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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 22nd

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 22nd

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:58 am

Good morning!

Well, yesterday was the longest day of the year and now winter's on it's way! Are you ready?

Yesterday I fiddled around in my play room for an hour and then went outside to get some more yard work done. One more short afternoon will do it for this round. But that won't happen today. I have chiropractor this morning, home for 1/2 hour, and then I'm leaving to pick up two friends, Esther and Norie, for an early lunch in Tacoma. It's to celebrate Norie's 93rd birthday which was a couple days ago. She lost her husband of 72 years about 3 weeks ago and is having a hard time of it. She needs a little pampering. And her daughters have also 'encouraged' her to give up driving now so she's struggling with that, too. She's quite a capable lady, but losing her Eddie (and then her Caddie) has really taken the wind out of her sails.

TINA - I noticed yesterday, for a time, we had the same outdoor temp, according to my phone's weather ap. I call that good news for both of us! Did you get your free pizza?

VELDA - HH is Harvest Hosts. It's exactly the same as Boondockers, but camping at wineries, ranches, farms, bulb farms, etc. You may or may not get power/water. But for a night or two of parking you aren't required but are strongly encouraged to purchase a bottle of wine, a bag of bulbs, flowers, cheese, or whatever. We have been in every state in the union and most of the Canadian provinces. But there's always new things to see. We are on our third "sticky USA map" on the side of our trailer. But so far we haven't been further east than OK, CO, WY, MT with this map or this fiver. We have more traveling to do! We want to fill that map. Hoping next year will be OUR year.

LORI - a facial and a massage. Aaahhh..... Sweet! No, we were going to drive to Alaska. Then fuel prices soared, so we were going to fly. When we talked to my brother, Gene, about his three sisters and Bill coming to visit (he loves Bill), he decided it would be better if he flew down here instead. So everyone is gathering at our house the last half of August. One sis and hubby are bringing their RV, and the other sis and Gene are flying, coordinating their flights to land approx the same time so both can be fetched from the airport in one trip. Going to be busy times! I can't wait!

Well, our leftover spaghetti turned into quite a big deal last night. At last moment we invited our friends, Tex & Annette, to join us for campfire, happy hour, and spaghetti. So I added more meatballs to the sauce, along with another can of tomatoes, a splash of red wine, and extra seasoning. Then we decided to include our boondockers, the young couple and the retired lady. So we had quite the crowd around the campfire and the spaghetti pot! And now we're left with the same amount of sauce and meatballs I started with! :lol: But maybe I'll just toss that into the freezer and figure out new food for tonite. :lol: Both of these boondockers need to stay in our area until Saturday, so we told them they could extend with us until then since we have no one else coming 'til Sat.

So back to supper - something light since I'll be coming from a heavy lunch - grilled cheese or salad or minestrone soup. Or a combo.

What's tempting your palate tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 22nd

Post by auntjana » Wed Jun 22, 2022 6:51 am

Good morning!

Mary - oh the fun at the Rock'n Z in August! It will be quite the fun to have all your family together. Matt has looked into Boondockers, but hasn't gone any farther with his research.

I have just one block left, then the simple patchwork squares and assembly. I thought there were 6, but there's 7.

Dinner - well, sliders don't reheat well, so some new food will appear. What, is still in the air. My orzo pasta dish is one I told y'all about awhile back. Tasty and simple. I'm good with that! Might even pull an Irish out of my hat, out to eat!

Well, my Yoohoodi is out doing his chores. He misbehaved yesterday, so I need to have him redo the vacuuming. The rest of my uglies are done.

Enjoy the beautiful day!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 22nd

Post by QuiltGram8 » Wed Jun 22, 2022 7:07 am

Mary, thanks for the education on the Harvest Hosts. That's a great deal for travelers. Boy, that was generous of you to invite your guests to join in campfire supper. Sounds fun.
Dentist visit wasn't a big deal. A repair of an old silver filling that was very many years old. Replaced with white filling. Seems that's the new way now days.
I have the most trouble with anxiety of not able to swallow etc. They realized my anxiety and stopped now and then to give me a little break. Got through it just fine. Whole ordeal was done and I was headed home in less than an hour.
Not even restrictions on eating for the rest of the day. Just told me to be careful not to bite my tongue LOL!
Tonight is a dance night again. Supper out with friends.
Did bike ride with DH first thing then the rest of my morning routines.
We have another hot day on deck here.
I made another batch of my vegi dip. That will be healthier snack for me. Going to make up hamburger patties for tomorrow night. Bought some bulk Italian sausage that I will brown in skillet and cool and freeze in baggies for other dishes and to add to pizza, etc. I like to make biscuits and gravy, too. This way it's precooked and ready to add into recipes.
Jana you jumped in ahead of me... I love when you talk about yoohoodie, 😉. My house is small enough that I wear the yoohoodie badge here. As a matter of fact, I need to grab my dust mop and get busy along with your little guy. LOL
That's all on my " to-do list" for today.
XxOo Have a great day!!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 22nd

Post by auntjana » Wed Jun 22, 2022 12:39 pm

Well maybe a new Costco record - least number of items, huge amount spent! Went in for strawberries, blueberries and tomatoes, got those and a new cellphone for Michael. $ 1350 later , just for 4 small things that barely filled a grocery bag! Michael has needed a new phone for more than 2 years -specialized criteria - it had to fit, not fall out of a shirt pocket. He researched and researched and then more research and found one that worked. So as we headed in today for the food, he saw that Costco carried the brand, the right carrier, so I said, enough, get it now! I won - of course, I won! LOL! Now for the learning curve and all the words that go with it.

It will be interesting, as Matt and Crenda are heading to Disneyland, a trip just for themselves, no kids, now, until Sunday, so it's me trying to help. Talk about the blind leading the blind. Matt is one of the technical gurus here, as well as Scott across the street. Sarah is tied up with the 50th anniversary party, so it's me.

Never a dull moment here!


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