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Supper Club. Sat Jan 14

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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Supper Club. Sat Jan 14

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:31 am

Good morning,

We are on Louisiana coast for a couple days. Walked the sandy beach yesterday and I collected a lot of pretty shells. We don't have those on WA beaches. I hope to find more today. I also hope we can get the Seahawk/Forty-niner playoff game. If not, we can at least keep tabs on the game with our phones. We have lousy internet here and I’m using phone to post. Tomorrow we are going north to Shreveport.

Velda, sorry I made that error on yesterday’s post. It happens. You got a great price for quilting services. Did you check out samples of her work?

Lori, which swap top are you having quilted? The two I could find from spring of 2018 were Valentine and the plaid/North Woods one. I think 2019 was Swing into Spring.

Supper tonight is going to be street tacos. I have little corn tortillas in the freezer and should use them up.

What about you?

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Re: Supper Club. Sat Jan 14

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:39 am

Good morning everyone!
Mary, how fun to collect shells😊 I thought all beaches had shells, why doesn't Washington?
Sounds like you had a nice visit with Cindy ❤️
Velda, I'm glad you found someone to quilt your quilt, it makes it so much easier with big quilts.
Lori, it's nice to get quilts finished up, it's a happy feeling.
Jana, my minds eye sure made your description a real visual, I could just picture that truck stuck in the mud like that.... I bet it was a mess to get washed up too.
I haven't really gotten to sew yet, my sciatic nerve is giving me fits, I called to see about a massage but $90 is out of my price range at the moment.
We're having to make a trip to Cruces today for a ton of heating pellets, nobody here in town has any and we only have enough for about 6 more days. We're also having to pay $60 more for the ton than we pay here in town plus the gas, ugh.
We hope we'll have good news soon, Dad's nurse found another source for his cancer meds and he qualifies income wise she said so we're hoping they'll sign him up for his meds at hopefully no out of pocket cost to him, he only has SS for income.
I'll be making fajitas for supper.

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Re: Supper Club. Sat Jan 14

Post by Quilter7 » Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:02 am

Good Morning,

Maryz - Sounds like a very relaxing day for you in LA. Glad you had fun!

Tina - So sorry you are hurting!

Jana - I agree with Tina. I visualized the truck stuck in the mud too. Sounds like a real mess!

Lori - Maryz must keep track of all the projects, but which one was it?

I have been sewing on binding, making lists, doing laundry and cleaning. Not necessarily in that order. I am about halfway done with the binding. I have a Zoom meeting this morning and another this afternoon. I will get a lot of binding sewn.

Dinner tonight will be Chicken Pot Pies (DH requested).


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Re: Supper Club. Sat Jan 14

Post by zfatcat » Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:59 am

Carol, I need to make a list to keep me on track.

Tina, hope you nerve pain calms down. I do stretches when I get that. It helps a lot.

Mary, winter is the best time for shell collecting. Not as many people on the beach picking them up.
We tend to find more sand dollars on the beach in winter. When I was a teen, we use to make necklaces out of them.

The quilt I'm having done is Something Modern with the solids and black background. It's 68 x 84. I finally found a quilter that I like, and it's only a 12 minute drive to her house for drop off/pick up. I'll be glad to have this one complete. Now I need to figure out what to do with it.

I have a busy day today. So I need to get out the door before the rain to walk mister Jack.

Cards and dinner tonight at a friends house. Don't know what they are making.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Supper Club. Sat Jan 14

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:28 pm

Hi everyone! Visiting our son today, so no cooking. Well we visited my sister this morning. Her b-day is 26th, so we treated her to lunch at a favorite restaurant. So the afternoon with our son and ordering a pizza for supper, then we will head back to home after that.
Maryz, yes I know her work. She is great! Did quilting for several church projects. I am so glad I chose to do this. And price was reasonable.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Supper Club. Sat Jan 14

Post by auntjana » Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:18 pm

Good evening!

Waited until the game was over - at least the Seahawks scored more points than the last time we played. It was a good game from my vantage point!

Dinner - is what ever you want to cook. Kari and Karlie spent the day out shopping, so they ate out and aren't hungry.

Daniel is about to punt through the goal posts of life - Frankenjeep - he got everything installed and started adding fluids and has a leak from a freeze plug that was not tightened down from the factory where he got the new heads, so, everything needs to be re-taken off, tightened this piece, which you can't get to without removing everything and then start all over assembling it again. Daniel is weighing his options of buying Scott's car from Sandee as his commute car, or using our Tacoma to commute with, or buying a new jeep completely. The big dilemna is saving money for a house that they want to find really bad. He's rather fussy and cranky at the moment, but will solve this shortly. We have no problem with them living here or driving the Tacoma. But my Daniel is extremely independent - always has been!

So I have been in the Batt Cave playing with cleaning the dust off of my surfaces and reprinting the Ugly sweater pattern, which is somehow missing. My sewing machine seems to be playing nicely at the moment too.

Take care - Go 9ers!

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