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Wednesday July 21,2021

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Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:42 am

Good morning Everyone,

Well we both had a test to do at the drs office so now I'm done and outside waiting for Bill.

After here we are trying another grocery store and after that it's home to sew I finished the gnomes quilt and I will do the binding today then it will go to Sandi for her raffle she is doing then I will start my Christmas blocks for the swap.

Well thats all the news here I hope all of you have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:24 am

Good Hazy Morning.........

We are cloudy & expecting rain this afternoon. All the rain records have been broken here, 21 days in a row.

My excitement for the day is the cable guy coming. I'm glad, sitting on the sewing chair gets a little tiring on my butt.

I talked to my 13 YO DGS last night......I thought it was my son-in-law! In 2 weeks his voice dropped. I sure was surprised!
I heard that the haze we've been having is smoke from out West. Wish I could give them my rain.

Love & Prayers............Kathy

good Hazy Morning

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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:27 am

Good morning,

I have a breakfast casserole in the crockpot and will put bacon in the oven and start toasting English muffins soon. I also have a cantaloupe to cut up. I'm making a big breakfast for all our campers before they hit the road. One couple is staying one more night but two are leaving this morning after breakfast . The party at Tex & Annette's last night was very nice and I'm so glad I don't have the clean-up this morning! Despite all the chaos at our house, I've managed to find time to sew! Seems everyone goes down for a nap in the afternoons. But I don't nap. I sew. :D

LOIS - have fun with those blocks!

KATHY - Hope your TV is back up and running soon. I dont' have a TV in my sewing room, but I do listen to audio books while I sew. You are breaking records for HAVING rain and we're breaking them for NOT having rain. Something is wrong with this picture!

Well, I'm off to shower and then get busy in the kitchen. Have a great day!
mary z

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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:55 am

Good Morning sunny and a bit cooler today we had rocking thinderstorms go through here last night,,,Girls are still sleeping,,,they stay up late. I was up late last night too I have been having trouble sleeping lately very odd for me...
I did load the quilt on the frame and it is ready to go,,,I spend my waking hours quietly cutting up scraps...I need 2 1/2 inch squares for my next quilt and it will be all scraps..My scraps are sorted by color in bins,,,I started with red...I am doing large pieces ( smaller than a fat quarter) 2 1/2 inch strips and 2 1/2 in squares. this will be a long process but It will help me purge the stuff i will not use. and my OCD loves it,,, :lol: :lol: :lol:
I need another cuppa decaf....just for the taste of it...and I have some uglies to do...hope your day is productive,,,and fun,,,,praying for those that need it....( I think that covers everyone)..XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by auntjana » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:56 am

Good morning!

Another day of heat. We did get a very good thunderstorm last night, even dropped some. Much needed rain!

Not much happening here. The middle section of the ceiling is complete and we inventoried the leftover pieces parts and found just what was needed and ordered that. So the whole project will be done next week or so. Then the floor. When we first got married and bought our first home, it was a fixer upper and I have been fixing upping houses for nearly 46 years! Even my brand new house here, we have been fixing up, finishing the basement. I am well practiced!

Knee is still bothersome, but will head down a bit later and sew.

What in your life makes you happy? Do more of it!


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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by maryq » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:58 am

Good Morning Girls

Blissfully cool here this morning.. only 64* and it's wonderful... Now if we could just get some rain!!!

Kids are still sleeping.. Kris is off to work at the barn ... and Shawn is off to work... He leaves here about 0600 to get to work and I never even hear him in the kitchen! The summer has gone so fast, it won't be long before they kids will be back in school! When Brennen started kindergarten, I started the tradition of taking him to Target to get his school supplies.... here it is 12 years later and the tradition continues. Now I can take him again for his senior year.. just like in kindergarten.... and it always included a stop at McDonalds for lunch!

Lois... Hope you passed your tests at the Dr.'s office! Did you see Sindy at Fatcat is having a big sale? I bought 4 more patterns that I didn't have... My Evie likes Dragons, so I bought that one so she can do some sewing.. maybe learn how to applique!

Kathy .... Oh my.. you've had 21 days of rain? Gosh I wish we had even 3 days of that! My poor "lawn boy" that mows for me hasn't been able to mow all month... the grass is ugly and brown! Hope your cable man arrives in a timely matter.... The first time I talked to Bren on the phone when his voice changed... I thought it was his Dad.

Maryz.... Your breakfast sounds wonderful.... wish I was there!

Judi.... If you run out of scraps... let me know... I have a TON and would be happy to share. Or wait... LIGHT BULB... I'll teach Evie how to cut them up! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Typical 14 yr old. she doesn't come out of her room much!.... I'm trying to think of things to keep her busy!

Am making progress on my Christmas Swap blocks... might be able to get them in the mail next week. all fused and just need to stitch down the angels wings... The thread I was using yesterday kept breaking so think I'll try another thread and see what happens. Glide thread is my favorite for applique and quilting, but didn't have the right color for the wings. Evie and I might go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow so I'll see what I can find.

This afternoon I'm headed to town for an hair cut ... need it so badly... after that... I'll probably hide in my sewing room and let the kids do what they do!

For now I need more coffee!
Wishing you all a Wonderful Whacky Wednesday

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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:12 am

Was looking vacuum on Facebook memories and 3yrs ago yesterday I was told I had cancer. 2 yrs ago yesterday had my hysterectomy, and next month it will be 2 yrs since final reconstruction . No wonder I spent most of last 2 weeks sleeping...when the kids moved in I was still recovering...and being the mom I am I hit the floor running pushing longer & harder than I should.
No new baby yet, she's sleeping on like her dad. Ds2 was almost a month late and almost 10 pounds....but I am binding quilt for baby now. Made quilt twin size so it will get a lot of use
Becca glad to see you again.
Maryz, I will text you about POTH....I have some breast cancer fabric I would like to donate.

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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by womster » Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:13 am

Good morning!

Lois – good luck at the grocery store. It’s always nice to get those dr tests done and out of the way. Sounds like we’ll be starting our Christmas swap blocks together.

Kathy – isn’t it funny how quickly their voices can change! And how tall they get. Yay for the cable guy coming. It’s so good to see you here posting.

Maryz – I will have to get your recipe for the breakfast casserole after all your company is gone. It sounds like everyone had a wonderful visit. I forgot to answer your other dishwasher question – I still have tons of room. I guess since they invented the adjustable middle rack, things just ‘fit’. I always make it a life goal to not have many hand-washable items.

Judi – sorry you can’t sleep. I cannot remember the last time I had a full night’s sleep. Between DH and animals (both inside and out), something wakes me up. Thank goodness I can nap during the day! Happy scrap cutting! Sounds very relaxing.
Jana – sorry your knee is misbehaving. It’s nice that this project will be ending soon.

Maryq – we have that same tradition with the Ohio grandkids. I’m thrilled you get to finish it up with Brennen. Oh how annoying about the thread. Happy haircut!

Flo - you sure had a lot of big things happen in the last three years. I'm so glad you're on the down-side of all that stuff.

I’m headed out to the SSSS after posting. I purchased some different WOW at Joann’s yesterday. I kept mixing up the back and the front of the fabric – it is SO difficult to tell which side is the ‘good’ side. We think DH got bit by a spider on his ankle – he has one big bite and then all these smaller bite-looking things (but there’s no entry point). He was itching so badly last night he was unable to sleep. Luckily I had a sting stick for him to use. Have a great day! xoxo Sharona
Last edited by womster on Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by Quiltmom » Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:14 am

Good morning all! Not much happening today. Mowed my yard yesterday and boy was it long from all our rain. I would gladly ship some to those of you who are so dry. They one good thing about all the rain is that my 2 ponds are getting filled up. Supposed to have more rain Friday and Saturday.

Finished my Healings Of Jesus puzzle and now going to decoupage it and frame it. It is really neat. If you like to do puzzles White Mountain Puzzles is a great place to get them. I have many and just ordered 4 more 1000 piecer's today. Their quality is so much better than some of the other companies. I read somewhere that if you do puzzles and crossword puzzles it will help you as you get older with your brain. My brain can use some help and I do both large crossword and 1000 piece puzzles. Right now they are out of so many puzzles because of everyone being "holed up" for so long.

Well better go get some lunch. I just finished my Bible study that I do each morning to get myself going. Boy do I need help sometimes.

Hope everyone has a good and safe day.


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Re: Wednesday July 21,2021

Post by rosebud3 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 9:44 am

Good morning. I took a sick day today and stayed home. It's one of those stick close to the bathroom days (not covid). One of he side effects of one of the new meds is diahrea. I just didn't feel like fighting it through the work day.

I will be working on quilty stuff and staying low key for the rest of the day.


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