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Friday June 10,2022

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Friday June 10,2022

Post by FlorenceM » Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:25 am


Off to urologist to get answer and solution to UTI problem.
Yesterday we rented the new Ghostbusters from Redbox...still no internet at our place. It was awesome! So many references to original movie...if you're a Ghostbusters fan, it's a must watch. DDIL and grandkids saw movie and had supper with us. A great night.
Have a sew great day

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:41 am

Good Morning FLo...I loved the original Ghostbusters movie . Somtimes the sequel just doesnt do it...Glad you liked it.'
I have one errand to run then yard work today till ken gets home then we go to get more basement supplies...It is crunch time as the floors are in store and installers have been set for the end of July. Ken has to trim out the ceiling to cover the seams and then we will be ready for the first coat of primer...
Coffee has been made so I will head out. Tonight I may finish the table runner,,,and start another of 9 I have set out. I probably will set the blocks into tops I have 3 quilts to put together including the sew along quilt we did last year and I never finished,,,( actually for got about it) so all will get done. Hope your day goes smoothly...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:51 am

Good morning ,
Today I'm up dressed a load of wash is done everything is done and I'm sewing my birds.

I saw the original Ghostbusters and liked it but I'm not to much into movies.

Judi your basement is seeing a finish thats great.

Well thats all the news here have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by auntjana » Fri Jun 10, 2022 5:23 am

Hi there y'all!

It's looking to be a great day here, especially if you like heat! Good day to stay in and sew! Which is what I will do.

The embroidery unit is still attached to my sewing machine, so I may try my hand at some applique that uses that part of my machine. Hopefully it's not too hard to learn. I have a Kimberbell pattern for a 4th of July bench pillow that needs making. I have all the fancy rulers for the blocks too.

Not much new around these parts either. Just my normal life. That will all probably change in a few weeks with having family in the house. Then it will be not so boring!

Stay safe! Many prayers added to our "quilt of prayers ",

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Jun 10, 2022 5:50 am

Good morning,

Irish turned me onto a bald eagle nest cam that she watches and we've been watching it now since the babies hatched in late March. And this morning when I got up the first (of three eaglets!) fledged! In the eagle cam watching world this is big exciting news. The other two will probably fledge very soon and in a week or so it will all be over until next year. Last night I was looking at pictures of when they were little white fuzz balls huddled under Mom during a rain storm. A lot changes in 80 days!

FLO - good luck at the doctor today. I really hope you get the answers you need.

LOIS - I'm not much of a movie person either but I would like to see the new Ghostbusters. I enjoyed the original.

JUDI - Don't forget your mosquito perfume! They like that! :D Exciting to think that the end is in sight for your basement. It's been an epic event. I think we all will want to stop by and check it out! We're going to need photos for sure!

MARY Q - You've been such a busy girl! helping KC, finishing your chicken quilt, family times. What are you doing this weekend? Do you have to do your own yardwork - mowing, weeding, etc., or is that part of the HOA bennies?

VAL - your poor dad has been through a lot. At 95, I'm glad he doesn't want chemo or more extensive surgery. I'm curious to see if the Farxiga helps his sugars. WA gas is about $5.49 to $5.89 at most stations. A few, like the Shell near my house, are higher. It's $6.39. I don't see a lot of cars at their pumps. Diesel is running 50 to 90 cents higher. We saw fewer trucks and RV's than usual on the highway during our trip. We burned 50 gal on that trip - our longest until winter when we may - or may not! - go south.

JANA - that's pretty nice that Daniel can work both his old job and the new one. He may make more use of Michael's office than Michael and Karlie combined! I love having shopping all so close. We live semi-rural (though the rural part is rapidly vanishing :cry: ) and Costco, Target, HD, and hospital are 3 miles away to the north and our regular groceries, doctors, Michael's, Kohl's, Ross, and more are 2 miles south. I have the best of everything. We even have our new little quilt shop within walking distance!

Yesterday we ended up running some errands and hitting Costco for a few things and returning some peanut butter that was on salmonella recall. By the time we got home, and I put things away and packaged meat and arranged the freezer, the working part of my day was done. Meaning it was 3pm and time to sit down. We did get 4 loads of laundry done, but Bill folded most of that as he watched late afternoon TV news. TV and W/D are in same room downstairs. Smart planning on my part, don't you think? This morning I have my mammo and then will head into Tacoma for the big semi-annual 40% off everything sale. I need nothing, but it won't be long before this store will be gone. The owner is 80 and in declining health so I'm stocking up for my own old age. That will take my entire morning. The afternoon? Maybe clean bathrooms, maybe start a couple June lotto blocks. Maybe surprise myself. We're having another rainy day. Bill says he is going to load my Buckeye Beauty for quilting.

Tina, internet shopping guru that she is, found the fabric I needed to finish my Irish Chain and it all arrived while I was gone, so I need to circle back to that SOON. Thank you, Tina!! Plus I have the calendar swap to finish by July, then the Christmas swap is starting and I can never resist that. I have May lotto winnings to put together, and a few table runners I'd really like to make. So my sewing list is growing long.

May we all get to fondle some fabrics today!
Mary z

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by WeeOne » Fri Jun 10, 2022 6:41 am

Happy Friday!!
Yesterday afternoon I took a nap in my recliner, which is a very rare thing, only to be woke up to a loud thud and Coach rock. I fly out of my recliner and out the door to find that the passenger mirror is busted off it's arm. A guy walked up from the trailer he was parking in front right of our site, and I let him have a sentence of 4 letter words I know but mostly never use. I later apologized for that sentence. The guy is a transport driver and was moving trailer for a family. He'd picked it up in Oklahoma. He was sorry and find out cost and he'd pay for it. While he finished parking I called Transwest in Colorado, where we bought it, and they emailed me a quote but said there store here in Belton, MO, had the mirror. So I called and got a quote from them, but they don't have one in stock. I went outside and told the man the quote was being emailed and that it was $2,600 +. That doesn't include labor. I asked him for his driver's license and took a picture. Then had him write out his name and phone number. He was telling me he had looked up the mirror and they're all over the internet for $300. I explained that this one has a camera and no way costs only $300. I told him to wait a minute and I would bring the quote out to him. I was going to get his insurance and take a picture of his plate on truck. He walked back to his truck and I came in to print quote, only to look up and see him driving out of the campground. I raced out hopped in the Jeep and went after him, only to find everyone on this quiet street. There were 6 or more vehicles between him and me. I turned around and came back. Office worker, Trudy, had been here when he hit Coach. He was supposed to go into the office, but didn't. She and I compared what info we had. I called the cell phone number he gave me and left a message that he better come back or I was calling police and questioning if it would be a hit and run. Guy did call me back and I had him on speaker so Trudy could hear. My language was girl scout compared to what he said to me. The police showed up and have the information. Hopefully they can get insurance info. I think the guy may be in big trouble, he doesn't have a CDL which a person should have to transport. The family that own trailer showed up, they're very nice. They emailed there info on transport to the police officer and myself. Got to make calls on mirror, hope we can get one before leaving here.

Going to see Top Gun with in-laws to noon today.

Hope y'all have a good weekend.

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:37 am

Good morning. It's going to be a beautiful day today. Hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk, but beautiful none the less. We are supposed to see 103 and be hot for a while. So glad school is out, and I don't have to walk kids to school.

My goal today is to get a good jump on my calendar blocks. I'd like to have them done this weekend. Saturday my quilt group meets. Next week is full of zoom meetings, and hopefully my lotto blocks.

Friday I am going to see my son and spend the day with him. it's a 2 1/2 hour drive and I am beyond excited. He will show me the college where he teaches and whatever else he thinks of. He will get to show his mom all there is to see. We will also have lunch. I am so very excited. There will be chest puffing on both of our parts. He will get to brag a bit and I will be swelled with pride.

Flo, hope the UTI doctor fixes everything. Jerry and I went to see the Ghostbusters movie, it was good.

Judi, that basement is going to be looking good very soon. happy sewing. I paid $5.97 yesterday at Costco for gas. 31 pounds is a lot, congratulations. You are melting.

Lois, looking forward to seeing your birds. I really like that pattern. I'ts going to be a great quilt.

Jana, what fun it is going to be to have all your kids in one location. You will need a family picture. I'm so sure you aren't a grandkid spoiler, nope, not you. I also wish we had a Trader Joes and a Winco here.

Maryz, I have sewing to do too. Our shopping is about 30 miles from here. If you need milk you either travel or do without. No fast food here either. They did open a little restaurant (a word that always brings up spell check) in my town but their service is awful. Meet you in the sewing room. I see you mention your Irish Chain quilt. I think I need to tackle a triple Irish chain.

Lyn, what a mess. Sorry the mirror stuff happened. Hope you are able to resolve it. UGH. How did the doctor stuff go? will you have results soon?

Valerie, gas is super expensive. After my trip to see my son I will likely stay home or close to home. Do you search Gasbuddy for the best prices in your area? Here I always go to Costco but when I go to Salinas I will search Gasbuddy for the best price. I guess if you have a 15 gallon tank and the cost between the cheapest gas and the one that is 10 cents more you will only be paying $1.50 more than if you had gotten the cheapest gas. Saw your RWB lotto block, it's really cool.

I smell bacon cooking and I need to get dressed and start my day. Sheets are in the wash ready for the dryer. I think I will wash and hang the quilts out to dry.

You girls have a fantastic and cool day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by maryq » Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:40 am

Good Morning Girls

Every day I learn something new... Here's a tip for you... be careful which X you click on at the top right of the computer screen... You could have a whole nice post started, click an X and bam it's all gone! I keep two QIAD windows open so I can go back and forth whilst I chat... clicked the X that I was working on... What a dope!

Flo.... I sure hope the DR gives you some good answers for the frequent UTI's! In a lot of us old ladies our bladders tend to fall out of place and need a push back up.. maybe that's it? Gosh I hope not.!!

Judi... Sounds like the end is in sight for your basement!! Is it going to be a nice big family room? Are you going to put a BIG TV down there with a comfy couch? Or is your LA going back down there! Once the floor is done, that's pretty much it right?

Lois.. What a great feeling..... everything is DONE so you can SEW. I have messes to clean as usual, but I am determined to get sewing done this morning.

Jana.... What a wonderful idea for a quilt.... A Quilt of Prayers. I pray a lot during the day, especially lately for my friend Michele and for Becca. So a lot of my stitches have prayers attached to them

Maryz.... My life is usually pretty boring, but it has been super busy lately! Remember the mammo only hurts for a minute! And afterwards you deserve a treat... like ice cream! Had mine yesterday and got the results back already... ALL CLEAR
I don't do any of the lawn care which is wonderful! The association does the mowing and watering and trimming. I do have a pretty geranium plant by my front door and need to get some more flowers for my front patio.

Lyn.... Man oh Man, I sure hope they catch up with that scoundrel that broke your mirror! You won't have to go all the way back to Indianna to have it fixed will you? And you will need it before you head back to Colorado. I'm anxious to see how you like the new Top Gun movie. I used to really like Tom Cruise, but I think he's kind of a "wacka-a-doodle"

This afternoon I'll probably run over to Shawn and Kris's and see if I can help them get ready for Bren's grad party tomorrow. I think after that it will quiet down a bit. I've got another one of KC's quilts all ready to stitch, so I'm going to try and start that this morning.

Thank you all for the prayers you sent for My Friend Michele.. Her Mom passed this morning after being in coma for about a week. It's been very stressful for her to be with her Dad and sister this last week and far from her husband. A little bit of crazy there. She is the oldest of 9 and the other siblings just haven't been around much to help out.

So now that my coffee is cold I need to go re-heat, get dressed and crank up the music and get to work.
Wishing you all a Fantastic Friday

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:02 am

Well the best laid plans of mice and men...I was just informed that Ken will be going to see the new Jurrasic Park movie with the kids tonight...they know i dont do movies of that genre so I get to stay home buy myself and play in my sewing room. I rented a movie for me to watch while I sew...God Is Not Dead...We the People. I have seen all of the movies in this series and liked (loved) them all. Our trip to the home depot has been moved to tomorrow morning.....after I cook breakfast!!!!! I get told these things......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooo

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Re: Friday June 10,2022

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:14 am

Good Morning......it's a perfect day!

Yesterday I devoted my whole day to looking for someone to mow. I called 12 places! I'm happy all these businesses are doing so well. Well #12 said he could come next week, I can only imagine what he'll charge. I think there's a little tree growing in the front yard.

My DD2 is doing the most cleaver 'x-stitch'. On black aida cloth, brave girl, she put Austin & 2021 in the middle. When it's finished it looks like celestial body. the kind that look like it's swirling around. And every day you do a small patch of color according to that days temp. Each 2 degrees is a different color. Her's has a lot of red/orange. I'm so tempted to do it. But not on black!

Love & Prayers............Kathy

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