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Friday September 30, 2022

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Friday September 30, 2022

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:33 am

Good morning,

I'm up early its 50 outside and it's suppose to go up to 60 today
Yesterday we never made it out to go mattress shopping so that will be for today :lol: .
Thank you Everyone for the tips I will keep them all in mind.
When I mentioned about the flipped mattresses I was reminiscing from years ago you can flipp a mattress they haven't made those type in I don't know how long :lol:

Judi I'm glad your sister made it through the storm and she is safe.

Well I need another cup of coffee Everyone have a great day .
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Sep 30, 2022 4:25 am

Good morning Lois...It is 41 out there today....another busy weekend coming up with kids football volley ball and hockey. I dont know what we will attend but will talk to DD later to see what the plans are.
I have stripped the beds and have a load of laundry going and my first cuppa coffee by my side.
I did cut out 2 table runners and have them laid out on the sewing table. I doubt they will get made this weekend but it is what iy is,
Yesterday I got a huge head of cabbage and this afternoon I will make stuffed cabbage rolls for the freezer...and supper. It is a Polish favorite around here,
I did get word and a picture last night our place we stay in florida is virtually under water,,,the top of the street light is showing in the picture...there are multiple campers in the photo with water up to their windows...Very sad for all these who now have no where to go. Praying for those in the harms way in South Carolina too I have family in Myrtle beach and they are bracing for the next hit. so much loss.
Well I need to get in gear....hope your part of the country is safeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by FlorenceM » Fri Sep 30, 2022 4:53 am

Finished forsythia bushes! Only a few scratches to show for it.
Today my friend and I are headed to quilt show in Springfield. It's only every 2 yrs, in 2020 it was canceled because of covid. In 2018 I was only a week post op from mastectomy. I've are going for breakfast first. Our hubbies will be working at their house. Her hubby is starting a powder coating business and they are building his shop.
Prayers for all those effected by Ian and those still in his path. I have cousins in SC.

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by velvet » Fri Sep 30, 2022 4:56 am

Good morning to all

FLO--don't be surprised at the crazy prices for the mattress. You can buy $800 for the "budget" one or the super duper one with all the bells and whistles for over $8000. No, it does not come with the frame. They do have a defibulator in the showroom, if needed. But it does comes with a 10 year mortgage. LOL!!

My new machine is a Janome Versa- free motion quilt. Hubby did the electrical stuff yesterday. It sounds louder than in the shop and had to adjust tensions (I'm the absolute worse all thumbs and un-tech person around) I'll keep trying to figure things out and go to the shop on Mon with questions. Another women, Debbi, bought the same machine a month ago so and I'm sure I can ask her also. A few of the women who LA for Qov have offered me help. (They know how bad I am) ANY GOOD NAMES FOR HER?? My otsewing machine is "Miss Cutie"

IAN--is set to visit early afternoon. The hit will be about 75 miles south or 75 miles north of us and at that point I don't think its different. We put up the storm shutters around the sun room and the
furniture away. We are as set as we can for this storm.
The destruction in FL is heart breaking. Those poor people are left with nothing. My prayers are for them.

Keep safe

Well coffee is calling.

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:24 am

Good morning,

JUDI - I'm really sad to hear of the flooding at your CG rental. But glad you found some flowers and pumpkins for the season! I would do the same except no one sees our front door. We always come through the garage door. I put silk mums in a planter out front and call it good. Have fun with the kiddoes and all the games this weekend.

DIANE - I will cross my fingers and say prayers for everyone's safety as the storm comes your way. I hope it doesn't disrupt your travel plans.

FLO - a quilt show! You deserve it! After missing the last two shows and then all the hard work you've been doing lately.

LORI - several years ago I was sitting in the living room, stitching, when the cat brought in a garter snake. :o They are only about 24" and big around as a man's thumb and NOT poisonous. But they are still a snake! I screeched for a while, then realized no one was home to save me, and I'd have to deal with it myself. I ran for the broom to sweep the snake outside. As I was sweeping the snake it regurged a lizard. :shock: So I'd sweep the snake, sweep the lizard, sweep the snake, and so on through the dining room where I saw a dead mouse under the table! So I would sweep the snake, sweep the lizard, sweep the mouse - all the way to the open slider and out to the yard. Arghhh! Cats!!

CHRISS - where in NC are you going? BECCA lives there and I also have a sister-in-law and family in Concord. I would never leave my car at a hotel/motel near the airport. I've heard too many horror stories like the pro-tip you shared yesterday. Our first choice is to take the Airport Shuttle to/from the airport. That way, we only need to bum a ride to/from the shuttle - 2 miles from our house. Have you gone dress shopping yet? I can look for you, too, though you may end up with a mini if I do the choosing. I'm only 4'11" now. Have you heard how Baby Theo is doing? This takes me back to Becca's tiny twins, due at Thanksgiving but born in early August. It's a long road for such a tiny person and for the parents.

KATHY - we are still waiting for the giant maple next door to fall over our house. I know how you feel. What to do?! I hope your trees are all healthy and safe. We also have a thick mattress. I have to grab the headboard to haul myself in. Our trailer bed has 18" of deep storage beneath, a thick mattress, and then a foam topper. We both have stools on each side to get up into the bed. Even Foxy uses the stool to jump up! But oh my, is it ever comfy!

MARY Q - I saw that Joann's coupon and was tempted but it's gotten so expensive just to drive to Tacoma any more between fuel $5+/gal (30 mile trip!) and bridge toll that sales have to be gargantuan to make it worthwhile for me. All I really want is another bolt of fusible. But I hope you found lots of good uses for your coupon!

JANA - lol! I LOVE your Code Enforcement Dept! Wish your Aaron would come by MY house and check out our neighbor. What would his stance be on 5 old appliances in the yard (2 fridges), a 10-ft burn pile, an old moss-covered car full of critters parked in back, and piles of kitchen garbage building up over the years as it's tossed out various windows? And rats! Please! Loan me your Aaron just for a day! I promise I'll take good care of him!

Yesterday was ugly day. No bathrooms - yet - but it was still ugly enough. Polishing counters, mopping floors, vacuuming, waxing furniture. I finally wound down about 2pm and relaxed on the deck watching a few U-tube videos on Cathedral Windows. Who knew there were so many ways to make them! I haven't given up on that project! It just keeps getting set aside for motorcycles, nutcrackers, autumn leaves, and the like. We did choose and downloaded a quilting pattern for my nutcrackers - ballet slippers with the ribbon ties. They will be so cute if I can ever stir my quilter to get started. But that probably won't be happening until after camping. As for camping, we are leaving Sunday - just 4 nights. We were going to leave Sat and stop a night to see Bill's sister but they both came down with Covid so we are giving them a wide berth.

I talked to my sister yesterday. They plan to go to Texas with us for month of Dec. She has been having serious knee pain and saw dr yesterday. Remember when she fell and had surgery on Christmas Day the last time they were with us in TX 2 yrs ago? Well the screws from that surgery are working their way out and now she needs more surgery to remove them - on Monday. My poor sis. Also, it looks like something is wrong inside her ear, too, and her ENT is sending her to another specialist. The hits just keep on coming for her. She will be 80 on Thanksgiving. But still be-boppin' around - at least when she's not in an OR!

Today I have chiropractor, then regular dr appt. Then an unplanned afternoon. I'm sure I can find some kind of trouble to get into. I always do.

Happy Weekend Eve!
mary z

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by maryq » Fri Sep 30, 2022 7:18 am

Good Morning Girls

See, I told you I'd be back today! Here I am with my coffee, but I am dressed already so the sight of me in jammies is one you won't have to endure this morning. Tis another lovely fall day in Minnesota.

Lois.... Oh yes, be prepared for sticker shock when you look at mattresses. But then everything has gone up so much lately that it should be a surprise. I got chicken the other day and almost fell over that it was $5. lb. I have a mattress with memory foam on top and it's very comfortable, but it's starting to develop "memory loss" I was hoping this was the last mattress I had to buy!

Judi... When we are so far from FL, it's hard to imagine the damage until we actually see a photo! So sad to see photo's this morning on the internet news of boats thrashed around and homes with FEET of water. My heart goes out to those folks.

Flo... After all that work you deserve a trip to Quilt show! What fun. Hope you find some fun things, and maybe bring home a little treat for yourself!

Maryz.... Total savings at Joann was $52.00 (though you know how that goes) I just picked up a couple more tshirts to stitch on, and SS things. Peg and I went to lunch after and that is always fun. I have a coupon for 25% off everything for online only..maybe you can use it and order fusible to have it shipped to you!? Sorry your sis is having trouble ..... she really does have a "screw loose"!

Diane.... Prayers for you too... that the storm passes quickly and doesn't stay lodged over your house! Good thing you've got yourself prepared. Can't wait to see what you do on your machine.. How fun!

Jana.... I have a sneaky feeling we are typing at the same time... wonder who types faster!

Since I played yesterday, today it's a work day! Just not sure where to start! I'm working on Ss things and little embroidery projects--gosh it's fun. Will do sewing stuff today, maybe some October Lotto blocks as I found my supply of batiks, and tomorrow will be house chores. This afternoon I get to pick up Evie from school and give her a ride to work.... always entertaining! :lol:

My machine is calling and I must sew!

See y'all later!

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by auntjana » Fri Sep 30, 2022 7:56 am

Good morning!

Well, Maryq, you won! I typed slower today!

In a short while, Ethan and Lila will be here. Karlie will be very happy to have playmates. She and Ethan don't have school today. It's also start of demo this afternoon. We pick up the skid steer after Daniel is home from work. On Friday, he has a short day for work. Glad it rained, so the dust is somewhat contained. We are all legal - by law, you must notify the city and a under ground utility marking company. They come out, for free, and use their equipment and paint mark where all the underground lines are. Gas, phone, cable, water. So if by chance, you break one, you're not held liable for damages. We are not digging, just scrapping the top of, but it's all marked anyway.

Sarah is going to look for flooring. She decided against using the insurance recommendations on the remediation company. They seemed way to pushy and sounded like they weren't careful in their work. She doesn't want to take advantage of her home owners insurance, just to get her new kitchen. So she's using our wonderful handyman. Sarah will pay for her new cabinets herself. The insurance will replace the floor as it was damaged.

Not much else here. I have been slothful in finishing the hand work on the quilt on my bed. The binding was sewn on, before I put the quilt in use as my bedspread, but never stitched it to the back. So I drug it out to the great room and I am doing that. Did I ever say, I hate hand stitching! But it will get done, finally. Also, it's General Conference this weekend, so church is on TV. That means, I will be finishing up projects in the Batt Cave, the whole weekend!

Time to scoot, forage the kitchen for something to eat,

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by WeeOne » Fri Sep 30, 2022 9:42 am

Prayers for all affected by Ian.
Extra prayers for Izzy and family on their vacation. It looks like they are in the path.

Chriss, you mentioned the car break in's at airport. When DH was flying, the crew had a special parking lot. A group of guys started breaking into the cars taking registration and the garage door openers. Security advised crews to remove registration and door openers. They were finally caught.

Diane, your sit down quilting machine looks like my Handi Quilter Sweet 16, and may actually be made by HQ. I know they make the Baby Lock sit down machine. I wish I had room to get it to Texas, but I don't. Enjoy! I hope you stay safe from the storm.

Lois, we have a Sleep number in our MH. So, when we bought the Texas house we bought a Sleep number for it. You can adjust how hard or soft you want your side.

MaryZ, Here's a picture of the trivet my Grandma Hansen made. I have found the basic instructions for covering bottle caps.


I became an electrician yesterday. The switch for the main kitchen lights didn't want to shut off, like something was stuck behind the toggle switch. Luckily I found a replacement, in the right color, and got it changed out. I still have to replace a couple parts on the kitchen sink, so it doesn't drip. I'll put on my plumber's hat before we leave and get it fixed. :lol:

P.S. I had just posted and Izzy text me. They left the Island yesterday and are home safe and relaxing in the sunshine on the farm.

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by zfatcat » Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:40 am

Lyn, you are quite handy to have around. I usually fix what needs to be fixed as well.
If I waited for DH it would never get done. Very pretty trivet. My grandma used to make those too.

Maryq, I thought that was you machine calling you. lol

Maryz, never a dull moment when you have pets. They keep us quite busy and entertained. Rodents and snakes...yuck.

Judi, what a bummer about the campsite. I can't even imagine that much water.

Diane, hope you don't get too much wind and rain.

Flo, have fun at the show.

The boys and girls have all been walked. I did a little cleaning in the kitchen and now it's time to get cleaned up and sew.

Have a wonderful day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Friday September 30, 2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:22 pm

Good evening. Today I had a most of the day meeting. an hour and a half drive each way. That equals a whole lot of sitting.

Tomorrow the plan is to go to a couple of yard sales and a quilt show in town. Then, if I feel up to it a kind of flea market thing.

Lois, did you get your mattress? Hope you love it.

Judi, my grandma made the best cabbage rolls. She would put a row of them down the middle of the Pyrex dish and potatoes and carrots along the sides and put tomato sauce over all of it and bake it. The house smelled wonderful, and they tasted so good. what a great memory. If I were there, I'd have brought my own fork.

Flo, how was the quilt show? The one I am going to tomorrow will be small and outdoors. Quilts will be hung everywhere. The said there would be 8 vendors. very small.

Diane, sure hope your toes remained dry through the storm. Not sure what to name your machine. I've not named my sewing machine. curious to see what her/his name will be.

Maryz, hope your sisters knees and your inlaws covid all gets healed up. Sounds like you are busy, I love cathedral windows, yours will be beautiful. I will be in Concord NC, sadly no time to visit, I'm at the mercy of my parents. I will find something to wear, if not a dress at least some slacks.

Maryq, I was in Joanns today, found nothing. I was looking for some background fabric for the Oct. lotto blocks but will use the one I already have. Hoping to make a few very soon.

Jana, what fun to be you. I would love having those kids at my house, giggles, squeals, what fun.

Lyn, I love your grapes. My grandma used to use that same yarn/thread to make potholders, her's were square's. Your grapes are cool.

Lori, didn't you have a retreat or something? How was it.

That's it for me. Hoping secretly that my friend doesn't want to go to the sales going on. I'd love to stay home.

You gals have a great night,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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