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Thanksgiving November 24,2022

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Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:31 am

Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving,

I'm up early as normal but it was a little earlier than normal :lol: .
Today I will be doing the normal cooking watching tv and just enjoying the day.
Sandi and family will be home and her and the kids will be cooking there dinner.
Billy and Melissa will be going to a relatives house for dinner.
I might be able to get a little sew time in today.

Today I'm Thankful for all of our family and friends especially all of you ladies on here.

Well thats my story
I hope you all have a wonderful day no matter what you do.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by suzette58 » Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:24 am

I wanted to wish all my QIAD friends a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day.

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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:12 am

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

LOIS - a little sewing time sounds nice! What's for dinner for you two?

SUZETTE - we are all very blessed, aren't we.

Yesterday we did some grocery shopping at 7am, cleaned the trailer, made pumpkin pudding (that we forgot to eat last night), finished our Christmas cards, and went to the drug store for DH's Rx. Then we took a long walk, ate dinner, and watched Home Alone. Today we'll be at Autumn's. The big story here is that it's going to rain today. haha! Rain on Thanksgiving is pretty usual for us.

I am thankful for our health, for a safe trip, for a nice trailer to take on this safe trip, for home and family. And for all my besties here on this forum. And for Eleanor Burns who started it all for me.

Go bless all y'all!!

mary z

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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:14 am

Good Morning and Happy thanks giving,,I too am thankful for the wonderful friends and quilting buddies I have here,,May God Bless you today and all year..Dinner to cook today.....Kids are bringing all the sides,,,so turkey and dressing and potatoes are for me to cook...23 at the table today. Love you all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:37 am

Mary I'm making my traditional turkey dinner I cook weather or not kids are here or they are absent from here.


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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:27 am

Happy Thanksgiving!
Maryq, I usually use vanilla in my Italian cookies, but at a local amish market I bought orange extract...it is awesome in them. I even put the orange extract on the glaze for cookies.
Chriss, I have used crockpot liners, but they are not in budget, so Joe and I will tag team dishes together.
Heavy cooking done. Even rolls are raising and its not even 7:30.
I am Blessed for my QIAD sisters.

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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:35 am

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It's a quiet day here with our son, Brian. Not doing turkey. Making a Family Favorite: Chicken Noodle Casserole. Believe me it's real comfort food! It's a lot less fussing. 🤗
It's just the three of us, so before I bake it, I will fix containers for future meals for our son to cook in the next weeks. He will freeze them. Then I will bake the rest( plenty for meal and leftovers) in another loaf pan. Making salad and also brought angel food cake and strawberries.
Hope you all have a great day.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by velvet » Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:54 am

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!

Can't believe turkey day is here already. Let the holidays begin. It will become hectic here around 3 this afternoon when the company start. Joe and Fran should be here by1 to start cooking the turkey. The sides are the normal items and fast to get done. 2 crockpots will make heating easier later on. Should be a lot of fun. The Great grand daughters (Riley 5 and Harley 2 1/2) will have me laughing for hours, They are so sweet and are growing to fast.

I hope everyone has a great day no matter how and who you spend the day with.

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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:39 am

I've cleaned my fresh veggies and bagged them. I will arrange them on a plate later at Autumn's. Hard to travel in a hairy pick-up, full up with totes and groceries and a hairy dog and keep a plate of veggies intact! lol! Taking hummus for dipping. Autumn usually makes her own from eggplant (babakanoosh??) but I'm not that fancy. I'm camping!

FLO - I like those liners, but only use them in the trailer or when making something particularly more difficult to clean - like chili. We use the crockpot a lot at home and on the road. They really aren't hard to clean, just awkward in a little sink.

DIANE - you get to have littles at your TG! Lucky you! The best ages of all - 2 to 5!

VELDA - I know you'll be enjoying being with your son. Where is his girlfriend? Still in the picture?

JUDI - with 23 people at your TG table in a few hours, I bet I can guess what you're doing! ;)

CHRISS - sounds like your house will be hopping with men today! Hooray for that! Glad you like my binding method. You're going to machine sew it, right? The next trick is to keep an even speed on your machine. Waiting for photos!

Well, Bill talked me into doing a YMCA aerobic class on the computer here in the trailer. 30 minutes. UGH. But I did it! And I drank water afterwards. Now I'm going to have oatmeal for breakfast. And we'll be taking our 1-1/2 mile walk after breakfast. They will pick up our trash daily in this park but we prefer to walk it to the dumpsters ourselves to give us a good reason to get out there and exercise. We are leaving about noon~ish for Aut's house. Y'all have a super day - and if you don't have family with you, then do something you love to do and (perhaps work on a quilt?) and celebrate!


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Re: Thanksgiving November 24,2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:43 am

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble. Happy Thanksgiving my friends. It's going to be a wonderful day today.

My son will be at my dad's and they along with Jerry means the three most important men in my life will be in one room. I love to sit back and listen to the three of them chat about so many things. It will be a very thankful day for me. I even made a few extra deviled eggs for my son to take home, it's the kind of mom I am, ha ha.

Lois, sounds like a nice quiet day for you. Enjoy your you day.

Suzette, happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Hope your day is fantastic.

Maryz, just wanted to let you know that I did binding your way. sew onto the back and flip it to the front to be machine sewn. Haven't sewn the front yet but you are the bomb. I love this method and my bow tie quilt, finally, will be done by the end of the weekend. Thank you for putting that idea in my head. I haven't had pudding in a long time but pumpkin pudding sounds interesting. Enjoy your day with your girl.

Judi, I bet there will be lots of laughter at your house today, your 100 + year old house will be busting at the seams with joy.

Flo, Jerry won't use crock pot liners. He is sure something will catch fire. I use them if I have something gooey for the crockpot like nacho cheese. Jerry and I will join you in the doing of the dishes. Orange sounds like a perfect addition to your cookies.

Velda, hi. I like it when you are here. I like your meal. It will be a nice gathering at your house.

Diane, sounds like a fun holiday, enjoy your family.

Have a very blessed day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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