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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Jan 21st

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:15 am

Good morning,

We're at the federal campground at Painted Rocks. The silence here is deafening. Such a nice place to be. And we always enjoy the big pile of rocks with all the ancient "paintings" on then. There is a paved walkway around the pile, close enough that you can see the markings and pictures, but far enough away to hopefully keep folks off the rocks.

Yesterday was a long run (for us) - 377 miles. Plus stuck in traffic jam in Tuscon for 1-1/2 hrs. Good thing we had a bathroom with us! and we were able to make lunch, too. And thanked God we weren't in the accident. We didn't see it happen but it was only 1/4 mile ahead of us, and at freeway speeds, that means we missed it by just seconds.

I heard fron Chickie yesterday. Remember, two years ago she had a series of strokes and among other things, they left her with near constant vertigo. Sometimes it's worse than others. Yesterday she was walking outside and was struck with a severe episode of dizzy and did a face plant. She really banged up her face badly. And being on blood thinners didn't make it any better. Fortuntely, her DS and DDIL are EMT and ER nurse and they came and checked her out, cleaned her up, applied butterfly bandages to the worst cuts. She is taking it easy today. In good news, regarding Chickie, though, two more babies arrived this month. So far she now has 8 great grandbabies and the oldest will be 3 in March. 5 girls, 3 boys. It's a struggle for her but she has managed to make a quilt for each of them.

CAROL - how was Road? Did you love seeing your own quilts on exhibit?? And what all did you buy from the vendors?

LORI - were you and Carol able to connect?

JANA - There's a lot of adults in your house right now - let someone else cook - or let Fred or Ethyl provide supper. You need rest. I don't think I realized Daniel and Kari were considering buying Sandee's house. That would be a purrfect solution for everyone. Is Stu still planning to move into the basement apt when it's finished? It's going to be a crowded house! But good for Sandee to have happy folks in the house.

TINA - You take it easy over the weekend. Hope you are improving steadily. You are getting an XR Monday and seeing an orthopod?

Last night we had chili and, just to see, we had our chili the way Chickie likes it. Over spaghetti noodles. Apparently it's a 'thing' in mid west and up in Michigan, too. We liked it! We even topped it with Parmesan, the way Chickie likes it. Yum!

Tonite we're having salad and orange chicken over rice. That will also be a big ole yum!

What sound YUM to you tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by zfatcat » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:59 am

Mary, no I didn't see Carol. I did see her ladybug quilt though.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by Quilter7 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 8:18 am

Good Morning,

Lori - Sorry I did not go over to the show yesterday. I was anxious to get on the road to home. I left at 10:00 and got home at 11:30 AM yesterday. I was so tired. You saw the Bugs quilt and in the same row I had the Modern Trees quilt. The Modern Trees quilt will be at this year's SBQG Show (February 18-19). (((hugs)))

Maryz - I bought thread, hand sewing needles, a little fabric, some car coasters and a portable light. I had a wonderful time and felt like I had been gone for two weeks. After a good night's sleep I feel very good. Today is National Hug day according to Oral B. (((hugs)))

Mary thanks for the info on Chickie. I will remember her in my prayers. Chickie (((hugs)))

Jana - You seem to lose your voice every year. Hope you recover quickly. (((hugs)))

Vel - You work very hard for others. (((hugs)))

Tina - Hope your knee is better. What did the doctor say? (((hugs)))

Dinner last night was Linguini and Meat Sauce. Tonight I think we will have Chicken.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:25 pm

Not sure what's for dinner tonight. I might just fry a couple of turkey burgers 'n potato chips.
Today I found out that an old throw pillow from my mother had a damage. The fabric was so old and getting quite worn. It was a dresdan plate. So on a whim I decided to make a new cover .
That was my project for the day
Thanks for the update on our friend Chickie. OMG! Many prayers for her. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Good to see all of you. I got whole condo cleaned today. I have been having lots of trouble with my allergies. Decided I need to dust and vacuum more often. Also we ordered an air purifier. Hoping this will help me with the sneezing, running eyes, runny nose, and coughing.
Well time to go.
Hugs and prayers.
HUGS, ๐Ÿ’• Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by auntjana » Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:13 pm

Hi there!

At least y'all can her me! I have no voice, and my whisper is almost non-existent. I detest when this happens. It's usually allergies that causes this, but this time it's this rotten cold, that's almost gone. Now, this. ...ugggh!

So kitchen is clean and I will watch football, not my usual way, by yelling at the wrong things, rather quiet instead.

Karlie was my helper today and my voice when needed. Also have a notepad and pen for Michael.

Dinner - we have leftover Popeyes and sides or Daniel can cook. He's the main cook in that family. Good thing I taught my boys to cook as well. Neither Kari or Kate cook much.

Next on my docket is to vacuum up glitter, which is very hated here. My outdoor tree had it and spread it from hockey sticks to breakfast on my rugs.

Glad to hear from Chickie, but so sorry she took a bad tumble. I know how good it is to have EMT's nearby!

Well, I'm off,
Hugs, and thanks for hearing me!

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