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Supper Club Thursday, Sept 16th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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Supper Club Thursday, Sept 16th

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:44 am

Good morning!
Jana, I think our hubby's are twins, Frankie says the same thing about Disneyland, ugh. I love Disneyland!
Carol, I'd be like you if I lived there, I'd be going all the time. The Haunted House sounds totally amazing!

I heard from Mary briefly yesterday, she had intermittent cell service but no internet at all. She said to tell you all hi and she asked if everyone was doing ok in her Halloween swap 🎃

My little brother went to the Portland International Rose Test Garden and he proposed to his girlfriend! He's 50, never been married, had been engaged when he was in his 20's but she was a strange one so I'm glad that one didn't work out. I'm hoping this one is "the one" we all like her!

I'm working on figuring out what I'll be gathering for my elf, it's sooooo much fun!
We'll have another day of Stitch watching, then pick up kids. Tomorrow we'll have them all day because it's an inservice day so no kids go to school just the teachers. Holly will finish up any parents that she hasn't seen this week.

Supper will be tacos and spanish rice and I think I'll do corn too so there's a veggie plus the boys love corn!

What are your plans for tonight?

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Re: Supper Club Thursday, Sept 16th

Post by Becca » Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:55 am

Hello everyone cloudy here with light rain
I am taking a break from cleaning
I am sorry girls I have been to
Disney-world three times & that was enough for me
Tina Best wishes to your DB for a happy marriage My DD & DGD have to do the parents meeting too Only Denise is now retired She got out of classroom after 10 years and taught teachers & Gave seminars It is a rewarding job but so much is given
Chickie You are brave to tackle making relish on a dizzy day That’s a lot of work Yours sounds good with the variety of tomato’s That would make it better
Carol Sure you stay busy with your guild & Zoom meetings
Our situation here is worse than last time with Covid More people have it but don’t seem to be as bad I would love to go back to normal if there will ever be again I am making a few more new masks They seemed to have disappeared while I was gone
Must get back to cleaning Getting down is what I can’t do yet so I’m doing my best
No inspection is coming so I’m not worried Lol lol
I plan to have chicken n dressing green beans and cauliflower steamed. Becca

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Re: Supper Club Thursday, Sept 16th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:33 am

Good morning ☀️🌄 to all! I actually got here to the table before lunch whoo hoo!
My plans for today changed in a hurry. A friend from our church had asked me to stitch up more school bags ( like I did last year). They were easy and fun.
She called to see if I was home. Brought pre cut fabric for 18 bags. We gather next Tuesday to fill these with school supplies, so this is priority. 🤗

We are doing sloppy joes ( my family calls it BBQ's). Leftover potato salad and pork n beans.
I think I have just enough jello, too.

DH is taking me to DQ for lunch. I love the $6 lunch deal. He always gets the chicken strips. They raised the price to $7 for the chicken strips. You get fries, drink and small sundae for the price. Still a great price.
Dance was fun last night and Amish Buffet for dinner last night. I totally behaved... Salad, homemade bread, then went back for vegetables and chicken. Stayed away from the dessert.
But I will splurge today and have the sundae.

Hope Mary is enjoying their trip. Sometimes it's just nice to be totally away from internet.
I have to get to our town where Joanne's is.
My niece sent me another link on the cloth diapers. This was much better info.
When I get these bags done, that will need to be next.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Supper Club Thursday, Sept 16th

Post by Irishgram » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:35 am

Good morning from a warm, sunny, very pleasant, SW. Pa.....We had some rain yesterday but today is almost summery...This type of weather can last until next May or June, I'd be happy, although I do like to see the Fall colors and they do say, this year will be gorgeous.......

Tina, glad to see you setting the table these days and surely hope Mary is enjoying her trip...Loved the story about your little brother, sounds so romantic...Wishing him a very happy life....I'm not much of a Disney person since I've gotten older and it's gotten so crowded...I did love the days when my kids and the grands were in the high school bands and they would be invited to march down there...Been there several times....

Becca, nothing wrong with taking a day off, I'd say, you do deserve it....Too bad about your cleaning lady and hope she recovers quickly....I've often thought about getting someone to come in, maybe once a month and even have a gal next door who cleans but then I also thought, maybe I really don't need one, lol.....Years ago, Jim had asked if I wanted someone and I said, I'd really have to do some cleaning before anyone came, lol.....But, hope you do relax and hope you enjoy it......

Chickie, so glad to hear from you but feel so bad about the problems you're having....AND for you to make relish, my heavens! But, I know how it is, the veggies are there and you have to use them...Since Kathy isn't canning this year, I kind of promised, I'd at least make the relish...Now my sister is out telling everyone to save their green tomatoes....(What did I get myself into).....
But, do hope and pray each day gets better for you....We need you well.......

I'm running again today....Tuesday was card club, yesterday I took Ruby for a recall and they also gave her a bath, and today is bingo and probably dinner out, (my sister has a fist full of gift cards)....Today, I'm taking a neighbor with me...She has a "difficult" adult son and really needs to get out for the day....And we've gotten a new neighbor and she is so nice....Recently a widow, as most of us, needed to downsize, has 2 small dogs and just seems down right nice....I don't know how I got so lucky to move here and end up with such nice neighbors......

Well, gotta run......Hopefully, tomorrow I'll stay home but of course you just never know, I might get an offer that I can't refuse...

Dinner will probably be on my sister and who knows where or what......

You all have a great rest of the day.....Yesterday was my late DDIL, Cindy's birthday and every day, when she'd call and then in ending, she always say, "have a great rest of the day".....Oh my I miss my Cindy!

Happy eating.....................

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Re: Supper Club Thursday, Sept 16th

Post by auntjana » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:46 am

Good morning!

Carol thanks for the Disneyland info. I will pass it on to my kids. The Haunted Mansion is one of Ethan's favorites. I have always loved the Pirates of the Caribbean. But then I love all of Disneyland!

Becca - when cleaning hard to reach spaces, we learn to adapt! Be careful!

Tina- yes, we have twins! Mine grumbles, but I just give him the look and drag him along! He goes.

It seems as it is parent teacher conference everywhere. Sandee has them today and tomorrow. Our kids still have school.

Just finishing up a sesame seed topped bagel with strawberry cream cheese. A favorite for breakfast with me. Dinner tonight will be Carne Asada soft tacos. Found some pre marinated beef, so will cook that up.

So, shortly headed down to my cave. Michael is working on finding work files that the main office lost. It is for a big project he did before he retired and moved here. Michael is meticulous at keeping his past work and projects. Now he is gathering the files for the office.

Time to get going,

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Re: Supper Club Thursday, Sept 16th

Post by FarmChick » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:25 am

Good morning! I’m having a good day! No vertigo!!! Hopefully it will stay that way; I’m taking full advantage. We are invited out to lunch, and I’m looking forward to goingl

Vel—love your new desk and whole area! I can’t believe the new diapers! I had the cloth diapers that we folded ourselves and used safety pins. I actually did accidentally prick my DD once on her thigh. I think I had 6 of the prefolded, stitched diapers and thought they were luxurious. I remember the rubber pants, too. It was before Pampers, and I never used disposables. I made little flannel diaper liners that made removing the poopy ones much easier. Times sure have changed! What a neat project with the school supply bags! I know they are appreciated.

Carol—I have been to Disneyland twice and loved it! I have no desire to go to Disneyworld.

Tina—hope this lady will make your brother very happy and they will have a great life! What a special place for a proposal!

Becca—I survived relish making. I’m trying to be careful when the vertigo hits and be able to lean on something, although I do have falls. This relish turned out so pretty, and it is delicious. Your dinner sounds wonderful!

Irish—Hello! We have been missing each other with our posts. I always think of you out having fun with friends and family. We had a lovely day yesterday with 80s temps, but for the next several days we are back in the 90s. Every so often a morning or afternoon breeze feels like fall may be coming… then it gets hot again. This is pretty normal here. Yes, you are right—gotta use the produce when it is ready, because it won’t wait! Sounds like you are in a lovely area and made the right decision to downsize. So happy for you!!!

Jana—have fun with your sewing! I conveniently forgot everything I knew after I retired and they didn’t offer to pay me consulting fees for my time when they started calling almost every day.

I’m thinking pizza and salad for dinner, or else leftovers from lunch. Bon appétit!

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