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Tuesday September 21,2021

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Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:34 am

Good morning,

Today we have to go on the scavenger hunt and when we get home there is some wash needing to be done

Yesterday I went to hobby lobby to get some fabric I need for a few things I'm working on also traced some dinosaur 🦕 for a quilt for our great nephew for Christmas I got the pattern from fatcat patterns its an easy pattern colorful dinosaurs 🦕.

Well thats all the news for today everyone have a great day prayers go out to all.

1 quick question has anyone herd from Suzette she hasn't posted in quite a while.


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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:42 am

Morning Lois & all to follow
I have not been on a lot. Right now in Pennsylvania to see new DGD

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by velvet » Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:51 am

Lois- scavenger hunts are such fun. Hope you find everything .

Rained a lot during the night and looks like a wash out day. Shucks-looks like I'll sew on blocks from Andover. Such an hard day ahead--Oh!! the pain and the agony!! Add coffee and a piece of banana cake and I'll deal with it. A little to much drama I think. LOL

Yesterday the appraiser came thru the kids house-took pictures of each room and left. Hubby put up 3 ceiling fans for them has 3 more to go. Its a perfect house for them. Can't wait for 10/30 when they finally pull up in their car.

I hope everyone has a great day. I'll check back later to catch up.

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by velvet » Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:52 am

Flo-- where in PA. are you? I lived 4 years in Slatington.
Enjoy the baby.

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:55 am

Diane the scavenger hunt is food shopping and that's what it has turned into I can't shop in just 2 store anymore. :lol:


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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by auntjana » Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:27 am

Good morning!

Sorta up, sorta not. Tucked under a nice snuggy warm quilt this cold morning.

Sarah and I did go over to a couple of LQS's yesterday. She gathered a nice collection of fabrics for my Christmas Ribbons quilt,. I looked at the stack, then punted that whole selection. Finally found several fabrics that were more suited to me. We are short just one dark red, so will see what is hiding in my stash here in the Batt Cave. Still trying to decide on the centers of the blocks, if I am doing embroidery work. The cross stitch Santas won't work, too big and too fussy.

Then after we got home from that traipse, Ethan was here and cleaned more baseboards in my house. I mopped the kitchen floor. I will wax it after breakfast this morning. Ethan is earning money for Disneyland and his Droid he wants to build. Grandma is glad to help and my house gets cleaned!

So if you ever need to entertain old people, get a robot vacuum! We have been laughing at ours. It has a personality all it own! Yesterday is one of the scheduled days to run. Yoohoodi, the vacuum, was heading down to Michael's office and started in there to vacuum. Michael was working at his desk and the silly robot was vacuuming near the door entrance and as it bumped into the door, turning to go another direction, it caused the door to close, trapping itself in the office, behind a closed door.. So as doors are called in this family, shut its, because that is what a door is for, the robot did just that! My kids were always leaving a door open when they were little. Daniel tagged the door as a shut it, as we were always telling him to shut the door. We are old, and easily entertained!

Do fun things and find something to laugh at!


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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:45 am

Good morning brain woke up at 5. Body resisted till 530...then we all got up....I made a lunch for Ken and sent him off to work...had coffee and started laundry. make thre bed and came up to the sewing room to see all of you. I will do some chores andthen if I dont fall asleep do some sewing, Cold/allergies are better, I had a great day yesterday. and thank you for all the cards and birthday greetings. After a lunch with my friends Ken came home and said "No one should cook on their birthday" I happened to agree so last night we went to one of my favorite places to eat , Olive Garden,,,is was awesome..I love their food. So today its back on the low carb routine.
We will have leftovers for supper Ken the pasta, me the salad. hope your day has some sewing in it,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by billizzy » Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:45 am

Good morning ladies Kathy it’s so good to see that your washing machine is finally fixed bless your heart I know it’s taken a while we’ve got rain all day yesterday supposed to have some more today so another wet day and then temperatures drop tomorrow’s high is 59 today it’s 80 still crazy
I didn’t sleep well last night so when the boy got here I cuddled back in bed with him and slept in another hour trying to catch up on all the links I missed out on last night I get woke up and then DH snores then I can’t get back to sleep because of his snoring last night I put earplugs in and covered my head and a pillow just to get back to sleep
I’ve been working on the Crosstitch quilt top for my customer just as a relaxation at night laying in bed there’s a lot to do on that quilt top
I did get the other top sandwiched and layered and ready to lay in the quilt stand so that I can start quilting on it

Tina I forgot to tell you I got my Christmas blocks I haven’t had a chance to look at them we were headed out of town Friday when DH brought him home in the mail. Think after I’m done posting I’ll go look at them🥰
Well nothing else new here today so you girls have a great day

Hugs 🤗 prayers 🙏happy stitches 🧵

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by QuiltGram8 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:54 am

Good morning, good day, happy day. You all are so busy.
I am getting a late start today. Not sure yet what I am working on.
Church group meets today to fill school bags. I am going early to help set up assembly line routine. Then when everyone gets there, we can get right to work filling the bags. Might find that I will need to sew a few more.
Better finish my coffee before it gets cold. Get breakfast, etc.
Have a great day.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Tuesday September 21,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:06 am

Good morning,

JUDI, glad you are feeling better. Are you accustomed yet to Ken going to work every day again? And how is the basement coming along? Did you have a happy birthday? Olive Garden is Bill's favorite restaurant, too. We love Italian food.

JANA - we have Scottie, so the old people in this house are entertained hourly! He is one goofy dog! Maybe when Scottie's days are done, we'll have to get a Yoohoodie for ourselves.

FLO - happy baby hugging! Enjoy PA. Where are you? I think I'm related to at least half the folks in that state.

LOIS - happy scavenging! We always have gaps in our shopping, too. In fact, last Costco run, they were out of TP! But they had Christmas stuff, so all was not lost. :lol: I've been missing Suzette, too, so I texted her. She says she just gets busy and forgets to log on. She will try tomorrow, she says. They are off to a dr appt for her hubby right now.

DIANE - it will be fun to have family living close by.

SHARONA - I hope your brother can get his surgeries. So many things are being put off because the hospitals are full of unvaccinated Covid patients. Our governor has requested federal assist with personnel to help staff hospitals here. One is my old hospital where I used to work. Don't worry about the yellow jackets in your vacuum. I read where someone was worried about the very same thing, only spiders. So they did some testing and found the insects are pulverized when they get sucked up. (double ick!)

IZZY - happy anniversary! Re the frog, I guess size is all in the eye of the beholder. And if the beholder is only 3-1/2' tall, it's a huge frog! :lol:

VAL - how fun to learn a new machine! Mine is 2 yrs old and I'm still working out it's bells and a few of the whistles! I'll be on the lookout for those Halloween blocks.

MARY Q - I think between my camping and your weekend, I haven't 'seen' you for a coon's age! But sounds like you are having fun! I love the 14" sq x 3" boxes to store projects or specialty fabrics. But you're right - expensive! Costco does occasionally have sets of about 6 in colors, and I have some of those, but they aren't really the same thing, but do the job. And are $19 for 6 instead of $17 each. Way to restrain yourself at the craft store! Was this the same big store that I was in in St. Cloud several years ago? If I have a morning appt I shower REALLY early. I walk every morning and don't want to walk with wet hair. If I wait to shower after I walk, then I'm going to my appt with wet hair. I don't dry my curly hair because then it goes all Brillo pad on me. So, the only answer is to shower early so it can dry itself before I do anything. Now do you see?

KATHY - I'm so happy to hear your washer is fixed! Hope you didn't have to pay for 3 service calls, though. Oooh, eggs on the floor? This is where having a dog is VERY handy! I can't believe Susannah is 16! As for a DGGC, better be careful what you wish for! :)

Yesterday, after a medical appt, I finished a 16x20 block of "Sauron" from LOTR. (Pic in today's Supper Club if you wish to see it). It had 198 pieces and took me a total of 16 hours. But it turned out great! I was so surprised! Today is a wide open day, and it's going to be about 75*. A last gasp of summer. I'll probably open windows back up and enjoy the fresh air while I start another LOTR block. I have 17 done and I think 15 to go. But I may not do all 15. Sunday when Drew comes over we'll lay out what I have and prioritize the blocks left to do because I'm not sure they will all fit into the quilt after I make the center mountain scene. And I REALLY want to put my two Halloween swap quilts together for the boys as soon as I get all the blocks, so I will be taking a short break from LOTR soon to get those done. Busy times in my sewing room these days!

Mary Z

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