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OCTOBER 1 2022

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OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Oct 01, 2022 4:47 am

Good morning October...chilly and grey here so typically fall. We have volleyball at 10 then home for the day and a hockey game at 6 so I may try to get a couple of table runners sewn.
Supper is made and just needs to be heated up. Might put a loaf of bread in the oven. all is well in this busy world...
We are waiting to hear if there is no damage a friend offered us their condo fo 2 weeks next february, its something, they are in a different area than the hurricaine so at least it will be something of a vacation and I will get to visit with my baby sister, not the month in the sun we were hoping,
I need to get ready for the volleyball game. have a great day,,,,,My word of the day is hope///of which there is hope there is always some, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:09 am

Good morning

It's October and we're going to 81* this weekend. Weird Mother Nature! She forgot to turn her calendar!

CHRISS - So are you going to town today or staying home in your room? And you're going to Concord! Wouldn't it be weird if my in-laws were at the same wedding? My BIL is a minister. He could even be performing the ceremony! Keep an eye out for Roger and his wife, Nita. I think pants and a nice top would be appropriate for the wedding.

LYN - Someone in my past made something like that because I've seen them, but I don't know who. What a talent! Gosh, if you need some more bottle caps, I'd even be willing to spring for the good beer to help you out! You are really a jill of all trades! Thanks for the update on Izzy! I was concerned and stopped in here yesterday afternoon looking for news of her and found your note. Thx!.

JANA - How's that binding coming along? Which quilt is this? Lots of big doin's at your house today! Are you taking out the entire driveway and repouring? When I was a kid I loved playing in the dirt, but your boys take it to the extreme! :lol:

MARY Q - haha! good one! I'm only bummed that I didn't think of it! "my sister has a screw loose". That's exactly what she has! :lol: So, today - you proclaimed it! - is chore day at your house. Do you still have your chore jar? I wish someone would do chores around here. But my mode this past week has been either camping, Christmas, or dither.

JUDI - I beat you here this morning! But I suspect by the time I finish typing this, you'll be up and at 'em! You've got games this weekend! Did you get to sew on your tablerunners? Didn't you make about 5 runners this time last year? : There you are! I knew it! Two weeks in a condo in warm weather in Feb is a pretty good offer! That's a great friend!

DIANE - I'm sure everyone is thinking of you today. Even the news was talking about Ian at Myrtle Beach. I know you're not too far from the beach. Praying all is OK with you and yours. The photos of FL are heartbreaking. Is your trip still on?

FLO - what's on your docket for today?

VELDA, VELDA - wherefore art thou, VELDA??

Yesterday morning was spent at appts and doing errands. The afternoon was spent going through Christmas stuff, deciding what few decorations we want to take to TX. When we're spending the holidays away from home, I like to have some Christmas things in the trailer - mugs, dishtowels, quilts, outdoor tablecloth, lights, etc. I even have a small travel Nativity set and a 3-ft tree. It's all gathered up, washed, and ready to pack after this camping trip. Can you tell - I LOVE Christmas! It sounds like a lot, but truly, it's not too much. Today will be food prep and packing for our camping trip. We leave in the morning. The weather looks to be pretty good for us at the beach all next week. We'll probably take Scottie to the Bark Park again today. He loves to be able to go off leash, explore trails, chase squirrels, and sniff other dogs.

What's everyone else's weekend plans?

Mary z

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:51 am

Quilt show was wonderful, but nothing caught my eye to bring home. Next on my quilting agenda is using my great grandmother's crocheted doilies in a quilt. I've had them for 40 yrs, my grandma for many before that. Great grandma Guilia(pronounced Julia) passed in 1968. She made these on her journey from Italy and in early years here in America. I am scared and excited. I start with cleaning them this weekend.
Today is clean my filthy house day Maryz. Want to help. I have dust, dig hair and tile grout dust to clean on top of bathrooms and a puppy that is stinky!
For now its a second cup of coffee

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:59 am

FLO, thanks for the kind offer, but I have my own dust, dog hair, and tile floors to clean, not to mention a stinky dog (not sure we can handle him 'til his groom appt Nov 12!). But as soon as I finish, I can't wait to hop on over to your house and dig into your chores! NOT! :lol:

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by auntjana » Sat Oct 01, 2022 6:17 am

Good morning!

The clock just struck it's legal start time for demo, but alas, we wait. The guy who we rented the skid steer and trailer from, didn't have it back last night, when we were to pick it up. So now we wait, one to see if we get it from him this morning, and two, if instead k we go get one at Home Deplorable. That's what my boys call Home Depot. So far, I am the only one awake, that I hear.

Daniel used a grinder to cut the broken sidewalk from the bottom step. What did he find? The whole set of steps are junk hollow, not what should have been poured. Why am I not surprised! So in the spring, he will rebuild the porch. We will not add scope creep to the project at hand.

I will be sewing. The quilt I have been so slothful in finishing, is the log cabin I made for my bed. I did a bit yesterday and turned the first corner. That's how I count my progress, by the number of corners I've done, so I have one done, three left to be finished.

So that's my day here, sewing, dirt and littles giggles.

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Oct 01, 2022 7:11 am

Good morning. It's going to be a fun day today.

I am trying so hard to talk myself out of a rummage sale going on. Two organizations have come together and taken in donations from the community to help the people who have lost their homes in the Oak Fire. A total of 127 homes have been lost and that means 127 families without anything. Friday the fire survivors were allowed to go to the rummage sale where everything was donated and take whatever they needed. Furniture, clothing, personal products, etc. Today is the day the public can go to the sale and purchase items where the money earned will go to the fire survivors. I love my community.

How quickly plans can change. The person who was going to the quilt show with me isn't feeling well and isn't going to go. So, I will go to the rummage sale, then the quilt show and a farmers market, grocery shopping and home. I get to do more of the things I want to do and as fun as a day with a friend would be this will be better for me.

Judi, hope the vacation pans out for you. Love that you have hope. Reminds me of the song from Annie, The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow. There is always hope.

Maryz, have fun playing in the dog park. Here, if it weren't for Jerry, I wouldn't even get the tree down for Christmas. I'm so not a decorator. Your trailer will be festive an you and Autumn will have fun

Flo, if you want to practice on a house before starting yours you can come here. How will you incorporate those doilies into a quilt. I've seen them used as a skirt on a bonnet lady, very cute.

Jana, before too long you will have a brand-new house. You've done a lot of remodeling and re-doing. It will be beautiful. Every time I see the word Sloth, I think of Proverbs 6:6, Go to the ant you sluggard. Makes me smile every time.

Well my friends, looks like today I am my own date. I think I will get dressed and get started. Yes, I have talked myself into the rummage sale, ugh.

You all have a wonderful day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by maryq » Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:16 am

Good Morning!

O M G ... it's OCTOBER!!! Yikes I need to get busy! Christmas will be here before I know it!

Judi.... Another busy day in MI? Do you make those 10 minute table runners? Don't you usually go camping to FL in February? Though I have admit, a condo for two weeks sounds pretty darn nice. HOPEFULLY, that will all work out for you.

Maryz.... Ah yes, it is chore day here, still in jammies and I just might stay that way until I'm done with all the hot/sweaty chores! No chore jar any more, now that I'm in this smaller place I can easily SEE what needs to be done. Do you know where Lake Tawakoni is? That's where my DB and SIL are now, before they head to FL. Sounds like a perfect day for Scottie... chase squirrels and sniff other dogs! Have a great time camping!

Flo,.. How neat to have those doilies.. Have you found a way to put them in a quilt? Just for grins I looked on Pinterest and found this, partly because I had no clue how a person would go about it, https://flamingotoes.com/vintage-doily- ... e-pattern/

Jana.... When stuff like that happens... (no skid thingee) I chalk it up to "Life is an adventure" And when your day includes some little girl giggles... that's ain't all bad either.

Chriss. .. When I read things like your organizations coming together to help people in need... I am HOPEFUL.. And curious that it sometimes takes a tragedy for people to come together. But what an awesome thing to allow folks to take what they need! Perhaps at the rummage sale today you will find that one thing you've been looking for, and/or just the thing you need.

Now much sunshine here today, but the tree outside my sun room window is changing every day. I'm going to enjoy the view, as before long all the leaves will be gone and it will brown and ugly until snow falls. My coffee is cold, so I'm going to grab a refill and get to work. If I get busy I should be done by noon or so and I can get the sewing machines up and running.

I HOPE you all have a most wonderful day.

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by velvet » Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:59 am

Good sunny morning here. The storm wasn't bad here. We put up hurricane shudders in the sun room and didn't have a problem. We had a semi wall, 4x8 feet, to hide the a.c. unit come down but with the weight of the rain held it on the grass and it stayed put. A few pieces of the palm trees broke but I expected that. I drove around the neighborhood and no one really had any thing that I saw. We were very very lucky. A few of the piers suffered damage and will need rebuilding for some. We spoke to family in Fl. and all were spared.
I thank everyone for their prayers for us here and for those in effected areas.


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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by WeeOne » Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:41 am

Happy Saturday. Dang October already!!
Diane, glad y'all are OK.

I saw this tip on a FB group and thought it was worth sharing.

I tried something new to me today. I had a quilt that needed washing and it was such a beautiful fall day here in Ontario Canada that I wanted to hang it outside on my clothesline. I had picked up a couple of pool noodles in the summer. I sliced them open with an exacto knife and slid them onto the line. I hung the quilt over them and it dried so nicely with no mark from the line! I will definitely do this again!

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Re: OCTOBER 1 2022

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:00 pm

Thank you Lynn for that great tip.

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