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Tuesday September 21,2021

Daily discussions.
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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by suzette58 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:31 am

Good morning everyone.
It has been awhile since I have posted here. I wish I could say it was because I have been busy but it isn’t. I am tired of dealing with Covid and how people are handling it. A family that lives next to us has it but they are not doing what they are supposed to do. They are outside playing no masks. But, it is up to them. We just stay home pretty much. Right now I am working on a panel quilt for hubby. It has the neatest border. The pattern is called Panel Blast. Check it out. Well, have a great day.

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by womster » Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:54 am

Good morning!

We are running out the door for the dog's spa day. Will check in upon return. xoxo!!!!

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by maryq » Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:04 am

Good Morning Girls

After a rainy day yesterday.. today is beautiful! SO glad I postponed my errands until today! Just a quick Target run and a stop at the PO to FINALLY mail my lotto blocks, then back home!

Lois.... LOVE "the Scavenger hunt"! I prefer getting groceries about every two weeks, and having stuff on hand... the kids will run out for groceries about every other day! But with teenagers in the house, a run for milk every other day is a necessity! I have that Fatcat pattern... it's on my TO DO list!

Flo... OH what fun..... kissing baby cheeks!

Diane... Oh dear, what an "awful day" you have planned.... Coffee and banana bread... such a cruel life. Are you counting the days until your kids arrive!

Jana... Our robot is called "Hazel" and she is a little goofy too. Sometimes I close my bathroom door as she loves to get stuck in there. Here's a fun thing to try.... if you have a music app on your phone.... turn on the music and set your phone on the robot... then music will move all around the house. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: We saw that on an episode of "Park and Rec" and thought it was so funny... so we tried it! With the dog and cat hair we have... I still need to vacuum.... on my to-do for today!

Judi.... Agreed... No one should cook on their birthday! I do love Olive Garden and treat myself to their salad dressing from the grocery store... it's a wee bit more $$ but so worth it. Since you were up at 0530... I'm thinking a nap might be a good idea!

Izzy.... Man, I wish I had 1/2 of your energy! I could get so much done! :lol:

Velda.... Now that does sound like a bit of fun... filling school bags. What do they fill the bags with? School Supplies? in back packs? I think I probably have enough stuff in my office closet to fill a bag or two! :lol: :lol:

Maryz.... If I had your lovely curls... I might have the same routine! There are days when I think getting a perm might be the way to go! :lol: Dex has naturally curly hair, but none of my kids got it. And yes, we did go to that craft place you've been to in St. Cloud. They have such gorgeous fabric there... I really could have gone crazy. I'm a nut for white on white and they had some I haven't seen before... I was so tempted... but I like to buy 4 yards of it at a time.. and well, that would take my whole fabric budget for a year and/or max out a credit card! :lol:

Suzette... GREAT to see you! I checked out that pattern! Looks like fun and not to difficult.. I have 2 beautiful panels I'd like to make quilts out of, but I'm really nervous that I'll screw them up! :lol:

Sharon..... whooosh............

Now that I've had one cup of coffee... and need some more.... guess I'll get going to run errands. The sooner I go, the sooner I get back. Got about 1/2 of the quilt I'm working on quilted yesterday and would SO love to finish today so I can sit and hand stitch the binding tonight... But I'm try not to rush myself.

Gotta fly... Wishing you all a Terrific Tuesday

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:47 am

Happy Tuesday to all. Mamo day for me. UGH my least favorite test. But Mom, my younger sister and her dgt have all had Breast Cancer so I am pretty religious about it.

One chart to do from last night. Visit at Assist living as staff though she was unresponsive. No problem talking to me so not sure what they were seeing. I think she is just declining. Told the Case Manager to go see her and clarify.

Jana cute story about your vacuum.
Lois I like Olive Garden too but the line is always so long here and they won't take reservations. Dad can't tolerate those long lines so we don't go anymore. Eating out has become a real chore with Dad and his Dementia so we do sometimes order to eat in.
Izzy so glad you got to have a weekend getaway. When Dad is gone, that is first on my agenda. Only I may not come back for a week. DH and I have not taken a vaca together since Dad came. He goes and then I go so one of us is always here with him.
Maryz hoping the blocks don't take too long to get there.

Well gotta go, VA just called and they need me to do several things for some sort on televisit tomorrow so have a great day. I may check back later.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by womster » Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:24 pm

Well I'm back but not for long. I installed iOS 15 on my ipad, and now I cannot connect to the internet. Apparently it's affecting over a million people. GACK!!

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