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Saturday, Jan 21st

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Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:48 am

Good morning,

For some reason my phone won't get internet - ever since mid-day yesterday. It does goofy stuff sometimes and I think the wizard behind the curtain at Microsoft is pulling the strings, trying to force me to buy a new one. This one is at least, gasp!, 5 yrs old. Ancient by Microsoft's standards. So even though we are out in a desert campground far from anything, Bill's is working so he hooked my computer into his phone (his gets internet!) and here I am.

CHRISS - glad you are snapping out of the stormy weather. You are just too willing to share! Sorry Jerry is cruddy again. And I believe he is right - after years of smoking, his lungs are damaged so he is more suseptible to respiratory diseases. And right now, there are a lot of them out there to choose from - Covid, Flu A, Flu B, RSV, pneumonia, strep, and simple colds. And most are viral, meaning antibiotics won't fix you up. Yay! You are down to the binding! You sew, girl!

MARY Q - How much more fabric came into your house yesterday?? Fun to go through it all, but a lot to expect you to store for five more months. Not my beeswax, but my suggestion, were you to ask me for it, would be to offer the fabric for sale only at certain times, say twice a week for a few hours at a time only. And that someone else be there with you. Even KC. You are inviting a lot of strangers into your home and you just don't know these days who is haunting the internet. Be wise. Be safe.

JANA - We need to get you better! There's too much going on around you for you to be sick for so long! Rest, fluids, and Vit C are your friends.

VALERIE - Sure hope things work out for a new caregiver. Glad the young man is catching on - great for you and for him! I'm happy to hear you are able to get back to your classes. You need them.

KATY - you are busy as always! That was a good buy on soup. Though with 28 cans already in the pantry, perhaps you won't miss it. lol! New sewing projects - fun fun!!

SUZETTE - did I read on FB that you bought that machine??

JUDI - glad you are having fun. Hope the weather stays cooperative. I bet those locks are something to see - even more so when they are in operation. Our friends just went on a cruise through the locks of the Panama Canal and said it was amazing. Sorry that MIL wasn't able to help out but that's how life goes.

LOIS - Hope you got all those errands done in record time so they didn't cut into your sewing time!

We are near Gila Bend, AZ at Painted Rocks Campground. 11 miles off Interstate 8. Such a special place. So quiet! Tonight we'll be in Needles, CA - you know, where Spike, Snoopy's cousin lives? We've never stayed in Needles before, always just bought the most expensive diesel in CA and been on our way. But this has been an anything-can-happen trip from the get-go, so we're trying out a new overnight stop. And we will first fill our tank across the river in Arizona. That tank should get us to Bakersfield tomorrow. We are slowly making our way home. We are listening to an audio book by J.A. Jance as we're driving when traffic is light. Yesterday we were stuck in traffic jam for 1-1/2 hrs due to a bad accident just 1/4 mile ahead of us. I didn't mind - we weren't in the accident (missed it by seconds) and we had a bathroom and were able to make sandwiches. My sister said we should sell sandwiches and potty slots. lol!

Sometime around Oct QIAD had a Lori Holt book on a good sale and I bought it - Scrappiness Happiness. Or perhaps it's called Happiness is Scrappiness. I forget the exact title. I really hadn't taken the time to look through it until yesterday while riding in the truck. If you are into scrappy - or have a lot of scraps that need organizing, it is a great book! It also has 32 scrappy quilts in it and I want to make them all! lol! Maybe Q will offer it for sale again soon. I might be going to wear mine out!

Hoping to be home by next Thursday!
mary z

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:53 am

Good morning. On my phone. This will
Be quick. We have a game at 8. I’ve had my policeman’s breakfast. And we will
Head to the rink. Hoping the adrenaline from last night is still
In their veins. I am catching a cold. Dd has one too. Have a great day. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:12 am

Good morning

I have been up for a while I finished cutting out my 5 inch squares for the Elephant quilt that goes around it now I just have to applique the elephant and all the hearts.

Thats what I'll be doing today.
Yes Mary we did get all of our errands done then when we came home I irone the elephant and all the hearts to the center background.

Judi I hope your cold goes away fast .

Well thats all the news here I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:15 am

Good Morning Maryz and Judi. Safe travels and sure glad you were spared being in the midst of an accident. Praise God!
Judi, enjoy the games! Hope the cold goes away quickly or misses you all together!
Not much happening here. Just enjoy your weekend no matter what comes your way.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by suzette58 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:19 am

MaryZ -
Yes I bought the machine. It is wonderful. I am partial to Bernina machines. I bought one when I retired back in 2011. I want to take it in to be serviced and one repair then I will see about selling it. I don’t want to leave it sit. One day I wasn’t paying attention and reached across the machine and broke off part of the needle threader. I hope they can replace it. Today I am going to straighten up my mess in my sewing area and work on a quilt I have. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by patches4 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:32 am

Good morning all, sounds like everyone is busy, busy, busy.
Off to church for fleece blanket tying event then home to sew. Made turkey soup stock yesterday today finish it off. Finally getting caught up a bit.
That’s all for now. Just letting you know I am thinking of you all.
Happiness and have a great day,

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:35 am

Thread is here. I buy spools of thread, the cones are gard to store for me. I don't like gutterman, I prefer Mettler.

Will work on my curtain today. Then probably go to mass.

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by auntjana » Sat Jan 21, 2023 6:55 am

Good morning!

Quiet here at the moment, I'm the only one awake. Kitty may hear me and jump in my lap for a short love.

Christmas was packed away a couple of weeks ago, except for the new tree I had outside in the yard. Well, it get brought in and I took it apart and looked in the bottom part that looks like a planter box. Something looked stuck, so I tried to grab it and discovered about a inch of ice and more water underneath. Surprised me, but then I remembered, I live in snow country, silly me! That was the excitement here yesterday. Oh, and my voice has disappeared as well.

So later this morning, I'll see what trouble I can scare up and get into.

Stay safe,

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by maryq » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:18 am

Good Morning Girls

Oh where o where has my sunshine gone! Such a dreary day... I know it's only January but I'm so looking forward to seeing GREEN outside instead of snow and bare brown trees!

Maryz... Thank you so much for your concern... and the great idea! I'm going to let people come look at fabric by appointment only. And you're right, it might not be a bad idea to have someone else here, perhaps Katie next door will come over. KC lives about 25 miles away and even tho she can drive and has a vehicle... she's not in great shape health wise-- hence I'm taking her to the Dr. next week. Brought home another 5 or 6 boxes yesterday and a big suit case. Viv came over and did some shopping and helped me sort a bit. More today!

Lois.... Thanks for sharing the elephant picture with me.... it's so cute! It was kind of crazy around here yesterday so I apologize I didn't get back to you. It's really cute and now I want to make one too... but for now I'm buried under fabric, so I'll add that to my "to-do" list! :lol:

Judi.... As a nurse.. you know the drill for a cold. DEX used to say, with meds etc a cold will last about a week, without meds it will last about 7 days. Not a fun time to be sick tho, away from home and in and out of an ice arena! Sending good thoughts and prayers that you feel better soon!

Suzette.... Good for you! I always love to hear when somebody gets a new machine!! I sometimes see machines on sale on FB in my area and am so tempted... I just feel the need to rescue sewing machines. Even tho I have six already!

Tinab... The other day when I was at the fabric warehouse... A gal in line had 3 or 4 grocery carts FULL of fleece. I think she said she over 200 yards? Can you imagine! But she was buying all sorts of it for making the tie blankets for a local charity! Isn't that awesome!

Jana.... We used to love it when we were kids when my Mom lost her voice! She'd find a whistle or a bell to get our attention... and then of course, after we learned to read, she'd write notes everywhere. Frustrating to not be able to talk tho... especially since we always seem to have something important to say!!! :lol: :lol:

POTD here will of course be more sorting. I think there's a couple more boxes in the garage to go through, then to organize and price it all. Viv has filled two of those largest tote boxes of stuff she wants to take home (not the clear ones, but those heavy duty solid color boxes!) I had to borrow a table from Katie to lay out more of it! It looks like a LQS exploded in here... better go warm up my coffee and get to work!

Have a great day everyone!

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Re: Saturday, Jan 21st

Post by WeSignificant » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:25 am

Happy Saturday! Off the next two nights. My favorite time of the week!

Chriss to stay on Hospice you have to continue to decline. She has gone her first 60 day period with no real change. She is eating better, maintaining her weight, no skin breakdown which are all things that indicate she is at a stand still. It is common in Dementia and especially Alzheimer's type to have a decline and then stay at that level for an undetermined amount of time. Many people "Graduate" from hospice. It just isn't talked about much.

Maryq Dad has a caregiver. She has been a bit lax since the start of the year and I am looking for some one else. Thought I had found somebody and requested to meet with her this coming week but she didn't get back to me so I guess she changed her mind. Hospice sends a HHA (Home Health Aide) that comes twice a week to bathe him but that is all they do. I may have to have this young Man that helps me come every Sunday now, that is the day I am alone and I just can't do it anymore. I have considered a board and care but they are not good about skin care/foley care in those places. I am very anal about the foley as I don't want him to get an infection.

Jana you sound like you are feeling better.

Flo I use Aurafil. I have used Mettler too but doesn't that have some poly in it?

Tina Yum love homemade turkey soup. I have a carcass in the Freezer I need to get cooked off. Maybe I will do that tomorrow.

Suzette congratulations on the new machine. Glad you are happy with it. I think depending on the machine those needle threaders can be replaced, I never use mine.

Lois I think I have seen that Elephant pattern good. It is cute. I am sure will do it great justice.

Judi 8 am, that is just too early in the Winter. Hoping they do well.

Maryz try turning the WiFi button off and then back on and see if that helps. It may just need to reconnect if you lost service somewhere. Sometimes turning my phone off and on fixes lots of things.

Yesterday there was a sale at the shop in Antioch. So yes, I went after my morning events. I didn't find anything in the sale sections but did find a kit to buy. Lots of triangles etc but the shop owner said he has made the quilt and you just have to go slow. Well, I am really good at slow!

I did get a sample February block made yesterday but uhm, I think I cut something wrong as it is too big, Date with Jack today. This is such a simple block I can't believe I did that! Also want to get my BOM done for First Saturday. It is cut but needs to be sewn. DH is going to Sacramento to help his friend find a car.

Off to get some more Coffee and breakfast. Have a great day
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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