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Wednesday, October 5th

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Wednesday, October 5th

Post by suzette58 » Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:44 am

Good morning everyone.
Our 4 legged alarm clocks let mommy sleep. This bug that hubby shared with me is doing me in. I am almost done with the baby quilt binding. Then I have the label to do. My next project is a Lori Holt quilt from Farm Girl Vintage. I have really gotten hooked on her quilts. They are something totally different from what I usually make. Well, I am off to get a cup of coffee. I hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Oct 05, 2022 1:47 am

Good morning Suzette and all who follow,

It's still very damp and chilly and rainy the rain will be over by 4 in the afternoon.
Yesterday I started cutting out Aspen some of her directions are crazy but I'm trying to get through it I will start cutting the background out today and I have some wash that needs to be done.
Suzette I have 3 of those books eventually I will do some projects out of them.
Velda I hope you feel better real soon it was nice to see you post.
Well thats all the news from here I hope you all have a great day.

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:46 am

Good morning It is warmer today high near 77 I will tidy up the bathrooms and finish putting the binding on table runner #2 I will put a pot of something on for supper. Not sure what will jump out of the freezer this morning, We have a hockey game at 6 with Ryker,,,it will be good to see the kiddos. I might run up to the thrift store and see what is shaking in there,,,we shall see....Hope your day is good...and fun,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by FlorenceM » Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:51 am

Yesterday was weird. Only thing accomplished is my great grandma's doilies are soaking in oxyclean. Today I will wash them gently, then air dry them. Great grandma passed in 1968, they have been stored a long time. I'm excited and scared! If anyone has worked with doilies, I would love some tips.
Only other thing today is bathe my pup....
Have a great day

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by auntjana » Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:30 am

Good morning!

Awake and hearing the sounds of the morning. The sun is slowly getting over the tops of my mountain peaks. It will be a beautiful fall day.

Not much on my docket today. Since it's Wednesday, it's the Ethan run. Ethan is really loving playing in this orchestra. He is even practicing more at home, without a whole lot of fuss. I did get the binding finished on my bed quilt last night. I still have a couple of small quilts to do the hand work on.

I too have a couple of Lori Holt quilts, some in progress , another waiting patiently for me. I have several sets of her template shapes too. One top is in the LA area, done, and I have been wanting to get it loaded. Too many squirrels in this house!

The yard is progressing too. Daniel has the drain system in and Sarah has a friend, probably the landscaper we will use in the spring, who is loaning us his skid steer. He lives just up a block or so from us and will bring it down. Saves us money!

Well, that's about it from my neck of the woods,

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by billizzy » Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:40 am

Good morning been busy on farm since home winterizing getting hay bedding in barns all done but goats and will do their barn tomorrow

We got rid of most our chickens put 12 in freezer gave 10 to guy who fed while we were gone but 10 lil chicks hatched last week to replace them πŸ˜‚ I kept 4 hens and my rooster

Finally picked pattern for my elf such a challenge lol so many cute ones out there

Warm here in afternoon cool in morning
Lil man and I did lesson on life cycle of pumpkin then went out to pick them from our garden we had 10 ready nanny more half way and lot green still I planted pie pumpkins so can can up the pulp πŸ₯°

Nothing else new here

Hugs πŸ€— prayers πŸ™ happy stitches 🧡

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by maryq » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:52 am

Good Morning Girls

Happy Wednesday!

Suzette... Sorry the bug found you! Maybe you didn't run fast enough when it came in the house! :lol: :lol: Do hope you feel better soon. You are so brave to do a Lori Holt Quilt! I've looked at a few patterns of hers and they are gorgeous. Having ADD as badly as I do, I just know I'd never get it finished!

Lois... When you cut out for a quilt.... do you do ALL the cutting and put the pieces in baggies? Or do you do a block at a time. Can't remember when I cut out pieces for a new quilt!..

Judi... Ryker is playing hockey already? Is he 6 now? Man he grew up fast! There is a new Salvation Army store near me, just down the road from where my Evie has a part time job. Next time I need to give her a ride to work I'm going to stop by and check it out. It's also right next door to Harbor Freight--might try some of their rotary blades!

Flo.... Wish I could help you with the doilies. For sure you don't want to cut them at all... they will for sure unravel! I did see where they were stitched to background block. If I think of some awesome idea, I'll let you know. :lol: :lol: :roll:

Jana.... You can tell how much a kid likes music if he will practice without being threatened with bodily harm to practice! None of my kids were musical, but my Corinne plays violin and Piano and Nolan does drums and piano. That part of their DNA comes from their mom!

Izzy.... You grow your own pumpkin for pumpkin pie?? I sure don't know how you get so much done in a day.. teaching, working, farming, taking care of goats, ... I'm amazed...

Have you ever worked on a project... gotten so far and it looks great, but then when you go to finish it---you're afraid you're going to screw it up!? I've made good progress on my SS gift it looks wonderful so far... but I'm nervous about the next stage! AARRGHHH

Today I'm headed out to to meet a friend for lunch. She has a booth at an antique mall and sells some really neat stuff---not that I'm in the market for "stuff" but I'm kind of thinking maybe she would like to sell some of the towels I've made with my embroidery machine! That way I could buy MORE towels and MAKE more! :lol: :lol: :lol: I've discovered how fun it is to sew on vinyl too.. Lois.. tell Sandie to be careful with that embroidery machine, it's a slipper slope! :lol: :lol:

Better go get in gear! Have an errand or two to run before I go for lunch!

Happy day to y'all

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by WeeOne » Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:00 am

A crisp 31 degrees this morning, hope it goes up at 62 as weatherman claims.

Yesterday I told Garry that I wanted to go on a short drive, Wednesday, to see the Aspen. The Peak to Peak highways 7 and 72 have some beautiful valleys full and groves of Aspen trees. I was going to work on the garage and under deck, but temp was only 55 out. At 2:30 I told Garry, let's take the drive now because it will be warmer to work outside tomorrow. So off we went. As we passed Malo Camp and St. Catherine's Chapel on the Rocks, I noted to self to stop on the way back and take a picture to send to my sister. She likes that Catholic church and the mountain setting. Anyway, we drive and I stop for great photos of golden trees, they were awesome. Love the fall colors! On the was back, I pull off the road at the church and take my pictures. I then notice that there's a car behind the gate that leads into these two places, it's back off the road a ways. Something didn't look right and I went to check. The 3 people, couldn't get out. The sign on a post near the gate said, Gate closes at 4:00, in writing that couldn't have been 2 inches tall. Not well posted!! It was 5:30. I told the man, his wife and the other lady that I would call the Sheriff's office as soon as I had cell service heading for Estes Park. 15 minute drive to the top of the mountain overlooking Estes, I finally had signal. Called and dispatch said they would get there when they could. I felt we needed to go back and tell the people that help was on the way. Got back and visited about 20 minutes with them, then we left. DH suggested dinner at a place in town, so off we went to eat. On our way home Garry says, you gave that guy your number, but they haven't called yet. I noted it was only 8 and we left them at 6:30 and even if a Deputy got there quickly, it's an hours drive back to Boulder, where the couple were visiting the other lady. Going on 9 I called dispatch back and they still hadn't sent anyone, had a couple emergencies, etc. I told the guy that I was going back out to check on the people, after I questioned him that they should have some emergency number that they could just call...nope. So I grabbed some chips and water (I don't have snacks since we're leaving soon) and we went back. 9:10 they were still sitting in their car. I had thought that the Allenspark volunteer fire dept should know how to open gate, so we went south to a food/fuel place that had lights on and I got the guy to come to the door. I explained what was going on and asked if he knew anyone to call. He said he would try a couple of people. So, back we go to the church. The couple visiting from Texas then mentioned that she knew there was a Catholic youth camp towards Estes and maybe they knew how to open gate. So, off we go to that camp, find lights on at a house and I tell the young man what has happened. Sure enough he has the code, as he's the one that oversees that place. He started complaining about young people hiking back where they didn't belong and then getting stuck inside gate after hours. I assured him these people were in their late 60's - 70's. We headed back to the church, with this guy following, by now almost 10 p.m. Finally got the gate unlocked and he told them his staff checks the area before leaving, where were they that they were not seen. Turns out the lady from Texas had worked there many years ago and there's steps up to some cabin and they had walked up there. Staff saw empty car, figured someone was illegally hiking the the area and went on. I had given them my phone number when we first talked, so they could call and let me know they got out. We said our goodbyes and one lady called me an angel. I get back to town and call dispatch to tell them the people are out and lady says the Deputy is there now helping the people. So then we think someone else showed up. Nope, the Deputy called me and I explained what happened. Then he asked if I could get hold of the people because the man had dropped his cell phone/wallet and the Deputy had found it. The people called and I put them in touch with Deputy, then they called back to say he was going to drive to Boulder and return the cell phone/wallet. Gee, I'm glad we went on that drive, even though it made for a long day.

Off to work on garage and under deck.

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by auntjana » Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:17 am

Lyn - you are a angel! And you need to carry in the jeep, the universal key, a large pair of bolt cutters! So glad you listened to that little voice!

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Re: Wednesday, October 5th

Post by WeeOne » Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:03 am

Lol Jana, I'm not sure a bolt cutter would have worked on this gate lock. It wasn't just a chain. The guy had to look on the bottom and put code in. It's a 3 sided metal box.
Thanks for the tip!!

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