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Wednesday July 27th 2022

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Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:19 am

Good Morning,,,sunny and 80s again today, I really need to get some outside done weeds need wacking, Might be able to get someone to cut the grasss,
Floor is done in the basement and it looks awesome. Today I hope to hear from the painter that he will get the walls painted. Ken bought a regular door for the boiler /work room. He wanted something industrial..but we havent had any luck, so this was an alternative. If one comes up Im sure he will change that, Now its trim and finsih work...
I might get to the sewing room today,,,It was trash day yesterday and i waved good bye to a lot of junk from the sewing room and a very large bag of ugly scraps...I would never use, A japanese lady who runs an organizing web site said,,"Only Keep what brings you joy" and that is what I did...so I have less to struggle with and more room to relax.
Well I need to get my coffee and for sure clean off the counter tops ...Hope your day "Brings you Joy" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:18 am

Good morning Judi and all who follow,

Today I have a test at drs office it's an ABI it's to check the blood flow in your arms and legs
and after that it's off to the scavenger hunt
Yesterday I spent a couple of hours on the deck with Bill listening to some music and having coffee and he was drinking some lemonade.

Judi I think you are seeing daylight at the end of that tunnel it's good to be you.

Well thats all the news from here I hope you all have I great day.

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Re: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by velvet » Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:37 am

Good morning to all.
Judi--sounds like the tunnel is coming to an end. YAHOO!! Bet you can't wait for it to be finally finished.

Lois--sounds like you and hubby had a wonderful and peaceful Tues. Time has a way of passing so fast, we tend to forget to have a "do-nothing self day".

Yesterday cut more fabric for kits-when we go to the DAV in 2 weeks we hope to get them counted and bagged. Never know how many women will show up, fingers crossed. Today we will go to DS and DDIL house for lunch.

Have a great day

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Re: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:59 am

Good morning,

JUDI - Things are really rolling at your house! Down to the finish work - amazing! Will you be having a "moving in" party soon and get help moving furniture down? Don't worry about your weeds - they'll do just fine without your attention. You can always count on the weeds! Did you finish ALL your scraps? It must feel good to have all that organized. Now you can just grab a box (or three!) and go -

DIANE - speaking of do-nothing days - you don't have many of them! Like most of us, you are always involved in something fun and wonderful! Enjoy the lunch today.

LOIS - I hope the ABI went well for you. Relaxing on the deck is such a nice way to while away a few summer hours!

SHERRY - Pet meds are VERY expensive. Some pharmacies, including Costco, sell some meds and prices vary. Here, the most expensive place to buy them is at the vet's office. We get ours from PetMeds.com. But they are still expensive.

KATHY - yes! I liked our school uniforms - even after 8 years of wearing the same thing every day. I like what you said yesterday about fabric - pulling fabrics is one of my favorite parts of quilting and straightening the shelves - refolding, reorganizing occasionally does reacquaint me with pieces I forgot and smaller pieces that got lost in time.

LYN - Your poor cable guy! Guess he won't forget you any time soon! Did you make much progress on the tree? If you are willing to part with the wood perhaps a friend or neighbor would be willing to cut it up for you in exchange for the wood. We've done that - clean up trees for folks in exchange for the firewood.

IZZY - you pack 48 hours of living into 24 hour days. I don't know how you do that! I love home schooling. I believe kids actually get a better education if parents are motivated. Our friends' grandkids are home-schooled and network with other dedicated parents for various skills. And they plan group activities. These kids are learning everything, including music.

JANA - How was Daniel's first day on the new job?? How long is his commute? I believe what he says about fire news. The little time we spent in the firecamps (doing the firefighters laundry and cleaning their showers) we learned a lot about how things are run and what is reported. I was interested to see how it would work out with Kari working and you sewing in the same room. Is there space upstairs, perhaps in a corner of your bedroom, where you could set up an extra sewing machine and small ironing surface so you can still sew when Kari is on the phone? Or maybe you could build a temporary barrier between your two workspaces - hang a quilt? I think I would go into withdrawals if I couldn't sew. You may be doing a lot of handwork for the foreseeable future.

MARY Q - How was your dr appt? When will you get bx results. My dad, also, used only Puffs tissues. He had a permanent trach due to laryngeal cancer and coughed a lot through the stoma. The lotion helped to cut down on skin irritation. Yes, we are hotter than you right now. We're even hotter than Tina and Chickie in NM & KS! For almost an entire week. This is a big deal in the PNW. Since few people here have AC lots of cooling centers have opened up. The lower level of our house stayed at 72* last two days so it's not too bad for us. And we're careful about opening up at night to catch cool air and closing everything up and pulling shades the next day when the outside temp is equal to the inside. We have a fan and an 8-ft bamboo shade for our deck so it is livable outside even.

VELDA - you are right about the shopping experiences. The media reported a shortage on mustard so, since we do a lot of cookouts in the summer, I bought 3 bottles of it. Yet, there seems to be plenty still in the grocery stores, though I noticed Costco didn't have Grey Poupon last few times we shopped. I know nothing about hummers, but maybe your humming birds are eating heartily because, with the heat wave, other food sources are scarce . . .

CHRISS - I know you're out there somewhere. Did you get to play in your room yesterday? I pray you are done with fires in your area. You've had more than your share! We have hazy skies and colorful sunrises and sunsets right now due to smoke from B.C. fires. But that is 250 miles from us.

Yesterday I finally finished cleaning up my fabric shelves. Everything is now neat and tidy - well, the fabric is anyway. And I have a very small pile to get rid of. Now to start messing it all up again! Which I already did. I keep all my batiks, including the scraps, separate from regular fabrics. And my new project is 6" maple leaves in batiks. This should make a dent in my batik stash. This quilt is 60" square, has black background, and will be for ME! So that will be today's project.

Scottie had a happy birthday. He got a nice walk, extra cookies, and TWO Frosty Paws! It was good to be him! And Foxtrot was right there, celebrating with treats along with Scott every time he heard the lid lift on the cookie jar. lol!

Wishing us all full bobbins!
mary z

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Re: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by WeeOne » Wed Jul 27, 2022 7:18 am

Good day to all.

MaryZ, I bought an Ego 18" Chainsaw battery powered yesterday. I hope to test it out today.

Flo, the fabric finally got in the mail yesterday. Hope it's enjoyed.

We have a phone appt with our Dr, from MO, this morning. Hopefully the Dr has the blood test results from DH's test last week.

Not sure what will get done today after Dr call. The cable guy, who is very nice, told me there is a buy back on electronics going on sometime in town. I need to find out the details so I can get rid of a couple old TV's and fancy (80's vintage) surround sound equip. Hope I can get to my sewing room.

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Re: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by maryq » Wed Jul 27, 2022 7:21 am

Good Morning Girls

Nice and cool this morning... I do so love having windows open!

Judi.... Did you put that vinyl planking stuff in your basement? I so love what I have in my kitchen and sewing room... so easy to clean and it doesn't even show the dirty... well, unless you spill a cup of coffee on it. Funny you mention Marie Kondo.. the Japanese lady.. I was talking to KC about her last night as there are things she needs to sort and get rid of... it's not an easy project!

Lois... You and Bill just sat on the deck and enjoyed each other's company? How cool is that! Do you ever just grab him and make him dance with you when a good song comes along. Once upon a time we did that and kissed and the kids got grossed out and made us go outside! :lol: :lol: (We liked each other then :lol: )

Diane.. You are rock stars for making up all those kits for DAV. Hope you get lots and lots of volunteers to sew them for you!

Maryz. ... "surgery" went fine... didn't feel a thing, tho it's a little itchy this morning. I have to leave bandaid on until tomorrow. Stitches come out next Friday. Results from Bx will take about 2 weeks.. I'm not worried. I think DR said I could shower after bandaid comes off, but I can't remember... do I have to stay out of water until stitches are OUT? UGH.. sponge baths. I was going to go to KC"s today, but, don't want to pop a stitch! Your new project sounds so pretty.. I love black background with bright batiks... I did one before I moved, but I don't remember what I did with it... It's probably packed someplace

The kids came over to install dishwasher last night, but discovered we need to drill a new hole for the drain pipe, so they will come back tonight with the drill etc. But the dryer is up and running. Gosh I love my kids.. they are so handy! I think that's why I had kids in the first place... so that when I got old they could come fix things for me and take care of me :lol: :lol: :lol:

Might roll my big table into the living room today, am anxious to lay out a couple quilts so I can get borders attached, so much easier with the big table up.

For now my coffee is cold and I should get dressed and throw some water on my face.

Y'all have a Wonderful Wednesday

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Re: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:04 am

Good morning. It's a beautiful overcast day. The sun is hiding behind clouds and the windows are open.

The fire in our area, (not threatening me) is 32% contained and has burned almost 19,000 acres. It's the largest fire in our state this year. Very sadly 49 homes have been lost and another 5 damaged. It just makes me so sad to think of getting to go back to your property after being evacuated and finding ashes. Such devastation, I pray everyone affected had insurance. It also makes me thankful that I live where I live and not in the overgrown brush filled areas or subdivisions that they have up in the area of the fire. I also know I am not immune to fire; all it takes is a cigarette butt or a dragging chain connecting a trailer to a truck to start a fire.

Yesterday was an in service, it's a 1 1/2 hour drive each way and was a 4-hour meeting. Nice thing about Columbia State Park where the meeting was held is that they have some cute shops to go into. I stopped at the candle and soap shop and got some smelly soap for Marilyn. Will get her package in the mail tomorrow along with my lotto blocks.

I was also able to go to 3 thrift stores in that area. Donated some stuff to one of them and bought a couple of quilt books (because I am a hoarder) and a couple of shirts

Judi, your post made me smile. I love the word joy and look for it in everything. Hope the fabric you donated brings someone some joy.

Lois, the heat here prohibits us from sitting on the deck. But when it cools off a bit we will join you and Bill. Hope all is well for your test today,

Diane, enjoy lunch with the family.

Maryz, give Scotty a belly rub from me, sorry I missed his birthday. I never got to my sewing room yesterday, I was away from home all day. I love the maple leaves blocks. Yours will be a pretty quilt.

Lyn, I think you will like a battery-operated chain saw. Seems it would be so much easier to start than the pull cord kind. Jerry has a battery-operated weed eater that he loves. Will the electronic buy back result in cash in your pocket? Here they have free recycle days every so often but only take your electronics, they don't offer money for them. They do it here, so people don't dump them on the side of the roads which happens so often.

Maryq, it is good to have kids. I love that they come back to take care of what needs to be done. I'm glad they live near you.

Jana, I think the problem with the news on TV is that they record their segments a few hours before the new airs. Which makes the info they have old news. I also think that some of the information put out by the fire dept. or sheriff dept. isn't ALL the information, they are letting people know their houses are destroyed before posting the number of houses destroyed. Just the other day there were 24 structures destroyed and this morning it is listed as 49.

We do have some amazingly wonderful fire personnel and sheriffs. There seems to be so much anger and hate out there that it's good to see our community are supporting each other. I'm pretty sure it was Fred Rogers who said in a devastating event like this look for the helpers. We are blessed to have many helpers in our county.

Today will be two zoom meetings. The first starts in one hour so I need to get a little breakfast. I will be one with zoom before noon and then it's time for me to sew. I still need to figure out how I want my RW&B blocks to go and may need to make one or two more to make the rows come out.

Off I go, you all have a splendid day, pray for rain.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Post by auntjana » Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:41 am

Good morning!

I have some effects of the booster shot from yesterday. Let's just say, I am glad that I don't drink, because what I am feeling has all the earmarks of what a hang over is described as! So I am typing very slowly and very quietly.

So don't know how much or what I'll do today. It will be quiet, as most of the family is heading off to camp until Saturday.

Daniel's first day was a very typical first day. He has about a 30 minute commute or so.

Do something fun!

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