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Tuesday January 31 2023

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Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:10 am

Good morning it is 3 here, we are in a deep freeze for a few days. I have laundry started and will get coffee in a min ute,,,I stripped the bed and will clean up here today. I have a bunch of errands to run as soon as Ken gets home...He took the car today. Post office, drop some stuff off at DD, return to amazon, and buy a few groceries to get us through til friday. I used up all the freezer meals this week,,,and when I get home from vacation I will need to make soups and stews and freezer stuff. We are down to one bowl of chili in there,,,and some mexican, we are going out to dinner on wednesday my sister and friend always insists on a pre vacation meeting,,,(My late BIL always had a dinner meeting before any big trip...so we keep the tradition.) l probably have the rest of the left overs thursday.
I sorted and have all my summer clothes packed,,I got rid of a lot...worn or outdated or just plain tired of...Some of these summer clothes are really old...(Out with the old in with the new)..
That is all for me...hope you are all well and getting through the winter weather,,,or what ever weather you have,,,Prayers for all of us every morning,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:42 am

Good morning,

Judi this weather has been 1 big roller-coaster this year I don't even want to think of what our rest of the year is going to be like glad you got all your clothes ready for your trip.

Yesterday I went to hobby lobby still didn't get my backing for my snowflake quilt but go other fabrics that I wanted.

Today is a must to clean this sewing room it is a MESS.
it's raining out so it's a little easier to do this :lol: .

Well thats all the news from here enjoy your day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:06 am

We are still having ice here. Schools closed again.
Yesterday I got some sewing done on my new purse. It's all in breast cancer fabrics pink, blue and white.
Today I will get more sewing on purse and maybe make a post office run to mail first of month bills if Joe doesn't get called in to salt roads again. He dud get called in Yesterday, so it could go either way.
Stay warm everyone.

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by auntjana » Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:28 am

Good morning!

Beware, the deep freeze is still west of most of y'all! Here, I am at zero! There's a place to my north and east, called Peter Sinks. A natural shaped limestone bowl, at the base of some mountain peaks, and it's always cold. Yesterday it was a -61 degrees and we are colder this morning. The record cold for that spot is -67, wonder if that will be broken. The university has a weather monitoring station there, that they watch and access remotely.

Me, you'll find me in my Batt Cave. Hibernating with my fabrics.

Not much else from the frozen tundra of Herriman!

Stay safe, stay warm! Prayers and hugs,

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by velvet » Tue Jan 31, 2023 6:11 am

Hoping the warmer weather goes to your towns soon. The only MINUS number I want to see is on my scale. So far have had no luck. LOL.

I'm headed over to Diane's to cut fabric for the kit making day next Tuesday. Sometimes there is only her, Pat and I, last week had 6 women. So you never know who has the time.

Its supposed to be rainy and cloudy for the next few days. We have been very lucky as far as the weather.

Prayers for those in need.

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Jan 31, 2023 6:20 am

Good morning,

FLO - Is your new purse for you? I'm not very good at that kind of sewing. I can do clothing, just not crafty stuff.

LOIS - sorry you didn't get the snowflake backing. I had a few wakeful hours during the night and so went through my backing stash. I found a couple fabrics that would work for my snowflake (Christmas Garland) that I made in TX. Do you use cotton or flannel for backings? I use both, depending on the quilt, where the quilt will be used (hot or cold climate), and the fabrics I have available.

JUDI - yay for being packed! And for getting rid of the old! Now to get to FL and bring in some new, perhaps? What a nice tradition to go out to supper together before you leave on your trip. Lets you get a head start on your togetherness! Sounds like a huge part of the nation is in the deep freeze. We're 31* here but I guess I won't be complaining to you. Or Jana. Or Mary Q.

KATHY - I, too, find the big crocks heavy for washing. I have thumb arthritis and can't lift stuff. I often use slow cooker liners. If you haven't tried them, they are great and in the grocery aisle with the plastic wrap and foil. All I have to do empty the crock, throw the liner away, and wipe the crock out with a wet dishcloth. I'm sorry there is such dissention among your siblings. So sad. I wonder if any of them would like to be closer, especially as you all get older, but are afraid to make the first move. It's hard to do.

CHRISS - When Jerry has his appts, let me know. I will put him on my calendar for extra prayers that day. I understand not cleaning more rooms out for now. Kind of gives the wrong impression. I hope your sewing is giving you the comfort and distraction you need right now. For what it's worth, we have a good friend who only has one leg. He lost his leg bit by bit during several surgeries through his teens. A result of spina bifada. But he had a full career, full-time RV'd for 14 years after retirement, and has done everything anyone else could do - even dances, (though he doesn't jitterbug much!). He has a very positive and bright attitude. I did get my little ghost quilt quilted and bound yesterday. It's all ready for the label which I can't do until I know if she's going to have another name besides Kumquat. I just can't decide when to give it to her - birth? next Christmas? First birthday? Or where to store it for now so I'll remember where I put it!

MARY Q - Brrr!!! You make me cold just reading your post! Yes, you earned a day to stay at home if you want. So, where is all the leftover fabric going to be stored until the big garage sale later this year? I do hope not your house. You could pack it all neatly into boxes, take them back to KC's, and stack them up in the shape of a table and cover them with a table cloth! You said she needed a table. And for the sale, are you packaging several fabrics together for one price rather than all individual pieces?

DIANE - I figured bby was meant to be BB&B. I also typed out just the initials and my fingers really wanted to get that 'y' in there! Sad to see businesses go down. I do see that Toys R Us is starting to come back . . . maybe "bby" will, too. Happy sewing today!

JANA - I don't know - it looks like Mary Q might have you beat in the cold category with her 15 BELOW. Even my brother in North Pole, AK was in positive territory yesterday. But your Peter Sinks place might be the winner - or would that be loser? My sis and I flew to Alaska to visit our db one January. It was MINUS 45 degrees there one day. We did go outside for 3 minutes. Our nose hairs froze! It was fun to do the water toss trick - toss out a cup of water and it instantly freezes as it falls to the ground.

VAL - I wonder what was going on with the other night nurse that night. On nights you are working, do you sleep until you get a call or do you stay up, dressed, ready to go if called? I'm glad you have the base for getting groceries. That must really be helpful. And yes, southern states do get bad weather. NM is high elevation and has even higher mountains. It gets COLD! Texas, too. It was as low as 15* over Christmas this year - 5 days of freezing temps. We were in Austin, center of the state, during that time. And Amarillo in the panhandle, can be bitter cold and windy in winter. That is where our friend, Tex, is from, and he says he's glad to be FROM there. :lol:

LORI - yoo hoo! Haven't seen you for several days. Hope all is OK . .

Yesterday I went to Goodwill and got pretty dishes to fill with the shells I picked off the beach in LA and I also found two pieces of black/white check fabric. In the afternoon I quilted and bound my Little Ghost quilt and now it only needs a label. But for that we need a name, which we won't have until April. Today - I think I'll get one (or possibly both!) of my other quilt tops ironed and backing pieced, ready for quilting. They won't get quilted for a while yet but at least they will be out of my sewing room and acrtoss the hall and into the QQ. I didn't get to Feb lotto yesterday, but soon. I also need to call for a chiro appt. My day is filling up!

May your day be blessed!
mary z

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by maryq » Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:33 am

Good Morning Girls

Yup... it's another cold one here.. 10 below! Warming up to 8 Above today! But I HAVE to go get groceries and stop at the bank and PO on my way. SO I'll just bundle up and hope for the best!

Judi... You have 3 days and a "wake up" to leave for Florida!! Did you go shopping for some new summer clothes? On my to-do list of winter projects is cleaning out my closet and "de stashing" old ugly things.... am waiting for the mood to hit me! But I'm thinking I better have some new things on hand to replace the ugly or I'll have to go "unclothed" :lol: :lol: Funny, but I had a dream about that last night!

Lois... Oh Honey, you haven't seen a MESS until you've seen MY mess! Couldn't find what you were looking for at Hobby Lobby? I saw someone post on FB that Walmart is getting rid of all their fabric on bolts---super cheap! Not that I'm a huge fan of WM fabric, but some of it ain't all bad.

Flo.... Is Joe one of those guys that goes out and plows? I salute him! Minnesota does such a wonderful job at clearing the highways. Would love to see your purse when it's done! Am thinking about making some to sell at the garage sale in WI this summer!

Jana.... Oh my goodness 61* BELOW I don't think Minnesota could top that! Though up in Innternational Falls, MN (right on the border of Canada) they do a lot of testing for cold weather stuff... like car batteries etc. It gets super cold up there. It's warmer in Anchorage this morning!

Diane... :lol: :lol: :lol: Minus numbers on the scale!!!! You and me both sista!!! I had to buy new skivvies after Christmas!!

Maryz.... I was hoping to NOT have left over fabric!!! But since it's hard to sell fabric, nobody wants to come out when it's this cold. I'm going to pack it up and put it in my garage. NO way could I take it back to KC's no place to put it! I could go on for hours about the condition I found her apartment in when I was there. I think I'll load it up and take it to Wisconsin, or perhaps have little fabric sale in garage when the weather warms up --- may be April. There's lots of individual pieces and one large tote box full of "kits" coordinated fabric. She wants me to find a home for a king size quilt top! It's actually pretty, but I sure don't need one! You always have such good luck at thrifting! I wanna go with you!!

Chriss... Was Jerry able to make some appointments yesterday? You know you will both be in my thoughts and prayers every day! I have seen the power of prayer many times in this group and I KNOW it works!!

Guess If I am going to get out of the house... I better get in gear... a couple things I need to do this morning, then maybe by noon or so it will warm up to at least above zero. But you know.... I can never tell the difference between 10 below and 10 above any way! It's still dang cold!!!

So Keep Warm or Keep cool... where ever you are!!

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:57 am

Good Chilly Morning......

We had a dusting of snow last night. Lucked out again from deep snow.
Have a few uglies then sewing. Looking for my next quilt & I've picked the "You are my Sunshine" kit. I bought it because it is what I sang as a lullaby to my girls. Beside the saying it has lots of sunflowers. For the backing I bought NY & TX fabric. It's a lg lap size. Hope to finish both for next Christmas.
I have a chicken defrosting, it might be ready by Thurs. With all the chatter about I've been looking for some new & interesting recipes. Today I'm going to make some tapioca, I have some of the large pearl size.

Judi......you are up early. No laundry for me today....it's broken! :roll: Repair due tomorrow, oh well. What a great idea filling the freezer with meals. I wish I had done that when I had the family. I did freeze soup & lasagna. Enjoy prepping you Summer cloths for your trip. New is always fun.

Lois.....Happy new fabric. What are you looking for, for the back? Hope you find something fun in you mess.

Flo.....can't wait to see your purse, like those colors. In that weather we really love to see Joe salting.

Jana.......that's a very cold spot. Is it a beautiful spot. Remote monitoring sounds like the best idea. Happy sewing

Diane........hope you have a large cutting group today.

Maryz.......thank you for reminding me of the crock liners. I forgot about them...Walmart here I come. Maybe some beef stew with extra carrots.
It is sad, sometimes I feel like an only child. And what a poor example for my girls & their cousins. No one wants to play nice family. Want some Westhampton Beach shells, stone, & beach glass? About 1 cups worth?

Love & Prayers.......Kathy

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:24 am

Quick drive by this AM, busy morning and HHA will be here in about 15 min.

The first two (of 6) blocks for my Scraps of Kindness BOM are done. 3rd is started. We are doing 6 a month. They are 8 1/2 inches. Going a bit better than I expect. Back to Vacaville shop for another day of sewing.

Have request about 64 hours off in April for our trip to the Delta. Daughter will be married on the day after Easter. Hoping we can get the ADA cabin out there that week. Not sure of the plan if we don't.

Prayers for all those in need.

Maryz the rule is you should be up and dressed and ready to go. LOL does she really think that happens. No I sleep, otherwise I wouldn't get any! Unfortunately the other nurse just doesn't have good work ethics. She has pulled all kinds of things that would get most people fired. I did see her job advertised though so maybe boss finally had enough.

Chriss hoping Jerry can get in to appointments soon. Yes I agree, don't start changing too much around the house for now.

Okay, gotta get going. Lots to do, Have a great day
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:39 pm

Good afternoon. My post this morning went poof just as I was trying to submit it. Sorry you didn't see it, I was eloquent.

This was a very productive and stressful day, but the emphasis is on productive. We got test results and appointments made. I have learned that everyone is in charge of their own health care. You have to be your own advocate because people simply don't call back or fail to call at all.

Jerry has his cancer appointment on Friday. We will learn the next steps then. He is grumpy and rightfully so, I am just numb and can't seem to say or do the right thing, so I shut my mouth. I am so looking forward to playing bingo Friday night. I'm also going to have pie while there. Maybe two pieces depending on what they have. Maybe I will buy and donate the pie of my choice so I can buy what I want.

This morning there was a Meadowlark outside singing away at me. Meadowlarks were my grandpa's favorite bird. Grandpa died in 2008. I hadn't heard a meadowlark in quite a while. It was a treat.

Judi, it's like we are twins. I also washed the bedding, went to the post office and am cleaning out the freezer of all those leftovers that were sent there and never get eaten.

Lois, how was the stew? Why don't you come here to sew. My room is clean and could use some activity.

Jana, do people live in Peter Sinks? sounds like a place to go see. Does it get hot there in the summer?

Diane, hope you had lots of help cutting up.

Maryz, I think that kumquat should also be on the label of the ghost quilt. Then one day you will explain it to her ad when she hands the quilt down to her own kid, she will explain it to them and about her grandma who made it specially for her because she was loved so very much. And hopefully about her aunt Chriss who started the ball rolling, or not. An honorable mention would be nice. I haven't been able to sew for quite a few days. I think that when I get done here, I will go play with my 5-inch squares and put them into piles of light and not so light.

Maryq, so many times I think how I'd like to play with all that fabric with you, and so many times I am grateful I am not there. Are the kits some that she made or that she bought? I get curiouser and curiouser.

Kathy, I also am distanced from most in my family. If it weren't for my dad and stepmom, I'd be an orphan, I really envy the girls here who have such caring families. Google crack chicken, it's really good. Or a chicken, rice and broccoli casserole. I just made chicken alfredo the other day.

Valerie, you are so right about not changing things around the house. Earlier I put a red onion in the fridge, clearly, I put it in the wrong veggie drawer. I was told he couldn't find it because I hid it. Cancer really makes people grouchy. Hope you are able to get the ADA cabin or at least one you can easily get in and out of.

I'm really hoping that his cancer can be fixed, we won't know until we get a biopsy, and that appointment should be set up on the third. We did get the results from the leg ultrasound. Seems he has clots in his veins and in his artery. They are hoping that the cancer caused the clots in the veins and will be fixed with cancer treatment. The artery clot has been ongoing and has made bypasses to go around the clots. I don't get it all and am on overload.

Guess now that he is done eating dinner, I need to go do the dishes. I'm just not hungry.

You all have a good night, thank you for your prayers.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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