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Friday March 10th 2023

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Friday March 10th 2023

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:47 am

Good Morning,, It is snowing very hard here we have about 4 inches on the ground and they dont expect it to stop till this afternoon...They cancelled all the school...BUT NOT THE STATE PLAYOFF HOCKEY. We will head out about 10 for an hours drive to take Liam as his parents cannot get off work today. it will be a very snowy drive to the rink. If it were anything but states we probably would not go. but it is important to Liam...
I did get half the laundry room done yesterday,,,I went to home depot bought the stuff and installed the shelving I needed to store stuff and sorted through all the catch all that was in there, I am half done...I need to do the walls, woodwork, and floor yet,,,( Ken said he was impressed) I will continue the spring spruce up on sunday if there is no more playoffs...
Last night I sorted a few scraps and threw away some that were just too small to use, packed up some orphan blocks and scraps to go the the guild ladies. I did get another row of Jane done and crashed into bed,
Hope if your stormy it is a mild one...We are getting hammered here,,,,,I will be a slow drive to the rink, yes we will go slow and be careful......prayer for a safe journey, Maryq I am counting on your pull with St Christopher,,,, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by Becca » Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:01 am

Good morning everyone Rainy here
Much better than Judi’s snow unless you can stay inside
Judi Be safe & hope your team wins It makes us feel good to get something all clear and organized

Maryq It was mixed feelings about the house We had lived there 40 yrs I know I couldn’t keep it up plus I wasn’t close to any of the children I hope the people enjoy it as much as we did

Sherry Stay warm with your kitty & doggie for comfort

It will be a stay in day I plan to get out what lady at Church gave me to see if I can work on it here with very little space
Hope everyone has a great day and your weather isn’t bad Hugs Becca

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:02 am

Good morning Judi,

Judi sorry about all the snow we will be getting rain in our area around 4 .

Yesterday was ok we were told our eye Dr has retired he has been sick so we are now astablised with another 1 he is the head of the practice and we already have our apt.for next year.
And my eyes didn't go back to normal until 5:30 :lol: .
Today I have a gynecologist apt for a yearly check so then that will be it for now.
When we get back I will try to get some cleaning done but if not there is always tomorrow :lol: .

Judi prayers to you and Ken and Liam for safe travels to the state hockey tournament 🙏💙❤.
Well thats it for now I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by WeeOne » Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:43 am

A cloudy or foggy day here for now.

The F.A.R.T yesterday was great. In fact one friend and I are going back to a couple stores today. I had found some flower fabric that will go with my hexi flowers that I finally have sewn, all 52 of them. And one of the shops called and I won their drawing. Yeah Me.

Have a great day.

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:56 am

Good morning,

JUDI - Yay for a clean laundry room! The only problem with starting there is no one can see all your hard work! Well, maybe they can - I guess I don't really know. Perhaps that's where you do your entertaining - everyone gets a load to fold while they drink their coffee and chat. :lol: Sorry. Guess I woke up on the silly side of the bed this morning. Be safe on the road! Here, if the schools are closed, all games, even tournaments, are cancelled. But talking schools, it should be a school day - but they scheduled games on a school day??

LOIS - Sometimes it's nice to have a stay-in kind of day. Good excuse to do nothing but play with your toys! And what are you building with those toys these days? More bibs?

BECCA - I hope you can find room to work on your new project. Hard to have nothing productive to do. Hoping the sun shines on you again soon!

LORI - how is that spool quilt coming? Are you using any particular pattern (Q has a booklet) or just devising your own? Do you know what's next?

VELDA - I know you had a terrific visit with the kids. Nice that your DGS can fit in family AND friends on his leave. My DBIL is in Yuma right now, for two weeks with friends. And haha! I do SOUND organized, don't I. But I believe I said I PLAN to get organized. We'll see if it all happens. It really takes a long time to organize - and USE - scraps. Especially when you're busy working on other projects.

LYN - congrats on your big LQS win! What was your prize? Hope you find more good treasures. We need to get your stash built up at your new house!

CHRISS - You are getting on the Katy-clean bandwagon, too?? I'm trying to resist and for now my crazy quilt is keeping me away from the mops and rags, but I can feel it starting to bubble up. I'm always last to the party. And no, we don't watch the Oscars or any other award shows. Bill says it's just a group of people getting together to try to outshine everyone with their clothes and give each other awards for doing their jobs. :lol: And then complain of being snubbed if they don't earn an award. We would rather watch Frazier reruns. But I do enjoy seeing the dresses. I'll look for People Mag at the dentist office next visit. They usually have a good spread on the clothes.

MARY Q - you had a busy, busy day yesterday! I hope you can power down for the weekend. I don't care for poly batting either. Would Viv want it? Is there enough to bother saving for her?

SHERRY - is your gen set wired into your house or do you have to go hook it up and start it yourself?

JANA - it will be interesting to see what the plan is for that "dirty" property. You cleaned your laundry room yesterday, too? I thought about it. Really did. I even looked in there! Decided it wasn't going anywhere any time soon, closed the doors and went upstairs to my play room instead.

Yesterday I put binding on my North Stars quilt and got the last of my crazy blocks made! Yay! Then I started doing the fancy gold stitching. I got 10 done in 20 minutes. I was timing myself to see just how much I have ahead of me. I have 264 blocks to do. Well, now 'only' 254. I'll take several days to do them, But I'll be breaking up the action with other fun things like laundry, cleaning, etc. A sweet person is sending me a shirt pattern, so I think I'll be back in the shirt business again, soon, too. And I have fabric and pattern I bought 20 years ago for a summer dress. Maybe I'll get motivated to make it, too, finally. Bill is loading up my Christmas 2022 swap top today, so I'll be doing another binding next week. Then he'll only have 2 more tops to quilt, though I could do one of those myself with a freehand meander if he poops out on me.

Today is bobbin filling day! I'm wishing you all enough to get you through the weekend!

mary z

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:04 am

Congratulations, Lyn! Do you know what your prize is? Hope the distance to the shops is manageable. Have fun!
Judi, safe travels through the snow. It can be a lot scary. Mostly anxious about how the other drivers drive !
To I start my painting. I washed the surface and dried it with a cloth, but between the letters, well I decided to use my hair dryer. Now I noticed I got gloss paint. Nope, don't want gloss, so I am headed out to exchange.
Yes, our son gave us knife set that we left behind when he took over the house. They were a special wedding gift ( almost 56 years ago). The handles are faded. I think the kids used to put them through the dish washer? Anyway, I am going to re-stain them before DH hangs up the wooden holders. More projects for me. LOL

Hope you all have a great day!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:42 am

Schools know hockey is sometimes on friday,,( especially tournaments) if the school has their own hockey team they completely understand and dont fret about the boy ( and girls) not being there,,,,fortunately school was cancelled due to snowmagedon. but they never cancel playoffs....(they also dont fret about cheer, soccer,gymnastocs and dance recitals) Kids know they have to make up the work and they do.....xxxxoooo

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by auntjana » Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:40 am

Good morning!

I had a helper in my lap for a few minutes this morning. Smoky isn't much of a lap kitty, but was here for a time.

It's raining hard here with lots of wind. We waited until this morning to put the cans at the curb. Good thing we did, Michael spent a few minutes picking up all the neighbors trash that blew out into our yard. The wind is fierce and blew over several cans down the street. This rain is from Chriss and it's the warm pineapple express, so our snow melt is starting. They are warning of flooding. We are fine.

So I have to go out in a little bit, much needed milk is on the list. So a short scavenger trip. Then home to sew on my project.

Yesterday, I was being silly, and wondered how many miles, OK, feet of baseboards there are in this house that need to be washed to spring clean? A lot! Example, a 10x10 room, with no closet or window would be 40 linear feet. Now we know our rooms are bigger than that and there are more than one! See what you started Katy! LOL! So what's in your wallet, um, house, to paraphrase a commercial? Told ya I was being silly. I have fancy tall,, colonial baseboards with lots of nooks for dust. Glad I have a Ethan, who loves to earn money!

Well, time for breakfast and get going,,

Stay safe,, warm and do something fun!

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:16 am

Good morning. It's going to be a soggy day today. Nothing but rain in the forecast for about a week. So very thankful I live on a little hill and water runs down it. While it has been raining since yesterday late afternoon, I really don't see the puddles that I thought I would see.

Got the living room Katy-Fied yesterday today will be the dining room and perhaps the laundry room or bathrooms. I wish I could move the washer and dryer to really clean, but not happening. Saving the windows for spring when I can open them, so I don't have Judi-itis just yet.

Lori, just how many projects are in that closet? you might be a very busy girl

Judi, so nice you still impress the hubby. Safe travels to the hockey game. They canceled school here too. Lots of water but not nearly as much as I thought there would be.

Becca, what did the lady at church give you? I missed it, when do you move? I think about what I would do if Jerry weren't here to help with this house. I probably would look for a place closer to my son or at least look in a senior community.

Lois, hope you like your new eye doc. ours said he was retiring but hasn't yet. hope your appointment shows no issues.

Lyn, yay you, so nice to be a winner. hope it's a great prize. There is a shop hop going on around here but I am not planning any travel in this weather. If it were not raining I would be tearing up the road.

Maryz, glad you got a shirt pattern, hope you love it. your crazy quilt will be so cool. nice and scrappy, just how I like them. I also need to clean my sewing room but am saving that for either last or next to last. I do have that junk room that needs some serious attnetion.

Velda, between the painting and staining you will be a very busy girl.

Jana, good to know aobut the baseboards. I have been on my knees the last couple of days wiping mine down. I think, because of your math, I am over worked. Perhaps I need a break today.

Maybe I will just sew today. I think that is a better plan, don't tell Katy.

You all have a fantastic day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Friday March 10th 2023

Post by Quiltmom » Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:56 am

Good afternoon all! We got at least 4 inches of snow last night and supposed to get more this afternoon. All the schools were cancelled for the day. Smoke, Sweetie and I are just hibernating for the day. I am not letting Smoke off the porch to go out in the fenced in yard today to do his business. The snow is deeper than he is high. I will just clean up the porch after the storm. When the weather is like this he doesn't like to go out anyway except to do his "business".

Judi - Have a safe trip to Liam's hockey game and stay safe. Hope he wins.

Maryz - My generator is hooked to the propane tank for the house so I don't have to do anything if the power goes out. It kicks on automatically. Luckily have only had to use it once for a small time since I put it in last fall. Just glad to have it though.

Well, time to go get some lunch for all of us. Not even going to go out for the mail until my neighbor who plows my driveway does it. Probably won't be until tomorrow since supposed to get more snow this afternoon. Nothing in the mail is that important. Usually only get my USA Today and that can wait until tomorrow.

Hope all of you stay in and keep safe and warm.

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