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Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

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Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:35 am

Good morning Philip and I had a long post typed and thought I submitted it but I can’t find it anywhere on the forum. So just a quick Howdy here before we get underway.

I have a minestrone like soup concoction in the freezer so that will be tonight’s dinner in Bakersfield.

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:49 am

Good morning all!
I'm not sure who Philip is but yes, good morning Philip LOL
Mary, I haven't seen your lost post, maybe it'll appear somewhere fun! Safe travels!
We're fixing to head out the door, need to go pay a final payment, go deposit the comfort quilt checks that have arrived, pick up a Walmart grocery order, take a few items to Dad, then home to put the groceries away and clean my sewing room back up.
Supper tonight will be a pot of beans and some cornbread.

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by Quilter7 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:06 am

Good Morning,

Tina - So glad you got the work done for your solar and the dog bath. Is Phillip the groundhog in Pennsylvania? Maryz will have to tell us later.

Maryz - Hope you get to Bakersfield. I think you park among the oranges. My oranges are not quite ready, but they get more sun than mine. Safe travels!

Tonight, we will have chicken, but I need to buy some. The teriyaki was delicious last night.

Thanks to all of you for all of your kind words about my quilt.


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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by Irishgram » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:57 am

Good morning from another very cold but sunny SW. Pa....Our temps today will be close to freezing but then the bottom is to drop out and our nights are going to be terrible....AND, even way down in Florida is to be cold for the weekend so of course, this is the weekend I'm flying down...Oh well, it WILL be warmer than what we're having up here and I am not complaining......

I do have some sad news from Florida....My friend, Gin, is now in Hospice and it might not be too long...She's been my "bestest" friend for over 60 years and I always thought, she would be with us forever....She, her husband, Bob, Jim and I would have marathon canasta games...Gin kept a running total, filled many, many tablets and every once in awhile, the boys would go ahead but we'd soon catch up...She would even bring the current tablet with her when they came up here for the summer...Bob has been gone for 20 years and the last time they were north was a fall wedding and the men went ahead...When they were leaving, Bob said, we'll let you catch up when you come down in Feb. Would you believe, he passed away that January, leaving us as a canasta winner....So many times I've told Gin, I'm still mad at him....I'm really going to miss her but I have a life time of great memories to keep me company.....Hoping and praying for a peaceful passing.......

Mary, not sure who Phil is but if it's our groundhog, you're a little early....And, I have a feeling, he's going to stay hidden this year, crazy if he stuck his nose out in this weather..Of course there are lots of people who would be willing to "plink" him off.......Hoping you have an easy travel day and make your destination safely......

Tina, you have seem to have a full day planned...You've made me tired before I've even gotten started.....

Carol, seeing you talk about oranges makes me so envious....We've picked many oranges in Florida but the California ones are so much better, (in my opinion).....I might be having chicken tonight, also.....

My day is sure not exciting...I broke down and got a new rug shampooer and maybe do my sewing/craft room today...But, later I need to brave the cold and go take care of grandson, Dan's fur babies...Dan and Casey will be home late on Sunday but I'll stop on my way to the airport and spoil them one last time....Dan and Casey will then take care of BabyGirl while I'm away...Yesterday, Kathy posted pictures of sun sets on FB and they are unbelievable...She really needs to get them printed and framed...She also said, they were going whale watching and that Dan and Casey had heard the whales "talking" while they were scuba diving...They'll be in for quite a shock when they get off that plane in Pittsburgh, brrrr Yesterday, I met a friend for lunch, took care of the furbabies and then stopped at my sisters...She had drain problems in the basement and her 3 boys were there digging up the cement...What a mess but these kids knew what had to be done and were taking care of it...I thought she might come here and stay the night but, she decided to stay home....She can't wait to get that new home placed and her moved....She was to be going to Arizona to visit friends but someone fell, broke a femur and is now in rehab so she canceled...I wanted her to go with me but she said, she needs to stay home and keep packing......

I still haven't made my Chicken ala king so, today is the day....It can be cooking while I'm rug cleaning and then I"ll take some to Kevin on my way to see the fur babies....

You all have a great rest of the day.....Stay safe, stay warm.....

Happy eating...................

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by Becca » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:54 am

Hello everyone sunny here but sure is cold & getting colder next few days I’m hoping the snow stays north of us My DGS in NY Will sure have it
Maryz I too wondered about Phil So glad you will be in Orange Country They are delicious
Tina You do have a busy morning planned
Carol I’m sure your oranges will be delicious to
Irish Sorry about your BFF It’s sad to lose such a dear one Enjoy your trip South

I got my haircut Did CAs yesterday He was in desperate need of one Then went on into Town Not many people out & About too cold yet I got my essentials taken care of Will do soup tonite veggie beef Think it will hit the spot Will add cornbread

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:15 pm

Hi Y'all! Maryz, who is Philip? Laptop maybe??
Well hope you had a nice travel day.
We got about 1/2" to 1" of snow today. It stuck to grass and roof tops, but driveway and streets are clear. I however chose to stay in and sew.
I made a lap quilt to share with church people who are shut-ins. ( Sorry about the spelling earlier) Might even do another really soon. It was fun. Here's a picture:


This is the back side.
About 38" x 49"

Supper tonight will be breakfast meal.
I think ham n' eggs and hash browns and toast.
Last edited by QuiltGram8 on Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:35 pm

Irish, so sorry about your BFF. I loved your story about canasta and them all though ❤
Stay warm. I keep forgetting to ask you how to making chicken a la king....
Carol, I hope your oranges are yummy, I think orange groves smell so yummy! Have you been on Soaring Over California where it goes over the orange grove and you can smell them?
Becca, we're having cornbread too. I put that big pot of beans on thinking Dad would be here but then found out Jazmyne has covid so we're all under quarantine now.
Velda, that's a perfect laptop quilt ❤ it looks like a really warm hug ❤ I'm pretty sure you meant sit-ins. LOL
Jazmyne has covid, running a fever, throat hurts, feeling pretty crummy. We're quarantined and so are the boys and she went to school and so are all her friends that were around her. They're quarantined for 5 days if they're vaccinated 10 if not. The school won't let Holly take off to be home with her kids so she's pretty upset. She's pretty sure Adam has covid and she says he's too sick to watch them so she's stressed out. She doesn't expect or even want us to be exposed anymore to watch them, it's just put her in a really tough spot. I told her "I guess Adam will have to watch them sick. He'll have to me a mom 💪
Yep I said it 😂🤣
I hope you all have a great evening ❤

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:32 pm

Oops? Tina, I meant shut-in. Home-bound would have explained it. ☺️
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by Quilter7 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:40 pm

Vel - You made me laugh.

The oranges in our backyard are really tasty. When I was a girl my Dad said the same thing about California oranges Irish. I thought about your Jim today, I had a little slice on my nose taken care of at the doctor’s office.

No chicken for dinner tonight. We had some leftover chili.

Tina - if I remember correctly Jasmine had a shot and boys are too young, so hope all have mild cases.

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Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:03 pm

Velda, it was a good laugh ❤❤
Carol, yes, Jazmyne had her vaccines plus her booster. The boys haven't had anything except covid a couple months ago. Holly is getting conflicting advice for the boys she says. I really think it's Adam because he's not vaccinated. 🤷‍♀️
I hope your slice fixes the problem ❤

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