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Monday, August 2nd

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Monday, August 2nd

Post by TeresaK » Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:05 am

Good morning to all my pals. Life for us here is very quiet. It is to HOT to dance around. Rob did have to go to Tehachapi to pick up a motor for the bedroom swamp cooler. It was a very good thing I purchased cooling sheets. They really work!!! So does the cooling blanket i purchased for Courtney's birthday tomorrow. Shhh don't tell but I think she opened her present early LOLOLOL!!!!!

I have been trying to catch up on sewing but when the room reaches over 80* even with the fan running there is just not more sewing. I am trying to adjust my inner clock to wake up earlier. Hoping to get the Lotto up and running tonight but it may be tomorrow morning. Hint: It is Maryz and Katy's fault :lol:

WOW What a sweet surprise gift I received Sunday afternoon. I had a wonderful conversation with Lyn letting her know she had won the Christmas Lotto for July only to hear her say she wanted to gift them to me but even more importantly to also receiving some great information about what to do when you have Covid. On Friday I found out my Courtney has been exposed to it so she is in quarantine for 2 weeks but then I hear today that my besty quilting friend and her husband definitely have it. Jamie had to take her husband Tony to the hospital tonight and he passed out in the tent they had to wait in. Awaiting word from them. I knew about staying away from the respirator until the very last coherent moment but I did not know to lay on your stomach to take the pressure off your lungs. Jamie was very appreciate to know these things.

Chriss - Lets see Roll call? To be honest I am still dealing with the left groin issue and my right foot but I am grateful I only need to use the walker for balance and strength. I am starting PT for the groin issue and on a good note the foot is doing much better but I can only wear the pair of worn out sneakers I have. Everytime I put on a new pair of shoes the pain come back with a vengence so I deal with it and walk as much as I can on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday's at the Strata Center (Inside) and the driveway at night when it is so much cooler.
I am also blessed to have a wonderful husband who snores at night so I know he is alive, holds my hand when we walk and helps with things around the house I can't do. I can't complain. With Fibro I need to move as much as I can and I am blessed I am out of the boot and the wheelchair. I am also blessed to have wonderful friends and to know my children are healthy and happy and to know Courtney will be back to her sunny self very soon. Twas a great question!!!!
Oh and I LOVE watching the Olympics!!!! Was talking with my sister in NM about it. Found out she LOVES TENNIS!!!! We have something in common to talk about and to not bring up the past -- YES!!!!

Prayers you all have a MARVELOUS MONDAY and that thread finds it way into your hands :) :)

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:25 am

Good morning Teresa and all who follow,

Today I will finish my Gnome block and then get them ready to send to Tina some time this week.
Teresa I will keep your family and friends in my prayers.
Mary Z how is Vicky reacting to your boondocks?

Well thats all the news here I'm washing clothes also.
Everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Aug 02, 2021 3:57 am

Good Morning,,it is sunny and around 55,,,windows are opened, I will change sheets today and get laundry done...Only one grand daughter here today, Sophia had to go home and spend some time with her parents and brothers,,,it was time as the girls were kind bored yesterday and watchied old movies///
will do some more quilting today on the star quilt maybe finish it up today,,,I want navy binding and have no navy fabric so I may have to run p to the LQS for a piece...(a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do)
Well I need coffee and to get dressed...have a wonderful day,,,,,XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by WeeOne » Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:51 am

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
The info I gave Teresa came from my oldest DD's friend who was recently in the hospital with Covid...or Rona as soon of the younger generation call it.
I will be finishing the alterations of the neighbors curtains today. He will take pictures of his 'home' for the court tomorrow and email to his lawyer.
Off to shower, early day. Lyn

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by velvet » Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:10 am

Wow! During the night we had thunder-lightening and strong winds with sideway rain. It was a little spooky. Hubby slept through it all. (and he complains about my snoring LOL)

Today we're checking out the kids house-they fly in Thurs night for a 1st birthday for Harley and they go back to NY Sun morning. They should go to closing Oct-ish. They should find out more on Fri.

Working on the fq bundle from Daryl. The 1st was super bright with white background. Now these colors are wintry shades so the bg is light beige. The 1st is at the LAer already. I wanted to start hte kit Maze but it needs to many pieces to cut myself. The other Diane has a Studio cutter with the sizes I need and when her family leaves next week, we'll cut everything. Can't wait-the quilt is beautiful-the fabric to die for.

Trying to stay cool and hope the weather will behave tonight.
Prayers for those in need.

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:19 am

Nothing new here. Just hot and humid. The contractor last week was working on removing the old graphics on motor home. The graphics were cracking when we bought it.
Today trying to get dentist appointment for Joe.

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by auntjana » Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:37 am

Good morning!

It's raining, it's pouring and don't you dare wake the old man snoring! We need all this rain! Not the problems too much at a time brings, but just the rain. More today is supposed to fall too.

Sarah was down last night and we made a trial run hat. It came out cute. But definitely a trial run. The pattern has no seam allowance listed, so we picked a fat quarter inch, not quite right, but worked. So we surmised that a half inch seam is needed.. Sarah has a second pattern for a different style hat so we will play with that one today. Matt and family were over too. So I heard all about scout camp and the backpacking trip as well. Crenda, my DDIL will have her tonsils removed the end of October. They are extremely large and interfere with breathing, especially at night.

I squared up most of the blocks while Sarah made her hat. Will get that finished today. Also informed Michael that he will be buying us a robot vacuum. No arguing over it anymore. So a trip to Costco for one. P,us we need milk too.

Stay Safe! Already checked the morning news feed, no Aaron on it, a good thing! Aaron is on a first name basis with all the news reporters.


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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:18 am

Good morning,

It's certainly a lot darker in the early mornings now than it was a month ago. It seems when we're going this way, it goes a lot faster than when we're gaining light.

DIANE - It will be exciting for the kids to soon close on their house. Oct will be here before you know it! I haven't seen a kit called "Maze" (or more likely, just don't remember it), but I do have "Labyrinth" and it's on my bucket list. I've collected about half the fabrics for it.

JUDI - Did you finish quilting yet? Your TR looks really nice! It will be fun to make some more! Such a shame that you have to run to the LQS. Will you take Chey with you?

LYN - that's nice of you to try to help the dad next door to you. How much longer will you be there before going back to CO?

CHRISS - both of those positions, helping with estate sales and working in a book store, sound like a lot of fun! Libraries, book stores, and fabric shops are my favorite places to be next to home. But medical and retirement bennies are nice, too . . . . I haven't heard of any negative Boondocker experiences yet, but I'm sure there are a few stories floating around. Kind of weird concept isn't it, letting strange people just sleep in your yard . . . . ;)

MARY Q - I think you won the daughter-in-law lottery! So nice that you and she have such a sweet relationship.

FLO - Are you going to get new graphics put on your MH or will you be going "au natural"?

TERESA - glad you are feeling better. Yes, I've heard that laying prone part of the time will give you some resp relief, though I don't believe it will keep you off the vent if you need one. I never heard of cooling sheets and blankets. Maybe if I lived where you live, I would have! What a great gift to give someone! Hoping your Courtney feels better quickly.

JANA - I always get a little envious when Sarah comes to sew with you. Neither of my girls have the slightest interest in sewing, though they each own a decent sewing machine. I'm glad the hat patterns will probably work out with a little tweaking on your part. Strange that they don't at least tell you how much to add for seam allowance . . . Also glad Aaron didnt make the news this morning! The robot vac sounds like a good idea. I would have one in a flash except that Bill INSISTED we buy a Riccar, one of the heaviest and most expensive upright vacuums known to man. In fact, he bought two for upstairs and downstairs, so HE can just use those until they die. But when they do . . . . .

LOIS - congrats on finishing your Christmas blocks! They are so cute! Our Boondockers cancelled so Vicki missed out, but when all the other RV's were in the yard a few weeks ago she rang her bell and beat on the dryer that's out in her driveway, and banged on her window a lot. The bell is to cleanse the air of toxic vibes, the window banging is simply an audio finger gesture. We think the dryer is a combo of both. We could also hear her yelling and chanting in her house. Since we got our anti-harassment order, and as she grows weaker with the Huntington's Disease, she stays on her own property and doesn't put on quite the displays that she used to. That being said, my sister will be arriving today in their RV for more than a week so we'll probably see action of some kind.

Yesterday Bill finished quilting my pink Gypsy Dancer 3. This morning I'll trim, bind, and label it and soon it will go off to Autumn. Speaking of Aut, her house finally went on the market Friday. If you know of anyone wanting to buy a small house in Austin with a killer view of Lk Travis, she's got one she'd love to sell them! I also finished my Halloween blocks. I decided to pour on the coal and get them done because the next few weeks my sis will be here and sewing time will be limited. And it seems whenever I'm with my sis, we're spending a lot of time hanging out in ER's and Urgent Cares. I hope she breaks that tradition this trip. I'm going to make a pan of chix enchiladas this afternoon and have them ready to pop into the oven for supper tonite. If I have any spare time today I also hope to get my Sew-along blocks together.

A brand new week! What's your plan on how to best spend it?

Mary Z

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by QuiltGram8 » Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:47 am

Good morning! Nice to see you post, Teresa, I hope you continue to heal so many prayers needed around our quilting circle!
We hurried off to laundromat very early again. That works so well, as we don't see any other people, most of the time. Today we were in and out, no other people. Good job out of the way, that's for sure!
Now more coffee and catch up with everyone.
Very nice day ahead. So much cooler and simply delightful.
Meeting our friends and eating out tonight, not much else going on. Just getting anxious to hear a definite closing date so we can begin to move some things. We need to dog sit later in the month and will take that opportunity to bring all if our stored things from our son's house. Very hard to stay patient, but so many things are simply out of our hands and you have no other choice, just have to wait and see.
I am a list maker, an organizer, and planner and this waiting is " kill'in me" LOL
Time for more coffee!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Monday, August 2nd

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:33 am

Good Sunny/Cloudy, 68*(!!!!!!!)Morning,

Do not know what's going on with our weather but I'm sleeping with 2 quilts & using my winter robe.

Here I am popping up again. trying so hard to get in to my old schedule. I have 1 more visit from the nurse. I'm all better from the surgeries.....now to learn to live with my shoulder, knee & hand pain.

The weather is so beautiful to day I'm going to spend some of it on the front porch. I'm going to do some red work on a pair pillow cases. Always good to have for a gift.
I made a t-shirt quilt from onesies a few years ago & lost the touch with the Mom when she moved from here. Well she died of breast cancer leaving her 7 YO son. But I now have the info I need to mail it to the Dad & boy. She was 40.

That's all for now. I'll try to be back tomorrow. Love & Prayers....................Kathy

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