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Thursday, Jan 12th

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Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:29 am

Good morning,

We are in the Houston area this morning and planning to see Cindy today. Not sure what we'll do, but I'm sure we can find some kind of trouble to get into. Cindy lives about 25 minutes from our RV park.

VAL - sorry you've been so sick. Do you know what you had? I'm happy to hear you are on the mend. How is your dad doing? I hope you're able to go to your Starry Night class. Are you scheduled to work on the stable?

LORI - I hope your squishy yard dries out some before the next round of rain! I bet Jack isn't minding the wet at all. He's a black lab! Aren't they suipposed to like water? You should have a stuffed duck for him to "retrieve".

CHRISS - please don't upend your water bowl. What a mess that makes! We have friends who live on the beach in Morro Bay. They say those rushing creeks of which you speak really came rushing down into the bay, bringing all sorts of stuff with them. Fortunately the tide was out at the most rushingest time. So our friends are very wet, but OK. Hope the same for you. And that you get your furnace fixed soon.

MARY Q - nice of you to drive your neighbor home from her appt. I hope she was OK afterward. Did you stop at FW? Were you good? Or deliciously bad??

JUDI - how is your "vacation" going? You asked if anyone has heard anything regarding "On Wander Lane". I got an e-mail from Prairie Creek Quilts shop in the little town of Enterprise, OR that they are starting to take sign ups. I'm not doing it, but you asked, so I'm sharing what I read. I'm sure your shop will have the patterns available soon, too. Is Sophia talking anymore about sewing?

Not much to report here. We had a very slow start to our drive yesterday due to an accident blocking rush hour traffic. We averaged 7mph the first hour. Then we hit major construction. Then our tire monitoring gadjet started alarming. It said it needed new batteries on one of the trailer tires, which it did, but turns out that tire was also slowly going flat. When we got near our new RV park, our GPS directed us to take a right turn too soon. You don't just "flip a U-ie" when pulling a fifth-wheel so we had to go a half-mile down the wrong road to find a large parking lot to turn around. It was a bit of a stressful trip getting here. This morning our tire is down to 45# of pressure. It should be 80#. So Bill will be removing it this morning and hunting up a Discount Tire shop. Have I convinced anyone yet to run out and buy an RV and hit the road to fun-ville?? :lol:

No sewing, but looking forward to seeing Cindy today. Hope you all have something fun in your day, too!

mary z

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by mepeace2 » Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:33 am

Good morning Maryz and all that follow
Not much going on here. I was washing down cabinets yesterday.And of course had to take care of Barny.
I then went to my happy place and started cutting and sewing on crazy sashing. I have 21 fat quarters that have to be cut into 5 blocks measuring 4.5 inches and 3 blocks at 8.5 by 4.5. Not counting but a lot of pieces. I decided to square up chickens to 12.5 as directed to do. Then cut fabric by chicken colors. I numbered the fabric and then filled in a map of where pieces by fabric go. I actually got 4 chickens with sashing done. Still no beeks or legs. But I can take the 16 inch block and do both . I will continue on cabinets today then try to get another 4 chickens sashed. The last 4 should be easy since all the fabric will be cut. Oh I did not tell you then you take all remaing pieces and make 8 inch blocks to go all around quilt.
Chickens will get all completed and sewn togtether before I start crazy border.
I almost decided to go out and do some weed eating . The temperture here was like spring. Not so much this morning. In fact we may get 2 inches of snow.
Mary sorry you had so much trouble trying to make your start home. Hopefully the rest of your trip will be great. Hope you get to see Cindy.

Time for me another cup of coffee.
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:51 am

Good morning, quilt friends. Katy, I would love to see what your chicken pattern looks like. Is there a name that I could Google? How's new pup doing. Not the most ideal time of the year for puppy training. Hope he will soon have it all under control. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Yes, our Illinois weather has been delightful. Made me think of Spring. But then winter comes back again. I bet February will be horrible! I am trying to tell myself----- It's still Winter ๐Ÿฅถโ„๏ธ. Trying to be optimistic but also realistic. LOL
Yesterday I decided not to continue with hand quilting!! Took my quilt all apart and will press top and backing and sandwich it all over again and then plan the most simple quilting I can do with my machine and walking foot. Not looking forward to that, but it will be much better than hand quilting. " What was I thinking when I decided to hand quilt in the first place"?
Now I don't know what to do with this lap quilt frame. It snaps together like pcv pipe pieces. It quite easy to assemble and use. A friend in Texas got me all enthusiastic about trying it. I bought it on sale at Jo Anne's with a coupon. I would give it to one of you, if someone would like to have it. Personal message me or text me, if you have my number.
So, have a great day! I sure plan to!!
HUGS, ๐Ÿ’• Vel

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:07 am

Maryz, my granddog is a chocolate lab, and he is terrified of water....
Not much else going on here. It's been quiet. I have been pulling apart my sewing room and cleaning all the dust bunnies and cob webs. Plus pulling out all the non sewing junk that has collected in there....big pile in other room to move to barn.
Snow/rain mix here. Was going g into Springfield for a hair cut, but that may wait until tomorrow.

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:18 am

Flo, I've come to like the dust bunnies in my sewing room - they are my little friends.

KATY - yes, what is the actual name of your pattern? I would like to look it up and see what you are doing. Now you have me in the mood to wash cabinetry. Darn you!!

VELDA - Have you looked for a long armer in your area? Most quilt shops could give you a name. I don't think QIAD offers quilting but MSQC does and for a very reasonable price with a 5-6 week turnaround. It might be worth the price.

Bill found a nail in our tire. He's got it off and loaded into the truck and he'll be off to Discount Tire as soon as they open. He bought the warranty when he bought the tires so that's a big YAY!

Off to shower. Cindy will appreciate that! :D

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:58 am

Good Morning,,,I just have one thing to say....TEENAGERS ARE NOT FUN I love my kids dont get me wrong but they dawdle around in the morning and dont get out the door on their correct time frame...I wish could un invent cell phones or make a law saying you have to be 21 to use them...I did mnage to get them out the door The boys drive themselves...Sophia and I had a quiet ride to school nand SHE was on time...I onlly have to do school tomorrow and then it is just hockey, We start that at 1 oclock tomorrow Sophia has a half day of school.
Today i will run to the store and get a new curling iron...mine woke up dead this morning.. then do some laundry...the kids normally do their own but I help out when hockey gear needs washing (P_U) DD trees are still up but she will have to deal with them when she gets home...Too busy to do that too...
Well that is it for me...I need to get some wash done and feed the doggies...Grizzy is on a special diet that is mixed up and left to set for 30 minutes,,,,so they eat at 9 and 5 fortunately the kiddos know how to prepare their food...pepper eats when grizzy does...hope your days go smoothly.....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by mepeace2 » Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:30 am

The name of the quilt I am working on is Chicken Salad by Lori Holt. Now off to my cabinets. Just walked Barny and boy its getting colder.
O Judi thanks for the reminder I have some laundry I need to do.

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:30 am

Good Very Snowy Morning..............

The snow is a surprise. We were supposed to be mostly sunny! :shock:

I've pulled out a quilt I'm half way through hand quilting. Started it back up. I can feel hands are a bit stiffer than when I last worked on it.
I gave the house a good pick up & polish just incase the Health Insurance nurse needed to look around...the last one did. I think it was to see if I'm fit to live on my own in my house. AND I am! She was very nice. She thought my meds & vits in the plastic shoe box was very neat. She didn't look a through the house. Now I can get a $50 gift card for CVS or Home Depot.
Today is fold laundry & quilt. Need to call bff also.
I need to look for a card table today. I need it to rest the quilt on when I quilt. I need to go now.
Love & Prayers............Kathy

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by auntjana » Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:31 am

Good morning!

It's a me day here! No littles to run all over the valley! I do have laundry to do, otherwise we will have nothing to wear, literally! LOL!

So nothing is planned, except for some sewing.

Last night we were watching shows on engineering disasters. Quite common here with engineers and architects. The first one was on a dam breaking, oh many years ago in Estes Park. My ears really perked up, knowing Lyn lives there. A very beautiful area! Then was a bridge in California. It looked very familiar- it was the bridge in Foresthill - right where Kari grew up. They were inspecting the bridge and we were laughing at all the hype going on. A fire burned along the hills next to the bridge that Daniel was on last year. The show wasn't the entertainment, it was Michael, Daniel and Kari adding the actual color commentary! Next week is another show about something up in Yuba County, right where the kids lived, so that will provide more fun!

Off to get in trouble!

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Re: Thursday, Jan 12th

Post by maryq » Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:26 am

Good Morning Girls

Ok, so I'm a little late this morning, but I have a good reason! I'm dressed, got a load of laundry in and started a pot of veggie beef soup in the crockpot!

Maryz... Glad you made it to Houston, but sorry to hear about the problems along the way. Other than seeing A & A and the good news for Bill, this hasn't been your best trip ! :cry:
Yes I was a very bad girl at the FW... if I tell you I have 4 loads of fabric to wash will that give you and idea! I only needed backing for one small quilt and I went in thinking that's all I'd get... but man the cutest things kept falling in my cart! Hope you have a great time with Cindy and take some pictures to share

Katy.... Sounds like you have chickens everywhere! too bad you can't get them to lay eggs! Have you seen how expensive eggs have gotten! Guess I won't be baking for a while! I googled that quilt pattern OMGosh... you iz nuts! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Velda... Years ago I thought I wanted to try hand quilting.... I think I lasted an hour! My stitches weren't that pretty and turns out I don't have the patience for it. I so respect those that can do it. I can do small quilts on my machine, but I the darning foot and just do free motion all over... it's not always pretty and it takes practice... but I'm not entering them in a county fair!

Flo.... A lab is afraid of water!! Usually they are ready to jump in any puddle or lake!

Judi.... I almost spit my coffee out my nose when I read your first line! And I think you are right about the cell phone etc. Even Eli, my 9.5 year old DGS is attached to his phone. And OH Yes hockey gear STINKS!!! Shawn played hockey as a kid and it was always stinking when he got home! How long are you with the kids?

Kathy... Nice to see you ! Does your insurance sends those nurses out to check on you? Mine calls me once in a while, but I'm not crazy about them coming, because they make me stand on the scale! Seems Medicare likes to know that you are okay in your own home!

Jana.... Are those shows you watch on You tube or a certain TV channel? I love to watch good documentaries! You've heard of Ken Burns haven't you.. He does great ones and is an avid quilt collector. He's done a doc. on his quilt collection too!

Well, my washing machine just played a little tune so that means it's time to go throw in another load. Might be "change the sheets" day here too, but we'll see how ambitious we feel. Need to run into town to pick up some celery for my soup and a quick stop at the PO. My DB and SIL are not at a spot in Tx where they will be for a while so I can send them their mail!

Have a wonderful Thursday every one.

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