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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, June 26th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, June 26th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:16 am

Good morning,

It's going to be a warm one for us today - 90*. Even a bit warmer tomorrow before cooling to the 60's by Wed. My sewing room window faces west and can get pretty toasty on hot afternoons. So any sewing that might get done will be before 2pm-ish. And I think I'll give the newly posted July lotto a go. Yesterday I got all my mopping done and the bathroom cleaned. Guilt averted! Today I could do some cleaning downstairs where it stays cool on hot days. So that might happen . . .or not. And I have one load of wash to do and put out on the lines. The boondockers park close to my clotheslines, so hope they don't mind a tablecloth and Bill's undies flapping in the breeze. Right now we have a retired Mstr Sgt from US Rangers. It would be funny if he helped train our newly minted DSIL who was a Capt in US Rangers.

CAROL - you are still managing to keep your days filled! I'm glad you fixed the blocks in your quilt. I Googled Wayfarers Chapel to see what you were seeing. What a pretty place it would be for a wedding!

JANA - congratulations on losing another dress size - and wearing shorts!! You go, girl!! You and I think alike - keep that bucket filled with projects that God couldn't possibly allow to be left undone! :lol: My new pieced pattern is by Elizabeth Hartman - "North Stars". It's 9 different Alaskan animals. Alaska is rather near and dear to my heart so I have done several Alaska projects. I have another pattern of all Alaskan wildflowers and plants that I bought at a quilt shop in Fairbanks 7 years ago - I haven't tackled that one yet. It's a LOT of applique. How did the anniversary party go?

VELDA - I sort of "outgrew" all my cowgirl boots so I sold them about 4 yrs ago and now I have two pairs of ankle boots for dancing. I would like to dance more often but there aren't many places to go around here any more. Or maybe it's just that we don't go. The only good floors are at the Eagles clubs and we are no longer Eagles members.

We finally worked our way through all the leftovers! Hooray! I don't want to heat the house with the stove so I think I"ll make chef's salads tonite. . . . I don't have any meat to add to it, but beans and boiled eggs would work from the protein . . . .

Have you got any good ideas for hot day menus?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, June 26th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:16 am

Good morning!
I'm caught up reading LOL days zoom by anymore.
We ended up with burgers on the grill instead of our free pizza that night so I still have a free pizza coming.... not sure when I'll be using it. We went to get metal Thursday for the North barn doors at Frankie's Aunt's place and on our way back stopped at Luna Rosa Winery and got our most favorite pizza for lunch. It was soooooo yummy! They have the best Italian food and get a lot of their supplies from Italy.
I'm loving our AC! It's really helping me with our hot days. Our solar had a pretty good credit amount on it but we've used it up with these hot hot days but it's still helping tons.
The cloudy days also don't let as much solar produce but I think it's still all good, way way way better than what it used to be. By next summer we should have enough stored in credits that we won't have to pay any differences I think. It's because we weren't hooked up during the cool days where we could just bank it and only use a small amount.
But we'll get a good amount banked over the fall, winter and early spring for the summers. Our system usually produces 45 kwh per day and if we're not using AC we usually use about 15 to 20 KWH per day. We've gotten some rain and it's so appreciated. Our grass has grown a foot! I think it appreciates it too LOL watering just isn't the same result as rain.
It's in the 60's right now with an easterly cool wind so I'm going to get started on vacuuming and then mop while it's cool. I'll have to see what I do after that. We're supposed to be 88° today but partly cloudy.
Supper tonight I think will be pork chops and zucchini.
Last edited by gershwin64 on Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, June 26th

Post by auntjana » Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:21 am

Good morning!

No juicy stories yet. Sarah got home very late and was very tired. The party was in Logan, about 2 hours north and east of us.

Church is in a few minutes. It will be different to sit in our favorite pew and have others responsible for what we did for years.

Thanks - it is a great feeling to wear these smaller sizes. It's been a very long time since I wore this size. I am now going through my closet and weeding out the dresses that are too big. Some are my favorites and it's hard to donate them, but someone can use them, instead of gathering dust in my closet.

Dinner out with the teenage grand boys was fun last night. So glad I don't feed them everyday! I forgot how much boys can eat! We watched trains, laughed, ate and had a ice cream cone on the way home. They all love Artic Circle ice cream cones - a soft serve cone, dipped in chocolate or cherry, that hardens to a crunchy covering. Dinner today here is our normal brunch, eggs and hashbrowns, then we have leftover Cafe Rio salads if needed. I found a new recipe for chicken in the crockpot . It called Angel Chicken. Make a sauce that you cook chicken breasts in and then cook angel hair pasta to put everything over. I will let you know how it comes out. The ingredients look like they will be good together.

Hoping to sew some today after church.

I wear my sandals all the time - until the snow falls! I love my huarachi sandals. They are closed toe, so no tripping by catching the sole on things and no need for nail polish. I would wear them in the snow, except the snow would get in! :)

Enjoy the day, it's a scorcher here today, dancing near the century mark,


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, June 26th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:03 pm

Hi everyone! After church I made B & G. DH just loves it! Tonight I am having the other ham steak I have in fridge. Nothing much else to report.
We are watching Molly B Polka Party on RFD-TV. We tape/ record all and then always have something to watch when we are bored with other TV.
It's neat to watch other people dance.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, June 26th

Post by Quilter7 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:29 pm

Good Evening,

Maryz - Yes, Wayfarers Chapel is a favorite wedding place. I did go to a funeral there once as well.

Jana - Your dinner out sound like you enjoyed the visit with your grandsons.

Tina - We had a little rain this past week, now it is fog in the morning and wind every afternoon. Glad you have an a/c this year!

Today I finished squaring up the blocks that are signed. I repaired a few more as well. I thought I would make Teriyaki Chicken for dinner, but it is too late so I think the Chicken will be grilled. I will make the Teriyaki another evening.


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