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Roll Call

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Re: Roll Call

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jul 29, 2021 2:45 am

I think everyone here knows all there is to know about me as I post nearly every day unless we are traveling and "out of range". I am a quilting addict. Very few days go by that I'm not in my sewing room working on something. And almost always, it's just one project at a time. I'm a serial-sequential person. I rarely start another project until the last one is finished. Besides quilting, I love cross-stitch, hand embroidery, reading, genealogy, creative writing, country-western dancing, camping, traveling, cats and dogs. I am always busy. I don't know how I ever had time for a job. Retirement is wonderful! I have no local friends who quilt so this group is my quilting world. I've been blessed in that I've been able to actually meet many of you in person through our travels. We've been in every state of the union, most more than once, and also Mexico and most of the Canadian provinces. I want to see everything America has to offer. We've been trying for years to make another trip to New England and the East Coast but various life happenings keep thwarting those plans, the lastest being Covid. But we do enjoy going to Texas most winters to visit my younger DD and my Bernina always goes where ever I go! I never leave home without it!

That's pretty much all about me.
Thanks, Chriss, for starting this thread.

Mary Z

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Re: Roll Call

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:47 pm

How are you really doing?
Well let me see, I think I'm doing pretty good. Just trying to stay cool this summer.

What is new and exciting in your world?
New for me right now is my local 3 grands are all in school now. It's a new thing not having grand kids over everyday. I'm not sure I'll like it but I can go visit them after school, they're about 10 minutes away. I know it'll give me more time to sew so I'm trying to get used to new things right now. We're also painting the outside of our house and doing some repairs as we go along out there. I think I'm booked solid till the new year LOL I think being this busy will help me get through not having kids to take care of in almost 35 years straight! I guess that makes me retired but with no benefits 🤣😂

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Re: Roll Call

Post by WeSignificant » Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:34 am

How am I really doing?

Haven't posted in a while. Seems like life is a bit overwhelming right now. I will list and be brief as trying to stay positive
1. Dad seems to be declining slowly. We went to the lab the other morning and then dinner that night. This is day 3 and doesn't seem to have recovered from that. He has been very tired and not eating as well.
2. I went to see my DBIL in Vegas, had a good trip but he is still sick. The doctors have given him little hope for treatment but did attempt a new drug regimen just approved and he did not tolerate it at all. He won't be able to take it. He says "on to plan B!" Just don't know what plan B is. Waiting for the attorney to get back from Minnesota (Mary could you please send him back!) to get the dreaded paperwork done.
3. I am not sure if anyone remembers a few years ago, a very well respected man from scouts passed away and I helped with his funeral, etc. I have learned that the wife is now ill and was placed on Hospice yesterday. Funny how you think you are over something and then your memory is jolted and you realize the grief was just on the back burner.
4. My church has been closed by the Conference so I have no church. It just could not withstand the already precarious financial hardship it was in. Once the pandemic hit, that was the end. Officially closed June 30. I am thinking I may just go back to my church in Napa but since I don't have a caregiver on Sundays, (husband works) I can't go anyway. I do want to have a minister to call though.
5. I am still working nights and not getting near enough sleep.

So I am down in the dumps most of time but hanging in there. I am trying to stay current on reading all your posts.

What is new and exciting?

I am going to be great - gramma again probably around March. No gender reveal or due date info yet. I am doing some quilting and in fact am going to an open sew today. I am staying current with my Fabulous 40 class. I have signed up for the BOM through the LQS. That starts the first Sat of August. I am thinking of making one last sewing machine purchase before retirement. Not sure yet.

I am going to go do Cub Scout Day Camp next week. The kids are a good distraction and will give me something to focus on other than all the uck. I am going to teach them about dirt. All I know about dirt is it is dirty! We will plant a seed, see how water flows through different kinds of dirt, paint our flower pot. So looking forward to that.
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Re: Roll Call

Post by WeeOne » Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:37 pm

First I must say that I've looked at this Thread Subject every day since Chriss started it. Those who have posted before Valerie were all positive and good vibes....And I'm thrilled that life is going so good for y'all!! I'm very grateful to you, Valerie, for sharing what is happening in your life, even if it's not going as you would like right now. But, I hesitated to post, because life isn't a bed of roses right now..... not always hunky dory .... or better than sliced bread. Do I tell you how it's really going? And I wonder about several friends on here who haven't jumped on this Thread Wagon and posted....because maybe they are feeling the same way...life is not what a person would like it to be....and do ya really let all of you know? Valerie, thank you, again, for sharing. You have given me the courage to post and I hope Everyone will post how they are doing.... Good, Bad, Ugly....Sad or Fanstastic!!

How are you really doing? It's been a roller coaster since 2019. My Sister, who lives in Oregon, could no longer take her 2 week turn with our parents, because she couldn't leave her hubby alone due to his decline with Alzheimer's. This put my brothers and I into 3 week turns. Mom went to heaven in Nov. 2019. Covid hit and of course fishing in Canada went out the window....17 summers without a miss before. Could see Dad through a window and actually got to be in the same room and HUG him in Sept., last hug! He went home to heaven 102 years and 4 days, last Thanksgiving morning. DH, Garry, had a stroke April 14th. Since about March, I have felt like my abdomen was pushing up into my ribs. I was going to wait until we got back to Colorado or Texas to have this checked out. But the end of June I found out a friend, Paula, I kept in contact with only a few times a year, died last October...a month after being told she had stage 4 stomach cancer (Christmas was a blur, did I send a card or receive a card from Paula). DH said we are here, this is a good Dr., have her check you out.

What is new and exciting in your world? New, yes, not sure if it's exciting. I did see the Dr my DH is getting treatments from. She ordered a CT Scan of my abdomen and pelvis....all good....spine curving some. I've been having my right hand fall asleep....Thoracic outlet, that's collar bone pushing on 1st rib and hurting nerves...so I'm going to PT. And last the Dr told me that I need eyelid surgery. This explains why I raise my eyebrows while reading. Eyelids are sagging down. Sounds like an easy fix. My sister had this, too, and is telling me to get it done. I will wait until we get back to Texas this fall, a friend has a good eye Dr to see. AS for DH, I think the treatments he is doing may be helping. Truth is, I'm realizing that he was having some memory issues long before the stroke. So, time will tell.

God did put us here, in this RV Park, for a reason. The next door neighbor man, 40 yrs old, is going through a lot right now. A divorce, kid custody, question about his living arrangement in a 5th wheel toy hauler. It's a whole soap opera I won't bore y'all with. We've been here to listen, be moral support and help out some. I'm going to reuse some curtains from the previous house he had and will be cutting and sewing them to fit this weekend. There's a custody court date next week and he has to have pictures of his place. Nice man with 2 great kids and a nasty soon to be ex wife. We are here in the Kansas City area until the latter part of August at least. Dr appt next Friday for update on treatments and how DH is doing. When we leave here, we will go to Colorado until Oct.

I know God is with me and it will get better in time.
Thanks for listening/aka reading.

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Re: Roll Call

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Jul 31, 2021 5:19 am

Lyn, this is exactly why I wanted to post a roll call. Sometimes someone needs to vent or have a little extra support. Know that I have you and Garry on my prayer list and think about you from time to time. And I really mean that, I really do think of you. Wish I could give a real hug but only have this over the air hug for you.

Valerie, wow girl, you also have a boat load on your plate. I will say a prayer as soon as I am done posting this . Hope that when it is dad's time he goes quietly and I also hope you find a church that works for you, in the meantime you and dad will be on my prayer list. hugs.
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Re: Roll Call

Post by womster » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:26 am

Valerie – I second Lyn’s post in thanking you for your transparency and honesty. Life is rarely a bed of roses. I struggle with sharing things that are just plain ugly, for fear of bringing the group down.

How am I really doing? Pretty good right now. I had a whole page of stuff to share, but it's too much like a soap opera so I'll leave it at that.

What’s new and exciting:

The three youngest Ohio granddaughters will be here tomorrow. And then next Saturday we leave to drive them back to OH. It will be wonderful to see DS2 - it's been two years now.

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