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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Oct 1st

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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Oct 1st

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:56 am

Good October morning!

Our weather is going to be spectacular this weekend and all of next week. Tomorrow we'll be going to the ocean until Thursday and it will be about 10* cooler but it won't be too bad - all mid 60's, partly sunny days. I love camping at the ocean and Scottie for sure loves running on the beach, wild and leash free. His coat is 5-7 inches long and he looks like a Breck shampoo commercial with his hair blowing in the wind!

Today I'll be prepping a lot of food, washing & trimming veggies, etc. Then finish the packing. We'll leave tomorrow morning. Friends (Doyle & Susie) are already down at the beach, so I need to plan some happy hour snacks to share. I think I have some yummy tidbits items on hand I can take.

TINA - hope your hip feels better today. Mine is some better. My joint is inflamed. I can feel the heat from it through my jeans. Voltaren gel helps some. Though I use the generic form. My sister, Other Tina (whom you've met), is having knee surgery Monday morning to remove the loosening screws from her surgery after her fall 2 yrs ago while with us in Texas. The orthopedic surgeon says she can still go to her other dr appt that same afternoon, so I guess it won't be too big a deal. The family says this winter we need to pack her in bubble wrap and a football helmet. She went down there two years ago with her arm still in a sling with a broken shoulder from a previous fall! She is definitely delicate and breakable!

BECCA - you had a very busy morning yesterday! Praying your share of the storm is next to nothing!

LORI, LORI, LORI, - halibut? Really? In Supper Club?? Have you forgotten the first rule of Supper Club? No F---! And the second rule is to always refer to Rule #1. We don't like the F-word here. If you must indulge yourself, please refer to it as "mac & cheese". It's easier on my ears and eyeballs. Ugh!!

CAROL - I was sorry to read Thursday that your get up and go got up and went. But good news that it came back! You certainly made up for lost time! Your house must be sparkling by now!

We cooked an extra chop last night - a big thick loin chop so tonite I'm going to shred that, warm it up in some Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, and we're going to have BBQ pork sandwiches. A salad and maybe a few tater tots will finish off our meal.

What sounds good to you tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Oct 1st

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Oct 01, 2022 7:26 am

Good morning all!
Mary, your beach trip sounds awesome! Thanks for that visual of Scottie, too funny ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚
Are your beaches packed with people? I hope not anyways.
I hope your sisters knee surgery is an easy one. Gosh I remember that trip, I felt so bad for her. I sure hope that was only a once in a lifetime experience for her.
My hip isn't doing so great, it doesn't like me sleeping on it either. I've been using the arnicare cream but I really need an adjustment I think, it's my sciatic nerve area and wow is it ever swollen!
Lori, I laughed when I read your post yesterday about that fresh mac&cheese, I knew Mary would be icking ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŸ
Carol, glad you're getting some energy back.
Becca, are you staying home today or a shot today?
Jana, how did all the fingers do?
Dad was here last night, he's really down in the dumps. He's not very talkative and he didn't eat anything yesterday except supper, I'm really worried about him. I know he's not saying what the dr told him because his story keeps changing. It's like he's giving me tiny bits more each time. He didn't go outside at all yesterday either and that's not like him, he sits on his porch more than he's in his house.
I'm not sure about supper yet, I hardly slept last night so my thinker is still not awake.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Oct 1st

Post by Quilter7 » Sat Oct 01, 2022 7:54 am

Good Morning,

Maryz - Enjoy your camping trip. The house isn't quite sparkling, but it sure feels better.

Lori - I too laughed when I read your post yesterday.

Tina - Your Dad must be trying to sort out what he was told and is trying to make decisions for himself. Prayers are with him and your family.

Today we will have Chicken.

DH finally got up. He has not been sleeping as well as I have been. I need to do some ironing.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Oct 1st

Post by zfatcat » Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:52 am

Mary, my sincerest apologies. I completely forgot about rule one and two. Just slipped my mind. I laughed at your comment though. Camping at the beach sounds lovely. I bet Scottie is very handsome running along the shore.

Tina and Carol, you could have said something. lol

Carol, I need to do some ironing too. It's been hanging out in the sewing room all week. Maybe today since it's nice and cool.

Tina, our beaches will be packed today. They have the air show off of Huntington Beach, Surf City USA, this weekend. I won't be going anywhere near that. I'm so sorry your dad is in the dumps. Hopefully he'll share the information with you soon.

I worked on the Holli-berry yesterday. I do that again today, along with some ironing.

Dinner will be chili.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Oct 1st

Post by auntjana » Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:55 am

El quickie report - the driveway was giving Daniel a hard time, but he got the best of it! He has 4 of the 8 sections up and broken and they are heading off to dump the first load. The trailer weights out before it's full, so it will be several runs.

My Logan handles a sledge hammer very well and is learning quickly when to place the hit for the most effect. Aaron and Matt are here too.

Well, I have to watch for flying debris- I am in the garage, but pieces get me every so often

See ya,

First injury - Aaron's hand got in the way of a flying piece of concrete, smashed and compound fractured his baby finger. He and Michael are on their way to the ER. Kate is on duty, but out on a call near me, so she's notified. The little voice went off in my head, a split second before and I couldn't get the warning to watch your hands out fast enough.

All bandaged up - in a splint on the baby finger. Very remote chance if the bone doesn't fuse, he'll lose the tip of that finger. Definitely praying it will fuse!

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