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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, May 19

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, May 19

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu May 19, 2022 6:07 am

Good morning,

What a wild, wet, and windy Wednesday we went through! I think today is going to be much calmer. I guess you always appreciate the sunshine a little bit more after the rain. Right?

We went to Costco yesterday, didn't see Jana there, but we did pick up this cute little new HP computer. I think it only weighs about 2#. Purrfect for me! And Bill has a good use for my old computer, hooking it to the TV. He has a wireless keyboard down there he can use with it. Everybody wins!

After Costco, I worked on my Irish Chain quilt until my SIL came by for an hour or so. She brought a king sized sampler quilt she wants Bill to quilt. So I think he'll get started on that today. I hope he doesn't burn out because I still have my twin-sized Buckeye Beauty for him to do and then my king IC. Today - more sewing. But the weekend is supposed to be the best weather we've had yet, so I'm going to be outside as much as possible after today.

BECCA - how did you do taking it easy? Sometimes, that's the hardest part of any job - not doing it! I would expect any bending over during a flare-up would anger that Trigeminal Nerve as it would increase intravascular pressure. So keep looking up!❤️

JANA - you might try chasing down that Solara part yourself. Bill has done that and had the part we'd been waiting months for within a week. Hard to believe that Daniel is actually almost on the move. and that he can keep his wildfire-fighting position. I'm guessing the powers that be are happy over that!

TINA - we got an HP. Bill prefers HP's. I really liked the Dell computer. The problems it was having I'm almost certain were part of the damage I did to it 18 months ago when I accidentally smashed it in the footrest handle of my recliner. It's the customer service that stinks. I won't have another Dell product either. You know, some people swear by essential oils. Lavender is supposed to be very calming. I do know first hand it can provide instant pain relief when applied to a wound. Maybe a dab on your temples would help relax you. and a few drops mixed in the palm of your hand with something like Vit E oil or even olive oil if that's what you have, rubbed on your painful areas would help. Also, Arnica creams work well for some pain. Pretty much anything is worth a try.

LORI - I'm glad the service is behind you and now you can enjoy your visit a little more. Is Jonathon watching the boys?

I got lazy last night - too lazy to even make rice so we never had our orange chicken. We popped a frozen lasagna into the oven instead. So we're having leftovers of that tonite. Then, we're moving into warm weather so I think we'll be doing some outdoor grilling over the weekend.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, May 19

Post by auntjana » Thu May 19, 2022 11:49 am

Good afternoon!

We got home from Costco a bit ago. Put away everything. It was a very quick trip in and out. We went to the old Costco, but drove by to check out our new one here in town. Yup, the new zoo was open and packed. It should calm down in a couple of weeks. There are now three Costco's very close, about 4 miles either side of my new one in the middle.

Dinner will be nachos, as per a Michael request. A banned item did jump in my basket though. It's getting to be great summer time weather to grill and we love grilled banned around here.

In the middle of the night, Michael heard a UPS truck stop out in front of our house. It dropped off a package at 3:01 in the morning! I know because Michael has been expecting a package and he opened the front door to bring it in. My door lock tells me when the door is unlocked. Good grief, deliveries in the middle of the night! Well, at least the driver didn't ring the doorbell to announce he left a package!

Heading down to sew. No. Aaron stories or Sarah stories. Still no word on my car either.

Oh well.......

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, May 19

Post by gershwin64 » Thu May 19, 2022 3:04 pm

Hi all!
Mary, arnica cream works great! It really helps me most nights sleep. I love the smell of lavender. I can't figure out the essential oils, some say not for use on skin, I haven't found where to get ones that are for that yet.
Bill is going to be busy busy LOL.
I hope your new laptop is the best!
Jana, wow that's a late or early delivery! The closest Cosco to us is 90 miles away, Sam's is 60.
I sewed some this morning then went with Frankie to Tractor Supply for chicken food and dog food for Dad's doggies. Then we went to visit Dad for awhile and delivery the dog.
Supper tonight will be philly steak and cheese sandwiches.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, May 19

Post by Quilter7 » Thu May 19, 2022 8:01 pm

Maryz - Glad you got to see the wedding! It is too bad you only had a small screen. I enjoyed the Thread Painting Class.

Tonight's dinner was Fast Hash and Peas and Carrots.

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