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Saturday May 7

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Saturday May 7

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat May 07, 2022 4:50 am

Good morning! I am so happy today! I just got the best Mother's Day Surprise! Our son, finally is coming to visit today!!! Finally the weather is going to be warm and nice. He is coming on his motorcycle. Please help me pray for a safe and pleasant ride for him.
He will stay overnight and head back home tomorrow. He has a lawnmower broke down, so he needs to get back home to deal with that and back to work again on Monday.
This is the first time in a very long time to have one of my kids to hug in person on Mother's Day.
I better go get in the shower and get my second cuppa coffee β˜•β˜•. I hope you all have a happy day too!!
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by FlorenceM » Sat May 07, 2022 5:09 am

Morning Vel & all to follow,
Vel, great news on DS visit. I will pray for safe motorcycle journey.
All blocks are pieced for second quilt and first row assembled.
Today it finally stopped raining, so I may finally get tomatoes planted.

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by WeeOne » Sat May 07, 2022 5:47 am

Velda, prayers for safe motorcycle ride. Tell DS Hello from me. I enjoyed visiting with him when he came to the coast to see y'all.

Flo, enjoy planting. Wish the rain would dump on the hill country of Texas.

We only got to Palestine, TX, on Wednesday. Had a late start. Made up for it Thursday and got to Red River RV Park in Judsonia, AR, in rain sometimes heavy. Yesterday we made it to Mount Vernon, IL. And today will drive on into Nappanee, IN, where Newmar factory and Service Center is.

MaryQ, not sure when we'll get to Colorado, stopping at Dr in KC, MO, first after Indiana.

I will have time next week to check out all the quilt shops and Yoder's. :D

Happy Mother's Day to All ❣️

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat May 07, 2022 5:56 am

Good morning!

VELDA- so happy for you to have a visit from your son! The best present any mom could have!

LYN - Glad you've had a safe trip so far. Sorry about the rain. I thought we were keeping it all here so it wouldn't slow you down. Guess not! Are you still not using your slide? Does it block anything essential by being in?

FLO - how are you feeling today? Hope you can get those tomatoes in the ground.

LORI - it's hard work setting up for a quilt show! I know! Any idea how many quilts there will be? Have fun!

KATHY - Fun to go 'shopping' with your DD! And speaking of DD's, how is Kim doing? Would she be able to travel to MA for a visit and take you to a colonoscopy appt? If I were there, I'd drive you. Do you belong to a church? I believe many churches can offer assistance like that, also meals when necessary, and simply companionship.

JANA - that story is too funny! But also a good lesson. Yes, we keep our doors locked at all times.

MARY Q - some of our best friends we've met camping. I love it. Though, I have to admit, RV's are more like glamping. I miss the old days of sleeping in a tent or even in a sleeping bag next to the fire. But with this darned geological phenomenon that has taken place in the last 3 decades where the ground has gotten so much harder than it used to be, I am not too proud to camp with my queen-sized bed with the 3" foam topper. And as long as I'm packing that, I toss in my own private toilet, TV, and gas fireplace.πŸ™„ Did you have fun helping organize fabric yesterday? Did you make a new friend? Are you talking about garage sale at your DB's or in WI?

CHRISS - don't fight it! Go to the garage sales! You just never know what you'll find. I just read an article about a woman who went to a Goodwill in Austin, TX (Maybe it was the one I visit from time to time!) and bought a piece of art. (she was looking for items to sell on-line) Turns out it was a 5,000 yr old artifact that had been stolen from a museum in San Antonio and worth $$$. (she returned it to the museum) This kind of stuff happens. Not to me, but to some people . . . So go, enjoy the sales, and maybe you'll find just the most wonderful things! Maybe not, but you'll have a good time anyway. I'm always looking for fun things to put in our yard - yard art, I call it.

JUDI - I love your new quilt pattern. That one should be a lot of fun to make! Did you get a hold of your painting guy?

Well, I did it. Y'all guilted me into it. I washed windows. ALL of them! Except for the three 15' tall transom windows. Bill has to bring in the tall ladder and do those, but I did the other 14. Whew! Then I finished my string top - 75"x 82". I have so many strings left. Probably enough for 3 more quilts. These strips are 1" to 1-1/2" wide in lengths of 7" to WOF. I'm seriously considering dumping them. Though. . . they would be good for small log cabin blocks, courthouse steps, piano key borders, more strip quilts, mini quilts, etc. If anyone wants them, I'd be happy to send them to you TODAY!

We are still pouring rain this morning. I know the PNW is supposed to be known for its rain but this is way beyond our normal. And we're 10* cooler than usual, too. So no yard work. I just wish for a day dry enough that we can go outside to video our waltz for the kids' wedding. Otherwise, I guess we "won't complain - dance in the rain". Bill has "Penguins" nearly quilted so I will probably be putting binding on that one later today and then I'll have two Christmas gifts finished and starting a third. And I'll do some cutting for my Buckeye Beauty and maybe sew a few blocks. These blocks are 16" so I only need to make 12.

My book, "A New Twist" by Nancy Mahoney arrived. It was on sale last week at QIAD. So many great ideas in it! Twelve different quilts. The problem I'm having is deciding which one to do for my younger sister for Christmas.

Have a great day! And to all of our mom's and step mom's, and pet mom's, Happy Mother's Day Eve!

mary z

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by grammiequilts » Sat May 07, 2022 6:02 am

Good morning It is a beautiful sunny day,,,I have a guy coming out to see if he can help with the basement. Ken is working on the estate he is trustee for...all the paper work uinvolved...so complicated we have a friend who is a estate person and he is helping Ken sort through this. It is a full time job just to sort the paper work trusts and wills...The kids of my friend get a nice sum each when this is all settled.
I had a wonderful lunch with DDIL and Grand daughter, she is excited to have a baby and we are excited for her,,,They are trying desperately to get a house before august,,,so please keep her in your prayers,,,,I also ask for prayers for ur little Sophia,,,she is having some medical issues also she is only 11 and not coping well with Dr appts and tests...I know when we all ask God for help He seems to listen well to this group.
Today may be yard work all day...( another Motrin kind of night coming) then a hockey game at 8 tonight,,,,I might need a nap in there too... Hope your day is sunny and bright,,,,hope you all have safe travels. I love napanee Indiana,,,,we always have found fun things to do there and great food...did some one say quilt shop?????XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by WeeOne » Sat May 07, 2022 6:17 am

MaryZ, I haven't put the long slide out, Newmar can do that in the shop. It doesn't block anything, just narrows the walkway.
Speaking of books, is your son writing another. I liked the first 2!!

Judi, prayers for Sophia and that a good house can be found.

Time to get On the Road Again.
Last edited by WeeOne on Sat May 07, 2022 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by auntjana » Sat May 07, 2022 6:36 am

Good morning!

My beautiful sunny morning has disappeared and we have lots of wind and gray clouds. But, alas, no rain. According to the proverbial they, it was to miss us here in the valley. At least the lawns got mowed late yesterday afternoon.

Not much planned around here. Wrapping that little gift and finally to the assembly part of my project. You make all the borders, then sew them to a background piece. Sandwich, quilt and bind. I should have that done today. Then on to the changeable center pieces. One for different holidays and one generic welcome.

My Solara is still in the shop. Waiting for the needed piece to be manufactured and then installed, May 14th is the new estimated done date. We are taking the little truck back over to Aaron's, today, it lives there for his use.

Sew fun stuff!

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by maryq » Sat May 07, 2022 7:39 am

Good Morning Girls

I SEE SUNSHINE! It'a beeeeeautiful day and as soon as I have my coffe I'm headed out to the garage to play! Sorry, sewing room, you won't see me today!

Velda..... How great you will get some son-hugs tomorrow! It does get kind of lonely to have no kid around on mother's day. I get to see my boys, but they have wives and I think they should be with the Mother of their children on Mother's Day! Will say a quick prayer for a safe ride on his bike!

Flo.... Do you plant lots of tomatoes? For canning or freezing? Or just a few for eating. Fresh tomato right from the garden in a BLT! soooo good!

Lyn... Sending some prayers along for you too... Man that's a LOONNNNGGGG drive! Though I's sure you are quite used to by now. I'm guessing you will spend a little while in IN while they check over the RV. Do you have to go there every year?

Maryz... You know that story about "roughing it"? Holiday Inn without room service! :lol: My afternoon was interesting yesterday. I spent about 4 hours with this gal, but I'm going to go back again in a couple weeks. Poor thing.. her kids just sort of dropped her in this asstd. living place and left.. Didn't help her unpack or anything. Stuff... not just fabric.. .every where. All it is is a tiny kitchen, living room, br and bathroom. She sent home some stuff with me that she didn't want, and a few things--books mostly that I'm going to sell for her. It's a long story, but I think i was at least able to clear a path for her and start putting things together. I'm working on stuff for Wisconsin garage sale.

Judi... Most definitely will send some prayers for Sophie...poor baby. Hope it's just the "girl" thing and nothing serious! Does you DGD know if she's having boy or girl? Or did you tell us and I forget? Girl?

Jana... I'm guessing the rain gets stuck up on the mountains? Is there still snow on the mountains in Utah? Last picture I saw of Anchorage, there was still snow there.

Chriss...Well.... did you go to the garage sale? Or is that today? Its definitely garage sale season around here. There's a big fancy neighborhood near me that is having their garage sales this weekend but it's younger families selling clothes and baby equipment. Nothing I need from a garage that isn't already in my own garage!

I think the gremlins have been in my garage while I've been sleeping too. It was so nice and clean a couple weeks ago and now it's messed up again. So if you need me today, that's where I will be... getting stuff ready for garage sale. It's supposed to be nice today, but rainy and yucky tomorrow so I'll take advantage of the nice weather.

See y'all tomorrow!

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Re: Saturday May 7

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat May 07, 2022 8:28 am

Good morning my beautiful peeps. It's going to be a blustery day today. The wind is blowing like crazy, and my nose isn't one bit thrilled about it.

The embroidery / sewing machine my friend is looking at is a Brother PC-6500. They are selling it for $150 and it needs a card writer? reader? does anyone have experience with this machine? is it worth it?

The plan was to go to a bunch of yard sales but I think staying home is a better option. I've gotten my steps in just going to the kleenex box. Tomorrow is Mothers Day breakfast at the Elks lodge with the parents so it will be a quick morning.

Today the revised plan will be to make at least 12 bean bags for the Alzheimer's information booth, they will use them to hold their pamphlets from blowing in the wind. And maybe, just maybe I will make another lotto block.

Went to Bingo last night and didn't win a thing. I like Bingo and found out that in addition to the senior center putting on their monthly Bingo the American Legion will be doing one. That's two bingo's a month. fun, fun.

Velda, it is so so very good to be you. There is nothing better than a son visiting and a real live hug, or ten. Are your feet even touching the floor? Mine sure wouldn't be, I'd be floating. Such a marvelous treat for you. I will definitely pray for safe travels for him. I'm very happy for you.

Flo, dang girl, you aren't wasting any time on that quilt. Hope you get those tomatoes in, we have some blooms on our plants. Our cherry tomatoes and a couple of the other plants have come up voluntarily. I love fresh home grown tomatoes.

Lyn, you seem, from my vantage point, to be making good travel progress. I don't remember what is being done at the factory but hope it's uneventful and there are no issues.

Maryz, it's all your fault. I saw the book you ordered and googled it, it came up on a link to Amazon Kindle. So I clicked on it and saw many books on Kindle. Sorted quilting books by cost and have been side tracked. I am back and reading these posts again, will visit Amazon in a few minutes to complete my search. I think the cover quilt on that book is gorgeous. I don't feel quite as guilty as you did regarding window washing. I have done some but not the others. As for the 5,000 year old artifact that lady found at goodwill, I can't even win a bingo game so I am thinking artifacts are not in my future.

Kathy, contact your senior center or local HICAP or Agency on Aging office. They may have a directory of available options to help you get to and from your appointments.

Judi, prayers just said for both DGD and Sophia. I still picture Sophia sitting on your kitchen counter at a young age helping you make bread. Guess she's taller now. Sure hope the guy coming to see the basement can help and does Ken approved work

Jana, sounds like a full on sew day to me. you'll need a check off list.

Maryq, I am staying home today. I'd love to go to the sales but it isn't going to happen. I wish I was there, I'd love to help you clean out your garage, I'm sure that there are treasures there you haven't unearthed in a while. Glad you mentioned the machine that was obsolete, makes me do a little more research into the one I saw on sale, first Maryz sidetracks me now you. What am I going to do with my Mary's.? How did fabric sorting go?

Lori, happy quilt show setting up. Is this where all those beautiful raffle baskets will be? Hope your guild makes tons of money.

I am ready to have breakfast but Jerry is hogging the kitchen. He is making a strawberry pie to take to my parents for after Mothers Day breakfast. Wish he was done.

Not much else going on here. hope you all have a fantastic day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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