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Thursday October 14th 2021

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Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Oct 14, 2021 5:01 am

Good morning,,I just got up...slept till 730 thi morning. we have warm and cloudy,,,craving some sunshine here, By the weekend we will start getting real fall weather, the leaves are turning pretty fast here,,we have mostly yellow and brown in my back yard,
Not sure wht I will do today, I did straighten out the storage and found all my fall decor...got that out finally. I didnt do it all but I found stuff in cardboard boxes..and would like to trabsfer them to bins...safer that way. I also realized even if the basement gets done by Thanksgiving I wont need all this Christmas stuff and should purge some of it out too...that will happen this year. I have gotten rid of a lot in the sewing room but need to do the Christmas stuff again,,Ken says if we can fill 3 brand new storage spaces in the basement we have too much stuff ( funny he didnt mention the over flowing work shop out side and the 2 workrooms in the basement. )
Well I need coffee and since the housework fairies didnt come last night that needs to be done too...have a wonderful day and stay well.XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Oct 14, 2021 5:39 am

Good morning,
It's already starting to be a beautiful day I don't think I will sew today I have cleaning to do so that will be the plan the laundry is finished till whenever it starts to multiply again.
Thats all the news here I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Thu Oct 14, 2021 5:39 am

Good Sunny Morning........we'll have rain by the weekend!

Today is knitting day. I need to do a few uglies then a shower.

Judi.......purging is such a good idea. I don't use any of my Christmas decorations. I should go through them.

Love & Prayers..........Kathy

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by billizzy » Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:07 am

Morning started day on 2 hr fog delay with work so got to stay in sewing room lil longer got my boarder strips cut and finished pinning top to la leaders

Worked on potatoes last night got 5 gallon bags French fries cut and frozen lol got about 20 more to go with rows already dug up. Tonight dh and lil man digging up rest oh my we are full of taters this year πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Nothing else new here

Hugs πŸ€— prayers πŸ™ happy stitches 🧡

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by womster » Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:23 am

Good morning!

Judi – the housework fairies missed my house as well. My fingers are crossed that your basement is done by Thanksgiving is now five weeks away. I’m joining you in purging – I’m still in my closet. I think Christmas stuff gets a pass as far as β€˜stuff’ is concerned!

Lois – hope your cleaning flies by.

Kathy – have a great time with your knitting group.

Izzy – congrats on your potato harvest.
Today I had planned on cooking up about eight pounds of hamburger (mixed with ground turkey breast), but it’s still really frozen so that’s moved to tomorrow. Instead, I will continue my closet purge and plan my Thanksgiving menu. My Medicare app got approved yesterday – that took less than a week for processing, but I still have to wait for the paperwork. They said that takes about ten business days. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:33 am

Good drizzly morning,

KATHY - I'm with you. Lots of Christmas decorations have to go here, too. But not this year since we won't be getting them out. Maybe next year . . .

JUDI - didn't you just weed out a lot of your Christmas stuff 2 yrs ago? And is there a chance your basement could be done by TG?? Wouldn't that be great! I'm lucky - Bill is NOT a saver. Our garage and shop are messy but not over-full. I'm the bad one in our house. I kind of wish he DID have projects and hobbies to work on instead of sitting in front of his computer most of the day.

SHARONA - oh, sweetie! I didn't know you were sick! What kind of sick are you? Please be well soon.

IZZY - How do you prepare your potatoes for freezing? I've never done that.

LYN - How much room does your HQ take in the RV? Would you just haul it down and set it up in the community room in your RV park or is this the one that you can use in your RV? And how much use would you get? I say take it if you can. But I understand RV living! It's limited space.

LOIS - I should probably join you in the laundry room today. Sigh. I really don't want to, but it's not looking good down there.

JANA - praying hard for Michael. I was so sorry to hear he is back in the hospital.

Today I'm going to go through all my cross-stitch and embroidery patterns, books, and supplies and tidy up that newly almost empty cabinet. Is anyone interested in my X-st 4-season retro trailer patterns? Say the word and I'll get them into the mail. Then hope to make good progress on AK quilt. DH is loading up my black/bright DWR on the LA. YAY!! But before everything else - I have a massage appt this morning. Ahhhh.....

mary z

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:50 am

Good beautiful morning, it's going to be a great day today.

Nothing really planned. With Jerry sick I have had to take over kitchen duties and do whatever else needs doing. It's weird to meal plan after not having done it for such a long time. The normal rule around here is to cook lots of foods with garlic and onions when someone is sick. I don't think onions and garlic works on this virus. We should get our test results today.

Judi, So glad you are getting good sleep. happy purging, I would love to get rid of so much excess here but Jerry goes through what I try to get rid of and he finds a way to bring it back inside. Hope your basement is done by the holidays

Lois, I think there is some laundry needing to be done here. I'm considering, but don't tell Jerry, putting flannel sheets on the bed.

Kathy, I so want rain. I also have way too many Christmas decorations. We gave a lot of them to Marilyn but still have so much more than we need. If it weren't for Jerry I wouldn't even bother with a tree.

Lyn, might as well take that HQ to where ever you will be the most so you can get the most out of it.

Izzy, hope DDIL is feeling better. Bet your kids appreciated the groceries and the soup. I've read that when life gives you taters make tater salad, at least that's how I think it goes.

Suzette, I love wide backing, it is so nice not to have to piece fabric together to cover the back. I have been getting emails from a place called Marshals Dry Goods, they have good prices although I have not ordered anything, I have seen some names I recognize. Even Joanns has some pretty nice wide backing and if you have a coupon you can find a deal.

Diane, I'm curious, is the son who arrived yesterday the one who is moving there? what did they think of the under the cabinet lighting? I was thinking of under cabinet light just where our coffee maker is and I have seen battery operated lights, is that what you used?

TinaB, glad you aren't lurking anymore, it's good to hear from you

Becca, sorry the hospital isn't billing Medicare. Can you take the bill to them and ask them to explain why? Hope you get it fixed easily, perhaps a timing issue. I haven't even been to my HICAP classes because of Covid, I have to wait till I test negative before I can go back.

Maryz, you are so kind. Nice of you to help keep your vet in business. Take a picture and text me any xstitch patterns you are getting rid of, I'd like to see them please.

My Santa struck again this week. I posted a picture in the teaser thread. I kind of think I know who it is, I will let you know in December if I am right.

Jerry is putzing around in the kitchen. Not quite sure what he is doing but moving around is good for him. It will help him get better quicker. He wants to make lasagna for dinner, another good sign. He will make his with noodles and mine without.

Today I need to go through the fridge. Bought a flat of eggs that need to be put into cartons. And I need to wash lettuce for a salad. When I get my results I will decide if I can go to the grocery store or not. And that is all I have planned for the day.

Hope everyone has a marvelous day and weekend,

Flo, great quilt. Love the fall colors

Jana, hope everyone enjoys Disneyland. What a fun time for the kids. Maryz said Michael is back in the hospital, I missed that. Hope he gets to come home soon.

Valerie, I'm glad I had milder than most symptoms too. Jerry has it a little worse than me but then he is a man and everything is twice as bad for men. Glad you are able to keep up with your BOM, you are a busy girl. Glad you are going to get retested, when will you get your results? I really thought mine was a reaction to the flu shot.

Sharona, so glad you are almost normal. hope you feel really better soon. Do you precook hamburger and turkey to have it in the freezer for later?

Maryq, you are loving those FatCat patterns. Glad you are having fun with them. I love the way you and your kids can all live in the same house. Are you still looking at other places to live? The holidays will be fun for you. The kids will be there and get up to open Christmas presents in their jammies. They are a bit grown up to shriek with excitement, but who knows, it could happen.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:32 am

Good Morning.
Chris's want to mention up front that I have ordered from Marshalls Dry Goods. Only once, but very satisfied. During pandemic, I needed several shades of yellows and blues for the graduation quilt I was making for our granddaughter. I was really happy with the quality. Would order again from them. I tried them for the water repellent fabric, but didn't find there. I ordered that through Fabric.com.
For everyone else, this morning, I don't have time to spend with my replies. I live all your busy projects with purging, house chores, getting remodeling finished, planning for holidays, etc.
I am going to work on my Lotto entry and need to get going. Time gets away from me and I can get side tracked so easy. Mostly I need a list to keep me focused, or I end up off in another direction. LOL.
Enjoy your day.
Lyn, I saw your quilter set up and it might be a good idea to take it this year. It might just be the little push you need to get some projects accomplished. You paid a lot of money for it, might just as well have it with you and use it.
That's my advice. πŸ€—
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: Thursday October 14th 2021

Post by maryq » Thu Oct 14, 2021 8:27 am

Good Windy Morning!

The wind is a-howling this morning! I'm thinking by the end of the day, all the pretty leaves will be on the ground.... and it would be really nice if they were in somebody else's yard! :lol: :lol:

Judi.... Yup, clear plastic bins are the way to go! Every time I go to Target I'm tempted to grab a few more.. just in case!

Lois.... Cleaning?? That sure doesn't sound like fun! Though I should probably do the same... can't remember the last time I washed kitchen floor... not a good sign! I make the boys clean the downstairs bathroom, cuz it's just too gross! :lol:

Kathy.... SO SO good to hear you are back to knitting! What kind of project are you working on these days? Sweaters? Scarves? Mittens?

Izzy... Do you do anything special to the potatoes before you freeze them? Don't they get brown and funky? Would be great to be able to freeze potatoes here for french fries for kids!

Sharon... There's a Housework Fairie???? Where do I sign up to get her to come to my house!

Maryz... I bet that camper x-stitch pattern is super cute. I've done x-stitch, but find I just don't have the patience (or eye sight) for it anymore. I'm sure having fun with regular embroidery tho! That seems to be my TV watching project. Tell me again when you are headed south? Before Thanksgiving or After?

Chriss.. OH NO Jerry is sick??? Covid sick? or just yukky flu sick? Jen's David has been sick with a bug going around in AK, but tested negative. There's a bug going around here too... Hope he feels better really soon. Yes, I still look for places.. but there is so little out there. Realtor.com shows 23 townhouses listed and they are all listed as "pending". I like to look, but won't do any serious looking until after the holidays.

Velda.... You found Marshall dry goods a good place for fabric? I've been looking for washable wool, at reasonable price, and have had no luck. Might have to check out Marshalls.

Jana.... So sorry to hear Michael is back in the hospital. Will be thinking of you both and sending lots of prayers to Utah!

Once again, not sure what the plan is for today.... I do need to make a quick dash to Joann for a jacket zipper for Shawn's jacket, and a couple colors of emb. floss I'm out of. But it's not urgent. Car needs gas and I have to go to PO .. but first it's more coffee, then a shower. Tomorrow is Kris's birthday and I have NO idea what to get her, so maybe I better think on that and see what I can come up with!
Maybe just some $$ to cover horse boarding! or a bale or two of hay for the horse! :lol: :lol:

Time to Fly! Happy Thursday !

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