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Sunday MARCH 5

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Sunday MARCH 5

Post by mepeace2 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:24 am

Good morning quilt buddies
I have been working away at spring house cleaning. And yes my house gets rather dirty during winter months. I washed down dining room yesterday. Also washed windows and put up clean spring curtains. That makes two rooms completed. The next room will be the bathroom. It really was second on my list but usually takes me two days. So I switched rooms. I am taking it easy because of my back.
I did a yard walk around yesterday. I am getting anxious to start my garden. I have potatoes ready to plant but its still too cold. Here is the list of veggies I will be growing potatoes ,tomatoes ,cucumbers.lettuce .zuccini .green beans. radishes . spagetti squash , peppers and cantelopes.
Today I will tackle the china cabinet which contains depression glass dishes. I hate to say this but it has not been done for a couple of years. A lot of dishes. LOl
Hopefully I will also get into my sewing room. Its starting to yell at me.
For lunch I am fixing stuffed green peppers and asparagus.
HMMMM I think thats it for now. More coffee for me.
You all have a terrific sewing day

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:04 am

Good morning Katy and all who follow

Katy you are really moving along on your spring cleaning thats great your finish line will be here before you know it.

Today I have nothing planned I've been working on some small projects nothing major I got an email the other day from Nancy Halvorsen she sent me the layout of the quilt and colors for each block she said this usually goes to shop owners that are doing the block of the month it is 15 pages long I don't think I will print this out I will keep it on my phone.

Well thats all the news from here have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by Becca » Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:27 am

Good morning everyone
Kathy your house will soon be sparkling
I had lots of cut glass too but it’s all gone now I couldnt keep it
Lois You have a great day whatever you do
I hope it’s a slow day here After the last two weeks of cleaning house I am ready for a slow down
It’s supposed to be in 70s here Spring came early athe birds are singing
I’m getting ready for Church Have s blessed day to all. Becca

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:28 am

Good Morning Katy, I envy your ambition..I to have a very dust old house my house is 100 yrs old and still needs a lot of remodeling...I have been collecting ideas to update its interior and the outside could use it too...We dont put a garden in anymore...We have too much shade and poor growing soil here and there are just the 2 of us so I do the farmers markets and fruit stands and freeze as much as I can. we eat fresh corn all year from the freezer...
We had 3 hockey games yesterday and both kids are done with this round...we have more play offs this week but no schedule...Today we have RYkers game at 10 so we will be home after that to watch the snow melt...I will probably sew when we get back...tomorrow will be cleaning day,,,,and dont worry Maryq no windows yet it is too cold to do them...they start in may...when I can open windows while I wash...actually cannot wait for the spring air to come into the house...
Good morning Becca and Lois too

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:19 am

Good morning,

KATY - I think I would be more excited about the garden than the china. You are going to have some tasty meals come summer! Your post left my mouth watering. I love all those veggies!

LOIS - Nice to have that OWL info. Though I'm a paper person - I would have to print it all out. In fact, I've have a binder all bought, labeled, and ready to fill with all those beautiful patterns. You should see my LOTR binder - a bulging 3" binder with all the patterns, photos snapped off the computer, plus photos of my own finished blocks. All for a quilt I have NO intention of ever making again! Some people think I have a touch of OCD. I don't see it myself. :D :D

LORI - I love your block! I think the blue gives more interest. Nice choice. Maybe you can use the other one for a pillow or small wall hanging to accent your quilt.

IZZY - when we are advised to "keep our eye on the prize", or to have something good/fun to look forward to after getting through challenging times, I'm not sure a colonscopy is what they had in mind. But I will pray for a good one for you! And at least you are finding ways to keep occupied and productive in your down time. I hope you have some help with your DD and the farm chores.

JANA - . . . .and a good time was had by all! Did you get to play yesterday in your sewing room after the party? How are your stars coming along? Do you have any more snow predicted?

MARY Q - Sounds like some progress was made for KC but more to go. Mary, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know! You are certainly a blessing in KCs life!

CHRISS - How did everything go yesterday for Jerry? You both were in my thoughts all day long. Let us know when the next test is (bronchocsopy?) so we can pray you through that, too.

VELDA - good on you for trying to make your mission quilts all look good no matter what they may end up
being used for. For some folks, your quilt may be the only pretty thing in their homes.

JUDI - you had a full day of hockey! How did your kids' teams do? I guess pretty well if they are playing in anothe round. Did you snow all go away yet?

BECCA - you have earned a whole week of quiet and rest and 70*! Enjoy!!

We went to the Tacoma Joann's yesterday to pick up my new 36x24" cutting mat. I looked for mens shirt patterns because Silverdale Joann's didn't have any and Tacoma didn't either. No Simplicity, McCall's, or Burda. Either no one makes mens shirts any more or else everyone is making them and they are all sold out. Maybe spring will bring new patterns. But the funny thing was my old mat was 35"x23" and fit purrfectly on my cutting table with just one wing of it up. But the new mat is larger and hung over on two sides! And there is really no room to put both wings up. I have a cutting table, a work table, an ironing table, (old repurposed bathroom vanity), and a sewing table in my room. The mat fit on my work table but to have room enough to stand in front and cut, we had to move everything! And to do that, I had to move other things, like two plastic 4 drawer carts (take all the drawers out one by one), etc. It took hours! And, of course, the dog and cat had to both be in there with us through it all. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. All we did was buy a new cutting mat for heaven's sake! lol! But anyway, my sewing room is pretty clean now and all rearranged! Lots of vacuuming happened which did not please Foxy but he's getting over it. So that was yesterday's adventure.

Today's adventure awaits. And I think it will involve the couple who lives "belowstairs", Mr and Mrs Maytag. Also, Bill quilted my Autumn Jewels, a black and bright batik leaves top I made last summer (photo about 3 pages back in PHOTOS), so I'll put gold batik binding on that today. And I'll put snaps on the shirt I finished last week. I have a little fine tuning to do with my room arrangement and then back to my crazy blocks. It will be a full but good day!

I hope we all get some time in front of our machines today!

mary z

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:38 am

Good Cloudy Morning...........

We got another couple of inches of snow but the lake not frozen. I heard on the local news that this is the warmest winter here ever. I can believe that.

I've done a bad bad thing.......Missouri Star quilting Co sent me an email about a new BOM of a sewing machine made of different quilt blocks, 95'x95'.
I've always wanted to do one of those. Plus it has a lot of aqua in it. I always wanted to paint my sewing room aqua & plum. I can't wait to get it.

Not much happening other than that, I have chicken to cook for the week. I was upset that I couldn't get a turkey breast it was $23. Good thing chicken was on sale for .99!

Katy.......you are starting to make it feel a lot like Spring. Hope you back holds out for you. Great list of vegetables.

Lois......how nice you got all that quilt info from Nancy.

Becca.......I remember where I first started out in my adult life it was the house needs this, I want that. You know making my nest. Now it's what can I get rid of except for things in the sewing room. I would offer you a little of my snow except there are others out there with more than me. I know you are settling in to your new home. Have a restful day.

Judi.......Wow! 100 years old. There's always some to redo as the times & styles change. I have bad growing dirt too. Mostly rocks. I can't wait for the windows to be open for the Spring air.

Love & Prayers..........Kathy

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by Quiltmom » Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:42 am

Good morning all! As usual I am behind on reading your posts. Hope to get up caught soon. Beautiful day here in NW Ohio and supposed to get near 55 today. It has been such an unusually warm winter. Only had 1 small snow storm this year and it was only 2 inches. Of course, we have had some real doozies in March, so I am not throwing in the towel yet.

Today will be watching NASCAR race and doing some sewing. I also need to do laundry I am so behind on it. Well finished my morning Bible study so time to go get my Sunday paper.

Have a good and safe day everyone! Hope your weather is nice also.

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by maryq » Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:13 am

Good Morning Girls

Anybody have any sunshine you'd be willing to share! There's sure isn't much here!

Katy.... You have a collection of depression glass too? I have some pieces that were my Grandmother's and a few piece that I've bought, though I wish I would have marked them somehow so I knew which was which. Looks like you will have a lot of great veggies from your garden this year. I might try one tomato plant in a pot here, as I do love fresh tomatoes.

Lois... Yikes 15 pages? That would be a lot of ink! I print out a lot of the embroidery design and sure have gone through a lot of ink lately! Is Sandie having fun with her new machine? Is she going broke buying designs like me? :lol:

Becca.... Oh how I look forward to hearing the birds sing! Just to have the windows open again will be so wonderful! There's a pond across the street from my little house and in the spring the ducks and geese will come back.

Judi,.... Oh yes... way too cold to do windows! I did my outsides last summer--all by myself! :-) I think this year I'll do the insides -- they were done before I moved in, but now after a year it's time. It was so nice here yesterday I actually cracked a window open for a few minutes!

Maryz.... All the moving and rearranging just for a new cutting mat? :lol: :lol: Breaking eggs to make an omelet? It's all spiffy in your room now? Is your machine still sitting in front of your window and the cutting table on the wall by the door? See I remember your house! Yes a little progress at KC's.... still so much more to do, but I told her we need to make a plan!!! She agrees!

Kathy.... Ah so you've joined the "Bad Girls Club"? Years ago we had a topic in sew in for when we were "bad" and bought more fabric than we needed or added to our stash with no idea of what we were going to do with it. I'm a chart member! But it's actually a good sign that you bought the BOM... it means you are wanting to sew and be creative.. and that's important!!!

Sherry.... Good to see you!!! A while back I saw you were feeling so hot... Better these days? Are you sewing or knitting? Or doing puzzles?

Chriss..... Thinking about you.

Yesterday I was a good girl.... got the chores done... toilets cleaned, floors mopped, kitchen cleaned, so today I get to play. Only one or two tote bags to finish then I THINK I might get back to one of my many UFO projects... just need to pick one! All I have to do is look in my closet and grab a little tote box with all the pieces!

So off I go... It's Play Time!!

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:26 am

Good morning. It is going to be a marvelous day today. Wet but marvelous. We may see a little snow tonight but no promises.

Jerry had his PET scan Friday. They scanned him from his knees to his neck. I thought he was also supposed to have a bronchoscopy scheduled but Jerry says that the doctor needs to read the results of the PET scan before scheduling the bronchoscopy. Personally, I think this is prolonging a diagnosis. We will have more information on the 17th at our appointment with the cancer doctor.

After taking Jerry for his test Friday, I went to a town named Hornitos. It's an old gold rush town and very sparsely inhabited. I don't think 50 people live in that town. They have a Catholic church, a town square with a bar, post office, and sort of general store. None of these are open very often. But what they do have are three events each year. The flea market, all soul's day and the biggest, the Hornitos enchilada feed.

I helped Friday and Saturday morning. Friday I cut bread for the garlic bread. Yesterday morning I filled tortillas for the enchiladas. It's really quite a production and people come from all over to attend. The menu is either chicken pot pie or enchiladas (two to a tray) beef or cheese and onion. chili beans, coleslaw, bread. quite a mixture of food but all so very good. All together we made 1387 trays of enchiladas. They had hoped for 1500 trays of two per tray. This fundraiser at $20 per dinner raises quite a chunk of money for the Hornitos Patron club. Monies are used for scholarships, other kid related things and the upkeep of the town. This is my first year and I will definitely be there next year to help again. I was worn out but had a fun time. I really needed that time away from real life.

Katy, I have two hutches full of old dishes and things. Inherited both from grandmas. No one in the next generation is even remotely interested in anything that I have, and I would love to sell things like the cups and saucers that my gr gr grandmother gave to my grandmother for her birthday each year. Do you use the dishes and things in your hutches?
Your garden sounds wonderful. Ours fizzled out last year so Jerry only wants to plant tomatoes. My house will never ever be as clean as yours. I don't put in the effort that you do.

Lois, that would be a lot of pages to print out. If you decide you do want it printed an office supply place might be able to print it out for you. I take advantage of places like staples or office depot when I want things printed, saves my own ink.

Becca, 70? My goodness almost time to wear shorts and flip flops. I am wondering if we will ever see the 70's again but will also complain about the 100* weather in July. I'm a day behind in reading. Hope your move goes well or went well and you love your new home. Prayers said for Gabriel.

Judi, we also hit the fruit stands although they are fewer and fewer. There is one, however, that is on the way to my dad's and when strawberries are in season, I spend a lot of money there. I also want to open up the house and take care of my windows. What I really need is a window person to come in and make any adjustments and tweak my windows.

Maryz, have you looked at thrift stores for shirt patterns? What a lot of trouble a new mat can make. From rearranging to furniture moving to dog annoying. Moose would be equally unhappy about the vacuuming part. He doesn't even like the sound of the closet door being opened that holds the vacuum. I have a similar problem, I got a wool ironing mat for Christmas. It is a smidgen longer than my cutting table with the sides opened up and it is half as wide. My cutting mat fits nicely on the cutting table but is also just over half as wide. I wish my cutting table were a bit wider so I could have both on it at all times. Will we ever be done tweaking our sewing rooms? Why don't you just sew those HST's together and make a quilt. They would make a great charity project. Why is it when someone says free and fabric in the same sentence, I think Ohhhh, I want that? I did the same with Maryq and the KC fabric.

Kathy, you rock that block of the month. I saw that pattern; it really is cute. There is another one out there made of different blocks and it is a butterfly, it's the one I will get someday. I would have gotten the chicken rather than the overpriced turkey breast too.

Izzy, saying prayers for you.

Lori, I love your shamrock block. so very cute. Wonder Lane will be a whimsical quilt and will be a smile maker.

Maryq, just as I am about to hit submit you sneak in, just under the wire. I think it's Becca who has the nice weather and sunshine. It's raining here, pertty much non stop. But, I will be in my sewing room if you want to join me. Just curious because I don't remember. How did you meet KC? She is blessed to have you.

Sherry, it's easy to catch up but takes a day of reading. lean back, put your feet up and go for it.

My day will be spent in my room. I have to get some fabric ironed for a charity quilt for my quilt group. Not sure what pattern I am going to make but have scraps in grey, black and white. I will add a pop color to it all, perhaps yellow. Suzette made a quilt with these colors and it was beautiful. So here I go, breakfast then sewing.

You all have a marvy day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Sunday MARCH 5

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:53 am

Good morning, I have been MIA again. No real excuse other than busy. I have mine and Dad's tax paperwork together. I filed mine this AM and need to make an appointment with Dad's tax man for his. Last few moving details completed. His pictures are now on the wall and he is enjoying those. Did my free sews on the 28th and the 1st. I have 7 lotto blocks cut. Starry night is partially sewn together. Just have to complete the sheep and the trees. My hospice patient is doing well and may graduate. They gave me a Home Health patient that I have yet to be able to visit. Tried 3 times last week and no success. Grocery shopping is done. I am thinking I will go to open sew in Antioch today.

That is all that is really happening here. I need to get caught up on everyone and then I can talk more. Just wanted all of you to know I am still here and all is well. Trying to prioritize my sewing and getting house back in order. I guess my DS and his wife plus DH brother is coming on April 2 instead of 6. I need to work out sleeping arrangements, etc. Plan a menu, start getting trip stuff together. I think I need another one of me.

Taxes came out much better than last year! Might even be able to buy a bit of fabric.

Well if I am going to be in Antioch by 10 I must jump in the shower and get this show on the road. I will read and catch up when I have time.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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