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Tursday May 17th

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Tursday May 17th

Post by grammiequilts » Tue May 17, 2022 2:47 am

Good morning,,, We are almost out the door. Just waiting on ken to get his last minute things, I will be able to check in but not sure i can post from my phone.
It has cooled down to sweater weather this morning, Not much else to report...See you in a few days with a new set of fiestaware and a trip through Amish Country always brings a quilt shop or 2....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by WeSignificant » Tue May 17, 2022 3:12 am

Good morning Judi, have a great trip. Traveling mercies too you.

Had an early morning visit so of course now I can't sleep. Update on Dad. The surgery was a bit more involved than what the dr. originally thought. It left a hole about 3 inches by 3 inches and 1/4 inch deep. I would post a pic but......They had a hard time getting him numb but Dad has absolutely no tolerance to pain. I think he was feeling pressure and the pulling. The doctor said they had were approaching a near toxic dose of Lidocaine so I told him to stop giving it too him. He said ideally reconstructive plastic surgery would be needed to really close it but did not think at Dad's age that was really a consideration. So they pulled it closed as best they could. There is still an opening at the top but the doc said that should fill in. They gave him some botox as tumor was very close to a gland and he said this would stop the gland from leaking. He has a pressure dressing on that will stay until tomorrow morning. On the slides, there is an area of inflammation around a nerve. He said that could just be the surgery but sometimes indicates tumor under the nerve. They are doing multiple stains and will let me know the results when they get them. He had just fluids and soft foods last night. Will try more solid food today with some grinding of the food. Dad never complains of pain but I did give him some Tylenol. Seems like there was a lot of growth between the biopsy and the removal. So so far, so good.

Not much else to report on. No sewing yesterday and doubt any today. I have to go to the base to pick up prescriptions for Dad so he doesn't run out. I also need to get a TB test for work this week. Not sure when I will fit that in. Need to pick up a few things to wear on my trip and start packing. Or at least making a list.

Hope everyone is wonderful. Have a great day and I will try to check back later. Going to try again to catch a few zzzzz's.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by fabricgirl » Tue May 17, 2022 3:13 am

Good morning Judi,
Have fun on your trip and be safe.
Today is scavenger hunt day and I'm hoping to get in and out as we already did part 1.
Yesterday I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a few Kona solids and came home funny thing is we have a plastic bag ban law in NJ and of corse I brought my bag but there was a lady in front of me that bought a bunch of flowers and asked for a garbage bag and the guy told her he had none to give her so she put them in her cart a brought to her car that way.

Well there is nothing else new here I hope you all have a nice day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Tue May 17, 2022 4:07 am

Good Morning, I had to chuckle to see how Tuesday was spelled. Ha, my phone does that to me ALL the time. "r" and "e' are right next to each other.
Everyone needs a smile to start their day. I will join you, Lois on scavenger hunt.
My heart goes out to these young parents with formula shortages. That's just so weird. I guess it all started when there was a big recall awhile ago. Hope the companies step up production quickly.
I will be sewing on the African fabric quilt again today. Almost finished with the 24 fussy cut blocks. Then I start cutting strips for rail fence block.
Nothing else going on. Enjoy your day!
Last edited by QuiltGram8 on Tue May 17, 2022 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by FlorenceM » Tue May 17, 2022 4:20 am

Up early, I leave to pick up Joe in a half hour from his latest run. With rising gas prices spawning gas theft, he wasn't comfortable leaving our truck unattended at night in parking lot.

Safe trips Judi.

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by WeeOne » Tue May 17, 2022 4:23 am

Judi, enjoy your trip.
Valerie, a prayer that Dr got it all and your Dad does well.
Lois and Velda, hope you find what you need.
We're in Delaware, OH. We'll leave the Motorhome here and drive the last 100 miles in the Jeep, to pick up my Mandolin. The man's wife insisted on making us lunch. Then we'll drive back.

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by fabricgirl » Tue May 17, 2022 4:51 am

Velda that wasn't me that was Judi.

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by billizzy » Tue May 17, 2022 4:53 am

Good morning
Valerie prayers for dadπŸ™
Judi have fun 🀩
I did sew a bit this morning
We planted our garden last night got in the corn the green beans the tomatoes the cucumbers did a little patch of lettuce again cantaloupe cabbage and then this morning I planted more tomato seeds to make more late Roma tomato plants for canning also patch beets πŸ₯°
School is starting to wrap up I have three weeks left and then I get some free time around here to get some things done
Nothing else new here just getting some ugly ste this morning you all take care of yourselves
Hugs πŸ€— prayers πŸ™ happy stitches 🧡

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by Becca » Tue May 17, 2022 4:59 am

Good morning everyone sunny here today
Judi & Lyn Safe travels to you both Enjoy your day
Valerie Prayers for your Dads healing

Lois It is sad all that goes on in our Country I saw online how to order the baby formula online & fill in Canada instead of U S

Flo Gas here just went up 30.00 a gal

Velda You made great progress on your quilt
Sharona TGN Is very painful Hard to live with I did go to Dr for help
Izzy You are always on the go like your name

I must get laundry going Will take it easier due to BP The pain drives it up.
Have a great day everyone Becca

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Re: Tursday May 17th

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue May 17, 2022 5:42 am

Good morning,

Happy Norwegian Independence Day! My kids' dad was Norwegian and we always sort of celebrated it, which is why Autumn chose today to be married - a nod to her dad. :D

JUDI - happy travels! Don't buy anything I wouldn't buy - which leaves you a lot of leeway!

LYN - So weren't you just taking a mandolin lesson before you life Port A? How did your mandolin beat you north? And why? Just curious.

IZZY - it will be great to have some free time again. Will you work again next year?

BECCA - Does ice or heat help your TGN? Or even simple topical treatments? Some folks swear by Arnica compounds. And I find it does help but only on some things. Our gas prices seem to go up almost daily. Gas is $5.19 and diesel is 90 cents to a dollar more. Only California and Hawaii have higher prices than WA, OR, ID, and AK, which are all about the same. We are fortunate because, being retired, we don't have to be on the roads much and everything is within a 2 to 3 mile radius from our house. But it's a huge chunk out of family budgets where commuting is necessary.

FLO - here they steal the gas and catalytic converters. People are urged to park cars in garages if possible. But, sadly, not everyone can.

CHRISS - did you get those bean bags finished? When will you need them next? And did you get your homework done, young lady? Are you ready for that first client?? I did want to do a triple Irish Chain but I only have patterns for single and double (QIAD book) so I figured that works. I also love wind chimes. I have several small chimes hanging from my sewing room ceiling, two in the dining room, and a few on the deck. I have room for more . . .

VELDA - happy African sewing!

JANA - oh no! So sorry to hear about the accident! Please tell Sandee and Ethan (Sarah) to not be too quick to settle. A rear-ender can cause whip lash that might not show up right away. Ask me how I know and I will tell you a long story. They need to be thoroughly checked out - by their own doctors, not by insurance doctors. And a good chiropractor. I hope both of them are OK - and the cello!

DIANE - so glad the girls were safe!

SHARONA - I'm so sorry to hear about your DGD's illness. So many places have cut funding for mental health which has snowballed into a lot of other problems. I pray she finds the help she needs. It's so difficult for families. (((HUG)))

MARY Q - good for you for saying NO to selling your new friends things on the internet. You might be getting a clue as to why she is friend hungry . . . . Congratulations on your niece's engagement! You have a whole year to make that quilt. Do you know yet what that quilt will be? So what do you plan for Jen and Dave? You were getting ready to move during that pre-marital sewing window. I'm sure they understand that. Hard to get into a big project while all that was going on.

TINA - PATCHES - nice to see you, as always.

VALERIE - that sounds like quite a large operative site. Your poor dad. I predict he'll be sore for quite a while. It's too bad they couldn't get him in sooner.

I got some cutting done on my new project - Double Irish Chain - (DIC) yesterday and made my sample block. All is good so today I'll get deeper into it. But the pretty afternoon beckoned so I went outside for a few hours and got a section of the back yard cleaned up - cut back shrubs, pulled blackberry vines, invasive ivy, clipped old fern fronds, and raked dead leaves. The yard is starting to look pretty good! While I can always find SOMETHING to do out there, I have most of the must-do's finished. Yay!

I am using Bill's laptop - my keyboard is just too flakey. It can only be repaired by sending it back to Dell. The problem we have with that is that you can't talk to anyone who speaks English. They speak it, but they don't understand it, anyway. What a fiasco 18 months ago when we had to send it for repairs. By the time we pay the consultation and repair bill it will be at least half the cost of a new HP Costco has on sale for $379 (on line) starting tomorrow. So we're that route instead of repair. I don't need a lot of bells and whistles. Hopefully my problems will be solved by then.

Today, Autumn will be getting married at 1pm. They are live-streaming it so we'll be glued to our computer about then.

May we all have full bobbins today!
mary z

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