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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 2nd

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 2nd

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:24 am

Good morning,

Generally when I post in the mornings I'm sitting on the living room couch, coffee at my elbow, laptop atop my lap. But by the time I get to the Supper Club portion of my Q-time, Foxy is nagging me. He wants me to come into the sewing room where his dish and basket are, watch him eat, have a little "pet the cat" time, and then stick around while he settles into his basket for the day. So, tired of being fussed at by a cat, I just moved the computer into the sewing room this morning. He's now settled in his basket which is on a top shelf and peeking at me over the edge to make sure I don't try to sneak out before he falls asleep. Tell me who runs our household! lol!!

I haven't been doing much lately but laundry, making suppers, and working on my little stars. I've got all my colored fabrics cut and today will finish cutting my WOW backgrounds. I made 16 stars yesterday. I have a total of 73 left to sew. I do have some uglies to do today, so I won't be in the sewing room ALL day. I also need to make a shopping list and should hit the store today rather than tomorrow. It's zoo time at any grocery store, I'm sure.

IRISH - OMG! Your poor Kathy! What an awful experience for her! From what I read about GBS, it's cause is unknown, but it can occur as a body's immune system tries to fight a viral infection and mistakenly attacks healthy nerves instead. Saying a prayer for them both that he recovers enough to be able to fly home soon. I'm going to bet they never want to return to Europe again. Have their bags ever shown up? What a trifecta of bad luck!

CAROL - yes, Chip is happy to be home once again. I'm sure he was as lonesome for me (and Foxy!) as we were for him. Now when we get Stitch home again, our little sewing group will all be together again. :D

JANA - so how long is "normal" for your hair? Just curious. I made your chicken recipe last night. It was good. Billy liked it! I added capers (because I have a big jar and am always looking for opportunities to use them), a couple shakes of cayenne (because we like a bit of zip), and a short splash of wine (because we are winos). We have enough of everything left for a do-over again tonite! Thanks for the recipe.

VELDA - I missed where you were planning a trip. Where ya goin'? Sounds like a nice day for travel except for the traffic tie-up. So often when that happens, you wait and wait and when you finally get to the site, there is nothing left. I guess you wait while they clear it all. Be safe! When are you returning?

Well, last night's chicken dish over pasta was excellent. Thank you, Jana, for that recipe! It's such a simple recipe I kept looking for more ingredients. And it smelled so good while cooking. And you were right! It only took about 5 hours to cook on LOW. We're going to have it again tonite. I made it with two chicken breasts (neither of us care for dark meat) and we always split one so we have another to split tonite.

Happy Holiday Eating!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 2nd

Post by Becca » Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:53 am

Hello everyone sunny here but I did get my yard work done before it came out yesterday I got laundry done & beds changed & CA showed That was a big job & wore him out He was in terrible pain all day yesterday Dr called in meds & I had to pick them up
So I read but wasn’t able to post
Irish Prayers for Kathy & Tim What a double nightmare I hope he recovers & gets well That’s all very discouraging to put it mildly

Maryz Im sure you are busy with your stars & other details of getting ready for family

Jana I too wondered what normal length was for you You stay so busy with family just like we used to be Now it’s try to keep everything going

Velda have a great trip wherever you are goingI thought it was to visit friends Traffic is a nightmare on roads today

I hope to get on my front porch some & enjoy the fruits of my labor You can hear animal sounds in the woods probably turkey

I made CA Lima beans he adkef for Myself corn on cob & something with it I don’t like Lima’s

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 2nd

Post by auntjana » Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:50 am

Good afternoon!

Been to the store and home now. No need to go out until Tuesday! Well, except for church tomorrow. On Tuesday morning, we have appointments for a booster vaccine shot.

Dinner - Michael asked for a patty melt, so I'll make one and we'll share it. They tend to be bigger than we eat.

Mary - yay, Chip is home, early! A good thing. Hopefully Stitch's visit will be short too. My backup will still be gone another few weeks for the spa treatment here. You are cranking out those stars fast!

Becca - you are a special jewel! Enjoy the front porch, admiring you hard work!

Ethan, Gracie and Lila put out my July decorations yesterday. We hung bunting on the deck railing, put little flags in my pots of flowers on the front porch and hung all the skinnies and wall hanging in the house. Even attached my red white and blue lights on the deck. We are now festive!

Lila helped Tim, our handyman with all he was doing. Just pulled up her chair and sat and watched. She had to know everything what he was doing. She even helped paint some of the trim - under supervision- got the paint only where it was to be. And not on her.

Heading down to my Batt Cave. Need to get some binding finished and my bench pillow done - I want to use it! This year! LOL!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 2nd

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:52 pm

Got a good part of ugly list done. And got a nap. Made chicken cacciatore in crock pot. Went to Evening mass and came home to supper done.
Tomorrow bbq with kids and some friends.
Have a great evening

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 2nd

Post by Quilter7 » Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:29 pm

Good Evening,

Maryz - Your day sounds so nice and peaceful. Glad to hear Bill is making progress on the IQ.

Jana - Are you counting days, hours or minutes or all three? You must be so excited! Are you bouncing off the walls or just up and down? Just what is normal hair length for you? I have a feeling it is below shoulders.

Becca - My DH likes lima beans and I do not. Every once in a while, when I am gone, he makes them. You must be glad Cal is willing to eat them. You are a gem, enjoy the porch sitting!

Flo - Good for you having dinner ready when you get home from Mass. Our parish added a Mass during Covid and now it is more popular than a Mass that is a little later on Saturday. Both Masses are going to vote next Saturday on a compromise time. It should be interesting!

This morning I took all the President's notebook, gavel, Guild flag, first aid kit and keys to the new President. We met in a parking lot that is about 1/2 way between us. I also had her Board gift to give her and several other notebooks for other Board members. I am glad to get it out of my sewing room to say the least.

This afternoon I had a Zoom sew-in. I marked a quilt top for the next feather class. I want to get that finished.

This evening's dinner was Pasta and (Turkey) meatsauce. A good Saturday evening meal that is easy to prepare.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 2nd

Post by auntjana » Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:14 pm

My hair was down the middle of my back, in December, last year. But then I cut it off medium length - the front around my face is about chin length, and a tad longer in the back, but not my much. I have bangs too. It is layer and I roll it in old fashioned hard plastic rollers, to make it curly. Sleep in them at night. When we cut it last year, we cut off more than 14 inches.

The girl who does my hair, keeps it trimmed in shape, by removing about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch every 8 or so weeks from the layers.

So you asked, now you know. Oh, I am going gray slowly, but around the front of my face, it quite white. No more highlights needed, they are now natural! I am a medium brown naturally.

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