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Wednesday, October 13

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Re: Wednesday, October 13

Post by WeSignificant » Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:47 am

Happy Wednesday!

Izzy glad to hear there is some progress with your family's illnesses. Jana hoping Michael heals quickly. Chriss I am glad to hear you did not get a horrible case. I have been having allergy symptoms with asthma so decided I better go get tested. No results yet. Headaches are not uncommon for me so not to concerned about that.

Suzette I would think a fire in a 1776 built building would be a loss regardless. Hoping they can get things fixed and back up and running.
Judi you are one step ahead of me, my laundry is still in the dryer.
Lois I hope to see the finished Dinosaur quilt. It sounds cute.
Diane I have not heard of MAZE, I am assuming that is a particular quilt pattern?
Tina good to hear from you. Sounds like you are a busy little bee!
Becca sorry to hear about the UTI. They have to be one of most uncomfortable things in the world. Good luck with the bill, what a pain they are.
Vel how many of those diapers have you made. I would not even begin to be able to guess what might be a good number. It's been so long since my kids were diapers!
Maryz have a great lunch! and please walk, don't run.
Flo I remember that Lotto! Great job.

At Free Sew yesterday and going back today. Got my one BOM block done and now starting on the alternate squares for that quilt. Maybe I will get to my second one before the end of the day. Not sure. I was going to go tomorrow but Dad has a eye doctor appt. He needs his next shot. Hoping the Doctor will go to every 12 weeks now. He hates the shots but they are restoring his vision. I wish he could understand better. His only pass time is to watch TV so vision is important.
Found some border fabric for my Halloween blocks. Not sure when I will get them together. Will likely be in time for next Halloween. I also want to get the borders on my TATW and get it to the quilter. I would like it done in time for Christmas and since it's about 85 x 105 (I think) the binding will take awhile. I still do mine by hand.

Best get going and get some breakfast before caregiver gets here.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Wednesday, October 13

Post by womster » Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:14 am

Good morning, all -

Hopefully I'm back to almost normal - think I just needed a couple of days of rest. I'm so glad to hear that most of our sickies are starting to feel better! xoxo

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Re: Wednesday, October 13

Post by maryq » Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:18 am

Good Morning Girls

Must have hit the ground running yesterday and never made it into the office! Today is Sr. Citizen pay day so in a few minutes I need to go pay all the bills. UGH!

Suzette.... Hope you find the perfect backing for DH's quilt. Every time I look at the wide stuff I get sticker shock... 19.99/yd but then I remember that it is WIDE!... The fabric warehouse I go to often carries some, but it just has a funny feel to it... and feels thin. Would hate to put it on the back of quilt and have it wear out!

Judi... As long you are going to the bank... looking for donations :lol: :lol: Maybe they'd donate to my cause "feeding the starving teenagers". Man those kids go through FOOD! Kind of wish I still had a milk man! We'd be stocked with milk all the time for sure.

Lois..... Have you seen the Fatcat pattern "Cackleberry Farm" ? In the midst of all the other quilting projects I have going at the same I started that one too! I had some chicken-wire look fabric in my stash that I have been saving for just such a project! All the pieces are cut and I'm ready to fuse... maybe today! Unless something else attracts my attention!

Diane... Great news that your DS made the journey okay! When does your DDIL come or is she here already? Are you going to help unpack? What colors is your MAZE quilt in? My DDIL Kris has a good friend that lives close by....she and her DH were both Helicopter Pilots and deployed for a couple years. She flies now for a local hospital system to bring medical emergencies to hospitals. I should make them a QOV!

Tina.... Good to see you poke your head in! :lol: Sounds like you have been pretty busy tho! Do you have a good sized group of women to help you sew quilts?

Becca.... Just sit tight on those bills for a while! When I was in hospital for pneumonia in 2019, it took them 9 months to get all the bill straightened out between the hospital and my insurance.

Velda.... I'm so with you on insurance companies... I think I spend most of my working life on the phone with insurance companies! I have a Medicare Advantage plan... so much easier... no Primary Or Secondary.... it is what it is! Takes cares of everything in one swoop!

Maryz.... Hope you find someone to do those housekeeping chores.. If you do, send him/her my way, there are some dirty floors here and some rooms that need vacuuming. Hazel, the robot is on strike!

Flo... Isn't it so fun to have a finished quilt!!! Love that one... good and scrappy!

Jana... Michael is doing better? Must have really hit him hard.... sending prayers for continued improvement!

Valerie.... Thanks for the reminder about the Halloween Blocks.. I did get mine squared up the other day... and set them aside. I did buy some pretty orange to sash mine with .... maybe but Halloween 2022 I'll have it done!

Sharon.... Did I miss it? You've been sick too? Gosh so hope everybody is on the mend around here!

Guess I better go get those bills paid and see if there is anything left over.... time to get groceries again... seems I just went grocery shopping. We invested in a small deep freezer and now I need to go get stuff to put in it. Will shake Shawn upside down and if any money drops out of his pockets I'll take that to the grocery store!

Not sure which project I'll work on today... I have about 5 things to choose from... And laundry is amongst the things on the TO DO list today! I do mine when the kids are at school... they do theirs on the weekends.

Wishing you all a Super Duper Day

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Re: Wednesday, October 13

Post by gershwin64 » Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:11 am

Good morning everyone!
There's 2 posts for today, I read them both all the way through..... do you think I can remember to respond LOL no. 🤦‍♀️ but I really did read.
Sharona, do you know what your sick from?
Suzette, that's so awful about the historical building, they maybe able to repair it but it won't be the same sadly.
Diane, so glad they made it safely.
Flo, that's a nice fall looking quilt.
Maryz, I hope Chip gets back to you in time and that Stitch does a good job.
Judi, yay for progressing on the basement, lumber prices are crazy these days.
Becca, medical bills and billing are a headache, I hope you get it all worked out. I hope you're over you UTI quickly, they are such a pain and drive a person crazy.
Maryq, kids can eat you out of house and home and wallet!
Lyn, I think you should take your long arm to Texas.... that's my vote ❤
That's all that's coming to me. I'm vacuuming today and may throw some laundry in so I won't have much to do tomorrow.
You all have a great day! Praying all get better!

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Re: Wednesday, October 13

Post by patches4 » Wed Oct 13, 2021 11:15 am

Beautiful job, beautiful quilt!!
Great job

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