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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 29th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 29th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jun 29, 2022 6:17 am

Good morning,

We're to be about 67* and cloudy today. Yay!! We have two sets of Boondockers in the yard - a single woman with 2 dogs, and 2 women with 3 dogs and 2 cats. Everyone is just sitting for their allotted 3 days (our limit). For the most part they all stay to themselves, sometimes going out for a few hours or all day. I kind of miss our "kids" of last week! They've texted us a few times, sharing pictures of places they are visiting. Today they start down the Oregon Coast.

Bill is 1/3 done quilting Irish Chain but mostly he's been working on brake lines on the trailer. Apparently this is a huge process and he's replacing all the original and improving on it. I've been cutting more little star block pieces and still trying to organize all the Christmas stuff for all my Colorado family. Since they have to travel, I'm trying to find boxes for everything, and most of the time our shop, where the boxes are stored, is blocked by Boondockers, so I had to wait until they left for the day. Then I had to wash some things, decide which gifts are Nov birthday and which are Christmas. Most gifts my sisters and I exchange come from thrift stores, and most are just for laughs. So there is a pile to wrap. They have taken over my sewing room. :lol: I hope to finish that up today and then hide all the gifts in our trailer - to get them out of the house.

BECCA!!! So good to see you here! I've been thinking of you a lot and praying for healing. You have really had a time of it. I bet it felt good to get outside yesterday - and you had a wildlife show to boot! I'm pleased to hear that CA is showing some improvement. Adding shingles to all his other problems just wasn't fair. I remember my dad had them for 10 weeks. Very painful. If CA can get up, even with assist, a few times a day and walk with the walker, it will help strengthen his muscles which are probably weak from being in bed so much. Glad your family has been helping out. And glad you are here!!

TINA - One good thing about dishwashers, if they go out, they aren't TRULY necessary to live like a stove or fridge. But I find them extremely desirable! :D Ours is only 9 yrs old but Bill says he's done with it. Other than the difficulty in cleaning it, it works fine but it ticked Bill off one too many times. Every single dishwasher we looked at has that shallow third rack on top for utensils, silverware, travel mug lids, etc. Most still have an upright basket for silverware, too. None have the basket in the door anymore. We've never had a Bosch appliance but have only heard good things about them. Crossing fingers. Thanks for the recipe. We gave our air fryer away, so we just bake things now.

CAROL - the more fancy features on any appliance, the more can go wrong. That's our philosophy. We bought the base model. I didn't feel like paying an extra $500 just to get a quieter one. I actually like the sound of the dishwasher running. It's the last thing I do when the chores are done and the sound of it makes me feel like the house is clean and all my work is done, and I can play without guilt. I'm easy to fool that way! lol!

JANA - wow! That must be a heck of a fee U-Haul wants to charge to make it worth while to pay for the fuel to return that trailer back to California - 1,300 miles RT. Especially at today's fuel prices and double especially CA's fuel prices! Maybe Kate will have to settle for a traveling birthday party for Aaron, like those dinner parties where everyone travels to different homes for different courses. Congrats to both you and Michael for teaching/learning the new phone!

I'm making homemade pepperoni pizza tonite. Nothing fancy. It's my go-to when I don't feel like really cooking. I make the dough early in the day, then put it in the fridge until it's time to assemble. I also have salad ready to go, leftover from last night.

What's the plan at your house?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 29th

Post by auntjana » Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:17 am

Good morning!

Yesterday was a busy day here. We called and have a new wifi provider coming tomorrow for installation. Both Daniel and Kari work from home, with need of very high speed internet service. Us, alone, just use old fashioned slow, so we are upgrading. Then I helped Sarah with an Activity Day big activity, in a thunderstorm. Outside, but under a open pavilion, in the rain. Went well, with 80 kids, boys and girls, racing sail boats they made. I helped with frosting cookies for pirate coins. Ethan was there, racing the little boat he made. The boats were placed in a rain gutter, filled with water. Each racer blew into the sail to get the boat to move down the 10 feet of gutter. Then the kids did some other fun activities and came to my table and frosted cookies. I was one tired puppy!

Dinner - the recipe is great - well, almost. Cooking chicken breast as long as the recipe called for, definitely dried the breast meat out! So I will use thighs next time, and cut the cooking time shorter.. 6 hours was waaaay too long. The sauce on the pasta was yummy! And would be good over mashed potatoes or even rice. I will share the recipe with y'all a bit later. Dinner tonight is unknown at the moment- pizza sounds great, but I just was informed of a time schedule and need to get breakfast done here.

Do something fun!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 29th

Post by auntjana » Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:27 am

OK back again

Chaos reigns supreme !

Here's the recipe as it is before I make any changes.

1 1/2 lbs chicken breasts
1 - 10.5 Oz can cream of chicken soup - don't dilute
3 cloves of garlic -whole or you can chop
1/4 cup butter - softened
4 Oz cream cheese - softened
3/4 cup chicken stock
1 pkg - Italian dry salad dressing mix - Good Seasons
Angel hair pasta

Mix together butter and cream cheese, then add soup, stir until combined, then add stock and dry Italian seasoning. That is the sauce.

In a crockpot, spray with non stick spray, add chicken pieces. Top chicken with garlic. Then pour over the sauce. Cover with lid and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Serve over cooked pasta - you cook pasta on the stove, according to pasta directions.

That's the way I found the recipe. So changes I made and will make in the future -

I only used two chicken breasts, but made the full amount of sauce. First change - don't cook the chicken for so long - I would check and use a temp probe at a shorter time. It's just the chicken that needs to be cooked through. Second - I will use boneless skinless thighs the next time. They are wonderful for cooking slow and can handle if you cook them a bit too long. The breasts I used were also skinless and boneless. The sauce is extremely yummy and would be great over mashed potatoes or rice, as a gravy - no extra thickening needed.. Making the original amount of sauce , we only had a small amount leftover, so I would double the sauce ingredients if I made more chicken pieces. We like sauce!

So as per most of the recipes in this house, they get tweaked a bit.

You could probably use bone in pieces as well, just check to see that the right internal cooking temperature is reached for food safety.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 29th

Post by Becca » Wed Jun 29, 2022 11:33 am

Hello everyone cloudy here with a shower earlier I had early Dr appt then groceries while Tina was here Late getting Home CA asked why it took so long Ivtold him I had been partying Lol ROF He forgot His had to go to Dr His mind is still foggy
I got some good corn on cob & watermelon
Ate an ear for lunch with my banned salad
Dr safe d She thought I was doing great to have been thru our month

Jana Ibtoo wondered how you could come out going back to CA with our gas prices & they are worse than ours

Maryz Our dishwasher is really quiet I love it
Our DGS & his wife are in Iceland & Denmark on vacation Pictures are beautiful
Have a great day everyone Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 29th

Post by Quilter7 » Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:23 pm

It was a pizza day here today.

I had Zoom sew-in this afternoon and then DH and I went for a nice walk. I worked on straightening notebooks for the new President. Mostly I had to straighten the notebooks from the last two years. All is good. Her husband has Covid and she is testing negative. Let's hope next week she can get the notebooks from me along with other items that go with the job.


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