colors are you using? It's always nice to have cleaning help. Glad you are helping Karlie learn how. It's important that kids learn to help out. Someday they'll need to know.

Mary, a SB quilt will be perfect. Too bad it won't be a surprise.

Carol, lift heavier quilts.

I sported my Kelly green t-shirt today. Did some sorting of fabric and came up with a file box and a half to give to the garage sale at our quilt show. Along with other notions and thread. I still have some more to go through. Trying to rid myself of things I'll never use.

Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs. We didn't have it a couple nights ago. It was very yummy.

Sleep well ladies.

Lori 8-)

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