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Sunday June 26th

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Sunday June 26th

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:15 am

Good morning Happy Sunday.
The shower was very nice food was delicious and the kids got lots of nice baby things. My EMCEE job was ok although I dont like the spot light. Maddie loved the wonky house quilt...and her and all her cousins spread it out and decided where they wanted to live on the quilt.
I did get some work done on the hexi quilt...it will havr 8 rows and Im on 3...I will get this top done in the next couple of days and put it on the quilting que.
We may get some rain today but if the weather is good I will be outside. Today is middle sons birthday but i dont know if i will see him today....if i do it might be that he comes for supper.
Today Ken will sand and finish the stair treads and risers...we will be ready for paint within the next couple of days...

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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:56 am

Good Sunday morning 🌞
It's rather cloudy here. About 74 degrees to start our day. We got 1/2" of rain over night, but cement is almost dry out front. Hummingbirds were here at the crack of dawn looking for a refill on their feeders. I had nectar ready to go last night, so I went out in my PJs and filled them first thing.
Judi, the shower sounds like it was a lot of fun.
Also great to hear your remodeling project is almost finished. That has to be a wonderful feeling.
Our dance last night was really fun. The band that played last night is the same band that will play again on Monday night in another town that we go to. We really like these guys. They play a lot of old familiar country/western music and have great singing voices. Made for a fun night.
I am not a fan of wearing sandals, but I did last night. I think I prefer to dance in my boots. I haven't wore nail polish in about 3 years. Now I remember why I hate it so much. It's hard to paint it on and not make a mess, LOL. As I age, my hands are so shaky. Guess I need to go to get pedicure and manicure, but I am too stingy to spend the money on pampering myself. LOL
Well I guess it's just not going to be something that I want to mess around with on a regular basis. Since I have nails polished I will wear the sandals again today to church, and then get the polish cleaned off and go back to my regular shoes.
Well time for my second cup of coffee ☕☕
Have fun today!!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by mepeace2 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:14 am

Good morning Ladies
Finally here. Velda its 72 and cloudy here. I got about 2.5 inches of rain in about 2 hour. a real downpour.
My baby hummingbirds finally appeared. I love to watch them . But have to fill feeders more than once a day. I guess its time to put another one out. I have four already. Funny they prefer the red glass ones. I am making at least 8 cups of there food a day.
I am so glad you are going to dances.
Judi Glad you had a good time at shower. I have always enjoyed baby showers.
I ran all last week taking Jim to Dr appointment then for xray on his chest. Dr appointment was in Peoria and xray was in Galesburg. I got to sew just a little.
The fabric bingo cards are made with different colored and type of fabric like yellow batic and pink thirties. I dont know how someone is going to win but we will see. Especially on last round and we are supposed to fill card of 25 squares. Hope we are not there until midnight. We meet at 2 in afternoon LOL
I am only going to make 2 cards. O have to take buttons for markers. O we have to bring 4 fq each too. These will be given out as prizes . Along with some other prizes.
Today I was going to work on gardens but it is very wet out there. So I will do a little cleaning then into sewing room.
Well I need another cup of coffee and make 6 more cups of hummer food.
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:47 am

Good morning,

Judi, Happy Birthday to your middle son! Do you have to use special paint for the stairs? I can picture the little girls all playing imagination with your Wonky Town quilt. I'd be dancing my little dolls around on it, visiting other dolls in other houses on the quilt. What a nice shower - you were EMCEE! That put it over the top! :D I finished my yardwork. Neener neener. (at least until August when I have to do it all over again.)

LYN - welcome home! Glad you got a good night's sleep. A bummer you can't take your MH right up to your house in Estes but have to leave it in Loveland. It's a bit of a trek, back and forth. Happy retirement to your brother! Does he have any particular plans - big trips, hobbies, etc - or is he just going to rest for a while?

KATHY - Great Gobs of Green Grass!!! You got mowed!! Hallelujah!! I hope he's got you on his schedule now. Your burning neighbors are moving? This is a good thing, right? I hope good neighbors are on their way! Take them a pizza or muffins on moving day. They will love you for it - and maybe they will have a lawn mower . . . . :)

MARY Q - congrats to Nolan on so much improvement! I always loved seeing the kids perform. And congrats to you, too, on emptying 5 boxes of stuff at KC's! I won't ask how many more boxes to go. French doors on fridges look cool, but they are a pain. No matter what I want in there, I open the wrong door! My neighbor has to open both doors to get to her deli drawer. We both hate our fridges. I don't like foo foo coffee either. I like French roast with plain Coffeemate. I can't handle anything sweet in my coffee. And I only drink 2 cups in the morning and I'm done for the day. I remember that Sue loves her pecan coffee and when she lived here she ordered it on-line. It's a staple in TX but not here in WA.

VALERIE - Hope you are seeing an improvement today. I saw your July lotto and plan to make a few blocks. I love being able to dip into my scraps for lottos. Get well soon!

CHRISS - Have you and Jerry ever tried mixing your grounds before making coffee and seeing if it works for both of you? We use Folgers in our percolator when camping and used to use Yuban in the drip coffeemaker. But now we use San Francisco French Roast beans. A 2# bag of beans lasts us 6 weeks and costs $16 at Costco, or about 35 cents for a 6 cup pot. We tried a cauliflower crust pizza recently and I really liked it! Do you? We went to The Tides Tavern for lunch yesterday at Drew's request. 100 years ago it was the grocery store where my grandparents shopped. I had a blue cheese burger and fries. Vicki doesn't like all the RV's that are parking near her property line , however, she's not nearly as active as she used to be. She still bangs on her windows, rings bells, beats on her copper bowl, and shakes her chimes. The resonating sound is supposed to clear the air of toxic presence, in her mind. But she stays on her own side of the property line.

VELDA - Sounds like you had quite a tussle with your shower curtain liner. I think I would just buy another one. Maybe a yellow one? :lol: I always wear clear polish on my fingernails. My toes are generally "nekked" but I do polish them in summer for sandals and if I do bright red at Christmas in case I wear my dressy sandals any place. I, too, prefer my cowboy boots for dancing. They are surprisingly comfortable. But ankle boots are a nice compromise in warmer weather.

KATY - how do you put numbers on the squares of your bingo cards? I don't feed the hummers here. Not because I wouldn't like to, but because I'm terrible at keeping the feeders clean and filled. I don't want the birds to become dependent on me because I'm not dependable. Plus, the avian flu is in our area and we live next door to a backyard flock of chickens. The local authorities have asked residents not to feed wild birds. :(

JANA - congratulations on going down another size!! How did the big anniversary party go? Were the parents happy? Were there any juicy scenes? Do tell!

We were 88* yesterday and will hit 90* for the next two or three days. That's pretty warm for us. But we'll be back in the 60's again by Wed. I cleaned the bathroom and mopped all the floors, then cleaned my sewing room. I didn't get to my Christmas wrapping. I decided to take a glass of ice water and my book out onto the deck and read for a while. So today - Christmas! Then I think I'll try out a few lotto blocks for July. And do some more relaxing. I found I kind of liked that.

Stay cool, stay healthy (Val, you hear me!?), and keep those bobbins wound.

mary z

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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:18 am

Good morning. It's going to be a scorcher today, thankfully I live indoors and have AC, I won't feel a thing.

I've been making sun tea every other day. so glad our ice maker keeps up with me. When we had kids at home during the summer, they easily emptied the ice bin.

Been playing Wordle.org. doing 4 puzzles at a time and doing Suduko. I'm addicted. trying to keep my brain in motion.

I plan to be in my room today, no other stuff on my docket. Soon my last load will be in the dryer then it's all about me.

Judi, glad the shower was a success. So fun for Maddie and cousins to get to pick out which quilted house they want. yay for getting ready for paint. what fun.

Velda, I don't spend money on my nails either. I have had one manicure in my life and don't see myself ever having another one. Too cheap. I don't wear perfume, makeup or jewelry. I wear slides (sandals with no back strap or anything between my toes) in the summer and tennis shoes in the winter. But mostly, around the house, it's slippers. Glad you are enjoying your dancing, such good exercise. Does the band that you like know you are their groupies?

Katy, I love bingo. Our senior center puts on a game each month. It is fun although I have never won. Those hummers are loving you. Hope all is well with Jim.

Maryz, a glass of iced water and a book sound nice. What are you reading? We are supposed to see 108* today. My son the brat called to let me know, among other things, that he wasn't quite 70* at his house yesterday. Cauliflower pizza crust is good, Jerry has been making one with ground chicken. I prefer the ground chicken, we tried it with ground turkey, not a fan. I love the lotto and getting to use up scraps. I want to attempt two blocks before taking a stab at the July lotto https://www.freshlemonsquilts.com/journ ... other-star and https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/labyrin ... rn-2820826

Jana, I just read where Maryz said you are down a size. Congratulations, what a great feeling to be melting away. so excited for you.

Maryq, yep, two pots here. hope that the sorting at KC's is on the downhill side.

Kathy, so glad you got some good sleep. Looking forward to hearing about your new neighbors, so glad the burners are moving, huge blessing.

I have one load in the dryer and will be caught up with the laundry. When Jane Pauley is over I will shower and start my day. Hope you girls have the best day ever.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by auntjana » Sun Jun 26, 2022 8:17 am

Good morning!

Well, let's try this again! In helping Michael with his new phone, I lost my stuff here. Sarah got home very late last night , after midnight, so no juicy stories - yet. The party was in Logan, about a 2 hour drive, north and east of me. All I got so far, was, the food is put away and it went well. Too many ears to hear things at her house right then.

We had fun with the teenage grand boys last night. Forgot how much boys that age eat! They can eat and eat and eat some more! So we watched trains, ate, laughed and got a ice cream cone on the way home. Matt and Crenda fly home this afternoon. The boys have been cleaning, making sure all their messes are gone.

Church is a bit later this morning. It will be strange just sitting in our favorite pew and having someone else responsible for what we did for many years. We did the Ward Bulletin for more than ten years and over 500 printed bulletins. That's a lot!

Maybe I will sew this afternoon. I am leaning toward starting another bench pillow. I have several kits to make. One is summer, with potted flowers. Had to laugh at Michael - with this bench pillow. He kept telling me, that the pillow form was too short for our bench. It's not, perfect length, in fact. You see, the pillow is for the back of the bench, and he thought he was supposed to sit on it! Silly husband! All that work to sit on, I don't think so! :) I need practice, as I have a adorable Halloween quilt from Kimberbell to make, using this method.

Not much more here, beautiful, very hot day on tap,


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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by WeeOne » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:34 am

Good day from my laptop.
I usually post from my phone, but I have the laptop in front of the couch, so I will try this. When we got here Friday evening, I called Direct TV to change our address to here....an hour later the lady tells me they have removed that receiver's card # and will have to send a new card. This TV is pre smart TV, so I set my laptop up and we watched YouTube TV. I'm about done with Direct TV!

Kathy, how's the lawn look? Glad the burners are leaving!

Judi, I bet you did a good job on EMCEEing. Sounds like Maddie will enjoy her quilt. Sounds like stair construction is going well.

Velda, I know you enjoy your dances! If I were dancing as much as you two, I would want my boots on.

Katy, I hear the hummers outside here, but probably won't put a feeder out since I'm not sure how long we will be here.

MaryZ, thank you for the welcome home, though if the saying is true, Home is where your heart is, then this is only a house. My heart is in the Motorhome and I'm realizing quickly it's edging into the Texas house. My brother, Larry, had a nice retirement party. They even zoomed with a top guy from Bell Helicopters who presented Larry with a lifetime award. Larry owns a small farm east of Ft. Collins and has a Motorhome, so I hope they will travel some. He's been busy with stuff around his farm that has been on his want to do list for some time. He's like our Dad, he will go go go until his body stops him. Us Hansen's are all like that, got it from Dad.

Chriss, I will ck out your links when finished here. Wish I could send some cool weather to you.

Jana, I want details on the party, too. I need to look up your bench pillows, as I plan to have a bench on the porch in Texas. Congrat's on down a size. I'm in desperate need of losing about 15# that have landed on me. Of course having been in Amish country and their cooking didn't help any.

I had planned to stop at the Motorhome before or after my brother's party, to get my sewing machine, but that didn't happen. I also thought that my lotto blocks, that are almost done were still there. I'm happy to say, I had put the blocks in a bag with some paperwork and it's here on the dining room table. I hope I have thread to go on one of my featherweights, so I can finish those blocks today. I have a stackable plastic tote that carries all my thread, which is at the MH.

Yesterday when Garry got up, he said he was a little dizzy and we figure it's the altitude.
As for the party....my DD1, Stacey, arrived at the same time as we did. We walked in together and got about 4' from the first table and Garry started leaning to his right and said, "I think I'm going down." I was on his right and grabbed him. Stacey grabbed the left arm and just then my niece, Michelle, came up and we told her to get a chair. First she said to let him go to the floor, he was having a seizure. Stacey again said, GET A CHAIR and finally Michelle did and we got him set down. I told Michelle that he was not having a seizure. Michelle is Larry's daughter and she's a doctor. But to be quite honest, I wouldn't send my worst enemy to her for doctoring!! I could tell y'all why I feel that way, but it would take too long. Michelle went back to greeting people and Stacey went and got Garry some water. After a bit, we got him up and moved to that first table. As soon as the food was ready to serve, I got Garry a plate. We don't always eat a lot of breakfast/lunch and yesterday we had omelets at noon. So, between food and altitude it got to him. Stacey and I took turns staying with him while the other visited with family that was there. At some point, most of the family came over and said hello to Garry. The party was held in the helicopter hangar, which is quite large. Helicopters were moved to the back and the party was up by the big doors, it was a wonderful evening not to hot or cool. Stacey spotted an office chair with wheels, which we moved Garry to when he had to use the restroom. We wheeled him around the rest of the evening. We left about 9:30, though the party was to go until 11. Garry was better and he got in the house without a problem. If altitude continues to be a problem, we'll be out of here sooner than later.

I have to add a neat thing that happened yesterday. My sister could not come from Oregon because her hubby has Alzheimer's and they can no longer travel. Her oldest daughter, Karen, and her hubby had driven down from Oregon for the party. I had a small box with a couple figurines that had been our Mom's, that Sis wanted and I figured Karen could take it back. So, I pulled that box out of the stuff I have from our parents house that I brought up here to finish sorting through. As I moved that box, I saw an envelope in the box next to it that caught my eye. I took it out and looked, it was a letter that my Mom had sent to my Dad's parents on Dec. 16, 1962. I guess when my parent's cleaned out the grandparents house, Mom found this and kept it. Anyway, I opened it and there was a part about Larry in this letter. I copied it and took it to the party. I truly believe God had a hand in guiding me to the letter. I showed it to Larry's son, Michael, and he said he would read it during their presentations that were planned. Michael almost didn't get through it without tears. Here's the paragraph Mom wrote. Note, Larry was 17 at the time.

"Larry made his first solo flight last Wednesday (12th). He took off and landed twice and done fine. He is the youngest person taking lessons now. There are other boys his age that have learned to fly before. We think he is doing pretty good at his age, his enthusiasm keeps growing. I hope his dreams will come true some day."

I don't know if starting a helicopter company and it becoming a world wide known and trusted company in the industry was what his dream was back then, but he has been very successful. He's always been a good big brother, too!!

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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by auntjana » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:55 am

Lyn -

Finding things like that letter is what I call a tender mercy from the Lord. Yes, you were to find that letter and share it with the family.

Thank you for sharing with us.


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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by MuseAndSew » Sun Jun 26, 2022 3:50 pm

Lyn what a beautiful story you shared of the letter you found! Thanks for sharing!

Judy sounds like a fun shower & what a neat wonky house quilt!

Kathy so nice you found someone to help mow your lawn.

Jana on your Kimberly pillow did you use your own material, scraps or a kit? Such cute pillows. I’ll have to see if you posted a photo.

Valerie I hope you’re starting to feel a bit better.

I’m going to a birthday party for my grandson tonight. Should be a fun get together. I’m working on an embroidery towel for his baptism.

Chriss I like word puzzles too! I’ll have to check out your quilt blocks!

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Re: Sunday June 26th

Post by auntjana » Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:34 pm

Bev - I used my own fabrics, but bought the embellishment kit. I am now in the stage of quilting the embroidery front, so no pictures yet. Sarah wants to help quilt it on my LA. For the fabric choices, I used the pictures of what was suggested on the cd disk. Raided my stash too. The most problem I had was interrupting the instructions with choice of thread colors that they used. Most of my threads are Sulky brand and they called for Madiera. I needed to change my machine from their brand to Sulky. Which sometimes is above my pay grade in knowledge. LOL! Once you figure out the terminology, it goes better and quicker.


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