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Thursday July 21st

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Thursday July 21st

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:51 am

Good morning,,,Another crazy day in Michigan,,,high in the 90s. not going to work outside today. DD is bringing the dogs over for 4 days,,,(I need more work to do ) Cheyenne says she will do the doggie duty but at 14 she has a short memory, Painter is making progress...he says he will be finished by the weekend. ken still has a lot to do down there but he first needs to put the glass wall back in the downstairs shower...It came lose from the wall when Cheyenne grabbed it to keep from slipping,,,( it is always something). if that s not exciting enough for you the guys measured the backsplash incorrectly and had to take it back to redo it...So kitchen was put back AGAIN for another week or so till they can get back here....
I set Shermans March aside for now..It is too complicated and my brain is too busy so I will just cut up an enormous pile of scraps...into charms and 2in and fill my hexi box and charm box...the larger pieces are still in the color sorted bins...but I may be able to par that down some more...I just need brainless work right now....
PS Blankie has been backed with matching farbic and bound edges to keep him going for a while...He has been to 3 kids and Sophia wants him to live forever,,Each of her brother carried him around so he being a small recieving blanket to begin with is tattered and very thin,,,nowhe will have more life for Sophia will not b passing to anyone... :) :) :)

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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by WeeOne » Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:08 am

Good Thursday to All!
A noisy morning compared to the Estes house, but that's because we're parked near I-25, at Transwest RV.

We'll drop the MH off for new mirror, then go into Longmont for Garry's blood draw, then find a restaurant. Or maybe MaryZ can tell me if her sister makes a good breakfast and we'll visit her. 🤣

Jana, my mail forwarded from Texas must be following yours. It was send Priority last Wednesday and yesterday afternoon tracking finally said it was in Nashville, TN. Maybe we are all suppose to visit TN and all mail going there is some kind of subliminal message. 🤔

You're a busy lady, Judi. Hope the back splash gets fixed sooner than later.

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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:09 am

Morning Judi and all to follow,
Very hot here again today. Other than watering this morning, not going outside.
Lisa was thrilled with bin full of ponies. DDIL said she looped movie over and over, with ponies all around her. It makes me happy.
Today going to make pear butter. While hot packing it, will reprocess jam, straining out some of the seeds.
Have a sew great day

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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by WeSignificant » Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:16 am

Good morning quilting world, I have looked around at the ideas everyone has given me. Here is a picture of what I need. This one is probably 6 - 8 feet. I need another 30 feet to get from the door to the sidewalk.


My driveway slope is (I may measure today) a difference in height of 4 ft from the top of driveway as opposed to the bottom. A good 35-45 degree angle. Just too steep for a wheelchair ramp of any kind. So we have to go from the end of the walkway, across the lawn and then down where the slope is not so steep. Even though it is residential, it still has to meet the ADA requirements. The second person, also says there could be issues with the city and may need a permit. There is a place in San Francisco that I will call today and see if they service Vallejo.

So other than that, I did get the freezer all thawed out and cleaned yesterday. Today I will put everything back that I saved (threw away a lot!) and then do the little one in my sewing room. Friend has another dentist appt at 10 and then I will work on August blocks.

Off to get a few things done before care giver comes. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:18 am

Good morning,

I hope you all read the thread about IRISH. She's pretty sick. Her sister, JoAnn, texted me yesterday to let me know. I have Irish's new address (she moved last year) if anyone would like to send her a card or note. And if I hear anything more, I'll let y'all know.

VAL, I hope you find what you need. You are right - there are very specific requirements about grade, structure, etc for wheelchair ramps. We looked into it several years ago for my brother, Jim. We ended up getting a used wheelchair lift from e-Bay or Craig's List. Bill and my DBIL installed it and it worked great, but it just happened to fit their house.

CHRISS - I, too, need a crossbody bag, to save my back, neck, shoulders. And I use the same bag you do! (I looked it up!) Kohl's has Rosetti bags on sale quite often. I DO keep most everything quilty and my room is only 10x10. lol! It's crowded but it's all organized, labeled, and visible. But I have to admit - one more pattern, book, or FQ, and it will burst through the walls! lol!

IZZY - sorry your Ninja Appliance was a disappointment. We bought a Ninja Foodie air fryer and finally gave it away after only 3 months. We were also disappointed. You really keep busy! I did a GMFG quilt once all by hand and quilted it by hand ( it took off and on 12 yrs!!! ) But I can't imagine doing FGV. You do impress me!

KATHY - I always love when you post! I am praying your Kimberly is doing better. She has had so many health challenges. And how are YOU feeling? Did you get that cabinet cleaned? They do get themselves messed up quickly, don't they.

JANA - Our bookkeeping system is simpler - If it is needed for taxes, it goes into the tax file, if it might possibly be needed to return an item, it gets thumbtacked to a bulletin board, if it's a big purchase, it goes into the big purchases file, and everything else goes into the 'round file'. I love your Lila stories. Kind of reminds me of my own childhood! lol!

MARY Q - I hope your appliances come today!! Did you decide on your Calendar border yet? Do you think you are making any significant progress at KC's? And does the progress you make stay or does she backslide between your visits? What are you doing today?

LYN - glad your mirror is getting fixed finally. Can my dishwasher be far behind?? You can see my note to JANA how we keep our books. We don't have enough deductions to itemize. Nor do we have state income tax. We like to employ the KISS method when doing our books.

LOIS - You said Spice Road is done, right? What's next??

JUDI - wow! Your house is becoming a busy circus! Bummer about the shower, but maybe it's good that it happened so it can be solidly repaired. So sorry about the backsplash. What a disappointment that was. Keep you eye on the prize! (but you are probably getting tired of that phrase by now! :lol: ). Glad Blankie is fixed, and you are probably wise to set SM aside with all that's going on in your life and brain right now. I have audio books going in my sewing room nearly all the time - but if I'm having to think about a pattern, I can't be distracted and have to turn it off or set the project aside.

LYN - I'm sure my sis would be happy to have two hungry strangers show up for breakfast! lol! You aren't far from her house. They live about a mile from the fairgrounds and for 8 years she managed the campground there.

I gave Bill all your happy birthday wishes. He smiled big and says thank you to all of you. He kind of feels like he knows you all. And some of you he really does know! He had a very quiet birthday. We found him a pair of jeans, a nice rib eye steak, and I baked him a white cake. He was happy. He took two pieces of cake out to our current Boondockers last night and they seemed quite happy about that!

The fire department came by to talk to us yesterday. We reported, per advice from County Code Enforcement, that we feel Vicki's driveway is inaccessible to emergency vehicles. It's a long, wooded driveway parallel to ours and is extremely overgrown. It was concerning. Fire inspector came within one day of our letter, concurred with us, red-flagged her house on county records, which they check when they get calls, and we gave permission for them to use our driveway for EMS and engine if necessary. But unless her family decides to fix the driveway, nothing will change there. In the meantime, Code Enforcement sent a registered letter to Vicki, via family, that the household garbage, old appliances, and abandoned vehicle at the edge of the woods, must be cleaned up by Aug 1 or county will go to court, get an order to hire it done, and Vicki/family will have to pay or a lien will be put on the house. He is coming back Aug 2 to inspect. We'll see what happens. . . But still, no medical, household, or personal help for Vicki because she continues to refuse it all and it can't be forced on her.

I have no plans for today. I might start kitting up the blocks of my North Stars by Eliz Hartman. Yesterday a book arrived in the mail called Quilt Blocks Across America by Debra Gabel. It's appliqued blocks of every state plus D.C. And you can make the blocks any size you wish. It's fun to look through, but the thought of doing ALL the blocks is kind of daunting. But a project like that would certainly keep me out of the bars - or send me into them - not sure which!

Hope everyone of us gets a little time at their machine today!
Mary z


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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by velvet » Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:27 am

Another heat advisory is up for today. YUK!!

Diane and I get together at her house every Tues. for kit cutting, sometimes 1 or 2 other women will come to help. Diane knows what patterns we will be cutting for when a group meets at the Dav meeting room (2nd Tues each month). The group so far has about a dozen women who then count all the pieces and borders for that specific pattern (we usually have 2 or 3 choices that they can pick from) Then everything for that kit is recounted and finally tagged and bagged with a pattern and tracking sheet in it. Off they all go to Kathleen's house. Most are given to members to sew and return. I don't take any of the kits to sew. I have been working on tops for qov and lately alot are womens quilts from the fabric Daryl sends me from Andover. The womens quilts are softer in color--more lighter shades.

QOV is a wonderful org. and I'm so honored to be a small part of it.

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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by auntjana » Thu Jul 21, 2022 7:25 am

Good morning!

A beautiful day looks to be in the making. Hot, but what else is new! It's Pioneer weekend celebration starting. First the rodeo, then the big parade on Saturday. Normally the parade is on the 24th, but since that's a Sunday, It's moved. Fireworks can start to be shot off on Friday until Monday. Glad I have a live in fireman! And Aaron on the force. Like our governor has said, you can't fix stupid, when it comes to fires.

Never made it across the valley to get my sewing machine from the spa she's been at. That will happen this morning.

Daniel finished Karlie's bed last night. Today we'll move office furniture out and around to give her , her own bedroom. She's very excited over the new bed. Daniel built it tall from the floor, so there's space under to play and some storage too. Michael uses a old , long dresser, that has nine drawers as his printer table and keeps office supplies in the drawers. That will go down to the Batt Cave as well, we have wired a spot with ethernet for the printers. Michael has wanted them near that office he has there. We have two printers in use and a third waiting in the wings. Once we have Karlie's room set up, the toys will have a home and the house will regain order. Kitty is venturing out more and more every day into the rest of the house. Even came up to me for a quick pet. Progress!

Sewing will fit in somewhere, somehow, some way today!


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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by maryq » Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:16 am

Good Morning Girls

Happy Thursday! SSDD Same stuff... different day! Bright, sunny and hot!
If anybody has any spare rain.. send it up here !

Today is the day!!!! The appliances are scheduled to arrive between 11- and 3:30... any bets on what time they will actually get here? And I never thought I would say this but I can't WAIT to do some laundry. I only have a stove/oven out of necessity and a fridge/freezer to make ice for my coffee (one cube to cool it down) but gotta have the washer/dryer to wash all my fabric, and some skivvies! Oh and the dishwasher comes in handy for hiding dirty dishes.

Judi... Sure sounds like you are having a heck of a time nailing the jello to the tree at your house. Dogs, extra kids, painters, and carpenter (Ken) Are you ready for some Calgon and a nice relaxing bath? Or better yet, a since camping trip away -- just the two of you?

Lyn.. When you dropped off the MH, did you have your jeep behind you so you could go do your errands? Will you wait until September to head back to Texas? My DB and SIL are full time RV'ers now and are thinking about doing "residence" in South Dakota. They have a kind of time share plan where they can stay at any campsite for like 3 weeks, then move.

Flo... I'm with you.. when it's this hot.. I just peek my head out the door and water my flowers and run right back in. Not sure I'll even bother going out to check the mail box!

Valerie... So hope you can find what you need for a ramp. I wonder if Medicare helps cover any of the cost of that or VA insurance? Probably not but ... And I would guess too that the city will want a permit... they sure like permits for just about anything around here anyway!

Maryz... Haven't decided on the border yet... The top is still laying on the floor in my living room with a swatch of red on one side and black on the other.. I'm leaning towards the red. Yes .. making progress at KC's... she sent me home with another suitcase full of fabric.. more foxes and cardinals! and 14 jelly rolls she didn't want. She worked hard yesterday too sorting boxes in to "keep or go" She wants to be done as badly as I do! Good to hear some progress is being made at Vicki's, sounds the city will hire a clean up crew!--

Diane... THANK YOU! for being a part of such a wonderful organization!

Jana... sounds like you are making good progress re arranging for the kids. Do they plan on looking for a place of their own near by? I so loved having my kids with me... but after a while.. like a year... it gets a little "crowded" and I KNOW that they so looked forward to having me out on my own. I love my kids to pieces and my Daughter in laws and my DD but I don't think I could live with them full time permanently, unless I had like my own apartment!

Am anxiously awaiting the phone to ring to tell me that my appliances are on the way. In the meantime I clean up and sort a little more fabric that I brought home. Some of it isn't fabric I'd use in a quilt, but could be used for pillowcases etc. My neighbor makes fleece hats so once I get it all organized I'll invite her over to "shop" .

For now I better get in gear! need more coffee!
Have a great day!

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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by WeSignificant » Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:36 am

Maryq Medicare will not cover. VA does in some Instances. Takes a yr but if you can wait. Nothing in the VA is easy.
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Re: Thursday July 21st

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:48 am

Good morning. It's going to be a great day today. Not sure which weather person to believe. One says we will see 98 today another says 103. Either way, I will be in doors with the AC on. Our TV weatherman retired recently and since the new weatherman has taken over it's just been hot. I might email a complaint telling the news that we never had this heat when Angelo was in charge.

Nothing is on my agenda today. Guess I'll just go play in my room when I am done here.

Judi, I don't mean to laugh but boy there is not a dull moment at your house. Kind of like a Laurel and Hardy movie. Showers falling, dogs coming, teenagers, kitchens and the infamous Laure and Hardy funny, painting. Then to top it off Sherman is marching. Someone is going to get a whip cream pie in the face for sure.

Lyn, mail is a crazy thing. I sent a flatrate box out the other day and it got there with the sides split. Thankfully the stuff inside remained inside. Hope your mail finds you, and that your RV repair is quick and easy. Prayers for Garry's bloodwork

Flo, love that Lisa watched her movie with her new ponies. what a sweet picture that makes in my head

Valerie, I'm sure the August lotto will be as fun as the rest have been, looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I wonder, would it be easier to pour a sidewalk where you now cross the grass? I never thought about a ramp when we put our house in here. We also would have a challenge I've googled wheel chair ramp and have seen many options. A solution is right around the corner, I'm sure of it.

Maryz, I've seen that book it looks fun. If only I needed another pattern. But the CA pattern on the front of the book looks good. Maybe I need to consider an Amazon order, you are a tempter. I will say, your code enforcement is much better than ours. and your Fire Department responds so much quicker than ours. Right now JCPenney has the cross body bag on their website for about $21 but I don't want stripes and I don't want the white. I like a darker kind of purse. Pretty picky I know.

Diane, so kind of you to get those kits ready to be sewn. I bet the time goes quickly with lots of hands in the mix and you get a good visit as well.

Jana, so cool for Karlie to get her room put together. Now she knows she has her own space. Nice that the kitty is thinking you are worth a second look. Enjoy the fireworks.

Maryq, not sure that a ramp would be considered for Medicare. It's not really under the Durable Medical Equipment category, but I've been wrong before. Enjoy those appliances. I have UPS delivering some shoes for me and Marilyn today. They look like Crocs and have fur on the inside. I got us each a pair during prime days. Happy fabric sorting, ugh.

Off to have breakfast and try a new block. It's already 87 degrees at 9:45. I have tea brewing in the sunshine. I love sun tea.

Pat Speth Nickel Quilts has a group on Facebook. She has a pattern called Winter Carnival that for a limited time can be purchased for $2 download. I've been mulling it over and might take the plunge today. She has a lot of great free quilt blocks.

You girls have a marvelos day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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